WoW Hotfixes - March 4, 2025
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
Items and Rewards
Player versus Player
Season of Discovery
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Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
- Fixed an issue where completing the Copious Coffers and The Key to Madness achievements before the Undermine(d) patch to fail to deliver rewards. Affected players should find them in the mail.
- Unholy
- Liberation of Undermine 2-set Bonus – Now increases the damage of Death Coil and Epidemic by 4.5% (was 3%).
- Unholy
- Havoc
- Aldrachi Reaver: Reaver’s Mark now increases damage dealt to its target by 6%.
- Aldrachi Reaver: Thrill of the Fight’s increase to ability damage is now 15% (was 20%).
- Liberation of Undermine 2-set Bonus – Winning Streak!'s chance to activate increased by 25%.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the talent starter build from applying correctly.
- Havoc
- Updated Lycara’s Meditation: Players must remain in a shapeshift form for 2.9 seconds, modified by Haste, in order to retain the Lycara’s Teachings bonus from it. The ability description string will be updated in a future patch.
- Feral
- Sunfire damage reduced by 40%.
- Lycara’s Teachings’ Mastery bonus granted from being in Moonkin Form reduced by 66%.
- Devastation
- Firestorm damage increased by 40%.
- Devastation
- Beast Mastery
- The Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Barbed Shot now fires at 100% (was 200%).
- The Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set bonus has been adjusted - Potent Mutagen damage reduced by 50% and reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 0.25 seconds (was 0.5 seconds).
- All ability and pet damage increased by 5%.
- Beast Mastery
- Mistweaver
- All Healing reduced by 4%.
- Liberation of Undermine set bonus: Insurance! healing decreased by 30%.
- Mistweaver
- Holy
- Fixed a bug causing Divine Toll to unintentionally damage enemies the player was not in combat with.
- Protection
- Fixed an issue where Undisputed Ruling failed to trigger Consecration's friendly effects.
- Retribution
- An issue causing Divine Hammer to have reduced duration with higher amounts of Haste has been resolved.
- Haste will no longer affect Divine Hammer periodic. Will now strike every 2 seconds for 8 seconds baseline.
- Divine Hammer periodic damage will no longer activate Radiant Glory, while its cast will continue to interact normally.
- Divine Hammer extension proc no longer has an internal cooldown.
- Holy
- Discipline
- Lenience no longer stacks its damage reduction effect when multiple Priests apply Atonement to a target.
- Oracle: Preventive Measures now increases the damage of Penance, Smite, and Holy Nova by 20% (was 40%).
- Discipline
- Assassination
- All ability damage increased by 4%.
- Subtlety
- Secret Technique damage reduced by 5%.
- Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus – Winning Streak! max stacks reduced to 8 (was 10).
- Assassination
- Elemental
- Developers’ notes: The new tier set bonuses were performing higher than we would have liked, so we’re lowering the value of the new 2-piece set bonus while increasing the damage Elemental Shaman deal baseline.
- Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus – Now summons an elemental for 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus – Frequency of getting a bonus elemental summon from your spells lowered.
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set bonus – Damage bonus of Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Tempest, and Lava Burst increased to 30% for 8 seconds (was 20% for 8 seconds).
- Deeply Rooted Elements Ascendance procs no longer activate either the 2-piece or 4-piece bonus of the new Liberation of Undermine tier set.
- Echo of the Elementals no longer causes the Jackpot! Buff to refresh when they appear.
- All damage dealt increased by 5%.
- Enhancement
- Developers’ notes: Enhancement Shaman in the Liberation of Undermine patch are performing higher than we would like. We’re making adjustments to the new Flowing Spirits talent as well as the Nerub-ar Palace and Liberation of Undermine tier set bonuses.
- Nerub-ar Palace 4-piece set Bonus – Now has a 20% chance to summon an extra spirit when talented into Flowing Spirits. The tooltip will not reflect this change until a future patch.
- Flowing Spirits now has a 6% chance to summon a Feral Spirit.
- Flowing Spirits now properly summons a random Elemental Spirit when Elemental Spirits are talented.
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set Bonus – Now triggers Doom Winds for 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set Bonus – Now increases the damage of Crash Lightning by 12% per stack (was 15%).
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set Bonus – Now increases the primary target damage of Crash Lightning by 75% (was 100%).
- Elemental
- Fixed an issue where Summon Felguard and Grimoire: Felguard were taking higher damage than intended from area of effect spells.
- Demonology
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Casting Hand of Gul’dan causes your active Dreadstalkers to cast Dreadbite at 20% effectiveness (was 50%).
- Hand of Gul’dan damage increased by 20%.
- Doomguards summoned by Pact of the Ered’ruin deal 15% increased damage.
- Gloomhound’s Gloom Slash damage increased by 30%.
- Wild Imp damage increased by 30%.
- Destruction
- Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that fires a flurry of 6 Demonfire bolts at 100% effectiveness (was 200%). Casting Summon Infernal always hits a Jackpot!.
- Chaos Bolt damage increased by 20%.
