The War Within Beta Datamining - Build 55959


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Jul 16, 2009
The War Within Beta Datamining - Build 55959
A new build is here! It brings a new login screen, music, and a Release Candidate build.

The War Within Beta Development Notes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
We made the following edits to this week’s beta update notes:

  • ipriests.gif
    • Shadow
      • Mind Melt now stacks up to 3 times (was 4).

The following note has been removed. Mythic+ rewards remain the same and can be viewed in the Season 1 and Raid Schedule Overview article.

  • Hero track loot from Mythic+ now drops at a maximum of 1/6 (was 2/6).

Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Deephaul Ravine
Player vs. Player
  • Deepholla Complete the following achievements in Deephaul Ravine Title: Deephauler. Account Wide. 25 points. Account Wide.

Draenor Garrison
Expansion Features

Dragon Isles
  • Into the Storm (copy) Complete the storm achievements below. Reward: Coralscale Salamanther.Account Wide.

Feats of Strength

Player vs. Player
  • Battlefield Brawler Gather 10,000 Honor from PVP Island Expeditions, Brawls, Battlegrounds and Epic Battlegrounds. Account Wide. 5 points. Account Wide.
  • Battlefield Master Gather 100,000 Honor from PVP Island Expeditions, Brawls, Battlegrounds and Epic Battlegrounds. Account Wide. 20 points. Account Wide.
  • Battlefield Tactician Gather 30,000 Honor from PVP Island Expeditions, Brawls, Battlegrounds and Epic Battlegrounds. Account Wide. 10 points. Account Wide.

War Within



War Within Dungeon
Dungeons & Raids
  • Algari Dungeon Tank Defeat every Dungeon in Khaz Algar on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty as a Tank. 10 points. Account Wide.

War Within Raid
Dungeons & Raids
  • Cowabunga Defeat Rasha'nan after all players ride a single wave per cast of Rolling Acid in Nerub-ar Palace on Normal difficulty or higher.10 points.
  • Love is in the Lair Defeat the Silken Court after Anub'arash and Takazj have gained the Bond of Friendship in Nerub-ar Palace on Normal difficulty or higher.10 points.

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Stonevault Mechsuit Summons and dismisses a rideable Stonevault Mechsuit. This is a flying mount. 1.5 sec cast. Account wide. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.

Item Set Bonuses
Demon Hunter (Forums)

Druid (Forums)

Hunter (Forums)

Paladin (Forums)

  • Arclight Spanner Creates a turret that repeatedly attacks an enemy within 0 to 30 yds for [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Physical damage. 3 charges. Limited to 1 target. Main Hand. Main Hand. Instant. 5 sec recharge. 1 sec global cooldown. 3 charges.
  • Crankshot Blaster Creates a turret that repeatedly attacks an enemy within 0 to 30 yds for [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Physical damage. Limited to 1 target. Main Hand. Main Hand. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Eye Beam (Havoc) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*15*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*15}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Vengeance, Initial) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Looks Can Kill) Blasts all enemies in front of you, dealing guaranteed critical strikes for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Furious Gaze) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam Blasts all enemies in front of you for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec. Main Hand. Main Hand. 20 yd range. 2 sec cast (Channeled). 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [ 291.2% [ 308.8% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 8 sec within its area. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Offensive. Offensive. 20 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
  • Shadow Crash Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 63.11% [ 68.79% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at a selected location. Offensive. Offensive. 100 yd range. Instant.

Death Knight (Forums)

  • Apocalyptic Conquest While Nazgrim is active, gain Apocalyptic Conquest, increasing your Strenght by 5%. Unlimited range. Instant. 3%. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Bonestorm Consume your Consume up to 5 Bone Shield charges to create a whirl of bone and gore that batters all nearby enemies, dealing [ 28.25% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec, and healing you for 2% of your maximum health every time it deals damage (up to 10%). Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Lasts 1 2 sec per Bone Shield charge spent and rapidly regenerates a Bone Shield every 1 sec. Instant.
  • Bonestorm Consume your Consume up to 5 Bone Shield charges to create a whirl of bone and gore that batters all nearby enemies, dealing [ 28.25% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec, and healing you for 2% of your maximum health every time it deals damage (up to 10%). Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Lasts 1 2 sec per Bone Shield charge spent and rapidly regenerates a Bone Shield every 1 sec. Instant.
  • Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deal [ 77.8% of Attack Power + 77.8% [ 87.2% of Attack Power + 87.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you, until your Runic Power is exhausted. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Generates 2 Runes at the start and end. Instant.
  • Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deal [ 77.8% of Attack Power + 77.8% [ 87.2% of Attack Power + 87.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you, until your Runic Power is exhausted. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Generates 2 Runes at the start and end. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Exterminate (Frost, Unholy, Initial) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Painful Death) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Frost, Unholy, Initial) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Painful Death) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Frost, Unholy, Initial) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Painful Death) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Frost, Unholy, Initial) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Painful Death) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Frost, Unholy, Initial) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate (Painful Death) - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Exterminate - Now does 430.31% of Attack Power damage, up from 286.88%.
  • Frost Strike Chill your weapons with icy power, and quickly strike the enemy with both weapons, dealing a total of [ 78% of weapon damage + 68.6% 74.1% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. Requires Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant.
  • Frost Strike Chill your weapons with icy power and quickly strike the enemy with both, dealing a total of [ 137.2% [ 148.2% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Frost Strike Chill your weapons with icy power and quickly strike the enemy with both, dealing a total of [ 137.2% [ 148.2% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. Requires One-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, One-Handed Swords, Fist Weapons, Daggers, Spears. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Frost Strike Chill your weapons with icy power and quickly strike the enemy with both, dealing a total of [ 137.2% [ 148.2% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. Requires One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, Polearms, One-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords, Fist Weapons, Daggers. Can be cast in Undead. 30 Runic Power. Melee range. Instant.
  • Frost Strike Off-Hand Chill your weapons with icy power and quickly strike the enemy with both, dealing a total of [ 137.2% [ 148.2% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Obliterate (Normal) A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 165.1% [ 178.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Obliterate (PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED)) A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 289% [ 312.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Obliterate (Normal) A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 165.1% [ 178.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Obliterate (PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED)) A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 289% [ 312.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Obliterate (Normal) A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 165.1% [ 178.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Obliterate (PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED)) A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 289% [ 312.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Obliterate Off-Hand (Normal) A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 165.1% [ 178.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Obliterate Off-Hand (PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED)) A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of [ 289% [ 312.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Raise Abomination Raises an Abomination for 30 sec which wanders and attacks enemies, applying Festering Wound when it melees targets, and affecting all those nearby with Virulent Plague. Can be cast in Undead. 1 Runes. 40 yd range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
  • Reaper's Mark (Blood) Viciously slice into the soul of your enemy, dealing [ 80% [ 150% of Attack Power ] Shadowfrost damage and applying Reaper's Mark.
  • Reaper's Mark (Frost, Unholy, Initial) Viciously slice into the soul of your enemy, dealing [ 150% [ 320% of Attack Power ] Shadowfrost damage and applying Reaper's Mark. After 12 sec or reaching 40 stacks, the mark explodes, dealing [ 18.2% [ 24.57% of Attack Power ] damage per stack.
  • Reaper's Mark (Blood) Viciously slice into the soul of your enemy, dealing [ 80% [ 150% of Attack Power ] Shadowfrost damage and applying Reaper's Mark.
  • Reaper's Mark (Frost, Unholy, Initial) Viciously slice into the soul of your enemy, dealing [ 150% [ 320% of Attack Power ] Shadowfrost damage and applying Reaper's Mark. After 12 sec or reaching 40 stacks, the mark explodes, dealing [ 18.2% [ 24.57% of Attack Power ] damage per stack.
  • Reaper's Mark (Blood) Viciously slice into the soul of your enemy, dealing [ 80% [ 150% of Attack Power ] Shadowfrost damage and applying Reaper's Mark.
  • Reaper's Mark (Frost, Unholy, Initial) Viciously slice into the soul of your enemy, dealing [ 150% [ 320% of Attack Power ] Shadowfrost damage and applying Reaper's Mark. After 12 sec or reaching 40 stacks, the mark explodes, dealing [ 18.2% [ 24.57% of Attack Power ] damage per stack.
  • Rider's Champion Spending Runes has a chance to call forth the aid of a Horsemen for 10 sec. Mograine Casts Death and Decay at his location that follows his position. Whitemane Casts Undeath on your target dealing [ 11.44% of Attack Power ] Shadowfrost damage per stack every 3 sec, for 24 sec. Each time Undeath deals damage it gains a stack. Cannot be Refreshed. Trollbane Casts Chains of Ice on your target slowing their movement speed by 40% and increasing the damage they take from you by 5% for 8 sec. Nazgrim While Nazgrim is active you gain Apocalyptic Conquest, increasing your Strength by 5%. 3%.
  • Shattered Frost When Frost Strike consumes 5 Razorice stacks, it deals 65% 60% of the damage dealt to nearby enemies. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Shattered Frost When Frost Strike consumes 5 Razorice stacks, it deals 65% 60% of the damage dealt to nearby enemies. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
  • Summon Fenryr Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle. Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. Instant. 8% Haste. Instant.
  • Summon Hati Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle. Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. Instant. 8% Haste. Instant.
  • Summon Nazgrim - Now increases strength by 3%, down from 5%.
  • Summon Nazgrim - Now increases strength by 3%, down from 5%.

  • Blood Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 40% 54%: Abomination Limb, Apocalypse, Army of the Dead, Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Draw, Blood Fever, Blood Plague, Bloodbolt, Blooddrinker, Bone Shield, Bone Spike Graveyard, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Consumption, Corpse Explosion, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Death Strike Off-Hand, Death's Caress, Death's Due, Defile, Echoing Howl, Endless Rune Waltz Energize, Epidemic, Exterminate, Festering Scythe, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostwhelp's Aid, Frostwhelp's Indignation, Frostwyrm's Fury, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Glacial Contagion, Harrowing Decay, Heart Strike, Helchains, Horrid Experimentation, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Outbreak, Razorice, Reaper's Mark, Recently Used Death Strike, Remorseless Winter, Rider's Champion, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Shattering Bone, Soul Reaper, Soul Rupture, Superstrain, Swarming Mist, Swift and Painful, Trollbane's Icy Fury, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Vampiric Strike, Virulent Eruption, Virulent Plague, Wave of Souls Increases periodic damage/healing by 40% 54%: Abomination Limb, Apocalypse, Army of the Dead, Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Draw, Blood Fever, Blood Plague, Bloodbolt, Blooddrinker, Bone Shield, Bone Spike Graveyard, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Chill Streak, Cleaving Strikes, Cold Heart, Consumption, Corpse Explosion, Dark Transformation, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Death Strike Off-Hand, Death's Caress, Death's Due, Defile, Echoing Howl, Endless Rune Waltz Energize, Epidemic, Exterminate, Festering Scythe, Festering Strike, Festering Wound, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostwhelp's Aid, Frostwhelp's Indignation, Frostwyrm's Fury, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Glacial Contagion, Harrowing Decay, Heart Strike, Helchains, Horrid Experimentation, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Outbreak, Razorice, Reaper's Mark, Recently Used Death Strike, Remorseless Winter, Rider's Champion, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sacrificial Pact, Scourge Strike, Shattering Bone, Soul Reaper, Soul Rupture, Superstrain, Swarming Mist, Swift and Painful, Trollbane's Icy Fury, Unholy Blight, Unholy Pact, Vampiric Strike, Virulent Eruption, Virulent Plague, Wave of Souls Increases damage/healing by 139%: Death Strike, Death Strike Off-Hand, Recently Used Death Strike Increases damage/healing by 48%: Death and Decay, Death's Due, Defile, Desecrated Ground Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Bloodbolt, Death's Caress Death Knight - Blood Spec. Death Knight - Blood Spec.
  • Bonestorm Consume your Consume up to 5 Bone Shield charges to create a whirl of bone and gore that batters all nearby enemies, dealing [ 28.25% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec, and healing you for 2% of your maximum health every time it deals damage (up to 10%). Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Lasts 1 2 sec per Bone Shield charge spent and rapidly regenerates a Bone Shield every 1 sec. Can be cast in Undead. Blood Death Knight - Level 50 Talent. Blood Death Knight - Level 50 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.

  • Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deal [ 77.8% of Attack Power + 77.8% [ 87.2% of Attack Power + 87.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you, until your Runic Power is exhausted. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Generates 2 Runes at the start and end. Can be cast in Undead. Frost Death Knight - Level 50 Talent. Frost Death Knight - Level 50 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown.

Demon Hunter (Forums)

  • A Fire Inside Immolation Aura has 1 additional charges and 25% 30% chance to refund a charge when used. You can have multiple Immolation Auras active at a time. Instant.
  • A Fire Inside Immolation Aura has 1 additional charges and 25% 30% chance to refund a charge when used. You can have multiple Immolation Auras active at a time.
  • Abyssal Gaze (Havoc) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*15*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*15}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Abyssal Gaze (Vengeance, Initial) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Abyssal Gaze (Looks Can Kill) Blasts all enemies in front of you, dealing guaranteed critical strikes for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Abyssal Gaze (Furious Gaze) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Art of the Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Art of the Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Art of the Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Art of the Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Art of the Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Blade Rhapsody Chaos Strike deals 20% increased damage, and has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade Dance. Instant. and reduce its Fury cost by 50%. Instant.
  • Blade Rhapsody Chaos Strike deals 20% increased damage, and has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of Blade Dance. Instant. and reduce its Fury cost by 50%. Instant.
  • Burning Blades (Havoc) Your blades burn with Fel energy, causing your Chaos Strike, Throw Glaive, and auto-attacks to deal an additional 15% 50% damage as Fire over 6 sec.
  • Burning Blades (Vengeance, Initial) Your blades burn with Fel energy, causing your Soul Cleave, Throw Glaive, and auto-attacks to deal an additional 15% 50% damage as Fire over 6 sec.
  • Burning Blades Vengeance, Initial: Your blades burn with Fel energy, causing your Soul Cleave, Throw Glaive, and auto-attacks to deal an additional 15% 50% damage as Fire over 6 sec.
  • Burning Blades (Havoc) Your blades burn with Fel energy, causing your Chaos Strike, Throw Glaive, and auto-attacks to deal an additional 15% 60% damage as Fire over 6 sec.
  • Burning Blades (Vengeance, Initial) Your blades burn with Fel energy, causing your Soul Cleave, Throw Glaive, and auto-attacks to deal an additional 15% 60% damage as Fire over 6 sec.
  • Burning Blades Vengeance, Initial: Your blades burn with Fel energy, causing your Soul Cleave, Throw Glaive, and auto-attacks to deal an additional 15% 60% damage as Fire over 6 sec.
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Havoc) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Demonsurge (Vengeance, Initial) - Now does 170% of Attack Power Fire damage, down from 180%
  • Doug Test - Eye Beam Blasts all enemies in front of you for [ 164.6% [ 329.4% of Attack Power ] Chaos damage. 50 Fury. 2 sec cast (Channeled). 45 sec cooldown. 1.2 sec global cooldown.
  • Eye Beam (Havoc) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*15*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*15}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Vengeance, Initial) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Looks Can Kill) Blasts all enemies in front of you, dealing guaranteed critical strikes for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Furious Gaze) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Havoc) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*15*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*15}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Vengeance, Initial) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Looks Can Kill) Blasts all enemies in front of you, dealing guaranteed critical strikes for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Eye Beam (Furious Gaze) Blasts all enemies in front of you, for up to ${({?a320,415[{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10*2}}][{${( 18.29% 36.6% of Attack Power )*10}}])} Chaos damage over 2 sec.
  • Focused Hatred Demonsurge deals 35% 50% increased damage when it strikes a single target.
  • Glaive Flurry (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Glaive Flurry (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Immolation Aura Immolation Aura has 1 additional charges and 25% 30% chance to refund a charge when used. You can have multiple Immolation Auras active at a time. Instant.
  • Immolation Aura Immolation Aura has 1 additional charges and 25% 30% chance to refund a charge when used. You can have multiple Immolation Auras active at a time. Instant.
  • Immolation Aura Immolation Aura has 1 additional charges and 25% 30% chance to refund a charge when used. You can have multiple Immolation Auras active at a time. Instant.
  • Immolation Aura Immolation Aura has 1 additional charges and 25% 30% chance to refund a charge when used. You can have multiple Immolation Auras active at a time. Instant.
  • Incisive Blade (Havoc) Chaos Strike deals 15% increased damage. 10% increased damage.
  • Incisive Blade (Vengeance, Initial) Soul Cleave deals 15% increased damage. 10% increased damage.
  • Incisive Blade Vengeance, Initial: Soul Cleave deals 15% increased damage. 10% increased damage.
  • Incorruptible Spirit Consuming a Soul Fragment also heals Each Soul Fragment you consume shields you for an additional 15% over time. of the amount healed.
  • Incorruptible Spirit Consuming a Soul Fragment also heals Each Soul Fragment you consume shields you for an additional 15% over time. Instant. of the amount healed. Instant.
  • Reaver's Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Reaver's Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Reaver's Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Reaver's Glaive (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Reaver's Mark (Havoc) When enhanced by Reaver's Glaive, Chaos Strike applies Reaver's Mark, which causes the target to take 12% 7% increased damage for 20 sec. If cast after Blade Dance, Reaver's Mark is increased to 24%. 14%.
  • Reaver's Mark (Vengeance) When enhanced by Reaver's Glaive, Fracture applies Reaver's Mark, which causes the target to take 12% 7% increased damage for 20 sec. If cast after Soul Cleave, Reaver's Mark is increased to 24%. 14%.
  • Reaver's Mark (Initial) When enhanced by Reaver's Glaive, Shear applies Reaver's Mark, which causes the target to take 12% 7% increased damage for 20 sec. If cast after Soul Cleave, Reaver's Mark is increased to 24%. 14%.
  • Reaver's Mark Initial: When enhanced by Reaver's Glaive, Shear applies Reaver's Mark, which causes the target to take 12% 7% increased damage for 20 sec. If cast after Soul Cleave, Reaver's Mark is increased to 24%. 14%.
  • Rending Strike (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.
  • Rending Strike (Vengeance, Initial) Consuming 30 Consuming 20 Soul Fragments or casting The Hunt converts your next Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive.

  • Vengeance Demon Hunter Increases damage/healing by 15%: Art of the Glaive, Blazing Nova, Bulk Extraction, Burning Blades, Chaos Fragments, Chaos Nova, Collective Anguish, Consume Soul, Consuming Fire, Demon Spikes, Demonic Intensity, Demonic Trample, Demonsurge, Elysian Decree, Essence Sever, Eye Beam, Eye of Leotheras, Fel Desolation, Fel Devastation, Fel Rush, Felblade, Fiery Brand, Fracture, Illidan's Grasp, Illidan's Grasp: Throw, Immolation Aura, Infernal Armor, Infernal Strike, Reaver's Glaive, Retaliation, Sever, Shear, Sigil of Doom, Sigil of Flame, Sigil of Spite, Sinful Brand, Soul Carver, Soul Cleave, Soul Sunder, Soulscar, Spirit Bomb, Spirit Burst, The Hunt, Throw Glaive, Vengeful Bonds, Vengeful Retreat, Wounded Quarry Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Art of the Glaive, Blazing Nova, Bulk Extraction, Burning Blades, Chaos Fragments, Chaos Nova, Collective Anguish, Consume Soul, Consuming Fire, Demon Spikes, Demonic Intensity, Demonic Trample, Demonsurge, Elysian Decree, Essence Sever, Eye Beam, Eye of Leotheras, Fel Desolation, Fel Devastation, Fel Rush, Felblade, Fiery Brand, Fracture, Illidan's Grasp, Illidan's Grasp: Throw, Immolation Aura, Infernal Armor, Infernal Strike, Reaver's Glaive, Retaliation, Sever, Shear, Sigil of Doom, Sigil of Flame, Sigil of Spite, Sinful Brand, Soul Carver, Soul Cleave, Soul Sunder, Soulscar, Spirit Bomb, Spirit Burst, The Hunt, Throw Glaive, Vengeful Bonds, Vengeful Retreat, Wounded Quarry Decreases damage/healing by 35%: Any Means Necessary and Felblade Decreases damage/healing by 60%: Fel Eruption Increases damage/healing by 20%: Consume Soul, Fracture, Shear Demon Hunter - Vengeance Spec. Demon Hunter - Vengeance Spec.

