I didnt actually read the whole thing, since it looks like you've figured out it may be the RAM?
Anyways, just wanted to let you know, since I also have an AMD card, your temp isn't that bad, although my fan speed even under performance rarely goes pass 45% lol.
During complete idle my card's temp sits around 40-50C aswell (although during idle fan speed is only 20-25%), during just normal desktop activity it's around 50-60C (with fan at 20-30%) and during performance it's around 65-75%.
Anyways, I can't find the link now since it's been quite awhile, but it was on the AMD forums, the card is rated at 100-105C max temp. So yeh, don't worry too much about idle temp. As long as the temperature during performance it isn't going into the 90C zone (though you should keep it under 80-85C), even though 90C is just "hot" and your card will operate just fine around those temp, but extended exposure to those temperature zone will hurt your card and shorten it's lifespan.
And... yeh.. 95C+ is pretty much borderlining thermal shut down.
EDIT: just wanted to ask, how you can stand the noise level of your GPU fan at 65%? ><, when my fan hits 40% ish speed it sounds like I have a jet engine inside my case.
Also wanted to add, you should look into extra cooling/ventilation, as Soulrave mentioned and even though those temperature isn't bad, however at 65% fan speed you should be getting a lot lower temperatures during idle.
When I set my fan speed to 65% my idle temperature drops from 40C~ down to 27C~.