- Summon Infernal damage increased by 35%.
- Developers’ notes: We’re making adjustments to Hellcaller to reduce its Soul Shard economy and increase its damage as compensation. When the availability of Soul Shards increases for Destruction, it reaches a point where Rain of Fire begins to surpass Chaos Bolt in damage output for single target due to the difference in casting times.
- Hellcaller: Wither damage increased by 35%.
- Hellcaller: Wither now deals damage every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Developers’ notes: We recognize that with these changes Wither damage will also be impacted. We are distributing the lost throughput across the rest of the Hellcaller kit for Destruction.
- Hellcaller: Blackened Soul damage increased 40%.
- Hellcaller: Xalan’s Ferocity now increases Fire damage by 4% (was 2%).
- Hellcaller: Xalan’s Cruelty now increases Shadow damage by 4% (was 2%).
- Arms
- Execute damage reduced by 15%.
- Arms
Items and Rewards
- Oil of Beledar's Grace healing reduced by 40%.
- Plans: Charged Claymore and Formula: Enchant Boots - Scout's March can again be obtained from Auralia Steelstrike.
- Undermine
- Resolved an issue where players could receive duplicates of the same rare item from completing Shipping and Handling job streaks.
- Gallagio Garbage now has a higher chance to spawn.
- Increased the drop rates of the mount and cosmetic item from the Gallagio Garbage rare.
- Scrap-Plated Pants now have Agility/Intellect.
- Fixed a bug causing the Ruby and Pearlescent Butterfly mounts to glow too brightly.
- Resolved an issue preventing players from properly obtaining the Violet Goblin Shredder.
Player versus Player
- The Gladiator’s Distinction set bonus now increases Stamina by 10% (was 5%) for Tank and Damage specializations.
- The Gladiator’s Distinction set bonus now increases Stamina by 15% (was 10%) for Healer specializations.
- Blood
- San’layn: The damage bonus from Frenzied Bloodthirst is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
- Frost
- Death’s Cold Embrace (PvP talent) now increases Remorseless Winter’s damage by 400% (was 750%).
- Blood
- Feral
- Berserk now increases damage dealt by 5% in PvP combat (was 10%).
- Ferocious Bite damage reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
- Feral
- Arcane
- Magi’s Spark now echoes spells at 25% effectiveness (was 50%) in PvP combat.
- Arcane Missiles damage increased by 12% in PvP combat.
- Arcane Barrage damage increased by 12% in PvP combat.
- Fire
- Blazing Barriers from Overpowered Barrier now reflect 60% of damage absorbed (was 100%).
- Frost
- Frostfire: Blazing Barriers from Overpowered Barrier now reflect 60% of damage absorbed (was 100%).
- Arcane
- Mistweaver
- Jade Empowerment’s damage increase reduced to 1250% (was 2500%) in PvP combat.
- Windwalker
- Slicing Winds damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat. Slicing Winds now fails if cast while in a root.
- Mistweaver
- Arms
- Mortal Strike damage reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
- Execute damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
- Demolish final hit damage reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
- Fury
- Rampage damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
- Bladestorm damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
- Protection
- Execute damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
- All damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
- Arms
- Players leveling through War Within now always have the option to do Khaz Algar world quests from Faerin Lothar when accepting a task for "The Call of the Worldsoul".
- “The Kalimdor Cup Circuit” can now be turned in to Lord Andestrasz.
- Fixed a bug preventing Thalyrssa from allowing access to Withered Army Training for “Building an Army”.
- Helping serve hot dogs or hamburgers in the “Hotrocket” quests will now take priority over the world quest to save drowning tourist goblins.
Season of Discovery
- Tarnished Undermine Real now drop from Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and Temple of Ahn’Qiraj bosses and hard mode caches.
- Nightmare Grove
- The Nightmare Dragons now drop three Tarnished Undermine Reals each.
- The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a piece of Non-C’thun Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Tier.
- Players can access to the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj vendors at the entrance of the raid. These NPCs are Kandrostrasz, Vethsera, and Andorgos.
- The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a piece of Blackwing Tier that is not available on the Undermine Real vendor. (Shoulders/Legs/Head/Chest).
- The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a Blackwing Lair class trinket.
- All of the pieces in the Nightmare Dragon’s old loot has had 8 primary armor slots updated to have the Timeworn tag, allowing them to interact with the Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight line.
- To allow players more chances to get missing patterns, the Nightmare Dragons can now drop all of the enchanting and engineering patterns from Molten Core and all professions recipes from Ahn’Qiraj.
- Health of all bosses and enemy creatures reduced by 15%.
- Damage and healing of all bosses and enemy creatures reduced by 30%.
- All Dragons no longer thrash.
- Emeriss - NPC priests during the PvP raid phase no longer cast Mind Control.
- Lethon - Damage reduction aura from the large Spirit Shade reduced to 50% (was 99%), and movement speed of Spirit Shades lowered by 25%.
- Ysondre - Divergent Lightning is now cast less frequently and deals less damage.
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