Druid (Forums)

  • After the Wildfire Every 200 Every 300 Rage you spend causes a burst of restorative energy, healing allies within 12 yds for [ 600% of Attack Power ]. Instant.
  • Ashamane's Guidance During Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane and for 30 40 sec after it ends, your Rip and Rake each cause affected enemies to take 3% increased damage from your abilities.
  • Ashamane's Guidance During Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane and for 30 40 sec after it ends, your Rip and Rake each cause affected enemies to take 3% increased damage from your abilities. Instant.
  • Ashamane's Guidance Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane During Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane and for 30 40 sec after it ends, your Rip and Rake each cause affected enemies to take 3% increased damage from your abilities. Convoke the Spirits Convoke the Spirits' cooldown is reduced by 50% and its duration and number of spells cast is reduced by 25%. Convoke the Spirits has an increased chance to use an exceptional spell or ability.
  • Astral Communion Increases maximum Astral Power by 20. Entering Eclipse grants 20 Astral Power. Instant. 25 Astral Power. Instant.
  • Astral Communion Increases maximum Astral Power by 20. Entering Eclipse grants 20 Astral Power. 25 Astral Power.
  • Bestial Strength (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Maul and Raze damage increased by 10%. 20%.
  • Bestial Strength (Feral) Ferocious Bite damage increased by 8% 10% and Primal Wrath's direct damage increased by 50%. 60%.
  • Bestial Strength Feral: Ferocious Bite damage increased by 8% 10% and Primal Wrath's direct damage increased by 50%. 60%.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial) [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Guardian) Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for [ 265% [ 281% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Balance) Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial: [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Guardian) Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for [ 265% [ 281% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Feral) Balance, Feral: [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Guardian) Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for [ 265% [ 281% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Restoration, Initial) [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Balance) Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial: [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Guardian) Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for [ 265% [ 281% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Feral) Balance, Feral: [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Guardian) Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for [ 265% [ 281% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Boundless Moonlight (Restoration, Initial) [ Fury of Elune Fury of Elune now ends with a flash of energy, blasting nearby enemies for ( 265% 281% of Spell Power ) Astral damage.
  • Bounteous Bloom (Balance) Your Force of Nature treants generate 7 10 Astral Power every 2 sec.
  • Bounteous Bloom (Balance) Your Force of Nature treants generate 7 10 Astral Power every 2 sec.
  • Celestial Alignment Bring the celestial bodies into alignment over the target area, blasting all enemies for [ 200% of Spell Power + 2% [ 212% of Spell Power + 2.1% of Spell Power + 0% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and applying Stellar Flare to them. For 15 sec, both Eclipses are maintained and you gain 10% haste. Can't be cast in Travel Form, Aquatic Form, Flight Form. 40 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
  • Cenarius' Might (Balance) Entering Eclipse increases your Haste by 10% for 6 sec. 12% for 6 sec.
  • Cenarius' Might (Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Casting Swiftmend increases your Haste by 10% for 6 sec. 12% for 6 sec.
  • Cenarius' Might Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial: Casting Swiftmend increases your Haste by 10% for 6 sec. 12% for 6 sec.
  • Dreadful Wound (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes [ 30.3% [ 38% of Attack Power ] damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 10%.
  • Dreadful Wound (Feral) Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes [ 60% [ 70% of Attack Power ] damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 4%.
  • Dreadful Wound (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes [ 30.3% [ 38% of Attack Power ] damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 10%.
  • Dreadful Wound (Feral) Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes [ 60% [ 70% of Attack Power ] damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 4%.
  • Dreadful Wound Feral: Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes [ 60% [ 70% of Attack Power ] damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 4%.
  • Dreadful Wound (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes [ 30.3% [ 38% of Attack Power ] damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 10%.
  • Dreadful Wound (Feral) Ravage also inflicts a Bleed that causes [ 60% [ 70% of Attack Power ] damage over 6 sec and saps its victims' strength, reducing damage they deal to you by 4%.
  • Dream Burst (Balance) Force of Nature grants 3 charges of Dream Burst, causing your next Wrath or Starfire to explode on the target, dealing [ 240% of Attack Power + 1.2% [ 318% of Attack Power + 1.6% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to nearby enemies.
  • Dream of Cenarius Your next Regrowth heals for an additional 200% 130% and is free, instant, and castable in all forms. Instant.
  • Dream Surge (Balance) Force of Nature grants 3 charges of Dream Burst, causing your next Wrath or Starfire to explode on the target, dealing [ 240% of Attack Power + 1.2% [ 318% of Attack Power + 1.6% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to nearby enemies.
  • Embrace of the Dream Wild Growth momentarily shifts your mind into the Emerald Dream, instantly healing all allies affected by your Rejuvenation or Regrowth for [ 47.25% [ 70.88% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Embrace of the Dream Wild Growth momentarily shifts your mind into the Emerald Dream, instantly healing all allies affected by your Rejuvenation or Regrowth for [ 47.25% of Spell Power ]. Instant. [ 70.88% of Spell Power ]. Instant.
  • Embrace of the Dream Wild Growth momentarily shifts your mind into the Emerald Dream, instantly healing all allies affected by your Rejuvenation or Regrowth for [ 47.25% of Spell Power ]. [ 70.88% of Spell Power ].
  • Empowered Shapeshifting (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Shred and Swipe damage increased by 3%. 6%. Mangle damage increased by 10%. 15%.
  • Empowered Shapeshifting (Feral) Shred and Brutal Slash damage increased by 3%. 6%. Mangle damage increased by 10%. 15%.
  • Empowered Shapeshifting Shred and Brutal Slash damage increased by 3%. 6%. Mangle damage increased by 10%. 15%.
  • Feline Potential (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Feline Potential (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Feline Potential (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Feline Potential (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Ferocious Bite (Feral) Finishing move that causes Physical damage per combo point and consumes up to [ 20 [ 19 + 6.3% of Spell Power ] additional Energy to increase damage by up to 100%.
  • Full Moon Deals [ 420% Deals [ 445.2% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target and nearby enemies, and resets Full Moon to become New Moon. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Generates 40 Astral Power. 3 charges. Can't be cast in Cat Form, Tree of Life Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Flight Form. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast. 20 sec recharge. 3 charges.
  • Fungal Growth (Balance) After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 200% [ 254.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 113% [ 143.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Generates up to 16 20 Astral Power based on targets hit.
  • Fungal Growth (Feral) After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 200% [ 254.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 113% [ 143.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Generates up to 16 20 Astral Power based on targets hit.
  • Fungal Growth (Balance) After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 200% [ 254.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 113% [ 143.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Generates up to 16 20 Astral Power based on targets hit.
  • Fungal Growth (Feral) After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 200% [ 254.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 113% [ 143.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Generates up to 16 20 Astral Power based on targets hit.
  • Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [ 291.2% [ 308.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec within its area. Damage reduced on secondary targets. Generates 40 Astral Power over its duration. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [ 291.2% [ 308.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec within its area. Damage reduced on secondary targets. Generates 40 Astral Power over its duration. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [ 291.2% [ 308.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec within its area. Damage reduced on secondary targets. Generates 40 Astral Power over its duration. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [ 291.2% [ 308.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec within its area. Damage reduced on secondary targets. Generates 40 Astral Power over its duration. Limited to 1 target. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [ 291.2% [ 308.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec within its area. Damage reduced on secondary targets. Generates 40 Astral Power over its duration. 40 yd range. Instant. 0.5 sec cooldown.
  • Goldrinn's Fang Starsurge has a chance to summon the Spirit of Goldrinn, which immediately deals [ 85.2% of Spell Power + 0.9% [ 95.4% of Spell Power + 1% of Spell Power + 0% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target. 60 yd range. Instant.
  • Half Moon Deals [ 345% Deals [ 365.7% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target and empowers Half Moon to become Full Moon. Generates 20 Astral Power. 3 charges. Can't be cast in Cat Form, Tree of Life Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Flight Form. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 20 sec recharge. 3 charges.
  • Harmony of the Grove (Balance) Each of your Force of Nature treants increases damage your spells deal by 6% while active. 8% while active.
  • Harmony of the Grove (Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Each of your Grove Guardians increases your healing done by 6% while active. 5% while active.
  • Harmony of the Grove Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial: Each of your Grove Guardians increases your healing done by 6% while active. 5% while active.
  • Killing Strikes (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Ravage increases your Agility by 5% 8% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 8 sec.
  • Killing Strikes (Feral) Ravage increases your Agility by 5% 8% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 8 sec.
  • Killing Strikes (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Ravage increases your Agility by 5% 8% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 8 sec.
  • Killing Strikes (Feral) Ravage increases your Agility by 5% 8% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 8 sec.
  • Killing Strikes (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Ravage increases your Agility by 5% 8% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 8 sec.
  • Killing Strikes (Feral) Ravage increases your Agility by 5% 8% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 8 sec.
  • Killing Strikes Feral: Ravage increases your Agility by 5% 8% and the armor granted by Ironfur by 20% for 8 sec.
  • Orbital Strike (Balance) Celestial Alignment blasts all enemies in a targeted area for [ 200% of Spell Power + 2% [ 212% of Spell Power + 2.1% of Spell Power + 0% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and applies Stellar Flare to them.
  • Orbital Strike (Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Celestial Alignment blasts all enemies in a targeted area for [ 200% of Spell Power + 2% [ 212% of Spell Power + 2.1% of Spell Power + 0% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and applies Stellar Flare to them.
  • Orbital Strike Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial: Celestial Alignment blasts all enemies in a targeted area for [ 200% of Spell Power + 2% [ 212% of Spell Power + 2.1% of Spell Power + 0% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and applies Stellar Flare to them.
  • Orbital Strike (Balance) Celestial Alignment blasts all enemies in a targeted area for [ 200% of Spell Power + 2% [ 212% of Spell Power + 2.1% of Spell Power + 0% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and applies Stellar Flare to them.
  • Orbital Strike (Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Celestial Alignment blasts all enemies in a targeted area for [ 200% of Spell Power + 2% [ 212% of Spell Power + 2.1% of Spell Power + 0% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and applies Stellar Flare to them.
  • Power of Goldrinn Starsurge has a chance to summon the Spirit of Goldrinn, which immediately deals [ 85.2% of Spell Power + 0.9% [ 95.4% of Spell Power + 1% of Spell Power + 0% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target.
  • Power of the Archdruid Wild Growth has a 40% 60% chance to cause your next Rejuvenation or Regrowth to apply to 2 additional allies within 20 yards of the target. Instant.
  • Power of the Archdruid Wild Growth has a 40% 60% chance to cause your next Rejuvenation or Regrowth to apply to 2 additional allies within 20 yards of the target.
  • Ravage (Feral) 1 point: [ 37.8% [ 51% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 19.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 2 points: [ 75.5% [ 102% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 39.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc 3 points: [ 113.3% [ 153% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 59% of Attack Power ] in an arc 4 points: [ 151% [ 204% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 78.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 5 points: [ 188.8% [ 255% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 98.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc
  • Ravage (Feral) Finishing move that slashes through your target in a wide arc, dealing Physical damage per combo point to your target and consuming up to [ 20 [ 19 + 6.3% of Spell Power ] additional Energy to increase that damage by up to 100%. 1 point: [ 37.8% [ 51% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 19.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 2 points: [ 75.5% [ 102% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 39.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc 3 points: [ 113.3% [ 153% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 59% of Attack Power ] in an arc 4 points: [ 151% [ 204% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 78.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 5 points: [ 188.8% [ 255% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 98.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc
  • Ravage (Guardian) Ravage Slash through your target in a wide arc, dealing [ 158.4% [ 214% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to your target and [ 80% of Attack Power ] to all other enemies in front of you.
  • Ravage (Feral) 1 point: [ 37.8% [ 51% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 19.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 2 points: [ 75.5% [ 102% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 39.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc 3 points: [ 113.3% [ 153% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 59% of Attack Power ] in an arc 4 points: [ 151% [ 204% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 78.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 5 points: [ 188.8% [ 255% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 98.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc
  • Ravage (Feral) Finishing move that slashes through your target in a wide arc, dealing Physical damage per combo point to your target and consuming up to [ 20 [ 19 + 6.3% of Spell Power ] additional Energy to increase that damage by up to 100%. 1 point: [ 37.8% [ 51% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 19.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 2 points: [ 75.5% [ 102% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 39.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc 3 points: [ 113.3% [ 153% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 59% of Attack Power ] in an arc 4 points: [ 151% [ 204% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 78.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 5 points: [ 188.8% [ 255% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 98.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc
  • Ravage (Guardian) Ravage Slash through your target in a wide arc, dealing [ 158.4% [ 214% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to your target and [ 80% of Attack Power ] to all other enemies in front of you.
  • Ravage Slash through your target in a wide arc, dealing [ 158.4% [ 214% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to your target and [ 80% of Attack Power ] to all other enemies in front of you. Requires Bear Form. 40 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Ravage (Feral) 1 point: [ 37.8% [ 51% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 19.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 2 points: [ 75.5% [ 102% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 39.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc 3 points: [ 113.3% [ 153% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 59% of Attack Power ] in an arc 4 points: [ 151% [ 204% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 78.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 5 points: [ 188.8% [ 255% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 98.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc
  • Ravage (Feral) Finishing move that slashes through your target in a wide arc, dealing Physical damage per combo point to your target and consuming up to [ 20 [ 19 + 6.3% of Spell Power ] additional Energy to increase that damage by up to 100%. 1 point: [ 37.8% [ 51% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 19.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 2 points: [ 75.5% [ 102% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 39.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc 3 points: [ 113.3% [ 153% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 59% of Attack Power ] in an arc 4 points: [ 151% [ 204% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 78.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 5 points: [ 188.8% [ 255% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 98.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc
  • Ravage (Guardian) Ravage Slash through your target in a wide arc, dealing [ 158.4% [ 214% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to your target and [ 80% of Attack Power ] to all other enemies in front of you.
  • Ravage Ravage Slash through your target in a wide arc, dealing [ 158.4% [ 214% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to your target and [ 80% of Attack Power ] to all other enemies in front of you.
  • Ravage (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) 1 point: [ 37.8% [ 51% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 19.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 2 points: [ 75.5% [ 102% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 39.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc 3 points: [ 113.3% [ 153% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 59% of Attack Power ] in an arc 4 points: [ 151% [ 204% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 78.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 5 points: [ 188.8% [ 255% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 98.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc
  • Ravage (Feral) Finishing move that slashes through your target in a wide arc, dealing Physical damage per combo point to your target and consuming up to [ 20 [ 19 + 6.3% of Spell Power ] additional Energy to increase that damage by up to 100%. 1 point: [ 37.8% [ 51% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 19.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 2 points: [ 75.5% [ 102% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 39.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc 3 points: [ 113.3% [ 153% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 59% of Attack Power ] in an arc 4 points: [ 151% [ 204% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 78.7% of Attack Power ] in an arc 5 points: [ 188.8% [ 255% of Attack Power ] damage, [ 98.4% of Attack Power ] in an arc
  • Rejuvenation (Restoration) Tree of Life: Healing increased by 50% 40% and Mana cost reduced by 30%.
  • Rejuvenation (Germination) (Restoration) Tree of Life: Healing increased by 50% 40% and Mana cost reduced by 30%.
  • Ruthless Aggression Ravage increases your auto-attack speed by 20% for 6 sec. Instant. 35% for 6 sec. Instant.
  • Ruthless Aggression Ravage increases your auto-attack speed by 20% for 6 sec. 35% for 6 sec.
  • Savage Fury Tiger's Fury increases your Haste by 8% 10% and Energy recovery rate by 20% for 6 sec. 25% for 6 sec.
  • Savage Fury Tiger's Fury increases your Haste by 8% 10% and Energy recovery rate by 20% for 6 sec. Instant. 25% for 6 sec. Instant.
  • Shooting Stars Moonfire and Sunfire damage over time has a chance to call down a falling star, dealing [ 30% [ 31.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and generating 2 Astral Power.
  • Shooting Stars Moonfire and Sunfire damage over time has a chance to call down a falling star, dealing [ 30% [ 31.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and generating 2 Astral Power. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Starfall (Normal) Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 126% [ 133.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
  • Starfall (Aetherial Kindling) Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 126% [ 133.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
  • Starfall (Normal) Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 126% [ 133.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
  • Starfall (Aetherial Kindling) Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 126% [ 133.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
  • Starfall (Normal) Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 126% [ 133.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
  • Starfall (Aetherial Kindling) Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 126% [ 133.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
  • Starfall (Normal) Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 126% [ 133.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
  • Starfall (Aetherial Kindling) Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [ 126% [ 133.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
  • Starfire Call down a burst of energy, causing [ 87.5% [ 93% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and [ 30.6% [ 32.6% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 5 yards. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Can't be cast in Cat Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Flight Form. 0.6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
  • Starfire (Normal) Call down a burst of energy, causing [ 80% [ 84.8% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and [ 26.4% [ 28% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 10 yards.
  • Starfire (Lunar Calling) Call down a burst of energy, causing [ 80% [ 84.8% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and [ 16% [ 17% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 10 yards.
  • Starsurge Launch a surge of stellar energies at the target, dealing [ 177% [ 187.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. Also grants you Lunar and Solar Empowerments, which increase the damage of your next Lunar Strike or Solar Wrath by 0%, respectively. You can accumulate up to 0 of each Empowerment. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Can't be cast in Tree of Life Form. 4 Lunar Power. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Starsurge Launch a surge of stellar energies at the target, dealing [ 177% [ 187.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. Can't be cast in Cat Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Flight Form. 0.6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 10 sec cooldown.
  • Starsurge Launch a surge of stellar energies at the target, dealing [ 177% [ 187.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Can't be cast in Tree of Life Form. 40 Lunar Power. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Strike for the Heart (Balance, Restoration, Initial) Shred, Swipe, and Mangle's critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 6%. 10%.
  • Strike for the Heart (Feral) Shred, Brutal Slash, and Mangle's critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 6%. 10%.
  • Strike for the Heart (Guardian) Shred, Swipe, and Mangle's critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 6%. 10%.
  • Strike for the Heart (Balance, Restoration, Initial) Shred, Swipe, and Mangle's critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 6%. 10%.
  • Strike for the Heart (Feral) Shred, Brutal Slash, and Mangle's critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 6%. 10%.
  • Strike for the Heart (Guardian) Shred, Swipe, and Mangle's critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 6%. 10%.
  • Strike for the Heart Guardian: Shred, Swipe, and Mangle's critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 6%. 10%.
  • Tear Down the Mighty (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) The cooldown of Pulverize is reduced by 5 sec. 10 sec.
  • Tear Down the Mighty (Feral) The cooldown of Feral Frenzy is reduced by 5 sec. 10 sec.
  • Tear Down the Mighty Feral: The cooldown of Feral Frenzy is reduced by 5 sec. 10 sec.
  • The Light of Elune (Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial) Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy, dealing [ 109.2% [ 115.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 3 sec within its area.
  • The Light of Elune (Guardian) Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy, dealing [ 109.2% [ 115.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 3 sec within its area.
  • Thrash (Normal) Strikes all nearby enemies, dealing [ 26.3% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 63.25% [ 66.5% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 15 sec.
  • Thrash (Lunar Calling) Strikes all nearby enemies, dealing [ 26.3% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and an additional [ 63.25% [ 66.5% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage over 15 sec.
  • Thrash (Normal) Strikes all nearby enemies, dealing [ 26.3% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 63.25% [ 66.5% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 15 sec.
  • Thrash (Lunar Calling) Strikes all nearby enemies, dealing [ 26.3% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and an additional [ 63.25% [ 66.5% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage over 15 sec.
  • Thrash (Normal) Strikes all nearby enemies, dealing [ 26.3% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 63.25% [ 66.5% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 15 sec.
  • Thrash (Lunar Calling) Strikes all nearby enemies, dealing [ 26.3% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and an additional [ 63.25% [ 66.5% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage over 15 sec.
  • Twin Moonfire Moonfire deals 10% 8% increased damage and also hits another nearby enemy within 15 yds of the target.
  • Umbral Inspiration Consuming Umbral Embrace increases the damage of your Moonfire, Sunfire, Stellar Flare, Shooting Stars, and Starfall by 30% for 6 sec. Instant. 35% for 6 sec. Instant.
  • Umbral Inspiration Consuming Umbral Embrace increases the damage of your Moonfire, Sunfire, Stellar Flare, Shooting Stars, and Starfall by 30% for 6 sec. 35% for 6 sec.
  • Ursine Potential (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Ursine Potential (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Ursine Potential (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Ursine Potential (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Verdancy When Lifebloom blooms, up to 3 targets within your Efflorescence are healed for [ 97.2% [ 77.76% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Verdancy When Lifebloom blooms, up to 3 targets within your Efflorescence are healed for [ 97.2% of Spell Power ]. [ 77.76% of Spell Power ].
  • Wild Growth Heals up to 5 injured allies within 40 yards of the target for [ 47.6% [ 38.08% of Spell Power ] over 7 sec. Healing starts high and declines over the duration. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
  • Wild Mushroom Grow a magical mushroom at the target enemy's location. After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 200% [ 254.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 113% [ 143.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Affected targets are slowed by 50%. Generates up to 16 20 Astral Power based on targets hit. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Wild Mushroom Grow a magical mushroom at the target enemy's location. After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 200% [ 254.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 113% [ 143.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Affected targets are slowed by 50%. Generates up to 16 20 Astral Power based on targets hit. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Wild Mushroom Grow a magical mushroom at the target enemy's location. After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing [ 200% [ 254.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then an additional [ 113% [ 143.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 10 sec. Affected targets are slowed by 50%. Generates up to 16 20 Astral Power based on targets hit. 3 charges. Can be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec recharge. 3 charges.
  • Wild Synthesis Nourish Regrowth decreases the cast time of your next Nourish by 33% and causes it to receive an additional 33% bonus from Mastery: Harmony. Stacks up to 3 times. Grove Guardians Treants from Grove Guardians also cast Wild Growth immediately when summoned, healing 5 allies within 40 yds for [ 47.6% [ 38.08% of Spell Power ] over 7 sec. Instant.
  • Wild Synthesis Nourish Regrowth decreases the cast time of your next Nourish by 33% and causes it to receive an additional 33% bonus from Mastery: Harmony. Stacks up to 3 times. Grove Guardians Treants from Grove Guardians also cast Wild Growth immediately when summoned, healing 5 allies within 40 yds for [ 47.6% [ 38.08% of Spell Power ] over 7 sec.
  • Wildpower Surge (Balance) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Balance) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Balance, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) When you have 6 stacks, the next time you transform into Cat Form, gain 5 combo points and your next Ferocious Bite or Rip deals 100% 225% increased damage for its full duration.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 200% 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 50% increased damage. 75% increased damage.
  • Wrath (Balance, Feral, Guardian, Initial) Hurl a ball of energy at the target, dealing [ 57.75% [ 61.22% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Wrath (Restoration) Hurl a ball of energy at the target, dealing [ 57.75% [ 61.22% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.

