WoW Hotfixes - February 28, 2025
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
Player versus Player
Season of Discovery
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Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
- An achievement has been unexpectedly rewarding 5 Trader's Tender. The goblins insist that possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law. It seems better to just roll with it, so we've corrected the description on the achievement to include the 5 Trader's Tender.
- Restoration
- Fixed an issue that caused Ancient of Lore (PvP Talent) to prevent all magical effects.
- Fixed an issue that caused Cyclone to bypass Ancient of Lore's crowd control immunity.
- Restoration
- Devastation
- [Scalecommander] Fixed an issue where Deep Breath with Maneuverability would not break root effects.
- Preservation
- Fixed an issue where Flow State did not reduce the cooldown of Engulf.
- Devastation
- Beast Master, Survival
- Master's Call pet ability can now be cast from Pet action bar.
- Beast Master, Survival
- Windwalker
- Fixed an issue that caused Slicing Winds to not be treated as an AoE effects.
- Fixed an issue that caused Slicings Winds to not function with Ride the Wind.
- Windwalker
- Shadow
- Fixed an issue causing Void Bolt to be castable while channeling spells.
- Shadow
- Enhancement
- [Totemic] Whirling Elements now displays correct duration that is 6 seconds for the granted Hot Hand buff.
- [Totemic] Hot Hand procs will no longer clamp down the duration if Whirling Elements was used to extend Hot Hand duration.
- Restoration
- Fixed an issue causing Overflowing Shores to not heal when on a transport.
- [Totemic] Fixed an issue where casting Totemic Projection while Surging Totem is active causes an additional heal from the totem.
- Enhancement
- Fixed an issue where the targeted version of Rain of Fire would not generate stacks of Power Overwhelming.
- Algari Mana Oil, Oil of Deep Toxins, and Oil of Beledar's Grace are now manually targeted, preventing them from automatically overriding buffs for player-characters who are dual-wielding.
- Auralia Steelstrike again sells Technique: Contract: Hallowfall Arathi.
- Roaring War-Queen's Citrine chance to trigger has been reduced slightly.
- Legendary Skipper's Citrine no longer triggers Roaring War-Queen's Citrine effect.
Player versus Player
- Arcane
- Fixed an issue causing Overpowered Barrier to grant immunity to interrupts.
- Arcane
- Fixed an issue that caused Forged Gladiator's Chain Leggings and Forged Gladiator's Chain Breeches for shamans to use the wrong non-kilt appearance.
- Adjusted the rewards for completing Shipping and Handling tasks to reward a Weathered Undermine Crest and one of Valorstones, Resonance Crystals, or Gold.
- Increased the rewards from finishing a job streak.
- Increased the rewards given by tip chests during the Surge Pricing event.
Season of Discovery
- Blade Flurry no longer receives double % increases.
- Developers’ notes: This affects Seal of the Dawn and Rogue set bonuses. Now, % increases from hostile Mind Controls like Chains of Kel'thuzad or Prophet Skeram's Mind Control no longer cause massive amounts of damage from Blade Flurry.
- Blade Flurry no longer receives double % increases.
- Sweeping Strikes no longer receives double % increases while inside of Naxxramas.
- Developers’ notes: Due to Warriors having multiple % increases in their kit through Enrage, we did not want to impact their PvP performance with this bugfix, so this only applies to Warriors while inside Naxxramas. This means Seal of the Dawn and Warrior set bonuses are no longer doubled, and % increases from hostile Mind Controls inside of Naxxramas like Chains of Kel'thuzad no longer cause massive amounts of damage from Sweeping Strikes.
- Sweeping Strikes no longer receives double % increases while inside of Naxxramas.
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