Cataclysm -- Justice Point Drop Quantities


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Jul 16, 2009
Cataclysm -- Justice Point Drop Quantities

Originally Posted by Ulvareth (Source)
Although we?ve revealed some details of the conversion process (, many of you have asked how many Justice and Valor Points bosses and daily dungeons will actually award. This list is incomplete, and the values may still change, but it covers the majority of the content we?ve been asked about.

  • Lich King Heroic dungeon boss -- 16 Justice Points
  • Lich King daily normal dungeon -- 12 Justice Points
  • Lich King daily Heroic dungeon -- 23 Justice Points
  • Lich King raid boss -- 23 Justice Points
  • Cataclysm Heroic dungeon boss -- 75 Justice Points
  • Cataclysm daily normal dungeon -- 75 Justice Points
  • Cataclysm daily Heroic dungeon -- 75 Valor Points
  • Cataclysm 10-player raid boss -- 75 Valor Points
  • Cataclysm 25-player raid boss -- 105 Valor Points
It?s important to note that once you outgrow content, by leveling past it by a predetermined amount, you?ll no longer gain points. The ?outgrown? level for end-game Wrath of the Lich King content is likely to be level 81. Once you level beyond Lich King content you?ll still be able to enter the dungeons, kill bosses, and see their drops, but they will not award you with points. This same principle applies to all content that provides Justice Points, including content from The Burning Crusade.

Why would a 10 man boss be worth less than 25 man if they are the same difficulty for each?
10s will always be easier ;) a step in the right direction i think
So this is another one of those "incentives" to do 25 man raiding I guess.
H Sind was so much easier on 10s than 25s... Dunno if it Was cos I wasn't healin or what...
It was a good team Den.
Did you notice only 2 people got that Frostwing Halls achievement that night?
That's because the other 8 have already done it.
It was a good team Den.
Did you notice only 2 people got that Frostwing Halls achievement that night?
That's because the other 8 have already done it.

Our 25s are good teams too /blush