  • Balance Druid Increases damage/healing by 75%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases damage/healing by 15%: Swiftmend Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life, Rejuvenation, Rejuvenation (Germination), Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 6%: Moondust, Moonfire, Twin Moons Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Moondust, Moonfire, Twin Moons Druid - Balance Spec. Druid - Balance Spec.
  • Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [ 291.2% [ 308.8% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec within its area. Damage reduced on secondary targets. Generates 40 Astral Power over its duration. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Balance Druid - Level 50 Talent. Balance Druid - Level 50 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
  • New Moon Deals [ 244% Deals [ 258.6% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target and empowers New Moon to become Half Moon. Generates 10 Astral Power. 3 charges. Can't be cast in Cat Form, Tree of Life Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Flight Form. Balance Druid - Level 50 Talent. Balance Druid - Level 50 Talent. 40 yd range. 1 sec cast. 20 sec recharge. 1 sec global cooldown. 3 charges.
  • Stellar Flare Burns the target for [ 17.8% [ 18.9% of Spell Power ] Astral damage, and then an additional [ 150% [ 159.6% of Spell Power ] damage over 24 sec. If dispelled, causes [ 222.6% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and blasts them upwards. Generates 12 Astral Power. Balance Druid - Level 45 Talent. Balance Druid - Level 45 Talent. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Wrath Hurl a ball of energy at the target, dealing [ 70% [ 74.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Generates 0 Astral Power. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Druid - Balance Spec. Druid - Balance Spec. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.

  • Feral Druid Increases damage/healing by 15%: Swiftmend Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life, Rejuvenation, Rejuvenation (Germination), Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 75%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 5% 10%: Improved Prowl, Infected Wounds, Pouncing Strikes, Rake Increases periodic damage/healing by 10% 15%: Rip Druid - Feral Spec. Druid - Feral Spec.
  • Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane An improved Cat Form that grants all of your known Berserk effects and lasts 20 sec. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Cat Form for its duration. During Incarnation: Energy cost of all Cat Form abilities is reduced by [ 20 [ 25 + 25% of Spell Power ]%, and Prowl can be used once while in combat. Feral Druid - Level 40 Talent. Feral Druid - Level 40 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown.

  • Guardian Druid Increases damage/healing by 58% 90%: Architect's Aligner, Brambles, Dreadful Wound, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Maul, Pulverize, Ravage, Raze, Razing Flame, Swipe, Thorns of Iron, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 58% 90%: Architect's Aligner, Brambles, Dreadful Wound, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Maul, Pulverize, Ravage, Raze, Razing Flame, Swipe, Thorns of Iron, Thrash Increases damage/healing by 75%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases damage/healing by 268%: Thrash Increases damage/healing by 15%: Swiftmend Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life, Rejuvenation, Rejuvenation (Germination), Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 2%: Moondust, Moonfire, Scintillating Moonlight Increases periodic damage/healing by 2%: Moondust, Moonfire, Scintillating Moonlight Druid - Guardian Spec. Druid - Guardian Spec.

  • Flourish Extends the duration of all of your heal over time effects on friendly targets within 60 yards by 6 sec, and increases the rate of your heal over time effects by 25% for 6 8 sec. Can't be cast in Moonkin Form. Restoration Druid - Level 50 Talent. Restoration Druid - Level 50 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Incarnation: Tree of Life Shapeshift into the Tree of Life, increasing healing done by 15% 10%, increasing armor by 120%, and granting protection from Polymorph effects. Functionality of Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, Regrowth, Entangling Roots, and Wrath is enhanced. Lasts 30 sec. You may shapeshift in and out of this form for its duration. Restoration Druid - Level 40 Talent. Restoration Druid - Level 40 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
  • Nourish Heals a friendly target for [ 223% [ 446% of Spell Power ]. Receives 300% bonus from Mastery: Harmony. Can't be cast in Cat Form, Travel Form, Aquatic Form, Bear Form, Dire Bear Form, Moonkin Form. Restoration Druid - Level 15 Talent. Restoration Druid - Level 15 Talent. 3.6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Restoration Druid Restoration Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 71%: Enraged Mangle, Ferocious Bite, Improved Prowl, Improved Shred, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Infected Wounds, Lunar Calling, Mangle, Merciless Claws, Moondust, Moonfire, Pouncing Strikes, Rake, Ravage, Rip, Shred, Starfire, Starsurge, Swipe, Thrash, Thrashing Claws, Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 71%: Enraged Mangle, Ferocious Bite, Improved Prowl, Improved Shred, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Infected Wounds, Lunar Calling, Mangle, Merciless Claws, Moondust, Moonfire, Pouncing Strikes, Rake, Ravage, Rip, Shred, Starfire, Starsurge, Swipe, Thrash, Thrashing Claws, Wrath Increases damage/healing by 44%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 44%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 110%: Incarnation: Tree of Life, Rejuvenation, Rejuvenation (Germination) Increases damage/healing by 90% 79%: Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lunar Calling, Starfire, Wrath Increases periodic damage/healing by 44%: Incarnation: Tree of Life and Wild Growth Increases periodic damage/healing by 76% 50%: Rip Increases damage/healing by 73% 47%: Ferocious Bite and Ravage Increases damage/healing by 74% 48%: Improved Prowl, Improved Shred, Merciless Claws, Pouncing Strikes, Shred, Thrashing Claws Increases damage/healing by 24% 5%: Improved Prowl, Infected Wounds, Pouncing Strikes, Rake Increases periodic damage/healing by 44% 22%: Improved Prowl, Infected Wounds, Pouncing Strikes, Rake Druid - Restoration Spec. Druid - Restoration Spec.

Evoker (Forums)

  • Ebon Might (Normal) Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Ebon Might (Breath of Eons) Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Ebon Might (Normal) Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Ebon Might (Breath of Eons) Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Ebon Might (Normal) Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Ebon Might (Breath of Eons) Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Ebon Might (Normal) Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Ebon Might (Breath of Eons) Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Ebon Might Breath of Eons: Increase your 4 nearest allies' primary stat by [ 6.5 [ 5 + (0).1 ]% of your own, and cause you to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec.
  • Hardened Scales Obsidian Scales reduces damage taken by an additional 5%. Black. Black. 10%. Black. Black.

  • Close as Clutchmates Ebon Might and Breath of Eons are 10% 0% more effective when not in a raid. Evoker - Augmentation Spec. Evoker - Augmentation Spec.

Hunter (Forums)

  • Bird of Prey Heal for [ 24.8% [ 26% of Attack Power ] 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Black Arrow (Beast Mastery) Fire a Black Arrow into your target, dealing [ 360% [ 720% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec.
  • Black Arrow (Marksmanship) Fire a Black Arrow into your target, dealing [ 360% [ 720% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec.
  • Black Arrow (Survival, Initial) Fire a Black Arrow into your target, dealing [ 360% [ 720% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec.
  • Black Arrow (Beast Mastery) Fire a Black Arrow into your target, dealing [ 360% [ 720% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec.
  • Black Arrow (Marksmanship) Fire a Black Arrow into your target, dealing [ 360% [ 720% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec.
  • Black Arrow (Survival, Initial) Fire a Black Arrow into your target, dealing [ 360% [ 720% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec.
  • Flanking Strike After casting Kill Command 3 times, your next Kill Command is replaced with a Flanking Strike. Flanking Strike You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [ Attack Power + 285% 282% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike and Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear.
  • Flanking Strike You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [ Attack Power + 285% 282% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike and Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Flanking Strike You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [ Attack Power + 285% 282% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike and Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Flanking Strike You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [ Attack Power + 285% 282% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike and Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Huntmaster's Call Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle. Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. Instant. 8% Haste. Instant.
  • Huntmaster's Call Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle. Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. 8% Haste.
  • Internal Bleeding (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Internal Bleeding (Survival) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Laceration When your pets critically strike, they cause their target to bleed for 15% 5% of the damage dealt over 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Laceration When your pets critically strike, they cause their target to bleed for 15% 5% of the damage dealt over 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Laceration When your pets critically strike, they cause their target to bleed for 15% 5% of the damage dealt over 6 sec.
  • Merciless Blows Casting Butchery makes your next Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite hit 3 targets. 100 yd range. Instant. Instant.
  • Mongoose Bite Replaces Raptor Strike. A brutal attack that deals [ 202% [ 212.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% for 14 sec, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Mongoose Bite A brutal attack that deals [ 202% [ 212.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% for 14 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Successive attacks do not increase duration. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 30 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Mongoose Fury A brutal attack that deals [ 202% [ 212.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% for 14 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Instant.
  • Pheromone Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in pheromones, causing them to suffer [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Kill Command has a 100% chance to reset against targets coated with Pheromone Bomb. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Pheromone Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in pheromones, causing them to suffer [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Kill Command has a 100% chance to reset against targets coated with Pheromone Bomb. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Pheromone Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in pheromones, causing them to suffer [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Kill Command has a 100% chance to reset against targets coated with Pheromone Bomb. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Pheromone Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in pheromones, causing them to suffer [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Kill Command has a 100% chance to reset against targets coated with Pheromone Bomb. 1 charge. 40 yd range. Instant. 18 sec recharge. 1 charge.
  • Raptor Strike A vicious slash dealing [ 248% [ 260% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 30 Focus. Melee range. Instant.
  • Raptor Strike A vicious slash dealing [ 248% [ 260% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 30 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Scorching Wildfire Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 74.1% [ 55.5% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for [ 148.2% [ 108% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Shrapnel Bomb (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Shrapnel Bomb (Survival) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Shrapnel Bomb (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Shrapnel Bomb (Survival) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Shrapnel Bomb (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Shrapnel Bomb (Survival) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Shrapnel Bomb (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Shrapnel Bomb (Survival) Deals 40% Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
  • Stomp When you cast Barbed Shot, your pet stomps the ground, dealing [ 52.2% [ 47.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all nearby enemies. Instant.
  • Summon Fenryr Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle. Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. Instant. 8% Haste. Instant.
  • Summon Hati Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle. Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. Instant. 8% Haste. Instant.
  • Violent Reaction Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in volatile wildfire, scorching them for [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Volatile Bomb reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Volatile Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in volatile wildfire, scorching them for [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Volatile Bomb reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Volatile Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in volatile wildfire, scorching them for [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Volatile Bomb reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Volatile Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in volatile wildfire, scorching them for [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Volatile Bomb reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Volatile Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 78% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in volatile wildfire, scorching them for [ 156% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Volatile Bomb reacts violently with poison, causing an extra [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage against enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting, and applies Serpent Sting to up to 3 targets. 1 charge. 40 yd range. Instant. 18 sec recharge. 1 charge.
  • Wailing Arrow Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle. Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. Instant. 8% Haste. Instant.
  • Wildfire Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 74.1% [ 55.5% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for [ 148.2% [ 108% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Wildfire Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 74.1% [ 55.5% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for [ 148.2% [ 108% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. 1 charge. 10 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. 18 sec recharge. 1 charge.
  • Wildfire Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 74.1% [ 55.5% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for [ 148.2% [ 108% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Wildfire Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 74.1% [ 55.5% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for [ 148.2% [ 108% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Wildfire Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 74.1% [ 55.5% of Attack Power ] Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for [ 148.2% [ 108% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 40% 80% increased damage to your primary target. 100 yd range. Instant.

Beast Mastery
  • Beast Mastery Hunter Increases damage/healing by 50%: Volley Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Vicious Hunt Hunter - Beast Mastery Spec. Hunter - Beast Mastery Spec.
  • Stomp When you cast Barbed Shot, your pet stomps the ground, dealing [ 52.2% [ 47.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all nearby enemies. Beast Mastery Hunter - Level 45 Talent. Beast Mastery Hunter - Level 45 Talent.

  • Flanking Strike You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [ Attack Power + 285% 282% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike and Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Survival Hunter - Level 45 Talent. Survival Hunter - Level 45 Talent. 15 Focus. 15 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
  • Mongoose Bite A brutal attack that deals [ 202% [ 212.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% for 14 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Survival Hunter - Level 45 Talent. Survival Hunter - Level 45 Talent. 30 Focus. Melee range. Instant.
  • Survival Hunter Decreases damage/healing by 50%: Auto Shot Increases damage/healing by 10% 5%: Explosive Shot Increases periodic damage/healing by 36%: Latent Poison, Poison Injection, Serpent Sting, Serpentstalker's Trickery, Venom's Bite, Viper's Venom Increases damage/healing by 50%: Vicious Hunt Hunter - Survival Spec. Hunter - Survival Spec.

Mage (Forums)

  • Arcane Assault Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing [ 10.06% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Arcane Barrage Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing [ 96% [ 130% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Arcane Blast Blasts the target with energy, dealing [ 82.72% [ 77.8% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Generates an Arcane Charge. Arcane Blast's damage is increased by 60% per Arcane Charge, and its mana cost is increased by 90% per Arcane Charge. 0.1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
  • Arcane Blast Blasts the target with energy, dealing [ 82.72% [ 77.8% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Generates an Arcane Charge. Arcane Blast's damage is increased by 60% per Arcane Charge, and its mana cost is increased by 90% per Arcane Charge. 8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Arcane Surge Expend all of your current mana to annihilate your enemy target and nearby enemies for up to [ 800% [ 1,040% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage based on Mana spent. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. For the next 15 sec, your Mana regeneration is increased by 425% and spell damage is increased by 35%. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. 1.5 min cooldown.
  • Controlled Instincts (Fire, Frost, Initial) While a target is under the effects of Blizzard, 20% 30% of the direct damage dealt by a Frost Splinter is also dealt to nearby enemies.
  • Controlled Instincts Fire, Frost, Initial: While a target is under the effects of Blizzard, 20% 30% of the direct damage dealt by a Frost Splinter is also dealt to nearby enemies.
  • Controlled Instincts (Fire, Frost, Initial) While a target is under the effects of Blizzard, 20% 30% of the direct damage dealt by a Frost Splinter is also dealt to nearby enemies.
  • Controlled Instincts (Fire, Frost, Initial) While a target is under the effects of Blizzard, 20% 30% of the direct damage dealt by a Frost Splinter is also dealt to nearby enemies.
  • Controlled Instincts (Fire, Frost, Initial) While a target is under the effects of Blizzard, 20% 30% of the direct damage dealt by a Frost Splinter is also dealt to nearby enemies.
  • Controlled Instincts (Fire, Frost, Initial) While a target is under the effects of Blizzard, 20% 30% of the direct damage dealt by a Frost Splinter is also dealt to nearby enemies.
  • Death's Chill While Icy Veins is active, damaging an enemy with Frostbolt increases spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 12 times. 1%. Stacks up to 15 times.
  • Death's Chill While Icy Veins is active, damaging an enemy with Frostbolt increases spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 12 times. Instant. 1%. Stacks up to 15 times. Instant.
  • Death's Chill While Icy Veins is active, damaging an enemy with Frostbolt increases spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 12 times. Instant. 1%. Stacks up to 15 times. Instant.
  • Explosive Ingenuity Your chance of gaining Lit Fuse when consuming Hot Streak is increased by 5% 3%. Living Bomb damage increased by 25%.
  • Flamestrike (Arcane, Frost, Initial) Calls down a pillar of fire, burning all enemies within the area for [ 96% [ 130% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Deals reduced damage beyond [ 96% of Spell Power ] targets. [ 130% of Spell Power ] targets.
  • Flamestrike (Fire) Calls down a pillar of fire, burning all enemies within the area for [ 96% [ 130% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Deals reduced damage beyond [ 96% of Spell Power ] targets. [ 130% of Spell Power ] targets.
  • Flurry (Normal) Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Flurry (Glacial Assault) Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Flurry (Normal) Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Flurry (Glacial Assault) Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Flurry (Normal) Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Flurry (Glacial Assault) Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Improved Scorch Casting Scorch on targets below 30% health increase the target's damage taken from you by 6% 7% for 12 sec. This effect stacks up to 2 times.
  • Improved Scorch Casting Scorch on targets below 30% health increase the target's damage taken from you by 6% 7% for 12 sec. This effect stacks up to 2 times. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Lit Fuse Consuming Hot Streak has a 8% 4% chance to grant you Lit Fuse. Lit Fuse: Your next Fire Blast turns up to 1 nearby targets into a Living Bomb that explodes after 2 sec, dealing [ 60% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Up to 3 enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Lit Fuse Consuming Hot Streak has a 8% 4% chance to grant you Lit Fuse. Lit Fuse: Your next Fire Blast turns up to 1 nearby targets into a Living Bomb that explodes after 2 sec, dealing [ 60% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Up to 3 enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. 40 yd range.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 60% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 45% [ 11.25% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Unlimited range. Instant. Limited to 8 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 45% [ 11.25% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 45% [ 11.25% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. 100 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 45% [ 11.25% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 60% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Limited to 8 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 60% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 60% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Limited to 8 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 60% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Limited to 8 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Ray of Frost Channel an icy beam at the enemy for 5 sec, dealing [ 195.4% [ 215% of Spell Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec and slowing movement by 60%. Each time Ray of Frost deals damage, its damage and snare increases by 10%. Generates 2 charges of Fingers of Frost over its duration. Instant.
  • Ray of Frost Channel an icy beam at the enemy for 5 sec, dealing [ 195.4% [ 215% of Spell Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec and slowing movement by 60%. Each time Ray of Frost deals damage, its damage and snare increases by 10%. Generates 2 charges of Fingers of Frost over its duration. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Scorch (Normal) Scorches an enemy for [ 24.4% [ 30% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Scorch (Scald) Scorches an enemy for [ 24.4% [ 30% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Spellfrost Teachings (Arcane) Direct damage from Arcane Splinters has a small chance to launch an Arcane Orb at 100% 50% effectiveness and increase all damage dealt by Arcane Orb by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Spellfrost Teachings (Arcane) Direct damage from Arcane Splinters has a small chance to launch an Arcane Orb at 100% 50% effectiveness and increase all damage dealt by Arcane Orb by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Spellfrost Teachings (Arcane) Direct damage from Arcane Splinters has a small chance to launch an Arcane Orb at 100% 50% effectiveness and increase all damage dealt by Arcane Orb by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Sunfury Execution (Fire, Frost, Initial) Scorch Normal: Scorches an enemy for [ 24.4% [ 30% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Sunfury Execution (Scald) Scorches an enemy for [ 24.4% [ 30% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Sunfury Execution Scald: Scorches an enemy for [ 24.4% [ 30% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Testing 01 Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target $1 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage. Each hit reduces the target's movement speed by 70% for 1 sec. While Brain Freeze is active, Flurry also applies Winter's Chill to the target. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Volatile Magic (Fire, Frost, Initial) Whenever an Embedded Frost Splinter is removed, it explodes, dealing [ 5% [ 10% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to nearby enemies.
  • Volatile Magic (Fire, Frost, Initial) Whenever an Embedded Frost Splinter is removed, it explodes, dealing [ 5% [ 10% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to nearby enemies.
  • Volatile Magic (Fire, Frost, Initial) Whenever an Embedded Frost Splinter is removed, it explodes, dealing [ 5% [ 10% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to nearby enemies.
  • Winter's Chill (Normal) Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Winter's Chill (Glacial Assault) Unleash a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 142.8% [ 178.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.

  • Arcane Barrage Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing [ 42% [ 38.6% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. For each Arcane Charge, deals 90% additional damage, grants you 1.5% of your maximum mana,. Consumes all Arcane Charges. Mage - Arcane Spec. Mage - Arcane Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Arcane Blast Blasts the target with energy, dealing [ 82.72% [ 77.8% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Each Arcane Charge increases damage by 60% and mana cost by 100%, and reduces cast time by 8%. Generates 1 Arcane Charge. Mage - Arcane Spec. Mage - Arcane Spec. 2.75% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast.
  • Mastery: Savant Increases your Mana regeneration rate and maximum Mana by [ 120% of Spell Power ]%. Arcane Charges increase the damage of Arcane Blast by an additional [ 60% [ 90% of Spell Power ]% and Arcane Barrage by [ 30% [ 60% of Spell Power ]%. Increases all other Arcane damage by 0.0% Mage - Arcane Spec. Mage - Arcane Spec.

  • Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 60% [ 15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Fire Mage - Level 45 Talent. Fire Mage - Level 45 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.

  • Ray of Frost Channel an icy beam at the enemy for 5 sec, dealing [ 195.4% [ 215% of Spell Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec and slowing movement by 60%. Each time Ray of Frost deals damage, its damage and snare increases by 10%. Generates 2 charges of Fingers of Frost over its duration. Frost Mage - Level 50 Talent. Frost Mage - Level 50 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 5 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown.

