Patch 11.1.5 PTR Development Notes


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Jul 16, 2009
Patch 11.1.5 PTR Development Notes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
This Public Test Realm (PTR) is a testing environment for upcoming World of Warcraft content.

The War Within: 11.1.5 Development Notes

Players will take up arms beside a new faction, Flame’s Radiance, to defend the Arathi against the Sureki forces following the defeat of Queen Ansurek. This faction consists of volunteer militia led veterans Thaed Pyremaker and Mylton Wyldbraun. As you rise through the ranks, you will earn up to ten levels of Renown and unlock new rewards.

Alongside the Flame’s Radiance, players will be split between task forces within the Nightfall public scenario to clear the battlefield and push back the Sureki. You’ll also be able to strike back against Sureki forces throughout Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet to continue to earn Renown and rewards with additional quests and activities between the scenarios.

Developers’ notes: This feature is still in development and is not in its completed state.

Return to N’Zoth’s corrupted versions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, complete objectives, and take on the challenges within. As you make your way through these encounters, you’ll need to maintain your sanity or ultimately fail.

You will be able to go it alone or create a party of allies to join you. Players who want to experience Horrific Visions alone or need an additional helping hand in their party will also be able to use a Construct of Soridormi to join them. This follower will be able to Tank, DPS, or Heal and will not be affected by sanity.

For players looking for an bigger challenge, you’ll be able to activate higher difficulties of play for additional gear up to Heroic difficulty items appropriate to your level. Horrific Vision Masks are also returning including: Mask of Pain, Mask of Dark Imagination, Mask of the Long Night, Mask of the Burned Bridge, and Mask of the Daredevil. Three additional new masks will also be available.

A new currency to collect becomes available to spend at the vendor for previous rewards—Displaced Corrupted Memento. Players will be able to earn new rewards in Horrific Visions such as mounts, toys, transmogs, weapon enchantments, and more.

Head to Soridormi located in The Coreway of Dornogal to revisit Horrific Visions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Vinnie sweets, showrunner, and announcer, is promoting Dastardly Duos a new six-week event where players can step up to take on ‘animatronic’ versions of past bosses, gain powerups, and strive for higher and higher scores for bragging rights. You and your party will fight two (or more) bosses at a time to rack up your highest score and earn a variety of cosmetics, toys, and even some dungeon items based on the bosses you encounter.

Testing the event on the PTR will begin on March 17 and the event will be sped up into a one week duration, instead of its live six-week cadence. Be sure to log in each day during the Dastardly Duos event test to challenge the new bosses the event has to offer.

The Cooldown Manager’s purpose is to help inform you of the state of your important class and spec cooldowns in a consolidated space on your UI.

The Cooldown Manager is a new display that can be enabled by opening the Options Menu, navigating to Advanced Options, and checking the box labeled “Enable Cooldown Manager”. There’s also a search bar at the top of the Options menu! Once enabled, you can make further adjustments to the size, position, opacity, and other options in Edit Mode, just the same as you would adjust any other User Interface element.

For more information and to submit feedback on this new feature, visit the Feedback: Cooldown Manager in 11.1.5 thread.

  • Guilds can now be renamed with gold at the Guild Master NPCs in major cities.
  • Shopping cart functionality has been added to the Trading Post, allowing players to add multiple items into their shopping cart before confirming a purchase.
  • New color blind option allows players to custom set the various Item Rarity colors.

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