First Level 90 Bet!


Jul 30, 2010
Main Character
Ok guys

Lets make a list if anyone is properly keen to make this a proper race time to put up or shut up, 1000 gold is the buy in this is seperate to Deny guild first achieves. Mark you names down if your keen to take part, in case of a tie the pot will be split. If you want to join just for the sport of the race your welcome to do so but this should be a bit of fun.
You should make a betting thing, I'm keen to bet on someone (Salem) but won't get there quickly myself
yeah i think it would be to hard to manage, plus thats a no brainer, we all no salem will try his little heart out but fail miserably its kinda like how us healers use to let him die for shits and giggles. true story haha
Fuck off cunts I'm in . Make it a mans game 2000
Can't be a mans game with a name like "Salem"
You're just in..... Denial
I am in for this, gonna see if I can get some kind of server first. although I will be sleeping so not sure I will get there first. :)
Awesome we need more people! 1 hour and 15 min to go people put your names down

We have


get your names in 1000 gold is nothing!
Does my main DK count? :>

Realm First DK!
Yeah you're horde your argument is invalid
Nice work Zzar! How long it take u? Explain how u did it
Started with 22 TB daily quests to minimise early lag, and that got me about 13%. Then I did a dungeon grind from 85-87 with a group of 4 guildies, running each of the initial dungeons in under 10 minutes each (maximising banner usage on the huge pulls/bosses).
Did Kun-lai Summit from 87-88, then Townlong from 88-89 and Dread Wastes from 89-90. Pretty simple, really. Just worked hard, small breaks and just being efficient.

I did the last 3 levels in a party of 2 with my warrior DPS friend (I was Blood, he was Fury). Ended up doing Mogushan Palace once to get our warlock realm first overall (ran out of 89 quests) and then again to get me realm first DK (same reason).

From launch to ding at 90 it took 14 hours 53 minutes of almost non-stop play.

During that time I drank 2 litres of water, a glass of coke, a carton of Vanilla Malt flavoured milk, and ate 2 bananas, half a pack of doritos/salsa and 4 museli bars.

And now I'm starving :p
huge grats Zar, that's insane lol