The War Within Season 2 Dungeon Tuning - February 27, 2025
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
A hotfix is being deployed to PTR and live realms with a round of tuning for dungeons in The War Within Season 2.
Theater of Pain
Darkflame Cleft
Priory of the Sacred Flame
Baron Braunpyke
Operation: Floodgate
Demolition Duo
Geezle Gigazap
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Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
A hotfix is being deployed to PTR and live realms with a round of tuning for dungeons in The War Within Season 2.
Theater of Pain
- Champions in Halls of Might have had their abilities redistributed.
- Kul’tharok’s encounter now starts at 50 energy.
- Xav the Unfallen’s Seismic Leap damage reduced by 20% and no longer affects players being pulled back onto the platform.
Darkflame Cleft
- Blazikon no longer casts Blazing Storm immediately after Extinguishing Gust if there is no player in melee range.
Priory of the Sacred Flame
- Removed one Risen Mage and one Devout Priest from the Inner Cathedral.
- Lightspawn’s Purification cast time increased to 2 sec (was 1 sec).
- Lightspawn’s Burst of Light cast time increased to 5 sec (was 4 sec).
- Devoted Priest’s Holy Smite damage reduced by 16%.
- Guard Captain Suleyman’s health reduced 25%.
Baron Braunpyke
- Hammer of Purity damage reduced by 16%.
- Sacrificial Flame impact radius now matches the Sacrificial Pyre area.
- Sacrificial Pyre group damage reduced by 18.75%.
- Burning Light
- Periodic damage reduced by 80%.
- Cast time while empowered increased to 2 sec (was 1.5 sec).
Operation: Floodgate
- Mythic+ timer increased to 33 minutes (was 32 minutes).
- Weapons Stockpiles are now displayed on the map.
- The Bomb Pile at the entrance to the Dam Service Tunnel is now displayed on the map when active.
- Adjusted the composition of patrols inside the Dam Service Tunnel to reduce difficulty.
- Adjusted the composition of some packs near Big M.O.M.M.A. to reduce difficulty.
- Bubbles’ Backwash duration reduced to 6 sec (was 10 sec).
- Bubbles’ Bubble damage reduced by 30%.
- Darkfuse Bloodwarper’s Warp Blood damage reduced by 25%.
- Darkfuse Jumpstarter’s Battery Discharge damage reduced by 10%.
- Loaderbot’s Wind Up cooldown increased.
- Mechadrone Sniper’s Snipe damage reduced by 20%.
- Mechadrone Sniper’s Trickshot cast time increased by 15%.
- Shreddinator 3000’s Shreddation Sawblade damage reduced by 33%.
- Venture Co. Diver’s Seaforium Charge visuals have been updated.
- Venture Co. Electrician’s health reduced by 20%.
- Venture Co. Electrician’s Lightning Bolt damage reduced by 10%.
Demolition Duo
- Big Bada BOOM! cooldown increased.
- Deflagration initial damage reduced by 10%.
- Deflagration damage over time effect reduced by 25%.
- Wallop now only affects the primary target.
- Skewering Roots now spawn slightly farther away from players.
- Rushing Tide damage increased by 25%.
Geezle Gigazap
- Turbo Charge damage reduced by 10%.
- Gigazap duration reduced to 6 sec (was 8 sec).
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