Monk (Forums)

  • Brawler's Intensity The cooldown of Rising Sun Kick is reduced by 1.0 sec and the damage of Blackout Kick is increased by 15%. 12%.
  • Celestial Conduit (Windwalker) The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate [ 5,500% of Attack Power ] Nature damage onto enemies and [ 6,000% [ 5,500% of Spell Power ] healing onto up to 5 injured allies within 15 yds over 4 sec, split evenly among them.
  • Celestial Conduit (Mistweaver) The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate [ 6,000% [ 5,500% of Spell Power ] healing onto up to 5 injured allies and [ 5,500% of Attack Power ] Nature damage onto enemies within 20 yds over 4 sec, split evenly among them.
  • Celestial Conduit (Windwalker) The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate [ 5,500% of Attack Power ] Nature damage onto enemies and [ 6,000% [ 5,500% of Spell Power ] healing onto up to 5 injured allies within 15 yds over 4 sec, split evenly among them.
  • Celestial Conduit (Mistweaver) The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate [ 6,000% [ 5,500% of Spell Power ] healing onto up to 5 injured allies and [ 5,500% of Attack Power ] Nature damage onto enemies within 20 yds over 4 sec, split evenly among them.
  • Celestial Conduit (Windwalker) The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate [ 5,500% of Attack Power ] Nature damage onto enemies and [ 6,000% [ 5,500% of Spell Power ] healing onto up to 5 injured allies within 15 yds over 4 sec, split evenly among them.
  • Celestial Conduit (Mistweaver) The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate [ 6,000% [ 5,500% of Spell Power ] healing onto up to 5 injured allies and [ 5,500% of Attack Power ] Nature damage onto enemies within 20 yds over 4 sec, split evenly among them.
  • Celestial Conduit (Windwalker) The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate [ 5,500% of Attack Power ] Nature damage onto enemies and [ 6,000% [ 5,500% of Spell Power ] healing onto up to 5 injured allies within 15 yds over 4 sec, split evenly among them.
  • Celestial Conduit (Mistweaver) The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate [ 6,000% [ 5,500% of Spell Power ] healing onto up to 5 injured allies and [ 5,500% of Attack Power ] Nature damage onto enemies within 20 yds over 4 sec, split evenly among them.
  • Chi Surge Triggering a bonus attack from Press the Advantage or casting Weapons of Order releases a surge of chi at your target's location, dealing Nature damage split evenly between all targets over 8 sec. Press the Advantage: Deals [ 450% [ 517.5% of Attack Power * (50) / (100) ] Nature damage. Weapons of Order: Deals [ 450% [ 517.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and reduces the cooldown of Weapons of Order by 4 for each affected enemy, to a maximum of 20 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Chi Surge Triggering a bonus attack from Press the Advantage or casting Weapons of Order releases a surge of chi at your target's location, dealing Nature damage split evenly between all targets over 8 sec. Press the Advantage: Deals [ 450% [ 517.5% of Attack Power * (50) / (100) ] Nature damage. Weapons of Order: Deals [ 450% [ 517.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and reduces the cooldown of Weapons of Order by 4 for each affected enemy, to a maximum of 20 sec.
  • Communion With Wind Strike of the Windlord's cooldown is reduced by 10 sec and its damage is increased by 80%. 100%.
  • Crane Stance You switch between alignments after an August Celestial assists you, increasing a corresponding secondary stat by 3% 2%. Crane Stance: Haste Tiger Stance: Critical Strike Ox Stance: Versatility Serpent Stance: Mastery Instant.
  • Crane Vortex Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 20% 30% and its radius is increased by 15%.
  • Darting Hurricane After you cast Strike of the Windlord, the global cooldown of your next 2 Tiger Palms is reduced by 50%. Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to grant 1 stack of Darting Hurricane. Approximately 2 procs per minute. 4 procs per minute.
  • Hardened Soles Blackout Kick critical strike chance increased by 5% 10% and critical damage increased by 10%. 18%.
  • Inner Compass You switch between alignments after an August Celestial assists you, increasing a corresponding secondary stat by 3% 2%. Crane Stance: Haste Tiger Stance: Critical Strike Ox Stance: Versatility Serpent Stance: Mastery
  • Jade Bond (Normal) Abilities that activate Gust of Mist reduce the cooldown on Invoke Yul'on, the Jade Serpent by 0.3 0.5 sec, and Chi-Ji's Gusts of Mists healing is increased by 60% and Yu'lon's Soothing Breath healing is increased by 300%. 500%.
  • Jade Bond Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane: Abilities that activate Gust of Mist reduce the cooldown on Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane by 0.3 0.5 sec, and Chi-Ji's Gusts of Mists healing is increased by 60% and Yu'lon's Soothing Breath healing is increased by 300%. 500%.
  • Mantra of Purity (Brewmaster) Purifying Brew removes 10% additional Stagger and causes you to absorb up to [ 170% of Attack Power ] incoming Stagger. Attack Power incoming Stagger.
  • Mantra of Purity (Brewmaster) Purifying Brew removes 10% additional Stagger and causes you to absorb up to [ 170% of Attack Power ] incoming Stagger. Attack Power incoming Stagger.
  • Mantra of Purity (Brewmaster) Purifying Brew removes 10% additional Stagger and causes you to absorb up to [ 170% of Attack Power ] incoming Stagger. Attack Power incoming Stagger.
  • Martial Mixture Blackout Kick increases the damage of your next Tiger Palm by 10%, stacking up to 12 times. 8%, stacking up to 30 times.
  • Martial Mixture Blackout Kick increases the damage of your next Tiger Palm by 10%, stacking up to 12 times. Instant. 8%, stacking up to 30 times. Instant.
  • Memory of the Monastery Tiger Palm's chance to activate Blackout Kick! is increased by 15% 25% and consuming Teachings of the Monastery grants you 1.0% haste for 5 sec equal to the amount of stacks consumed. Instant.
  • Memory of the Monastery Tiger Palm's chance to activate Blackout Kick! is increased by 15% 25% and consuming Teachings of the Monastery grants you 1.0% haste for 5 sec equal to the amount of stacks consumed.
  • Meridian Strikes When you Combo Strike, the cooldown of Touch of Death is reduced by 0.35 0.60 sec. Touch of Death deals an additional 15% damage.
  • Ox Stance You switch between alignments after an August Celestial assists you, increasing a corresponding secondary stat by 3% 2%. Crane Stance: Haste Tiger Stance: Critical Strike Ox Stance: Versatility Serpent Stance: Mastery Instant.
  • Rising Star Rising Sun Kick damage increased by 10% 15% and critical strike damage increased by 10%.
  • Serpent Stance You switch between alignments after an August Celestial assists you, increasing a corresponding secondary stat by 3% 2%. Crane Stance: Haste Tiger Stance: Critical Strike Ox Stance: Versatility Serpent Stance: Mastery Instant.
  • Tear of Morning Casting Vivify or Enveloping Mist on a target with Renewing Mist has a 10% chance to spread the Renewing Mist to another target. Your Vivify healing through Renewing Mist is increased by 15% 10% and your Enveloping Mist also heals allies with Renewing Mist for 12% of its healing. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Tear of Morning Casting Vivify or Enveloping Mist on a target with Renewing Mist has a 10% chance to spread the Renewing Mist to another target. Your Vivify healing through Renewing Mist is increased by 15% 10% and your Enveloping Mist also heals allies with Renewing Mist for 12% of its healing. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Tear of Morning Casting Vivify or Enveloping Mist on a target with Renewing Mist has a 10% chance to spread the Renewing Mist to another target. Your Vivify healing through Renewing Mist is increased by 15% 10% and your Enveloping Mist also heals allies with Renewing Mist for 12% of its healing.
  • Temple Training (Mistweaver) The healing of Enveloping Mist and Vivify is increased by 10%. 6%.
  • Temple Training Mistweaver: The healing of Enveloping Mist and Vivify is increased by 10%. 6%.
  • Tiger Stance You switch between alignments after an August Celestial assists you, increasing a corresponding secondary stat by 3% 2%. Crane Stance: Haste Tiger Stance: Critical Strike Ox Stance: Versatility Serpent Stance: Mastery Instant.
  • Touch of the Tiger Tiger Palm damage increased by 25%. 40%.
  • Xuen's Bond Abilities cast by you or your Storm, Earth, and Fire clones that activate Combo Strikes reduce the cooldown of Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger by 0.25 sec, and Xuen's damage is increased by 15%. 30%.
  • Xuen's Bond Abilities cast by you or your Storm, Earth, and Fire clones that activate Combo Strikes reduce the cooldown of Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger by 0.25 sec, and Xuen's damage is increased by 15%. Instant. 30%. Instant.
  • Yu'lon's Whisper While channeling Mana Tea you exhale the breath of Yu'lon, healing up to 5 allies within 15 yards for [ 3.5% [ 4.55% of Spell Power ] every 0.5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Yu'lon's Whisper While channeling Mana Tea you exhale the breath of Yu'lon, healing up to 5 allies within 15 yards for [ 3.5% [ 4.55% of Spell Power ] every 0.5 sec. Instant.
  • Yu'lon's Whisper While channeling Mana Tea you exhale the breath of Yu'lon, healing up to 5 allies within 15 yards for [ 3.5% [ 4.55% of Spell Power ] every 0.5 sec. 100 yd range.

  • Brewmaster Monk Increases damage/healing by 15%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Celestial Conduit, Chi Burst, Chi Explosion, Chi Orbit, Chi Surge, Chi Wave, Corrosive Dosage, Courage of the White Tiger, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crackling Jade Shock, Cyclone Strikes, Dual Threat, Echoing Reverberation, Exploding Keg, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Fists of Insane Fury, Flight of the Red Crane, Flurry of Xuen, Flying Serpent Kick, Glory of the Dawn, Jade Ignition, Jadefire Stomp, Keg Smash, Press the Advantage, Resonant Fists, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Shadowboxing Treads, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strength of the Black Ox, Strike of the Windlord, Sunrise Technique, Thunderfist, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch, Zen Pulse Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Celestial Conduit, Chi Burst, Chi Explosion, Chi Orbit, Chi Surge, Chi Wave, Corrosive Dosage, Courage of the White Tiger, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crackling Jade Shock, Cyclone Strikes, Dual Threat, Echoing Reverberation, Exploding Keg, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Fists of Insane Fury, Flight of the Red Crane, Flurry of Xuen, Flying Serpent Kick, Glory of the Dawn, Jade Ignition, Jadefire Stomp, Keg Smash, Press the Advantage, Resonant Fists, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Shadowboxing Treads, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strength of the Black Ox, Strike of the Windlord, Sunrise Technique, Thunderfist, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch, Zen Pulse Decreases damage/healing by 38%: Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 139%: Tiger Palm Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Eye of the Tiger Increases damage/healing by 11%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 92%: Invigorating Mists and Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Soothing Mist and Unison Increases damage/healing by 47%: Glory of the Dawn, Rapid Diffusion, Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick and Shadowboxing Treads Monk - Brewmaster Spec. Monk - Brewmaster Spec.
  • Brewmaster's Balance Your Armor is increased by 50% 45% and Stamina increased by 45%. Monk - Brewmaster Spec. Monk - Brewmaster Spec.

  • Windwalker Monk Increases damage/healing by 16%: Glory of the Dawn, Rapid Diffusion, Rising Sun Kick, Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 12% Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Chi Burst Increases damage/healing by 46%: Rushing Jade Wind Increases damage/healing by 125% 159%: Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 165%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 26%: Fist of the White Tiger, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 40% 61%: Glory of the Dawn, Rapid Diffusion, Rising Sun Kick Increases damage/healing by 150%: Invigorating Mists and Vivify Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chi Burst and Chi Wave Increases damage/healing by 10%: Blackout Kick and Shadowboxing Treads Increases damage/healing by 100%: Combat Wisdom, Expel Harm, Reverse Harm Increases damage/healing by 80%: Chi Wave Monk - Windwalker Spec. Monk - Windwalker Spec.

Paladin (Forums)

  • Avenger's Shield (Bulwark of Order) Shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 50% 60% as much damage as it dealt.
  • Avenger's Valor (Bulwark of Order) Shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 50% 60% as much damage as it dealt.
  • Avenger's Valor (Bulwark of Order) Shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 50% 60% as much damage as it dealt.
  • Avenging Wrath (Holy) Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by 20% 50%, and activating all the effects learned for Avenging Wrath for 8 sec.
  • Avenging Wrath (Holy) Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by 20% 50%, and activating all the effects learned for Avenging Wrath for 5 sec.
  • Avenging Wrath (Holy) Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by 20% 50%, and activating all the effects learned for Avenging Wrath for 20 sec.
  • Avenging Wrath (Holy) Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by 20% 50%, and activating all the effects learned for Avenging Wrath for 20 sec.
  • Awakening (Normal) At 12 At 15 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals 30% 40% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Wrath for 12 sec.
  • Awakening (Avenging Crusader) At 12 At 15 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals 30% 40% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Crusader for 8 sec.
  • Awakening At 12 At 15 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals 30% 40% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Crusader for 8 sec.
  • Awakening (Normal) At 12 At 15 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals 30% 40% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Wrath for 12 sec.
  • Awakening (Avenging Crusader) At 12 At 15 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals 30% 40% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Crusader for 8 sec.
  • Awakening (Normal) At 12 At 15 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals 30% 40% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Wrath for 12 sec.
  • Awakening (Avenging Crusader) At 12 At 15 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals 30% 40% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Crusader for 8 sec.
  • Blade of Justice (Normal) Pierce an enemy with a blade of light, dealing [ 166.39% [ 133.11% of Attack Power ] Holy damage.
  • Blade of Justice (Blade of Vengeance) Pierce enemies with a blade of light, dealing [ 166.39% [ 133.11% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to your target and [ 93.63% [ 117.04% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to nearby enemies.
  • Blade of Justice Pierces enemies within 6 yds of your target with a blade of light, dealing [ 93.63% [ 117.04% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Generates 1 Holy Power. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 12 yd range. Instant.
  • Blade of Vengeance Blade of Justice now hits nearby enemies for [ 93.63% [ 117.04% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
  • Blessed Champion Crusader Strike and Judgment hit an additional 4 targets but deal 50% 25% reduced damage to secondary targets.
  • Blessing of Summer Bless an ally for 30 sec, causing 20% 12% of all healing to be converted into damage onto a nearby enemy and 10% 12% of all damage to be converted into healing onto an injured ally within 40 yds. Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Autumn after use. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Blessing of Summer Bless an ally for 30 sec, causing 20% 12% of all healing to be converted into damage onto a nearby enemy and 10% 12% of all damage to be converted into healing onto an injured ally within 40 yds. Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Autumn after use. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Blessing of Summer Bless an ally for 30 sec, causing 20% 12% of all healing to be converted into damage onto a nearby enemy and 10% 12% of all damage to be converted into healing onto an injured ally within 40 yds. Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Autumn after use. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
  • Bulwark of Order Avenger's Shield also shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 50% 60% as much damage as it dealt, up to 50% of your maximum health. Instant.
  • Crusader Strike (Holy) Reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 1.5 sec. 2.0 sec.
  • Crusader Strike (Holy) Reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 1.5 sec. 2.0 sec.
  • Crusading Strikes (Holy, Protection, Initial) Strike the target for [ 53.5% [ 48.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Crusading Strikes (Retribution) Strike the target for [ 53.5% [ 48.1% of Attack Power ])} Physical damage.
  • Crusading Strikes (Blades of Light) Strike the target for [ 53.5% [ 48.1% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage.
  • Crusading Strikes (Normal) Crusader Strike replaces your auto-attacks and deals [ 53.5% [ 48.15% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, but now only generates 1 Holy Power every 2 attacks.
  • Crusading Strikes (Blades of Light) Crusader Strike replaces your auto-attacks and deals [ 53.5% [ 48.15% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage, but now only generates 1 Holy Power every 2 attacks.
  • Crusading Strikes Blades of Light: Crusader Strike replaces your auto-attacks and deals [ 53.5% [ 48.15% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage, but now only generates 1 Holy Power every 2 attacks.
  • Crusading Strikes (Normal) Crusader Strike replaces your auto-attacks and deals [ 53.5% [ 48.15% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, but now only generates 1 Holy Power every 2 attacks.
  • Crusading Strikes (Blades of Light) Crusader Strike replaces your auto-attacks and deals [ 53.5% [ 48.15% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage, but now only generates 1 Holy Power every 2 attacks.
  • Divine Storm (Normal) Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing [ 93.13% [ 116.41% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Divine Storm (Burning Crusade) Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing [ 97.8% [ 122.2% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Divine Storm (Normal) Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing [ 93.13% [ 116.41% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Divine Storm (Burning Crusade) Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing [ 97.8% [ 122.2% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Divine Storm (Normal) Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing [ 93.13% [ 116.41% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Divine Storm (Burning Crusade) Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing [ 97.8% [ 122.2% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Empyrean Hammer When Empyrean Hammer critically strikes, 80% 100% of its damage is dealt to nearby enemies. Enemies hit by this effect deal 5% reduced damage to you for 8 sec. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Endless Wrath (Normal) Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
  • Endless Wrath (Blades of Light) Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
  • Expurgation (Normal) Your Blade of Justice causes the target to burn for [ 76.5% [ 68.85% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage over 9 sec.
  • Expurgation (Holy Crusader) Your Blade of Justice causes the target to burn for [ 76.5% [ 68.85% of Attack Power ] Holy damage over 9 sec.
  • Expurgation Holy Crusader: Your Blade of Justice causes the target to burn for [ 76.5% [ 68.85% of Attack Power ] Holy damage over 9 sec.
  • Expurgation (Normal) Your Blade of Justice causes the target to burn for [ 76.5% [ 68.85% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage over 9 sec.
  • Expurgation (Holy Crusader) Your Blade of Justice causes the target to burn for [ 76.5% [ 68.85% of Attack Power ] Holy damage over 9 sec.
  • Final Verdict Replaces Templar's Verdict with Final Verdict, a devastating strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health. 10 yd range.
  • Final Verdict (Normal) Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
  • Final Verdict (Blades of Light) Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
  • Final Verdict (Normal) Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
  • Final Verdict (Blades of Light) Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
  • Final Verdict (Normal) Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
  • Final Verdict (Blades of Light) Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 179.32% [ 161.39% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
  • Gleaming Rays While a Dawnlight is active, your Holy Power spenders deal 6% additional damage or healing. 5% additional damage or healing.
  • Gleaming Rays While a Dawnlight is active, your Holy Power spenders deal 6% 5% additional damage or healing. Instant.
  • Hammer of Wrath (Holy, Protection, Initial) Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for [ 130.2% [ 110.7% of Attack Power ] Holy damage.
  • Hammer of Wrath (Retribution) Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for [ 130.2% [ 110.7% of Attack Power ])} Holy damage.
  • Hammer of Wrath (Blades of Light) Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for [ 130.2% [ 110.7% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage.
  • Hammer of Wrath (Hammer of Wrath) Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for [ 130.2% [ 110.7% of Attack Power ] Holy damage.
  • Holy Infusion Crusader Strike generates 1 additional Holy Power and deals 25% more damage. 50% more damage.
  • Justicar's Vengeance Focuses Holy energy to deliver a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 151.61% [ 136.45% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and restores 3% of your maximum health. Damage is increased by 25% when used against a stunned target. Instant.
  • Light of Dawn (Normal) Unleashes a wave of Holy energy, healing up to 5 injured allies within a 15 yd frontal cone for [ 110% of Spell Power ]. [ 126.5% of Spell Power ].
  • Light of Dawn (Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun, Breaking Dawn) Unleashes a wave of Holy energy, healing up to 5 injured allies within a 40 yd frontal cone for [ 110% of Spell Power ]. [ 126.5% of Spell Power ].
  • Light of Dawn (Normal) Unleashes a wave of Holy energy, healing up to 5 injured allies within a 15 yd frontal cone for [ 110% of Spell Power ]. [ 126.5% of Spell Power ].
  • Light of Dawn (Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun, Breaking Dawn) Unleashes a wave of Holy energy, healing up to 5 injured allies within a 40 yd frontal cone for [ 110% of Spell Power ]. [ 126.5% of Spell Power ].
  • Light's Beacon (New) Wrap a single ally in holy energy, causing your heals on other party or raid members to also heal that ally for 10% of the amount healed. 60 yd range.
  • Lingering Radiance Dawnlight leaves an Eternal Flame for 10 6 sec on allies or a Greater Judgment on enemies when it expires or is extended.
  • Moment of Compassion Your Flash of Light heals for an additional 15% 50% when cast on a target affected by your Beacon of Light.
  • Overflowing Light 15% 30% of Holy Shock's overhealing is converted into an absorb shield. The shield amount cannot exceed 10% of your max health.
  • Overflowing Light 15% 30% of Holy Shock's overhealing is converted into an absorb shield. The shield amount cannot exceed 10% of your max health. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Power of the Silver Hand Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Judgment have a chance to grant you Power of the Silver Hand, increasing the healing of your next Holy Shock by 10% 20% of all damage and effective healing you do within the next 10 sec, up to a maximum of [ 50% of Total Health ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Power of the Silver Hand Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Judgment have a chance to grant you Power of the Silver Hand, increasing the healing of your next Holy Shock by 10% 20% of all damage and effective healing you do within the next 10 sec, up to a maximum of [ 50% of Total Health ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Recently Saved by the Light When an ally with your Beacon of Light is damaged below 30% 50% health, they absorb the next [ 900% of Spell Power ] damage. You cannot shield the same person this way twice within 60 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Righteous Judgment Judgment has a 30% 50% chance to cast Consecration at the target's location. The limit on Consecration does not apply to this effect.
  • Rise From Ash Wake of Ashes increases your damage done by 10% for 8 sec. Instant. 8% for 8 sec. Instant.
  • Sacred Weapon While wielding a Sacred Weapon, your spells and abilities have a chance to deal [ 150% [ 80% of Attack Power ] additional Holy damage or healing to nearby targets. Effect is increased when Sacred Weapon strikes a single target, and reduced above 5. Lasts 20 sec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Sacred Weapon Will the Light to coalesce and become manifest as a Holy Armament, wielded by your target. Sacred Weapon: While wielding a Sacred Weapon, your spells and abilities have a chance to deal [ 150% [ 80% of Attack Power ] additional Holy damage or healing to nearby targets. Effect is increased when Sacred Weapon strikes a single target, and reduced above 5. Lasts 20 sec. Becomes Holy Bulwark after use. 2 charges. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec recharge. 2 charges.
  • Sacred Weapon While wielding a Sacred Weapon, your spells and abilities have a chance to deal [ 150% [ 80% of Attack Power ] additional Holy damage or healing to nearby targets. Effect is increased when Sacred Weapon strikes a single target, and reduced above 5. Lasts 20 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. Approximately 8 procs per minute.
  • Sacred Weapon While wielding a Sacred Weapon, your spells and abilities have a chance to deal [ 150% [ 80% of Attack Power ] additional Holy damage or healing to nearby targets. Effect is increased when Sacred Weapon strikes a single target, and reduced above 5. Lasts 20 sec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Saved by the Light When an ally with your Beacon of Light is damaged below 30% 50% health, they absorb the next [ 900% of Spell Power ] damage. You cannot shield the same person this way twice within 60 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Saved by the Light When an ally with your Beacon of Light is damaged below 30% 50% health, they absorb the next [ 900% of Spell Power ] damage. You cannot shield the same person this way twice within 60 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shield of the Righteous (Holy) Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 150% [ 160% of Intellect ] for 4.5 sec.
  • Shield of the Righteous (Protection) Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 150% [ 160% of Strength ] for 4.5 sec.
  • Shield of the Righteous (Retribution, Initial) Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 150% [ 160% of Strength ] for 4.5 sec.
  • Shield of the Righteous (Inner Light) Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 150% [ 160% of Intellect ] for 4.5 sec.
  • Shield of the Righteous (Holy, Protection, Retribution) Holy: Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 150% [ 160% of Intellect ] for 4.5 sec.
  • Shield of the Righteous (Protection) Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 150% [ 160% of Strength ] for 4.5 sec.
  • Shield of the Righteous (Retribution, Initial) Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 150% [ 160% of Strength ] for 4.5 sec.
  • Shield of the Righteous (Inner Light) Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 150% [ 160% of Intellect ] for 4.5 sec.
  • Sun's Avatar During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 18% [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets. Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. 100 yd range. Instant. 20%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Sun's Avatar During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 18% [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets. Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. 100 yd range. Instant. 20%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Sun's Avatar During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 18% [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets. Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. 100 yd range. Instant. 20%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Sun's Avatar During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 18% [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets. Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. 100 yd range. Instant. 20%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Sun's Avatar During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 18% [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets. Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. 100 yd range. Instant. 20%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Sun's Avatar During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 18% [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets. Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. 100 yd range. Instant. 20%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Sun's Avatar During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 18% [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets. Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. 100 yd range. Instant. 20%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Sun's Avatar During Avenging Wrath, you become linked to your Dawnlights, causing [ 18% [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Radiant damage to enemies or [ 18% of Spell Power ] healing to allies that pass through the beams, reduced beyond 5 targets. Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight's duration by 25%. 20%.
  • Templar Slash (Holy, Protection, Initial) Complete the Templar combo, slash the target for [ 250% [ 225% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage, and burn them over 4 sec for 50% of the damage dealt.
  • Templar Slash (Retribution) Complete the Templar combo, slash the target for [ 250% [ 225% of Attack Power ])} Radiant damage, and burn them over 4 sec for 50% of the damage dealt.
  • Templar Slash (Blades of Light) Complete the Templar combo, slash the target for [ 250% [ 225% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage, and burn them over 4 sec for 50% of the damage dealt.
  • Templar Slash (Holy, Protection, Initial) Complete the Templar combo, slash the target for [ 250% [ 225% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage, and burn them over 4 sec for 50% of the damage dealt.
  • Templar Slash (Retribution) Complete the Templar combo, slash the target for [ 250% [ 225% of Attack Power ])} Radiant damage, and burn them over 4 sec for 50% of the damage dealt.
  • Templar Slash (Blades of Light) Complete the Templar combo, slash the target for [ 250% [ 225% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage, and burn them over 4 sec for 50% of the damage dealt.
  • Templar Strike (Holy, Protection, Initial) Begin the Templar combo, striking the target for [ 135.5% [ 122% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage.
  • Templar Strike (Retribution) Begin the Templar combo, striking the target for [ 135.5% [ 122% of Attack Power ])} Radiant damage.
  • Templar Strike (Blades of Light) Begin the Templar combo, striking the target for [ 135.5% [ 122% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage.
  • Templar Strikes (Normal) Templar Strike slashes an enemy for [ 135.55% [ 121.99% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage and gets replaced by Templar Slash for 5 sec. Templar Slash strikes an enemy for [ 250.01% [ 225.01% of Attack Power ] Radiant damage, and burns the enemy for 50% of the damage dealt over 4 sec.
  • Templar Strikes (Blades of Light) Templar Strike slashes an enemy for [ 135.55% [ 121.99% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage and gets replaced by Templar Slash for 5 sec. Templar Slash strikes an enemy for [ 250.01% [ 225.01% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage, and burns the enemy for 50% of the damage dealt over 4 sec.
  • Templar Strikes Templar Strike slashes an enemy for [ 135.55% [ 121.99% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage and gets replaced by Templar Slash for 5 sec. Templar Slash strikes an enemy for [ 250.01% [ 225.01% of Attack Power ] Holystrike damage, and burns the enemy for 50% of the damage dealt over 4 sec.
  • Templar's Verdict A powerful weapon strike that deals [ 163.02% [ 146.72% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Templar's Verdict - DO NOT USE Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 163.02% [ 146.72% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to an enemy target. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 3 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant.
  • Templar's Verdict - TEST A powerful weapon strike that deals [ 163.02% [ 146.72% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 3 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant.
  • Tyr's Deliverance Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Judgment have a chance to grant you Power of the Silver Hand, increasing the healing of your next Holy Shock by 10% 20% of all damage and effective healing you do within the next 10 sec, up to a maximum of [ 50% of Total Health ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Tyr's Deliverance Releases the Light within yourself, healing 5 injured allies instantly and an injured ally every 1 sec for 20 sec within 40 yds for [ 30% [ 39% of Spell Power ]. Allies healed also receive 10% 12% increased healing from your Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Holy Shock spells for 12 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Word of Glory (Protection) Protection: Healing increased by up to 250% 300% based on your missing health, or up to 100% if cast on another target.

