The War Within Hotfixes - September 10, 2024


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Jul 16, 2009
The War Within Hotfixes - September 10, 2024
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the Machine-Warden title being incorrectly granted to all players. It is now properly granted by the achievement It's Not Much, But It's Honest Work.
  • General's Scouting Shadecaster has been removed from the achievement Itsy Bitsy Spider.

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    Death Knight
    • An issue causing Trollbane's Icy Fury to display as snare mechanic on creatures that are immune to snares has been resolved.
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    • Fixed an issue where Clarity of Purpose was not correctly triggered by Gusts of Mist from several spells.
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    • Stormbringer
      • An issue causing Arc Discharge to make Lightning Bolt deal damage as though Maelstrom Weapon was spent has been resolved.
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    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Succulent Soul would be consumed by an already cast Hand of Gul'dan.

  • Combat resurrections are now a shared resource, starting with 1 charge and recharging every 10 minutes.
  • Reduced the maximum stack count of the Rage-Filled Idol to 10 (was 20).
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Rage-Filled Idol to interrupt Brann when he wants to eat food and rest.
  • Fixed an issue where Rage-Filled Idol did not properly rank up.
  • Fixed an issue where Glibb could aggro enemies that aren't in combat.
  • Reduced the amount of health and damage that delve enemies increase by when other players are added to the group.
  • Fixed an issue where Brann could create a campfire while standing in Nerubian webs.
  • Increased the cooldowns of Brann's interrupt, stun/root clear, and dispel.
    • Developers’ notes: When internally playtesting higher tier delves and Zekvir's Lair, we felt that Brann was providing too much output. While Brann should feel useful with these abilities, we don't want him to completely trivialize the mechanics and challenges players face.

  • Item level 350 is now required to queue for Random The War Within dungeons.
  • The Dawnbreaker
    • The flight speed of Steady Flight has been increased while in the Dawnbreaker dungeon.
    • Anub'ikkaj now spawns in a fixed location and no longer patrols.
    • The 3 lieutenants that empower Anub'ikkaj now have updated map markers.
    • Removed the map markers for Mereldar Holdout points.
    • Updated The Dawnbreaker marker icon.

Items and Rewards
  • Turning in wax to Middles in Gundargaz now awards 2 Valorstones (was 10). Additionally, after the first 25 turn-ins per week (on each character), each subsequent wax turn-in will award the player with Resonance Crystals instead.
  • Draconic Gladiator's Tabard from Dragonflight Season 4 should now use the correct icon.
  • All healer specializations may now roll need on Spymaster's Web and acquire it from their Great Vault. Fixed an issue where some spells (such as Judgment) would not trigger its effects.

Player versus Player
  • Vicious Bloodstone can now sometimes drop from end-of-match victory boxes.
  • Reduced the cost of Glorious Contender's Strongbox purchases to 3500 (was 5000).
  • Forged Competitor's Heraldry drops from Glorious Contender's Strongboxes have been slightly reduced.
  • Reduced the cost of the Vicious Jeweler's Setting to 5000 Honor and 3 Vicious Bloodstones (was 9750 Honor and 2 Vicious Bloodstones).
    • Developers’ notes: This change is a net 2250 reduction in total honor cost if purchased outright. By moving the remaining 2500 into an additional Vicious Bloodstone, we hope to keep the excitement of Vicious Bloodstone drops high while allowing players to purchase, trade, or gift this reagent. As a reminder, Vicious Bloodstones are not soulbound and can be purchased with honor directly or can sometimes drop from War Mode activities and end-of-match victory boxes.

  • Blacksmithing
    • Fixed an issue with Dredger's Plate Breastplate not getting skill from proper sources.
  • Enchanting
    • Added a Shatter recipe to Khaz Algar Enchanting, allowing you to turn Gleaming Shards into Storm Dust. The quality of Gleaming Shard limits the quality of Storm Dust you can get from the Shatter, with the quality of Storm Dust otherwise determined by a combination of your Enchanting skill and Uncommon Utilitarian specialization.

  • Fixed an issue with “Delver’s Call” quests where the quest log would display a different amount of XP rewarded while in a delve.
  • The quest "Searching the Web" for the questline "Grieve and Weave" is now available to Warband characters who have not finished the overall campaign.

  • Earthen now have an additional racial, Quiet Contemplation. Take a load off your feet and enjoy your newfound freedom to see the world while recovering your health and mana out of combat.

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