Patch 11.1.5 Content Update Preview


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Jul 16, 2009
Patch 11.1.5 Content Update Preview
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
The 11.1.5 content update is making its way to the PTR and brings with it some new changes and additions that will roll out in the weeks after the release of the content update.

Defend the Arathi in the Nightfall Scenario

Players will take up arms beside a new faction, Flame’s Radiance, to defend the Arathi against the Sureki forces following the defeat of Queen Ansurek. This faction consists of volunteer militia led veterans Thaed Pyremaker and Mylton Wyldbraun. As you rise through the ranks, you will earn up to ten levels of Renown and unlock new rewards.

Alongside the Flame’s Radiance, players will be split between task forces within the Nightfall public scenario to clear the battlefield and push back the Sureki. You’ll also be able to strike back against Sureki forces throughout Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet to continue to earn Renown and rewards with additional quests and activities between the scenarios.

Players can expect a variety of rewards for taking part in the scenario and quests including— new armor sets, a tabard that will update visually as you progress through the ranks of the Flame’s Radiance, weapons, a new color variation of the Delver’s Dirigible, and more. As your rank increases, you can also expect to earn buffs which will help you become stronger while in Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet.

Dastardly Duos

Later in the patch cycle, players will be able to experience a new six-week event providing a variety of cosmetics, toys, and even some dungeon items based on the bosses you encounter.

Vinnie sweets, showrunner, and announcer, is promoting Dastardly Duos where players can step up to take on ‘animatronic’ versions of past bosses, gain powerups, and strive for higher and higher scores for bragging rights. You and your party will fight two (or more) bosses at a time to rack up your highest score.

There will be three hubs for Dastardly Duos that players can visit. One in Stormwind, one in Orgrimmar, and one in Dornogal. While Vinnie Sweets is running the show, you’ll need to speak with Xiggie Marou to queue for the fight in the Dastardly Dome. A visit with Wodin, the Troll-Servant vendor, will also get you access over the weeks to some additional powerups or items that can help you in the fight.

In week one, there will be four bosses available to fight and each week thereafter additional bosses will be added up to a total of ten total bosses to face.

Earning specific achievements will also provide additional game effects from them within the Dastardly Duo.

Earn points for kills, damage done, and much more. Rack up a high score with your party for bragging rights and see how far you can go!

Horrific Visions Revisited

Return to N’Zoth’s corrupted versions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, complete objectives, and take on the challenges within. As you make your way through these encounters, you’ll need to maintain your sanity or ultimately fail.

You will be able to go it alone or create a part of allies to join you. Players who want to experience Horrific Visions alone or need an additional helping hand in their party will also be able to invite a Construct of Soridormi companion to join them. This follower will be able to Tank, DPS, or Heal and will not be affected by sanity.

For players looking for an bigger challenge, you’ll be able to activate higher difficulties of play for additional gear up to Heroic difficulty items appropriate to your level. Horrific Vision Masks are also returning including: Mask of Pain, Mask of Dark Imagination, Mask of the Long Night, Mask of the Burned Bridge, and Mask of the Daredevil. Three additional new masks will also be available to discover and conquer!

A new currency to collect becomes available to spend at the vendor for previous rewards—Displaced Corrupted Mementos. Players will be able to earn new rewards in Horrific Visions such as mounts, toys, transmogs, weapon enchantments, and more.

Whether you’re playing a new max-level alternate character or experiencing it for the first time, you can experience this content shortly after the launch of the 11.1.5 update.

UI Update

We are implementing a new UI update which introduces a Cooldown Manager, allowing players to better track class ability cooldowns. This additional functionality can be personalized through the edit mode within the UI.

We’ll share more details on the schedule of content in the weeks ahead and look forward to seeing you on the PTR!

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