  • Crusader's Might Crusader Strike reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock and Judgment by 1.5 2.0 sec. Holy Paladin - Level 15 Talent. Holy Paladin - Level 15 Talent.
  • Denounce Casts down the enemy with a bolt of Holy Light, causing [ 317.9% [ 381.48% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and preventing the target from causing critical effects for the next 8 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 3 Holy Power. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. Requires Paladin. Requires level 10.
  • Holy Paladin Holy Paladin core passive Decreases damage/healing by 36%: Ashen Hallow, Boundless Judgment, Hallowed Discernment, Hammer of Wrath, Judgment, Judgment of Justice Increases damage/healing by 64%: Consecrated Ground and Consecration Increases damage/healing by 44% 66%: Afterimage, Eternal Flame, Faith in the Light, Word of Glory Increases damage/healing by 116%: Hammer of Wrath 224%: Hammer of Wrath Increases damage/healing by 25%: Crusader Strike and Crusader's Fire Paladin - Holy Spec. Paladin - Holy Spec.
  • Sanctified Wrath Call upon the Light and become an avatar of retribution for 20 sec, reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by 20% 50%. Combines with Avenging Wrath. Holy Paladin - Level 45 Talent. Holy Paladin - Level 45 Talent.
  • Saved by the Light When an ally with your Beacon of Light is damaged below 30% 50% health, they absorb the next [ 900% of Spell Power ] damage. You cannot shield the same person this way twice within 60 sec. Holy Paladin - Level 25 Talent. Holy Paladin - Level 25 Talent.
  • Shield of the Righteous Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 57.46% [ 71.82% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and reducing the cooldown of Crusader Strike by 1.5 sec. Requires Shield. Paladin - Holy Spec. Paladin - Holy Spec. 3 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec cooldown.

  • Protection Paladin Increases damage/healing by 10% 26%: Ashen Hallow, Avenger's Shield, Avenger's Valor, Avenging Wrath, Blade of Justice, Blade of Vengeance, Blessed Hammer, Blessed Hammers, Boundless Judgment, Bulwark of Order, Consecrated Ground, Consecration, Crusade, Crusader Strike, Crusader's Fire, Crusading Strikes, Dawnlight, Divine Arbiter, Divine Auxiliary, Divine Guidance, Divine Hammer, Divine Storm, Divine Toll, Divine Vengeance, Empyrean Hammer, Endless Wrath, Execution Sentence, Expurgation, Eye for an Eye, Eye of Tyr, Final Reckoning, Final Verdict, Forge's Reckoning, Glimmer of Light, Hallowed Discernment, Hammer and Anvil, Hammer of Light, Hammer of Reckoning, Hammer of Retribution, Hammer of the Righteous, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Reverberation, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Illumine, Inner Light, Judgment, Judgment of Justice, Justicar's Vengeance, Lightforged Blessing, Light's Decree, Light's Guidance, Light's Hammer, Radiant Decree, Radiant Incandescence, Reckoning, Recompense, Redoubt, Rite of Adjuration, Sacred Weapon, Sanctified Wrath, Seal of the Crusader, Seal of Wrath, Searing Light, Searing Rebuke, Seething Flames, Shield of the Righteous, Shining Righteousness, Sun Sear, Sun's Avatar, Templar Slash, Templar Strike, Templar Strikes, Templar Sweep, Templar's Verdict, Truth's Wake, Tyr's Enforcer, Vanquisher's Hammer, Wake of Ashes, Wrathful Sanction, Zeal Increases periodic damage/healing by 10% 26%: Ashen Hallow, Avenger's Shield, Avenger's Valor, Avenging Wrath, Blade of Justice, Blade of Vengeance, Blessed Hammer, Blessed Hammers, Boundless Judgment, Bulwark of Order, Consecrated Ground, Consecration, Crusade, Crusader Strike, Crusader's Fire, Crusading Strikes, Dawnlight, Divine Arbiter, Divine Auxiliary, Divine Guidance, Divine Hammer, Divine Storm, Divine Toll, Divine Vengeance, Empyrean Hammer, Endless Wrath, Execution Sentence, Expurgation, Eye for an Eye, Eye of Tyr, Final Reckoning, Final Verdict, Forge's Reckoning, Glimmer of Light, Hallowed Discernment, Hammer and Anvil, Hammer of Light, Hammer of Reckoning, Hammer of Retribution, Hammer of the Righteous, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Reverberation, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Illumine, Inner Light, Judgment, Judgment of Justice, Justicar's Vengeance, Lightforged Blessing, Light's Decree, Light's Guidance, Light's Hammer, Radiant Decree, Radiant Incandescence, Reckoning, Recompense, Redoubt, Rite of Adjuration, Sacred Weapon, Sanctified Wrath, Seal of the Crusader, Seal of Wrath, Searing Light, Searing Rebuke, Seething Flames, Shield of the Righteous, Shining Righteousness, Sun Sear, Sun's Avatar, Templar Slash, Templar Strike, Templar Strikes, Templar Sweep, Templar's Verdict, Truth's Wake, Tyr's Enforcer, Vanquisher's Hammer, Wake of Ashes, Wrathful Sanction, Zeal Increases damage/healing by 60%: Flash of Light Decreases damage/healing by 14%: Boundless Judgment, Judgment, Judgment of Justice Increases damage/healing by 75%: Afterimage, Faith in the Light, Hand of the Protector, Word of Glory Increases damage/healing by 68%: Hammer of Wrath Paladin - Protection Spec. Paladin - Protection Spec.
  • Word of Glory When you cast Word of Glory on yourself, it is increased by up to 250% 300% based on your missing health. Paladin - Protection Spec. Paladin - Protection Spec.

  • Justicar's Vengeance Focuses Holy energy to deliver a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 151.61% [ 136.45% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and restores 3% of your maximum health. Damage is increased by 25% when used against a stunned target. Requires Melee Weapon. Retribution Paladin - Level 45 Talent. Retribution Paladin - Level 45 Talent. 3 Holy Power. 8 yd range. Instant.
  • Retribution Paladin Increases damage/healing by 12%: Flash of Light Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Crusader Strike and Crusader's Fire Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Consecrated Ground and Consecration Increases damage/healing by 116% 159%: Afterimage, Faith in the Light, Word of Glory Paladin - Retribution Spec. Paladin - Retribution Spec.
  • Templar's Verdict Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals [ 163.02% [ 146.72% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to an enemy target. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Paladin - Retribution Spec. Paladin - Retribution Spec. 3 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant.

Priest (Forums)

