Updated Mogu'shan Palace Preview, Stormstout Brewery Into Quest, Blue Posts


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Jul 16, 2009
Diablo 3 - Unlock #3 - Developer Diary II, Battle.net Updated ToU

Dungeon Preview - Updated Mogu'shan Palace (Build 15589)
Mogu'shan Palace is one of the new dungeons introduced in Mists of Pandaria, you might remember it from our first wave of dungeon previews. As you can see, Blizzard made a lot of progress and the dungeon is starting to look really good.

This is still a work in progress and it will look even better when it hits the beta servers!

Stormstout Brewery Introduction Quest
In this quest chain you first meet Chen Stormstout soon after entering Valley of the Four Winds for the first time. You help him through several of the quest hubs, brewing beer many times.

Eventually he will take that beer to the doors of Stormstout Brewery, his ancestral home, only to find that it has been overrun. You then play as Chen Stormstout, killing your way through part of the brewery and attempting to talk to Uncle Gao, who doesn't seem to be all there.

Blue Posts

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Respec on Beta
Either in the next beta build or the one after that, you will be able to speak to your appropriate class trainer and they can unspec, unglyph or untalent you for a small fee. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Druid (Forums)
Feral Incarnation Models
There will be art for the cat, bear and moonkin form of Incarnation, but they will likely be adjustments (such as armor perhaps) to the existing forms, not brand new models. Hopefully we'll have something we can show you in a couple of weeks. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Hunter (Forums)
Reverting Black Arrow back to its 4.3 Design
That does bring up a good question. Mainly regarding Serpent Spread. It appears that Black Arrow with the cast time, direct damage, and AoE components all added replaced Serpent Spread (was removed entirely.)

With the revert in Black Arrow's design, will we see Serpent Spread return or will Black Arrow retain its AoE damage and direct damage but be instant cast?

We would re-implement Serpent Spread. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Monk (Forums)
Monk Changes in Beta

  • We're thinking that Jab and Expel Harm saw a bit too much increase to mana last patch, and we’re going to reduce them somewhat.
  • We’ve increased the mana gain from Cherry Mana Tea. This spell will change whenever we tune mana and healing numbers, which has been happening a lot lately.
  • We've changed the number of serpent statues you can have out at once from 2 to 1. However, while in Stance of the Wise Serpent, you now have Eminence on yourself, causing half of your damage to be healing to nearby targets. This will allow “melee healing” monks to heal through dealing damage without having their statue down. The statue is intended to be more of a “cooldown” you use on tough fights, not similar to a totem you plop down.
  • We’re going to try having Renewing Mists also generate Chi (along with Surging Mist and Soothing Mists) when you cast it. The bug with Renewing Mists not showing up on raid/party frames should also be fixed in an upcoming build.
  • We’re getting rid of Jasmine Force Tea because we felt it was confusing to convert Mana to Chi, then Chi back to Mana with Cherry Mana Tea.
  • We’re going to make Surging Mist require a target rather than being a cast-time smart heal. The reason why it was originally a smart heal without requiring a target was to let you build up a stack of Vital Mists by using Jab, then cast an instant Surging Mist without having to change your target. We think the right place for the original Surging Mist smart heal is via a glyph.
  • One issue we’re concerned with is Surging Mist and Renewing Mists generating Chi, making it harder for you to burn down your Chi. We’re likely going to add another high Chi ability, and/or adjust talents so you can have some choice.
  • We like how Chi Wave bounces from friends and enemies, because the whole theme of the monk healer is weaving damage and healing together. If Chi Wave was a pure heal, it would break away from that theme.
  • With regard to feedback on these subjects, what we're really looking for is playing as a DPS healer (as opposed to the traditional "pure healing" playstyle), or perhaps a mix of the two. We want both the traditional and dps-to-heal to be viable and fun.

The Daily Blink - If You Don’t Get It, It’s Probably for the Best
The Daily Blink notes a change in Ji Firepaw's dialogue.
