WoW Hotfixes - March 7, 2025


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Jul 16, 2009
WoW Hotfixes - March 7, 2025
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
  • Players now earn Weathered of the Undermine, Carved of the Undermine, and Runed of the Undermine immediately upon outgrowing the use of those crests.

  • idruids.gif
    • Feral
      • Brutal Slash damage reduced by 60% while in Bear Form.
      • Druid of the Claw: Wildpower Surge increases the damage of your next Swipe or Brutal Slash in Bear Form by 300% (was 75%).
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    • Fixed an issue causing Blessing of Dusk to incorrectly grant cooldown reduction to Eye of Tyr.
    • Fixed an issue causing Divine Purpose and Tirion's Devotion to grant too much cooldown reduction to Lay on Hands.
    • Fixed an issue preventing some dungeon bosses from being able to be hit by Blessed Hammer.

  • Sidestreet Sluice
    • Added a requirement to defeat Darkfuse goblins in the variant to destroy enchanted gold piles.

Dungeons and Raids
  • Mythic Keystones no longer unintentionally drop in Siege of Boralus, Necrotic Wake, and Mists of Tirna Scithe.
  • Player deaths no longer affect the Mythic+ timer on keystone level 2 and 3.
  • Corrected an issue that caused the time targets used for Rating calculation and achievement for several Mythic+ dungeons to differ from the correct values visible in the in-game UI. This may cause one-time slight changes in Mythic+ Rating as ratings are recalculated using the accurate times.
  • Developers’ notes: Today, we’ve we’ve broadly reduced the difficulty of Mythic and Mythic+ dungeons. As a result of the following changes, all enemy health and damage has been reduced by 10% across all Mythic dungeon difficulties, both Mythic 0 and Mythic+.
  • Cinderbrew Meadery
    • Rowdy Patron's Rowdy Yell damage reduced by 33%.
    • I'pa's Spouting Stout damage reduced by 33%.
    • I'pa's Brew Drop health reduced by 18% and movement speed reduced by 14%.
  • Darkflame Cleft
    • Addressed an issue where Ol' Waxbeard's Reckless Charge can be cancelled when the target is out of line-of-sight.
    • Ol'waxbeard's rider melee damage reduced by 42%.
    • Wandering Candle's Surging Flame is now removed upon Wandering Candle's death.
    • Crawler Mine's health reduced by 30% and speed reduced by 29%.
    • Off-Duty Laborer's Throw Wrench damage reduced by 66%.
    • Coin Operated Crowd Pummeler's Footbomb Blazing Azerite's increase to subsequent Timed Explosions reduced by 40%. What a mouthful!
    • Azerite Extractor's Rapid Extraction groupwide damage reduced by 25%.
    • Azerite Extractor's Rapid Extraction missile damage reduced by 25%.
    • Mogul Razzdunk's Gatling Gun damage reduced by 50%.
  • Operation Floodgate
    • Reduced the speed of waves created by Awaken the Swamp by 25%. The movement force applied reduced by 17%.
    • Darkfuse Shredder Pilots are no longer able to melee.
    • Kinetic Explosive Gel now has a permanent 12-second duration.
    • Increased the cooldown of Surprise Inspection on Darkfuse Inspectors by 2 seconds.
    • Reduced the distance of Bubble Burp targeting to 60 yards (was 100).
    • Reduced the physical damage portion of Sludge Claws by 13%.
    • Increased the cast time of Mudslide to 3.5 seconds (was 3).
    • Reduced the physical damage of Thunder Punch by 15%.
    • Reduced the damage of Turbo Bolt by 30%.
  • Operation: Mechagon – Workshop
    • Addressed a bug preventing this dungeon from giving Great Vault credits.
    • Antipersonnel Squirrel's Health reduced by 93% and can now be attacked.
    • Machinist's Garden's "Hidden" Flame Cannon now has a precast visual.
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
    • Captain Dailcry’s health reduced by 11%.
    • Captain Dailcry's Pierce Armor damage-over-time bleed reduced by 25%.
    • Captain Dailcry's Savage Mauling and Taener Duelmal's Ember Storm now have a 5 second shared cooldown (was 3 seconds).
    • Captain Dailcry's Savage Mauling now ignores targets that have been hit by it within the last 35 seconds if there are other available targets.
    • High Priest Aemya health reduced by 10%.
    • Guard Captain Suleyman health by 30%.
    • Forge Master Damian health reduced by 10%.
    • Heat Wave damage reduced by 25%.
    • Elaena Emberlanz health reduced by 10%.
    • Taener Duelmal health reduced 10%.
    • Sergeant Shaynemail health reduced by 10%.
    • Added Effect Mechanic Snare to Castigator's Shield so it can be removed with Snare removals.
    • Prioress Murrpray now has an initial cooldown of 3 seconds on Holy Smite.
    • Prioress Murrpray now clears her energy upon transitioning to Phase 2.
  • The Rookery
    • Addressed an issue where Kyrioss can fail to use its abilities.
  • Theater of Pain
    • Addressed an issue where Sudden Demise can kill players during Xav the Unfallen's Blood and Glory.
  • Liberation of Undermine
    • Mug'Zee, Heads of Security
      • Fixed an issue that delayed Mug'Zee from entering Intermission while casting other abilities.
      • Gallagio Goons now lock their facing direction while casting Pay Respects.
      • Updated the spawning visuals of Unstable Crawler Mines to be more readable alongside the visuals of Unstable Cluster Bomb.

  • Fixed an issue preventing Conqueror's Prized Lacquer and Varnish from being used on tier armor catalyzed from certain Delve items.
  • Triumphant Satchel of Carved Undermine Crests, Celebratory Pack of Runed Undermine Crests, and Glorious Cluster of Gilded Undermine Crests now cost 45 runed crests (was 90).
  • Pouch of Weathered Undermine Crests, Satchel of Carved Undermine Crests, and Pack of Runed Undermine Crests are now Rare quality (was Epic).
  • Vaskarn now correctly sells Pack of Runed Undermine Crests.
  • Fixed an issue where several mail armor items granted Strength rather than Agility.
  • Gallytech Turbo-Tiller now has standard melee weapon damage.

Player versus Player
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    • Restoration
      • Ancient of Lore (PvP Talent) - Blossom Burst and Mass Blooming now apply instantly to their targets when cast (was delayed by missile).

Reputation and Renown
  • Resolved an issue where players couldn't get a Restored Coffer Key on reaching renown rank 9 of the Cartels of Undermine.
  • “Sparks of War: Undermine” now grants the correct reputation.

  • More Deeps Spitters and Deeps Larva has been added to improve the associated world quest in the Ringing Deeps, "Deworming Solution."

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from contributing to Voltstrike and Scrapchewer event progress in Undermine.
  • Micropollutants and Agitated Contaminants will now respawn more quickly during the bonus objective "Darkfuse Precipitant".
  • "Slime Wranglin'" should now more accurately reflect the location of Runaway Sewage. Get to killin' for Nanny Talullah.

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