  • Blessed Bolt Launches a bolt of holy light at an ally, healing them for [ 150% [ 184.5% of Spell Power ]. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Blessed Light Heals up to 5 targets for [ 82.26% [ 101.18% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Bright Pupil Reduces the cooldown of Power Word: Radiance by 5 sec. 3 sec.
  • Cauterizing Shadows (Discipline) When your Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked expires or is refreshed with less than 5 sec remaining, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 150% of Spell Power ]. [ 240% of Spell Power ].
  • Cauterizing Shadows (Holy, Initial) When your Shadow Word: Pain expires or is refreshed with less than 5 sec remaining, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 150% of Spell Power ]. [ 240% of Spell Power ].
  • Cauterizing Shadows (Shadow) When your Shadow Word: Pain expires or is refreshed with less than 5 sec remaining, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 22.5% of Spell Power ]. [ 36% of Spell Power ].
  • Cauterizing Shadows Shadow: When your Shadow Word: Pain expires or is refreshed with less than 5 sec remaining, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 22.5% of Spell Power ]. [ 36% of Spell Power ].
  • Cauterizing Shadows (Discipline) When your Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked expires or is refreshed with less than 5 sec remaining, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 150% of Spell Power ]. [ 240% of Spell Power ].
  • Cauterizing Shadows (Holy, Initial) When your Shadow Word: Pain expires or is refreshed with less than 5 sec remaining, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 150% of Spell Power ]. [ 240% of Spell Power ].
  • Cauterizing Shadows (Shadow) When your Shadow Word: Pain expires or is refreshed with less than 5 sec remaining, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 22.5% of Spell Power ]. [ 36% of Spell Power ].
  • Circle of Healing Heals the target and 4 injured allies within 30 yards of the target for [ 99.75% [ 159.9% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. 3.3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
  • Contrition When you heal with Penance, everyone with your Atonement is healed for [ 9.36% [ 18.72% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Contrition When you heal with Penance, everyone with your Atonement is healed for [ 9.36% of Spell Power ]. [ 18.72% of Spell Power ].
  • Contrition When you heal with Penance, everyone with your Atonement is healed for [ 9.36% [ 18.72% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Cosmic Ripple When Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify finish their cooldown, you emit a burst of light that heals up to 5 injured targets within 40 yards for [ 39.9% of Spell Power ]. Instant. [ 49.08% of Spell Power ]. Instant.
  • Dark Ascension Increases your non-periodic Shadow damage by 25% 20% for 20 sec. Generates 30 Insanity. 1.5 sec cast. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Dark Energy (Discipline, Holy, Initial) While Entropic Void is active, you move 20% faster. While Entropic Rift is active, you move 20% faster.
  • Dark Energy (Shadow) While Entropic Void is active, you move 20% faster. While Entropic Rift is active, you move 20% faster.
  • Dark Energy While Entropic Void is active, you move 20% faster. While Entropic Rift is active, you move 20% faster.
  • Dazzling Lights Heals up to 5 nearby targets for [ 12.78% [ 15.72% of Spell Power ]. Limited to 5 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Devouring Plague Afflicts the target with a disease that instantly causes [ 191.24% [ 208.46% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage plus an additional [ 181.66% [ 198.01% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 6 sec. Heals you for 30% 1,830% of damage dealt. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Devouring Plague. Requires Shadowform. All Shadow Orbs. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Divine Favor: Chastise The effectiveness of your next Holy Word: Serenity, Sanctify, or Chastise is increased by 30% and grants a corresponding Divine Favor for 15 sec. Chastise: Increases your damage by 20% and refunds 15 sec from the cooldown of Holy Word: Chastise. Sanctify: Blesses the target area, healing up to 5 allies for [ 445.3% [ 547.7% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. Serenity: Flash Heal, Heal, and Renew heal for 30% more and cost 20% less mana. Instant.
  • Divine Favor: Sanctuary The effectiveness of your next Holy Word: Serenity, Sanctify, or Chastise is increased by 30% and grants a corresponding Divine Favor for 15 sec. Chastise: Increases your damage by 20% and refunds 15 sec from the cooldown of Holy Word: Chastise. Sanctify: Blesses the target area, healing up to 5 allies for [ 445.3% [ 547.7% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. Serenity: Flash Heal, Heal, and Renew heal for 30% more and cost 20% less mana. Instant.
  • Divine Favor: Serenity The effectiveness of your next Holy Word: Serenity, Sanctify, or Chastise is increased by 30% and grants a corresponding Divine Favor for 15 sec. Chastise: Increases your damage by 20% and refunds 15 sec from the cooldown of Holy Word: Chastise. Sanctify: Blesses the target area, healing up to 5 allies for [ 445.3% [ 547.7% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. Serenity: Flash Heal, Heal, and Renew heal for 30% more and cost 20% less mana. Instant.
  • Divine Hymn Heals all party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 1,140% [ 1,402.2% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Each heal increases all targets' healing taken by 4% for 15 sec, stacking. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. 4.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 8 sec cast (Channeled). 3 min cooldown.
  • Divine Hymn Heals all party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 1,140% [ 1,402.2% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Each heal increases all targets' healing taken by 4% for 15 sec, stacking. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets. Limited to 60 targets. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Divine Word The effectiveness of your next Holy Word: Serenity, Sanctify, or Chastise is increased by 30% and grants a corresponding Divine Favor for 15 sec. Chastise: Increases your damage by 20% and refunds 15 sec from the cooldown of Holy Word: Chastise. Sanctify: Blesses the target area, healing up to 5 allies for [ 445.3% [ 547.7% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. Serenity: Flash Heal, Heal, and Renew heal for 30% more and cost 20% less mana. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Divine Word: Sanctuary Blesses the target area, healing up to 15 allies for [ 445.3% [ 547.7% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Divine Word: Sanctuary Blesses the target area, healing up to 15 allies for [ 445.3% [ 547.7% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. 40 yd range. 0.5 sec cast.
  • Echoing Void Your periodic Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch damage has a 30% chance to apply Echoing Void, max 4 targets. Each time Echoing Void is applied, it has a chance to collapse, consuming a stack every 1 sec to deal [ 11% [ 11.99% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. If an enemy dies with Echoing Void, all stacks collapse immediately. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Echoing Void Your periodic Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch damage has a 30% chance to apply Echoing Void, max 4 targets. Each time Echoing Void is applied, it has a chance to collapse, consuming a stack every 1 sec to deal [ 11% [ 11.99% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. If an enemy dies with Echoing Void, all stacks collapse immediately. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Echoing Void Your periodic Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch damage has a 30% chance to apply Echoing Void, max 4 targets. Each time Echoing Void is applied, it has a chance to collapse, consuming a stack every 1 sec to deal [ 11% [ 11.99% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. If an enemy dies with Echoing Void, all stacks collapse immediately. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Empowered Surges (Shadow) Increases the damage done by Mind Flay: Insanity and Mind Spike: Insanity by 25%. 60%.
  • Empowered Surges Shadow: Increases the damage done by Mind Flay: Insanity and Mind Spike: Insanity by 25%. 60%.
  • From Darkness Comes Light (Discipline) Each time Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 1% 3%, up to a maximum of 50%. 60%.
  • From Darkness Comes Light (Holy, Shadow, Initial, PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED)) Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 1% 3%, up to a maximum of 50%. 60%.
  • From Darkness Comes Light Holy, Shadow, Initial, PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED): Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 1% 3%, up to a maximum of 50%. 60%.
  • From Darkness Comes Light (Discipline) Each time Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 1% 3%, up to a maximum of 50%. 60%.
  • From Darkness Comes Light (Holy, Shadow, Initial, PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED)) Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 1% 3%, up to a maximum of 50%. 60%.
  • Healing Chorus Your Renew healing increases the healing done by your next Circle of Healing by 5% 3%, stacking up to 20 times. Instant.
  • Healing Chorus Your Renew healing increases the healing done by your next Circle of Healing by 5% 3%, stacking up to 20 times.
  • Healing Light Heals the target for [ 96.77% [ 119.03% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Healing Light Heals the target for [ 96.77% [ 119.03% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Heaven's Wrath Each Penance bolt you fire reduces the cooldown of Ultimate Penitence by 1 sec. 2 sec.
  • Holy Fire Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause [ 189.75% [ 297.91% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and an additional [ 73.05% [ 114.69% of Spell Power ] Holy damage over 7 sec. Instant.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and incapacitates them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Holy) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and incapacitates them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Censure) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and stuns them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and incapacitates them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Holy) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and incapacitates them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Censure) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and stuns them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and incapacitates them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Holy) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and incapacitates them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Chastise (Censure) Chastises the target for [ 245.7% [ 385.75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and stuns them for 4 sec.
  • Holy Word: Salvation Heals all allies within 40 yards for [ 104.5% [ 128.53% of Spell Power ], and applies Renew and 2 stacks of Prayer of Mending to each of them. Cooldown reduced by 15 sec when you cast Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. 6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant (Channeled). 12 min cooldown.
  • Holy Word: Sanctify Releases miraculous light at a target location, healing up to 5 allies within 10 yds for [ 291% [ 357.93% of Spell Power ]. Cooldown reduced by 6 sec when you cast Prayer of Healing and by 2 sec when you cast Renew. 1 charge. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. 3.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec recharge. 1 charge.
  • Holy Word: Serenity (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Perform a miracle, healing an ally for [ 1,038% of Spell Power ]. [ 1,276.74% of Spell Power ].
  • Holy Word: Serenity (Holy) Perform a miracle, healing an ally for [ 1,038% of Spell Power ]. [ 1,276.74% of Spell Power ].
  • Idol of C'Thun (Discipline) Mind Flay Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 295.31% [ 321.89% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec and slowing their movement speed by 30%. Generates 15 Insanity over the duration. Generates 10 Insanity over the duration. Mind Sear Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target, dealing [ 157.5% [ 171.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Generates 15 Insanity over the duration. Generates 10 Insanity over the duration.
  • Idol of C'Thun (Discipline) Mind Flay Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 295.31% [ 321.89% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec and slowing their movement speed by 30%. Generates 15 Insanity over the duration. Generates 10 Insanity over the duration. Mind Sear Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target, dealing [ 157.5% [ 171.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Generates 15 Insanity over the duration. Generates 10 Insanity over the duration.
  • Idol of C'Thun Mind Flay, Mind Spike, and Void Torrent have a chance to spawn a Void Tendril that channels Mind Flay or Void Lasher that channels Mind Sear at your target. Mind Flay Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 295.31% [ 321.89% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec and slowing their movement speed by 30%. Generates 15 10 Insanity over the duration. Mind Sear Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target, dealing [ 157.5% [ 171.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. Generates 15 10 Insanity over the duration. Approximately 2 procs per minute.
  • Idol of N'Zoth Your periodic Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch damage has a 30% chance to apply Echoing Void, max 4 targets. Each time Echoing Void is applied, it has a chance to collapse, consuming a stack every 1 sec to deal [ 11% [ 11.99% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. If an enemy dies with Echoing Void, all stacks collapse immediately.
  • Idol of Yogg-Saron After conjuring Shadowy Apparitions, gain a stack of Idol of Yogg-Saron. At 25 stacks, you summon a Thing from Beyond that casts Void Spike at nearby enemies for 20 sec. Void Spike Hurls a bolt of dark magic, dealing [ 86.14% [ 93.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and [ 18.1% [ 19.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • Idol of Yogg-Saron (Discipline) Void Spike Hurls a bolt of dark magic, dealing [ 86.14% [ 93.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and [ 18.1% [ 19.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
  • Idol of Yogg-Saron (Holy) Void Spike Hurls a bolt of dark magic, dealing [ 86.14% [ 93.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and [ 18.1% [ 19.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
  • Light Eruption Emit a wave of light energy, dealing [ 12% [ 14.76% of Spell Power ] damage to all enemies within 8 yards. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Light Eruption Emit a wave of light energy, dealing [ 18.2% [ 28.57% of Spell Power ] damage to all enemies within 8 yards. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Lightweaver Flash Heal reduces the cast time of your next Heal within 20 sec by 30% and increases its healing done by 15% 25%. Stacks up to 2 times.
  • Lightweaver Flash Heal reduces the cast time of your next Heal within 20 sec by 30% and increases its healing done by 15% 25%. Stacks up to 2 times. Instant.
  • Lightwell Creates a Holy Lightwell. Every 1 sec the Lightwell will attempt to heal a nearby party or raid member within 40 yards that is lower than 50% health for [ 150% [ 184.5% of Spell Power ] and apply a Renew to them for 6 sec. Lightwell lasts for 2 min or until it heals 15 times. Cooldown reduced by 3 sec when you cast Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. 3.7% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
  • Lightwell Creates a Holy Lightwell. Every 1 sec the Lightwell will attempt to heal a nearby party or raid member within 40 yards that is lower than 50% health for [ 150% [ 184.5% of Spell Power ] and apply a Renew to them for 6 sec. Lightwell lasts for 2 min or until it heals 15 times. Cooldown reduced by 3 sec when you cast Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Lightwell Creates a Holy Lightwell. Every 1 sec the Lightwell will attempt to heal a nearby party or raid member within 40 yards that is lower than 50% health for [ 150% [ 184.5% of Spell Power ] and apply a Renew to them for 6 sec. Lightwell lasts for 2 min or until it heals 15 times. Cooldown reduced by 3 sec when you cast Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Manipulation (Discipline) You take 1% 2% less damage from enemies affected by your Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked.
  • Manipulation (Holy) You take 1% 2% less damage from enemies affected by your Shadow Word: Pain or Holy Fire.
  • Manipulation (Shadow, Initial) You take 1% 2% less damage from enemies affected by your Shadow Word: Pain.
  • Manipulation Shadow, Initial: You take 1% 2% less damage from enemies affected by your Shadow Word: Pain.
  • Mind Flay Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 295.31% [ 321.89% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec and slowing their movement speed by 30%. Generates 15 10 Insanity over the duration. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Mind Flay Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 295.31% [ 321.89% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec and slowing their movement speed by 30%. Generates 15 10 Insanity over the duration. Limited to 1 target. 45 yd range. 15 sec cast (Channeled).
  • Mind Flay: Insanity (Discipline) Mind Flay: Insanity Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 457.85% [ 499.06% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 2 1.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 70%. Mind Spike: Insanity Blasts the target for [ 276.56% [ 301.45% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage. Generates 8 Insanity. Generates 12 Insanity.
  • Mind Flay: Insanity Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 457.85% [ 499.06% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 2 1.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 70%. Generates 12 Insanity over the duration. Can be cast in Shadowform. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast (Channeled). 1.5 sec cast (Channeled).
  • Mind Melt Mind Spike increases the critical strike chance of Mind Blast by 20%, stacking up to 4 30%, stacking up to 3 times. Lasts 10 sec. Instant.
  • Mind Melt Mind Spike increases the critical strike chance of Mind Blast by 20%, stacking up to 4 times. Lasts 10 sec. 30%, stacking up to 3 times. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Mind Sear Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target, dealing [ 157.5% [ 171.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. Generates 15 10 Insanity over the duration. Limited to 1 target. 45 yd range. Instant. 1 sec cooldown.
  • Mind Sear Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target, dealing [ 157.5% [ 171.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. Generates 15 10 Insanity over the duration. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Mind Spike Blasts the target for [ 80.87% [ 88.14% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage. Generates 4 Insanity. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Mind Spike: Insanity (Discipline) Mind Flay: Insanity Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 457.85% [ 499.06% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 2 1.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 70%. Mind Spike: Insanity Blasts the target for [ 276.56% [ 301.45% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage. Generates 8 Insanity. Generates 12 Insanity.
  • Mind Spike: Insanity Blasts the target for [ 276.56% [ 301.45% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage. Generates 8 12 Insanity. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Perfected Form (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Your damage dealt is increased by 10% 12% while Dark Ascension is active and by 15% while Voidform is active. 20% while Voidform is active.
  • Perfected Form (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Your damage dealt is increased by 10% 12% while Dark Ascension is active and by 15% while Voidform is active. 20% while Voidform is active.
  • Power Word: Radiance A burst of light heals the target and 4 injured allies within 30 yards for [ 450.4% of Spell Power ], and applies Atonement for 60% of its normal duration. 1 charge. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. 4.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 20 sec recharge. 1 charge. 18 sec recharge. 1 charge.
  • Power Word: Radiance (Sarah's Precast Missile Test) A burst of light heals a friendly target and their 4 nearest allies for [ 62.5% of Spell Power ], and applies Atonement for 50% of its normal duration. 1 charge. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. 6.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec recharge. 1 charge. 18 sec recharge. 1 charge.
  • Prayer of Healing A powerful prayer that heals the target and the 4 nearest allies within 40 yards for [ 83.13% [ 132.92% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. 4.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Preventive Measures (Discipline) All damage dealt by Penance, Smite and Holy Nova increased by 25%. 40%.
  • Preventive Measures (Holy, Shadow, Initial) All damage dealt by Smite, Holy Fire and Holy Nova increased by 15%. 25%.
  • Preventive Measures All damage dealt by Smite, Holy Fire and Holy Nova increased by 15%. 25%.
  • Searing Light Blast the target with a beam of light, dealing [ 39.9% [ 62.64% of Spell Power ] damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadow Crash Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at your target, dealing [ 63.11% [ 68.79% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at your target. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
  • Shadow Crash Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 63.11% [ 68.79% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at a selected location. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
  • Shadow Crash Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 63.11% [ 68.79% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at a selected location. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadow Crash Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 63.11% [ 68.79% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at a selected location. Limited to 8 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadow Crash (New) Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 68.79% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at a selected location. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadow Crash (New) Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 68.79% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Generates 6 Insanity. This spell is cast at a selected location. Limited to 8 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadowy Apparition Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, and Void Bolt conjure Shadowy Apparitions that float towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch for [ 24.68% [ 26.91% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Critical strikes increase the damage by 100%. Instant.
  • Shadowy Apparition Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, and Void Bolt conjure Shadowy Apparitions that float towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch for [ 24.68% [ 26.91% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Critical strikes increase the damage by 100%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadowy Apparition Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, and Void Bolt conjure Shadowy Apparitions that float towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch for [ 24.68% [ 26.91% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Critical strikes increase the damage by 100%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadowy Apparition Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, and Void Bolt conjure Shadowy Apparitions that float towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch for [ 24.68% [ 26.91% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Critical strikes increase the damage by 100%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadowy Apparitions Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, and Void Bolt conjure Shadowy Apparitions that float towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch for [ 24.68% [ 26.91% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Critical strikes increase the damage by 100%.
  • Surge of Insanity Every 2 casts of Devouring Plague transforms your next Mind Flay or Mind Spike into a more powerful spell. Can accumulate up to 2 charges. Mind Flay: Insanity Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 457.85% [ 499.06% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 2 1.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 70%. Generates 12 Insanity over the duration. Mind Spike: Insanity Blasts the target for [ 276.56% [ 301.45% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage. Generates 8 Insanity. 12 Insanity.
  • Surge of Insanity (Discipline) Mind Flay: Insanity Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 457.85% [ 499.06% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 2 1.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 70%. Mind Spike: Insanity Blasts the target for [ 276.56% [ 301.45% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage. Generates 8 Insanity. Generates 12 Insanity.
  • Surge of Insanity (Discipline) Mind Flay: Insanity Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 457.85% [ 499.06% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 2 1.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 70%. Mind Spike: Insanity Blasts the target for [ 276.56% [ 301.45% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage. Generates 8 Insanity. Generates 12 Insanity.
  • Surge of Light You have a 4% 8% chance when you Smite, Heal, Flash Heal, or Binding Heal to cause your next Flash Heal to be instant cast and have no mana cost. Limit 2 charges. Proc. Proc. Instant.
  • Surge of Light Your healing spells and Smite have a 4% 8% chance to make your next Flash Heal instant and cost no mana. Stacks to 2. Proc. Proc. Instant.
  • Surge of Light Your healing spells and Smite have a 4% 8% chance to make your next Flash Heal instant and cost no mana. Stacks to 2.
  • Thing from Beyond (Discipline) Void Spike Hurls a bolt of dark magic, dealing [ 86.14% [ 93.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and [ 18.1% [ 19.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
  • Thing from Beyond (Holy) Void Spike Hurls a bolt of dark magic, dealing [ 86.14% [ 93.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and [ 18.1% [ 19.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
  • Trail of Light When you cast Heal or Flash Heal, 18% 25% of the healing is replicated to the previous target you healed with Heal or Flash Heal. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Trail of Light When you cast Heal or Flash Heal, 18% 25% of the healing is replicated to the previous target you healed with Heal or Flash Heal.
  • Tranquil Light Heals the target for [ 94.35% [ 116.06% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Unfurling Darkness After casting Vampiric Touch on a target, your next Vampiric Touch within 8 sec is instant cast and deals [ 202.89% [ 304.34% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage immediately. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec. Instant.
  • Unfurling Darkness After casting Vampiric Touch on a target, your next Vampiric Touch within 8 sec is instant cast and deals [ 202.89% [ 304.34% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage immediately. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec. Instant.
  • Unfurling Darkness After casting Vampiric Touch on a target, your next Vampiric Touch within 8 sec is instant cast and deals [ 202.89% [ 304.34% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage immediately. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec.
  • Vampiric Touch A touch of darkness that causes [ 155.51% [ 233.26% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 21 sec, and heals the Priest for 50% of damage dealt. If Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec. Generates 6 Insanity. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Void Blast (Holy, Initial) Void Blast: Discipline, Holy, Initial: Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 170% [ 140% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Shadow) Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 170% [ 140% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Shadow) Void Blast: Discipline, Holy, Initial: Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 170% [ 140% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Shadow) Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 170% [ 140% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast Shadow: Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 170% [ 140% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Discipline, Holy, Initial) Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 170% [ 140% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Shadow) Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 170% [ 140% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Bolt (Normal) Sends a bolt of pure void energy at the enemy, causing [ 292.72% [ 319.07% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Bolt (Void Bolt) Sends a bolt of pure void energy at the enemy, causing [ 292.72% [ 319.07% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and extending the duration of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch on all nearby targets by 3 sec.
  • Void Eruption Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, activating Voidform and causing [ 142.1% [ 154.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. During Voidform, this ability is replaced by Void Bolt. Casting Devouring Plague increases the duration of Voidform by 2.5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Void Eruption Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, activating Voidform and causing [ 142.1% [ 154.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. During Voidform, this ability is replaced by Void Bolt. Casting Devouring Plague increases the duration of Voidform by 2.5 sec. Can be cast in Shadowform. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 2 min cooldown.
  • Void Eruption Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, activating Voidform and causing [ 142.1% [ 154.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. During Voidform, this ability is replaced by Void Bolt. Casting Devouring Plague increases the duration of Voidform by 2.5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Void Spike Hurls a bolt of dark magic, dealing [ 86.14% [ 93.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and [ 18.1% [ 19.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. 45 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Void Torrent Channel a torrent of void energy into the target, dealing [ 629.02% [ 685.63% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 3 sec. Generates 24 Insanity over the duration. Instant.
  • Void Torrent Channel a torrent of void energy into the target, dealing [ 629.02% [ 685.63% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 3 sec. Generates 24 Insanity over the duration. Can be cast in Shadowform. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 45 sec cooldown.
  • Void Volley After casting Void Eruption or Dark Ascension, send a slow-moving bolt of Shadow energy at a random location every 0.5 sec for 3 sec, dealing [ 70% [ 76.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yds, and causing them to flee in Horror for 2 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Void Volley After casting Void Eruption or Dark Ascension, send a slow-moving bolt of Shadow energy at a random location every 0.5 sec for 3 sec, dealing [ 70% [ 76.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yds, and causing them to flee in Horror for 2 sec. Instant.
  • Void Volley After casting Void Eruption or Dark Ascension, send a slow-moving bolt of Shadow energy at a random location every 0.5 sec for 3 sec, dealing [ 70% [ 76.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yds, and causing them to flee in Horror for 2 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Voidheart (Discipline, Holy, Initial) While Entropic Rift is active, your Atonement healing is increased by 10%. 20%.
  • Voidheart (Discipline, Holy, Initial) While Entropic Rift is active, your Atonement healing is increased by 10%. 20%.

  • Discipline Priest Discipline Priest core passive Decreases damage/healing by 25%: Holy Fire, Smite, Smite test copy, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Void Blast Increases periodic damage/healing by 18%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 18%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 80%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 30%: Inescapable Torment Decreases damage/healing by 6% 5%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Searing Light, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Searing Light, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Decreases damage/healing by 39%: Mindgames 25%: Holy Fire, Smite, Smite test copy, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 80%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 30%: Inescapable Torment Increases damage/healing by 18%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases periodic damage/healing by 18%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 63%: Flash Heal Increases damage/healing by 25%: Renew Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Renew Decreases damage/healing by 38%: Collapsing Void Decreases damage/healing by 30%: Entropic Rift Priest - Discipline Spec. Priest - Discipline Spec.

  • Heal An efficient spell that heals an ally for [ 588.5% [ 723.86% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. Priest - Holy Spec. Priest - Holy Spec. 2.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
  • Holy Fire Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause [ 189.75% [ 297.91% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and an additional [ 73.05% [ 114.69% of Spell Power ] Holy damage over 7 sec. Can't be cast in Shadowform. Priest - Holy Spec. Priest - Holy Spec. 0.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 10 sec cooldown.
  • Holy Priest Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 20%: Ascended Nova, Binding Heal, Blessed Bolt, Blessed Light, Cauterizing Shadows, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Dark Reprimand, Dazzling Lights, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Star area trigger test, Divine Word, Divine Word: Sanctuary, Essence Devourer, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Halo, Heal, Healing Light, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Inversion Prism, Light Eruption, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Moment of Repose, Orison, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Power Word: Life, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Premonition of Solace, Renew, Serendipity, Tranquil Light, Twist Magic, Ultimate Penitence, Unholy Transfusion Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Ascended Nova, Binding Heal, Blessed Bolt, Blessed Light, Cauterizing Shadows, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Dark Reprimand, Dazzling Lights, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Star area trigger test, Divine Word, Divine Word: Sanctuary, Essence Devourer, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Halo, Heal, Healing Light, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Inversion Prism, Light Eruption, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Moment of Repose, Orison, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Power Word: Life, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Premonition of Solace, Renew, Serendipity, Tranquil Light, Twist Magic, Ultimate Penitence, Unholy Transfusion Increases damage/healing by 43%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Searing Light, Serendipity, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Increases periodic damage/healing by 43%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Searing Light, Serendipity, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Increases damage/healing by 1% 165%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 165%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 57%: Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Painbreaker Psalm, Painbreaker's Psalm, Shadow Word: Death, Twilight Empowerment Increases damage/healing by 69%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium 57%: Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Nova, Test - Nazmir - Blood Troll - Test Spell Nova Increases periodic damage/healing by 69%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Mindgames Increases damage/healing by 15%: Mindgames Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Renew Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Prayer of Mending Decreases damage/healing by 15% 6%: Renew Increases damage/healing by 11%: Prayer of Mending Increases damage/healing by 34%: Flash Heal Increases damage/healing by 28%: Flash Heal Increases damage/healing by 86% 192%: Holy Fire, Smite, Smite test copy, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Void Blast Decreases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Renew Increases damage/healing by 6%: Ascended Nova, Binding Heal, Blessed Bolt, Blessed Light, Cauterizing Shadows, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Dark Reprimand, Dazzling Lights, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Star area trigger test, Divine Word, Divine Word: Sanctuary, Essence Devourer, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Halo, Heal, Healing Light, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Inversion Prism, Light Eruption, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Moment of Repose, Orison, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Power Word: Life, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Premonition of Solace, Renew, Serendipity, Tranquil Light, Twist Magic, Ultimate Penitence, Unholy Transfusion Decreases damage/healing by 3%: Ascended Nova, Binding Heal, Blessed Bolt, Blessed Light, Cauterizing Shadows, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Dark Reprimand, Dazzling Lights, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Star area trigger test, Divine Word, Divine Word: Sanctuary, Essence Devourer, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Halo, Heal, Healing Light, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Inversion Prism, Light Eruption, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Moment of Repose, Orison, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Power Word: Life, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Premonition of Solace, Renew, Serendipity, Tranquil Light, Twist Magic, Ultimate Penitence, Unholy Transfusion Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Ascended Nova, Binding Heal, Blessed Bolt, Blessed Light, Cauterizing Shadows, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Dark Reprimand, Dazzling Lights, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Star area trigger test, Divine Word, Divine Word: Sanctuary, Essence Devourer, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Halo, Heal, Healing Light, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Inversion Prism, Light Eruption, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Moment of Repose, Orison, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Power Word: Life, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Premonition of Solace, Renew, Serendipity, Tranquil Light, Twist Magic, Ultimate Penitence, Unholy Transfusion Decreases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Ascended Nova, Binding Heal, Blessed Bolt, Blessed Light, Cauterizing Shadows, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Dark Reprimand, Dazzling Lights, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Star area trigger test, Divine Word, Divine Word: Sanctuary, Essence Devourer, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Halo, Heal, Healing Light, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Inversion Prism, Light Eruption, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Moment of Repose, Orison, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Power Word: Life, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Premonition of Solace, Renew, Serendipity, Tranquil Light, Twist Magic, Ultimate Penitence, Unholy Transfusion Increases damage/healing by 23%: Miraculous Recovery and Power Word: Life Increases damage/healing by 15%: Prayer of Mending Priest - Holy Spec. Priest - Holy Spec.

  • Shadow Priest Increases damage/healing by 8% 6%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Searing Light, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Priest, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Increases periodic damage/healing by 8% 6%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Searing Light, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Priest, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Increases periodic damage/healing by 50%: Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Pain, Twilight Equilibrium, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases damage/healing by 50% damage/healing by 98%: Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Pain, Twilight Equilibrium, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases periodic damage/healing by 21%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 21% 98%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 49%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 10%: Inescapable Torment Increases damage/healing by 60%: Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Painbreaker Psalm, Painbreaker's Psalm, Shadow Word: Death, Twilight Empowerment Increases damage/healing by 46%: Flash Heal Decreases damage/healing by 42% Increases damage/healing by 9%: Collapsing Void Increases damage/healing by 9%: Entropic Rift Decreases damage/healing by 37%: Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Painbreaker Psalm, Painbreaker's Psalm, Shadow Word: Death, Twilight Empowerment Increases damage/healing by 37% 49%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Renew Increases damage/healing by 25%: Prayer of Mending Decreases damage/healing by 2%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Searing Light, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Priest, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Decreases periodic damage/healing by 2%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Purity, Schism, Searing Light, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Priest, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Priest - Shadow Spec. Priest - Shadow Spec.
  • Vampiric Touch A touch of darkness that causes [ 155.51% [ 233.26% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 21 sec, and heals you for 30% 1,830% of damage dealt. If Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec. Generates 4 Insanity. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest - Shadow Spec. Priest - Shadow Spec. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Void Volley After casting Void Eruption or Dark Ascension, send a slow-moving bolt of Shadow energy at a random location every 0.5 sec for 3 sec, dealing [ 70% [ 76.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yds, and causing them to flee in Horror for 2 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Priest. Requires level 10.

Rogue (Forums)

  • Ace Up Your Sleeve Between the Eyes has a 5% chance per combo point spent to grant 4 5 combo points. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Ace Up Your Sleeve Between the Eyes has a 5% chance per combo point spent to grant 4 combo points. 5 combo points.
  • Ambush Ambush the target, causing [ 25% of Spell Power + 69.88% 84.56% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points. Requires Daggers. Requires Stealth. 40 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Ambush (Normal) Ambush the target, causing [ 151.23% [ 200% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Ambush (Hidden Opportunity) Ambush the target, causing [ 151.23% [ 200% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Ambush (Normal) Ambush the target, causing [ 137.48% [ 200% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Ambush (Hidden Opportunity) Ambush the target, causing [ 137.48% [ 200% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Ambush (Normal) Ambush the target, causing [ 151.23% [ 200% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Ambush (Hidden Opportunity) Ambush the target, causing [ 151.23% [ 200% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Amplifying Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy, dealing [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and applying Amplifying Poison for 12 sec. Envenom can consume 10 stacks of Amplifying Poison to deal 35% increased damage. Max 20 stacks. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 1.5 sec cast. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Amplifying Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy, dealing [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and applying Amplifying Poison for 12 sec. Envenom can consume 10 stacks of Amplifying Poison to deal 35% increased damage. Max 20 stacks. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Amplifying Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy, dealing [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and applying Amplifying Poison for 12 sec. Envenom can consume 10 stacks of Amplifying Poison to deal 35% increased damage. Max 20 stacks. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Black Powder Finishing move that launches explosive Black Powder at all nearby enemies dealing Physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. 1 point : [ 8.8% [ 11.7% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 17.6% [ 23.4% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 26.3% [ 35.1% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 35.1% [ 46.8% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 43.9% [ 58.4% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 52.7% [ 70.1% of Attack Power ] damage Instant.
  • Blade Flurry Strikes up to 8 nearby targets for [ 50% [ 110% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and causes your single target attacks to also strike up to 7 additional nearby enemies for 50% of normal damage for 10 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Limited to 8 targets. 20 yd range. Instant.
  • Blade Flurry Strikes up to 8 nearby targets for [ 50% [ 110% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and causes your single target attacks to also strike up to 7 additional nearby enemies for 50% of normal damage for 10 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Limited to 8 targets. 20 yd range. Instant.
  • Blade Rush Charge to your target with your blades out, dealing [ 120% [ 176% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target and [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] to all other nearby enemies. While Blade Flurry is active, damage to non-primary targets is increased by 100%. Generates 25 Energy over 5 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 20 yd range. Instant.
  • Blade Rush Charge to your target with your blades out, dealing [ 120% [ 176% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target and [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] to all other nearby enemies. While Blade Flurry is active, damage to non-primary targets is increased by 100%. Generates 25 Energy over 5 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 20 yd range. Instant.
  • Blade Rush Charge to your target with your blades out, dealing [ 120% [ 176% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target and [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] to all other nearby enemies. While Blade Flurry is active, damage to non-primary targets is increased by 100%. Generates 25 Energy over 5 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Instant.
  • Clear the Witnesses (Assassination) Your next Fan of Knives after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional [ 20% [ 100% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point.
  • Clear the Witnesses (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) Your next Shuriken Storm after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional [ 20% [ 100% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point.
  • Clear the Witnesses Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial: Your next Shuriken Storm after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional [ 20% [ 100% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point.
  • Clear the Witnesses (Assassination) Your next Fan of Knives after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional [ 20% [ 100% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point.
  • Clear the Witnesses (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) Your next Shuriken Storm after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional [ 20% [ 100% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point.
  • Clear the Witnesses (Assassination) Your next Fan of Knives after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional [ 20% [ 100% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point.
  • Clear the Witnesses (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) Your next Shuriken Storm after applying Deathstalker's Mark deals an additional [ 20% [ 100% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and generates 1 additional combo point.
  • Combat Potency Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 25%. 30%.
  • Count the Odds Ambush, Sinister Strike, and Dispatch have a 10% 15% chance to grant you a Roll the Bones combat enhancement buff you do not already have for 8 sec.
  • Coup de Grace Charge to your target with your blades out, dealing [ 120% [ 176% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target and [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] to all other nearby enemies. While Blade Flurry is active, damage to non-primary targets is increased by 100%. Generates 25 Energy over 5 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Creeping Venom Your Envenom applies Creeping Venom, dealing [ 26.4% [ 34.8% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 4 sec. Creeping Venom's duration is refreshed when the target moves. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 51.7% [ 68.2% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 1.5 sec cast. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 51.7% [ 68.2% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Deadly Poison Poisoned weapons have a chance to deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to a target already affected by Deadly Poison. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Deadly Poison Poisoned weapons have a chance to deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to a target already affected by Deadly Poison. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 51.7% [ 68.2% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 51.7% [ 68.2% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy for [ 34.5% [ 45.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 3 sec cast.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Assassination) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Ambush or Mutilate by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Outlaw, Initial) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Backstab or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Subtlety) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Gloomblade or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Assassination) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Ambush or Mutilate by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Outlaw, Initial) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Backstab or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Subtlety) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Gloomblade or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Assassination) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Ambush or Mutilate by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Outlaw, Initial) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Backstab or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Subtlety) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Gloomblade or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Gloomblade or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Assassination) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Ambush or Mutilate by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Outlaw, Initial) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Backstab or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Deathstalker's Mark (Subtlety) When you spend 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target you consume an application of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing [ 70% [ 120% of Attack Power ] Plague damage and increasing the damage of your next Gloomblade or Shadowstrike by 25%. 40%.
  • Delivered Doom Damage dealt when your Fatebound Coin flips tails is increased by 21% 30% if there are no other enemies near the target.
  • Double Dose When Mutilate applies Lethal Poison with both daggers, it poisons the target for an additional [ 0 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Echoing Blades Fan of Knives damage is increased by [ 0 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) ]. For each of the first 5 critical strikes, it will fire a second spray of knives at that location, dealing [ 15 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) * 2 ] damage to enemies within 8 yards. This second spray of knives always critically hits. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Echoing Blades Fan of Knives damage is increased by [ 0 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) ]. For each of the first 5 critical strikes, it will fire a second spray of knives at that location, dealing [ 15 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) * 2 ] damage to enemies within 8 yards. This second spray of knives always critically hits. Instant.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 260% Deal [ 346% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy, extracting their anima to Animacharge a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your Animacharge function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 10 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 260% Deal [ 346% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy, extracting their anima to Animacharge a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your Animacharge function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Instant.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 121% Deal [ 161% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy and charges a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your charged point function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 10 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 121% Deal [ 161% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy and charges a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your charged point function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Instant.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 121% Deal [ 161% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy and charges a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your charged point function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Instant.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 260% Deal [ 346% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy, extracting their anima to Animacharge a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your Animacharge function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Instant.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 260% Deal [ 346% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy, extracting their anima to Animacharge a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your Animacharge function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Instant.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 121% Deal [ 161% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy and charges a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your charged point function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Instant.
  • Echoing Reprimand Deal [ 121% Deal [ 161% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to an enemy and charges a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your charged point function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points. Instant.
  • Eviscerate (Normal) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 126% of Attack Power ] damage [ 168% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Shadowed Finishers) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% of Attack Power ] damage [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Normal) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 126% of Attack Power ] damage [ 168% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Shadowed Finishers) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% of Attack Power ] damage [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Coup de Grace) (Normal) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 126% of Attack Power ] damage [ 168% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Coup de Grace) (Shadowed Finishers) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% of Attack Power ] damage [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Coup de Grace) (Normal) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 126% of Attack Power ] damage [ 168% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Coup de Grace) (Shadowed Finishers) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% of Attack Power ] damage [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Coup de Grace) (Normal) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 126% of Attack Power ] damage [ 168% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Eviscerate (Coup de Grace) (Shadowed Finishers) 1 point : [ 21% [ 28% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 42% [ 56% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 63% [ 84% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 84% [ 112% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 105% of Attack Power ] damage [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage
  • Fate Intertwined (Assassination) Fate Intertwined duplicates 20% 30% of Envenom critical strike damage as Cosmic to 2 additional nearby enemies. If there are no additional nearby targets, duplicate 20% 30% to the primary target instead.
  • Fate Intertwined (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) Fate Intertwined duplicates 20% 30% of Dispatch critical strike damage as Cosmic to 2 additional nearby enemies. If there are no additional nearby targets, duplicate 20% 30% to the primary target instead.
  • Fate Intertwined Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial: Fate Intertwined duplicates 20% 30% of Dispatch critical strike damage as Cosmic to 2 additional nearby enemies. If there are no additional nearby targets, duplicate 20% 30% to the primary target instead.
  • Fate Intertwined (Assassination) Fate Intertwined duplicates 20% 30% of Envenom critical strike damage as Cosmic to 2 additional nearby enemies. If there are no additional nearby targets, duplicate 20% 30% to the primary target instead.
  • Fate Intertwined (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) Fate Intertwined duplicates 20% 30% of Dispatch critical strike damage as Cosmic to 2 additional nearby enemies. If there are no additional nearby targets, duplicate 20% 30% to the primary target instead.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin (Heads) Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin (Heads) Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin (Tails) Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatebound Coin (Tails) Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. Instant.
  • Fateful Ending When your Fatebound Coin flips the same face for the seventh time in a row, keep the lucky coin to gain 7% Agility until you leave combat for 10 seconds. If you already have a lucky coin, it instead deals [ 170% [ 360% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target.
  • Fazed (Assassination, Initial) Backstab and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Fazed (Outlaw) Sinister Strike and Ambush now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Fazed (Subtlety) Gloomblade and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Flagellation Lash the target for [ 50% [ 60% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage, causing each combo point spent within 12 sec to lash for an additional [ 10% of Attack Power ]. Dealing damage with Flagellation increases your Mastery by mas%, persisting 12 sec after their torment fades. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Flagellation Lash the target for [ 50% [ 60% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage, causing each combo point spent within 12 sec to lash for an additional [ 10% of Attack Power ]. Dealing damage with Flagellation increases your Mastery by mas%, persisting 12 sec after their torment fades. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Flagellation Lash the target for [ 50% [ 60% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage, causing each combo point spent within 12 sec to lash for an additional [ 10% of Attack Power ]. Dealing damage with Flagellation increases your Mastery by mas%, persisting 12 sec after their torment fades. Instant.
  • Goremaw's Bite Lashes out at the target, inflicting [ 270% [ 326.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and causing your next 3 finishing moves to cost no Energy. Awards 3 combo points. 25 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Goremaw's Bite Lashes out at the target, inflicting [ 270% [ 326.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and causing your next 3 finishing moves to cost no Energy. Awards 3 combo points. Melee range. Instant.
  • Goremaw's Bite Lashes out at the target, inflicting [ 270% [ 326.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and causing your next 3 finishing moves to cost no Energy. Awards 3 combo points. Instant.
  • Hand of Fate Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%.
  • Instant Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy which instantly inflicts [ 5.6% [ 7.4% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Instant Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy which instantly inflicts [ 5.6% [ 7.4% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Instant Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy which instantly inflicts [ 5.6% [ 7.4% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Internal Bleeding Kidney Shot also deals up to [ 99% [ 130.7% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 6 sec, based on combo points spent. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Internal Bleeding Kidney Shot also deals up to [ 99% [ 130.7% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 6 sec, based on combo points spent. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Killing Spree Finishing move that teleports to an enemy within 0 to 10 yds, striking with both weapons for Physical damage. Number of strikes increased per combo point. 100% of damage taken during effect is delayed, instead taken over 8 sec. 1 point : [ 320% [ 501.8% of Attack Power ] over 0.40 sec 2 points: [ 480% [ 752.7% of Attack Power ] over 0.80 sec 3 points: [ 640% [ 1,003.6% of Attack Power ] over 1.20 sec 4 points: [ 800% [ 1,254.5% of Attack Power ] over 1.60 sec 5 points: [ 960% [ 1,505.4% of Attack Power ] over 2.00 sec 6 points: [ 1,120% [ 1,756.3% of Attack Power ] over 2.40 sec 10 yd range. Instant.
  • Killing Spree Finishing move that teleports to an enemy within 0 to 10 yds, striking with both weapons for Physical damage. Number of strikes increased per combo point. 100% of damage taken during effect is delayed, instead taken over 8 sec. 1 point : [ 320% [ 501.8% of Attack Power ] over 0.40 sec 2 points: [ 480% [ 752.7% of Attack Power ] over 0.80 sec 3 points: [ 640% [ 1,003.6% of Attack Power ] over 1.20 sec 4 points: [ 800% [ 1,254.5% of Attack Power ] over 1.60 sec 5 points: [ 960% [ 1,505.4% of Attack Power ] over 2.00 sec 6 points: [ 1,120% [ 1,756.3% of Attack Power ] over 2.40 sec Requires Melee Weapon. Limited to 1 target. Melee range. Instant.
  • Killing Spree Finishing move that teleports to an enemy within 0 to 10 yds, striking with both weapons for Physical damage. Number of strikes increased per combo point. 100% of damage taken during effect is delayed, instead taken over 8 sec. 1 point : [ 320% [ 501.8% of Attack Power ] over 0.40 sec 2 points: [ 480% [ 752.7% of Attack Power ] over 0.80 sec 3 points: [ 640% [ 1,003.6% of Attack Power ] over 1.20 sec 4 points: [ 800% [ 1,254.5% of Attack Power ] over 1.60 sec 5 points: [ 960% [ 1,505.4% of Attack Power ] over 2.00 sec 6 points: [ 1,120% [ 1,756.3% of Attack Power ] over 2.40 sec Requires Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant.
  • Killing Spree Finishing move that teleports to an enemy within 0 to 10 yds, striking with both weapons for Physical damage. Number of strikes increased per combo point. 100% of damage taken during effect is delayed, instead taken over 8 sec. 1 point : [ 320% [ 501.8% of Attack Power ] over 0.40 sec 2 points: [ 480% [ 752.7% of Attack Power ] over 0.80 sec 3 points: [ 640% [ 1,003.6% of Attack Power ] over 1.20 sec 4 points: [ 800% [ 1,254.5% of Attack Power ] over 1.60 sec 5 points: [ 960% [ 1,505.4% of Attack Power ] over 2.00 sec 6 points: [ 1,120% [ 1,756.3% of Attack Power ] over 2.40 sec Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Killing Spree Finishing move that teleports to an enemy within 0 to 10 yds, striking with both weapons for Physical damage. Number of strikes increased per combo point. 100% of damage taken during effect is delayed, instead taken over 8 sec. 1 point : [ 320% [ 501.8% of Attack Power ] over 0.40 sec 2 points: [ 480% [ 752.7% of Attack Power ] over 0.80 sec 3 points: [ 640% [ 1,003.6% of Attack Power ] over 1.20 sec 4 points: [ 800% [ 1,254.5% of Attack Power ] over 1.60 sec 5 points: [ 960% [ 1,505.4% of Attack Power ] over 2.00 sec 6 points: [ 1,120% [ 1,756.3% of Attack Power ] over 2.40 sec Instant.
  • Killing Spree Finishing move that teleports to an enemy within 0 to 10 yds, striking with both weapons for Physical damage. Number of strikes increased per combo point. 100% of damage taken during effect is delayed, instead taken over 8 sec. 1 point : [ 320% [ 501.8% of Attack Power ] over 0.40 sec 2 points: [ 480% [ 752.7% of Attack Power ] over 0.80 sec 3 points: [ 640% [ 1,003.6% of Attack Power ] over 1.20 sec 4 points: [ 800% [ 1,254.5% of Attack Power ] over 1.60 sec 5 points: [ 960% [ 1,505.4% of Attack Power ] over 2.00 sec 6 points: [ 1,120% [ 1,756.3% of Attack Power ] over 2.40 sec Instant.
  • Kingsbane Release a lethal poison from your weapons and inject it into your target, dealing [ 130.9% [ 172.81% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 154% [ 203% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by 20%, up to 1,000%. Awards 1 combo points. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Kingsbane Release a lethal poison from your weapons and inject it into your target, dealing [ 130.9% [ 172.81% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 154% [ 203% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by 20%, up to 1,000%. Awards 1 combo points. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Learn Instant Poison Coat your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy which instantly inflicts [ 5.6% [ 7.4% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Lingering Darkness (Assassination) After Deathmark expires, gain 30 sec of 10% increased Nature damage. 20% increased Nature damage.
  • Lingering Darkness (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) After Shadow Blades expires, gain 30 sec of 10% increased Shadow damage. 20% increased Shadow damage.
  • Lingering Darkness Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial: After Shadow Blades expires, gain 30 sec of 10% increased Shadow damage. 20% increased Shadow damage.
  • Lingering Darkness (Assassination) After Deathmark expires, gain 30 sec of 10% increased Nature damage. 20% increased Nature damage.
  • Lingering Darkness (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) After Shadow Blades expires, gain 30 sec of 10% increased Shadow damage. 20% increased Shadow damage.
  • Lucky Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Lucky Coin Flip a Fatebound Coin each time a finishing move consumes 5 or more combo points. Heads increases the damage of your attacks by 3% 10%, lasting 15 sec or until you flip Tails. Tails deals [ 100% [ 180% of Attack Power ] Cosmic damage to your target. For each time the same face is flipped in a row, Heads increases damage by an additional 1% 2% and Tails increases its damage by 10%. Instant.
  • Mind-Numbing Poison Casting spells while under the effects of Mind-numbing Poison will cause you to take [ 7.2% [ 9.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Momentum of Despair (Assassination) If you have critically struck with Fan of Knives, increase the critical strike chance of Fan of Knives and Crimson Tempest by 15% for 12 sec. and critical strike damage by 24% for 12 sec.
  • Momentum of Despair (Outlaw, Initial) If you have critically struck with , increase the critical strike chance of and by 15% for 12 sec. and critical strike damage by 24% for 12 sec.
  • Momentum of Despair (Subtlety) If you have critically struck with Shuriken Storm, increase the critical strike chance of Shuriken Storm and Black Powder by 15% for 12 sec. and critical strike damage by 24% for 12 sec.
  • Momentum of Despair Subtlety: If you have critically struck with Shuriken Storm, increase the critical strike chance of Shuriken Storm and Black Powder by 15% for 12 sec. and critical strike damage by 24% for 12 sec.
  • Momentum of Despair (Assassination) If you have critically struck with Fan of Knives, increase the critical strike chance of Fan of Knives and Crimson Tempest by 15% for 12 sec. and critical strike damage by 24% for 12 sec.
  • Momentum of Despair (Outlaw, Initial) If you have critically struck with , increase the critical strike chance of and by 15% for 12 sec. and critical strike damage by 24% for 12 sec.
  • Momentum of Despair (Subtlety) If you have critically struck with Shuriken Storm, increase the critical strike chance of Shuriken Storm and Black Powder by 15% for 12 sec. and critical strike damage by 24% for 12 sec.
  • Mutilate Instantly attacks with both weapons for [ 56.03% [ 74% of Attack Power ]% weapon damage with each weapon. Awards 0 combo points. 55 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 0.5 sec global cooldown.
  • Mutilate Instantly attacks for [ 56.03% [ 74% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points. Requires Daggers. Melee range. Instant.
  • Mutilate Instantly attacks for [ 56.03% [ 74% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points. Requires Daggers. Melee range. Instant.
  • Mutilate Attack with both weapons, dealing a total of [ 84% [ 111% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Neurotoxin Stabs the target with your off-hand weapon, causing [ 9% [ 11.88% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, and applies a deadly neurotoxin for 3 sec. The neurotoxin causes any ability used to incur a 1 sec cooldown. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Neurotoxin Stabs the target with your off-hand weapon, causing [ 9% [ 11.88% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, and applies a deadly neurotoxin for 3 sec. The neurotoxin causes any ability used to incur a 1 sec cooldown. Requires Daggers. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 25 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Nimble Flurry (Assassination, Subtlety, Initial) Your auto-attacks, Backstab, Shadowstrike, and Eviscerate also strike up to 7 additional nearby targets for 40% 50% of normal damage while Flawless Form is active.
  • Nimble Flurry (Outlaw) Blade Flurry damage is increased by 15% 20% while Flawless Form is active.
  • Nimble Flurry (Assassination, Subtlety, Initial) Your auto-attacks, Backstab, Shadowstrike, and Eviscerate also strike up to 7 additional nearby targets for 40% 50% of normal damage while Flawless Form is active.
  • Nimble Flurry (Outlaw) Blade Flurry damage is increased by 15% 20% while Flawless Form is active.
  • Nimble Flurry Outlaw: Blade Flurry damage is increased by 15% 20% while Flawless Form is active.
  • Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing [ 0 * 10 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing [ 0 * 10 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec. Instant.
  • Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing [ 0 * 10 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Opportunity Viciously strike an enemy, causing [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points each time it strikes. Instant.
  • Poison Bomb Envenom has a [ 40 / 10% ]% chance per combo point spent to smash a vial of poison at the target's location, creating a pool of acidic death that deals [ 116.2% [ 153.3% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 2 sec to all enemies within it. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Poison Bomb Envenom has a [ 40 / 10% ]% chance per combo point spent to smash a vial of poison at the target's location, creating a pool of acidic death that deals [ 116.2% [ 153.3% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 2 sec to all enemies within it. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Riposte An instant strike that causes [ 19.8% [ 28.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Requires Melee Weapon. Unlimited range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Riposte Grants 100% chance to parry for 10 sec, and each time you parry an attack you will riposte the target for [ 19.8% [ 28.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Cannot occur more often than once per 1 sec. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 52.9% [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 105.8% [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 158.8% [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 211.7% [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 264.6% [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 317.5% [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 52.9% [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 105.8% [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 158.8% [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 211.7% [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 264.6% [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 317.5% [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. Requires Daggers. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 52.9% [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 105.8% [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 158.8% [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 211.7% [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 264.6% [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 317.5% [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 52.9% [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 105.8% [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 158.8% [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 211.7% [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 264.6% [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 317.5% [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. Limited to 6 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 52.9% [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 105.8% [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 158.8% [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 211.7% [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 264.6% [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 317.5% [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 52.9% [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 105.8% [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 158.8% [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 211.7% [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 264.6% [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 317.5% [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 52.9% [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 105.8% [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 158.8% [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 211.7% [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 264.6% [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 317.5% [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. Limited to 6 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Serrated Bone Spike Embed a bone spike in the target, dealing [ 132% [ 174.24% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 13.2% [ 17.42% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage every 3 sec until they die or leave combat. Refunds a charge when target dies. Awards 1 combo point plus 1 additional per active bone spike. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Serrated Bone Spike Prepare a Serrated Bone Spike every 30 sec, stacking up to 3. Rupture spends a stack to embed a bone spike in its target. Serrated Bone Spike: Deals [ 132% [ 174.24% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 13.2% [ 17.42% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage every 3 sec until the target dies or leaves combat. Refunds a stack when the target dies. Awards 1 combo point plus 1 additional per active bone spike. Instant.
  • Serrated Bone Spike Embed a bone spike in the target, dealing [ 132% [ 174.24% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 13.2% [ 17.42% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage every 3 sec until they die or leave combat. Refunds a charge when target dies. Awards 1 combo point plus 1 additional per active bone spike. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Serrated Bone Spikes Prepare a Serrated Bone Spike every 30 sec, stacking up to 3. Rupture spends a stack to embed a bone spike in its target. Serrated Bone Spike: Deals [ 132% [ 174.24% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 13.2% [ 17.42% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage every 3 sec until the target dies or leaves combat. Refunds a stack when the target dies. Awards 1 combo point plus 1 additional per active bone spike.
  • Shadowstrike Strike the target, dealing [ 150% [ 181.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. While Stealthed, you strike through the shadows and appear behind your target up to 25 yds away, dealing 25% additional damage. Awards 2 combo points. Requires Daggers. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shiv (Assassination) Attack with your off-hand, dealing [ 95.04% [ 125.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your active Non-Lethal poison.
  • Shiv (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) Attack with your off-hand, dealing [ 95.04% [ 125.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your active Non-Lethal poison.
  • Shiv (Improved Shiv) Attack with your poisoned blades, dealing [ 95.04% [ 125.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your active Non-Lethal poison.
  • Shiv (Crippling Poison) Attack with your off-hand, dealing [ 95.04% [ 125.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your Crippling Poison, reducing movement speed by 70% for 5 sec.
  • Shiv (Numbing Poison) Attack with your off-hand, dealing [ 95.04% [ 125.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your Numbing Poison, reducing casting speed by 25% for 5 sec.
  • Shiv (Arterial Precision) Attack with your off-hand, dealing [ 95.04% [ 125.4% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your active Non-Lethal poison.
  • Singular Focus Deals Plague damage. 10 yd range. Instant. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Singular Focus Damage dealt to targets other than your Marked target deals 3% 5% Plague damage to your Marked target.
  • Sinister Strike Viciously strike an enemy, causing [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points each time it strikes. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Sinister Strike Viciously strike an enemy, causing [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points each time it strikes. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Sleight of Hand Roll the Bones has a 10% 15% increased chance of granting additional matches.
  • Symbolic Victory (Assassination) Shiv additionally increases the damage of your next Envenom by 10%. 15%.
  • Symbolic Victory (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) Symbols of Death additionally increases the damage of your next Eviscerate or Black Powder by 10%. 15%.
  • Symbolic Victory Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial: Symbols of Death additionally increases the damage of your next Eviscerate or Black Powder by 10%. 15%.
  • Symbolic Victory (Assassination) Shiv additionally increases the damage of your next Envenom by 10%. 15%.
  • Symbolic Victory (Outlaw, Subtlety, Initial) Symbols of Death additionally increases the damage of your next Eviscerate or Black Powder by 10%. 15%.
  • System Shock Casting Envenom with at least 5 combo points on a target afflicted by your Garrote, Rupture, and lethal poison deals [ 23.76% [ 31.36% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, and reduces their movement speed by 90% for 2 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Unseen Blade (Assassination, Initial) Backstab and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade (Outlaw) Sinister Strike and Ambush now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade (Subtlety) Gloomblade and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade Subtlety: Gloomblade and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade (Assassination, Initial) Backstab and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade (Outlaw) Sinister Strike and Ambush now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade (Subtlety) Gloomblade and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade (Assassination, Initial) Backstab and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade (Outlaw) Sinister Strike and Ambush now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Unseen Blade (Subtlety) Gloomblade and Shadowstrike now also strike with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 150% of Attack Power ] damage. [ 320% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Venomous Wounds You regain 7 8 Energy each time your Garrote or Rupture deal Bleed damage to a poisoned target. If an enemy dies while afflicted by your Rupture, you regain energy based on its remaining duration.
  • Wound Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy, which instantly inflicts [ 3.08% [ 4.07% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and reduces all healing received by 8% for 12 sec, stacking up to 3 times. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Wound Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy, which instantly inflicts [ 3.08% [ 4.07% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and reduces all healing received by 8% for 12 sec, stacking up to 3 times. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Wound Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy, which instantly inflicts [ 3.08% [ 4.07% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and reduces all healing effects on them for 12 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 3 sec cast.
  • Wound Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy, which instantly inflicts [ 3.08% [ 4.07% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and reduces all healing received by 8% for 12 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 1.5 sec cast.

  • Assassination Rogue Increases damage/healing by 15%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Blindside, Coup de Grace, Creeping Venom, Crimson Tempest, Crippling Poison, Deadly Poison, Deadly Throw, Death from Above, Deathmark, Dispatch (Coup de Grace), Double Dose, Echoing Blades, Echoing Reprimand, Envenom, Envenomous Explosion, Eviscerate, Eviscerate (Coup de Grace), Explosive Inflamation, Fan of Knives, Fatebound Coin, Fatebound Coin (Tails), Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Garrote, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Hemorrhage, Improved Backstab, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Learn Instant Poison, Lucky Coin, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Mutilate, Neurotoxin, Nightblade, Nothing Personal, Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Knife, Poisoned Wire, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Riposte, Rupture, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadow Blade, Shadow Blade Off-hand, Shadow Blades, Shadowed Finishers, Shadow's Grasp, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Toxic Blade, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Blindside, Coup de Grace, Creeping Venom, Crimson Tempest, Crippling Poison, Deadly Poison, Deadly Throw, Death from Above, Deathmark, Dispatch (Coup de Grace), Double Dose, Echoing Blades, Echoing Reprimand, Envenom, Envenomous Explosion, Eviscerate, Eviscerate (Coup de Grace), Explosive Inflamation, Fan of Knives, Fatebound Coin, Fatebound Coin (Tails), Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Garrote, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Hemorrhage, Improved Backstab, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Learn Instant Poison, Lucky Coin, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Mutilate, Neurotoxin, Nightblade, Nothing Personal, Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Knife, Poisoned Wire, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Riposte, Rupture, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadow Blade, Shadow Blade Off-hand, Shadow Blades, Shadowed Finishers, Shadow's Grasp, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Toxic Blade, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 20% Increases periodic damage/healing by 30%: Deathmark, Replicating Shadows, Rupture Rogue - Assassination Spec. Rogue - Assassination Spec.
  • Crimson Tempest Finishing move that slashes all enemies within 10 yards, causing victims to bleed. Lasts longer per combo point. Deals extra damage when multiple enemies are afflicted, increasing by 20% per target, up to 100%. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. 1 point : [ 158.4% [ 248.4% of Attack Power ] over 6 sec 2 points: [ 198% [ 310.5% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec 3 points: [ 237.6% [ 372.7% of Attack Power ] over 10 sec 4 points: [ 277.2% [ 434.8% of Attack Power ] over 12 sec 5 points: [ 316.8% [ 496.9% of Attack Power ] over 14 sec 6 points: [ 356.4% [ 559% of Attack Power ] over 16 sec Requires Melee Weapon. Assassination Rogue - Level 50 Talent. Assassination Rogue - Level 50 Talent. 45 Energy. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Envenom Finishing move that drives your poisoned blades in deep, dealing instant Nature damage and increasing your poison application chance by 30%. Damage and duration increased per combo point. 1 point : [ 27.5% [ 40% of Attack Power ] damage, 1 sec 2 points: [ 55% [ 80% of Attack Power ] damage, 2 sec 3 points: [ 82.5% [ 120% of Attack Power ] damage, 3 sec 4 points: [ 110% [ 160% of Attack Power ] damage, 4 sec 5 points: [ 137.5% [ 200% of Attack Power ] damage, 5 sec 6 points: [ 165% [ 240% of Attack Power ] damage, 6 sec Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue - Assassination Spec. Rogue - Assassination Spec. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Fan of Knives Sprays knives at all enemies within 10 yards, dealing [ 58.3% [ 77% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and applying your active poisons at their normal rate. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue - Assassination Spec. Rogue - Assassination Spec. 35 Energy. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Garrote Garrote the enemy, causing [ 235.72% [ 311.4% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 18 sec. Awards 1 combo points. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue - Assassination Spec. Rogue - Assassination Spec. 45 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Internal Bleeding Kidney Shot also deals up to [ 99% [ 130.7% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 6 sec, based on combo points spent. Assassination Rogue - Level 40 Talent. Assassination Rogue - Level 40 Talent.
  • Mutilate Attack with both weapons, dealing a total of [ 84% [ 111% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 2 combo points. Requires Daggers. Rogue - Assassination Spec. Rogue - Assassination Spec. 50 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Poison Bomb Envenom has a [ 40 / 10% ]% chance per combo point spent to smash a vial of poison at the target's location, creating a pool of acidic death that deals [ 116.2% [ 153.3% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 2 sec to all enemies within it. Assassination Rogue - Level 50 Talent. Assassination Rogue - Level 50 Talent.
  • Poisoned Knife Throws a poison-coated knife, dealing [ 17.6% [ 23.23% of Attack Power ] damage and applying your active Lethal and Non-Lethal Poisons. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue - Assassination Spec. Rogue - Assassination Spec. 40 Energy. 30 yd range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • System Shock Casting Envenom with at least 5 combo points on a target afflicted by your Garrote, Rupture, and lethal poison deals [ 23.76% [ 31.36% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, and reduces their movement speed by 90% for 2 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Rogue. Requires level 10.

Assassination & Subtlety
  • Rupture Finishing move that tears open the target, dealing Bleed damage over time. Lasts longer per combo point. 1 point : [ 105% [ 127% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec 2 points: [ 157.4% [ 190.5% of Attack Power ] over 12 sec 3 points: [ 209.9% [ 254% of Attack Power ] over 16 sec 4 points: [ 262.4% [ 317.5% of Attack Power ] over 20 sec 5 points: [ 314.9% [ 381% of Attack Power ] over 24 sec 6 points: [ 367.4% [ 444.5% of Attack Power ] over 28 sec Requires Melee Weapon. Rogue - Assassination & Subtlety Spec. Rogue - Assassination & Subtlety Spec. 25 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.

  • Between the Eyes Finishing move that deals damage with your pistol, increasing your critical strike chance by 20%. 1 point : [ 17.3% of Attack Power + 17.3% [ 25.2% of Attack Power + 25.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] damage, 3 sec 2 points: [ 34.7% of Attack Power + 34.7% [ 50.3% of Attack Power + 50.3% of Off-hand Attack Power ] damage, 6 sec 3 points: [ 52% of Attack Power + 52% [ 75.5% of Attack Power + 75.5% of Off-hand Attack Power ] damage, 9 sec 4 points: [ 69.3% of Attack Power + 69.3% [ 100.7% of Attack Power + 100.7% of Off-hand Attack Power ] damage, 12 sec 5 points: [ 86.7% of Attack Power + 86.7% [ 125.8% of Attack Power + 125.8% of Off-hand Attack Power ] damage, 15 sec 6 points: [ 104% of Attack Power + 104% [ 151% of Attack Power + 151% of Off-hand Attack Power ] damage, 18 sec Rogue - Outlaw Spec. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. 25 Energy. 20 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Blade Flurry Blade Flurry now instantly strikes up to 8 nearby targets for [ 50% [ 110% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. Rogue - Outlaw Spec.
  • Blade Flurry Strikes up to 8 nearby targets for [ 50% [ 110% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and causes your single target attacks to also strike up to 7 additional nearby enemies for 50% of normal damage for 10 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. 15 Energy. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Blade Rush Charge to your target with your blades out, dealing [ 120% [ 176% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target and [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] to all other nearby enemies. While Blade Flurry is active, damage to non-primary targets is increased by 100%. Generates 25 Energy over 5 sec. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Outlaw Rogue - Level 50 Talent. Outlaw Rogue - Level 50 Talent. 20 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Dispatch Finishing move that dispatches the enemy, dealing damage per combo point: 1 point : [ 31.5% [ 46.2% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 63% [ 92.4% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 94.5% [ 138.6% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 126% [ 184.8% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 157.5% [ 231% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 189% [ 277.2% of Attack Power ] damage Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Ghostly Strike Strikes an enemy, dealing [ 160% [ 232.32% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and causing the target to take 15% increased damage from your abilities for 12 sec. Awards 1 combo points. Requires Melee Weapon. Outlaw Rogue - Level 15 Talent. Outlaw Rogue - Level 15 Talent. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
  • Killing Spree Finishing move that teleports to an enemy within 0 to 10 yds, striking with both weapons for Physical damage. Number of strikes increased per combo point. 100% of damage taken during effect is delayed, instead taken over 8 sec. 1 point : [ 320% [ 501.8% of Attack Power ] over 0.40 sec 2 points: [ 480% [ 752.7% of Attack Power ] over 0.80 sec 3 points: [ 640% [ 1,003.6% of Attack Power ] over 1.20 sec 4 points: [ 800% [ 1,254.5% of Attack Power ] over 1.60 sec 5 points: [ 960% [ 1,505.4% of Attack Power ] over 2.00 sec 6 points: [ 1,120% [ 1,756.3% of Attack Power ] over 2.40 sec Requires Melee Weapon. Outlaw Rogue - Level 50 Talent. Outlaw Rogue - Level 50 Talent. 45 Energy. 10 yd range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing by 20%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Backstab, Between the Eyes, Black Powder, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Blindside, Coup de Grace, Creeping Venom, Crippling Poison, Deadly Poison, Deadly Throw, Death from Above, Deathmark, Dispatch, Dispatch (Coup de Grace), Double Dose, Echoing Blades, Echoing Reprimand, Envenomous Explosion, Eviscerate, Eviscerate (Coup de Grace), Explosive Inflamation, Fatebound Coin, Fatebound Coin (Tails), Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Garrote, Ghostly Strike, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Hemorrhage, Improved Backstab, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Learn Instant Poison, Lucky Coin, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Mutilate, Neurotoxin, Nightblade, Nothing Personal, Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Wire, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Riposte, Rupture, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadow Blade, Shadow Blade Off-hand, Shadow Blades, Shadowed Finishers, Shadow's Grasp, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Toxic Blade, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Backstab, Between the Eyes, Black Powder, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Blindside, Coup de Grace, Creeping Venom, Crippling Poison, Deadly Poison, Deadly Throw, Death from Above, Deathmark, Dispatch, Dispatch (Coup de Grace), Double Dose, Echoing Blades, Echoing Reprimand, Envenomous Explosion, Eviscerate, Eviscerate (Coup de Grace), Explosive Inflamation, Fatebound Coin, Fatebound Coin (Tails), Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Garrote, Ghostly Strike, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Hemorrhage, Improved Backstab, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Learn Instant Poison, Lucky Coin, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Mutilate, Neurotoxin, Nightblade, Nothing Personal, Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Wire, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Riposte, Rupture, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadow Blade, Shadow Blade Off-hand, Shadow Blades, Shadowed Finishers, Shadow's Grasp, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Toxic Blade, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Rogue - Outlaw Spec. Rogue - Outlaw Spec.
  • Pistol Shot Draw a concealed pistol and fire a quick shot at an enemy, dealing [ 25.1% of Attack Power + 25.1% [ 40% of Attack Power + 40% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Physical damage and reducing movement speed by 30% for 6 sec. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. 40 Energy. 20 yd range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Sinister Strike Viciously strike an enemy, causing [ 60% [ 88% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points each time it strikes. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. Rogue - Outlaw Spec. 45 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.

  • Backstab Stab the target, causing [ 57% [ 69% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Damage increased by 20% when you are behind your target. Awards 1 combo points. Requires Daggers. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. 40 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Black Powder Finishing move that launches explosive Black Powder at all nearby enemies dealing Physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. 1 point : [ 8.8% [ 11.7% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 17.6% [ 23.4% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 26.3% [ 35.1% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 35.1% [ 46.8% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 43.9% [ 58.4% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 52.7% [ 70.1% of Attack Power ] damage Requires Melee Weapon. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. 35 Energy. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Gloomblade Punctures your target with your shadow-infused blade for [ 65.35% [ 79.08% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage, bypassing armor. Awards 1 combo points. Requires Daggers. Subtlety Rogue - Level 15 Talent. Subtlety Rogue - Level 15 Talent. 40 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 52.9% [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 105.8% [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 158.8% [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 211.7% [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 264.6% [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 317.5% [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. Requires Daggers. Subtlety Rogue - Level 50 Talent. Subtlety Rogue - Level 50 Talent. 30 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Shadowstrike Strike the target, dealing [ 150% [ 181.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. While Stealthed, you strike through the shadows and appear behind your target up to 25 yds away, dealing 25% additional damage. Awards 2 combo points. Requires Daggers. Requires Stealth. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. 45 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Shuriken Storm Sprays shurikens at all enemies within 10 yards, dealing [ 23.2% of Attack Power + 23.2% [ 28% of Attack Power + 28% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Physical damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 8 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Awards 1 combo points per target hit. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. 45 Energy. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Shuriken Toss Throws a shuriken at an enemy target for [ 13.1% of Attack Power + 13.1% [ 15.9% of Attack Power + 15.9% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. 40 Energy. 30 yd range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Subtlety Rogue Increases damage/healing by 20%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Blindside, Coup de Grace, Creeping Venom, Crippling Poison, Deadly Poison, Deadly Throw, Death from Above, Deathmark, Dispatch (Coup de Grace), Double Dose, Echoing Blades, Echoing Reprimand, Envenomous Explosion, Eviscerate, Eviscerate (Coup de Grace), Explosive Inflamation, Fatebound Coin, Fatebound Coin (Tails), Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Garrote, Gloomblade, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Hemorrhage, Improved Backstab, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Learn Instant Poison, Lucky Coin, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Mutilate, Neurotoxin, Nightblade, Nothing Personal, Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Wire, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Riposte, Rupture, Second Shuriken, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadow Blade, Shadow Blade Off-hand, Shadow Blades, Shadowed Finishers, Shadow's Grasp, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Toxic Blade, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Ambush, Amplifying Poison, Audacity, Backstab, Black Powder, Blade Flurry, Blade Rush, Blindside, Coup de Grace, Creeping Venom, Crippling Poison, Deadly Poison, Deadly Throw, Death from Above, Deathmark, Dispatch (Coup de Grace), Double Dose, Echoing Blades, Echoing Reprimand, Envenomous Explosion, Eviscerate, Eviscerate (Coup de Grace), Explosive Inflamation, Fatebound Coin, Fatebound Coin (Tails), Fateful Ending, Flagellation, Garrote, Gloomblade, Goremaw's Bite, Hand of Fate, Hemorrhage, Improved Backstab, Improved Shiv, Instant Poison, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Learn Instant Poison, Lucky Coin, Main Gauche, Mind-Numbing Poison, Mutilate, Neurotoxin, Nightblade, Nothing Personal, Numbing Poison, Opportunity, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Wire, Precision Shot, Replicating Shadows, Riposte, Rupture, Second Shuriken, Secret Technique, Sepsis, Serrated Bone Spike, Serrated Bone Spikes, Shadow Blade, Shadow Blade Off-hand, Shadow Blades, Shadowed Finishers, Shadow's Grasp, Shadowstrike, Shiv, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, Sinister Strike, System Shock, Terrifying Pace, Toxic Blade, Unseen Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 15%: Deathmark, Replicating Shadows, Rupture Decreases periodic damage/healing by 13%: Deathmark, Replicating Shadows, Rupture Rogue - Subtlety Spec. Rogue - Subtlety Spec.

Shaman (Forums)

  • [DNT] Test Effect 1 Your damaging spells incite the earth around you to come to your aid for 6 sec, repeatedly dealing [ 13.75% [ 31.46% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your most recently attacked target. Instant.
  • Acid Rain Deal [ 43.7% Deal [ 67.3% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 1 sec to up to 5 enemies inside of your Healing Rain. Instant.
  • Acid Rain Deal [ 43.7% Deal [ 67.3% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 1 sec to up to 5 enemies inside of your Healing Rain.
  • Acid Rain Deal [ 43.7% Deal [ 67.3% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 1 sec to up to 5 enemies inside of your Healing Rain. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Alpha Wolf While Feral Spirits are active, Chain Lightning and Crash Lightning causes your wolves to attack all nearby enemies for [ 21% [ 22.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage every 2 sec for the next 8 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Alpha Wolf While Feral Spirits are active, Chain Lightning and Crash Lightning causes your wolves to attack all nearby enemies for [ 21% [ 22.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage every 2 sec for the next 8 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Alpha Wolf While Feral Spirits are active, Chain Lightning and Crash Lightning causes your wolves to attack all nearby enemies for [ 21% [ 22.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage every 2 sec for the next 8 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Ancestral Protection (New) Summons a totem at the target location for 30 sec. All allies within 20 yards of the totem gain 10% increased health. If an ally dies, the totem will be consumed to allow them to Reincarnate with 20% health and mana. Cannot reincarnate an ally who dies to massive damage. Instant.
  • Ancestral Protection (New) Summons a totem at the target location for 30 sec. All allies within 20 yards of the totem gain 10% increased health. If an ally dies, the totem will be consumed to allow them to Reincarnate with 20% health and mana. Cannot reincarnate an ally who dies to massive damage. Instant.
  • Ancestral Protection (New) Summons a totem at the target location for 30 sec. All allies within 20 yards of the totem gain 10% increased health. If an ally dies, the totem will be consumed to allow them to Reincarnate with 20% health and mana. Cannot reincarnate an ally who dies to massive damage. Instant.
  • Arc Discharge When Tempest strikes more than one target, your next 2 Chain Lightning spells are instant cast and deal 75% increased damage. 40% increased damage.
  • Arc Discharge When Tempest strikes more than one target, your next 2 Chain Lightning spells are instant cast and deal 75% increased damage. Instant. 40% increased damage. Instant.
  • Ascendance Transform into an Air Ascendant for 15 sec, immediately dealing [ 187.5% [ 215.62% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to any enemy within 8 yds, reducing the cooldown and cost of Stormstrike by 60%, and transforming your auto attack and Stormstrike into Wind attacks which bypass armor and have a 0 to 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Chain Heal (Enhancement) Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem to hurl Searing Bolts that deal [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to a nearby enemy.
  • Chain Heal (Enhancement) Stormstrike has a chance to unleash a Surging Bolt at your Surging Totem, increasing the totem's damage by 10%, and then redirecting the bolt to your target for [ 80% [ 92% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 105% [ 150.15% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 63.5% [ 73.03% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 20 yd range. Instant.
  • Chain Lightning (Elemental) Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 63.5% [ 73.03% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies.
  • Chain Lightning (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 63.5% [ 73.03% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies.
  • Chain Lightning (Crash Lightning) Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 63.5% [ 73.03% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies.
  • Chain Lightning Overload (Normal) Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 15.9% [ 18.3% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies.
  • Chain Lightning Overload (Echo Chamber) Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 22.2% [ 25.6% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies.
  • Crash Lightning (Normal) Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 17.6% of Attack Power + 17.6% [ 20.2% of Attack Power + 20.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power + 16% [ 18.4% of Attack Power + 18.4% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you.
  • Crash Lightning (Converging Storms) Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 17.6% of Attack Power + 17.6% [ 20.2% of Attack Power + 20.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power + 16% [ 18.4% of Attack Power + 18.4% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you.
  • Crash Lightning (Normal) Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 17.6% of Attack Power + 17.6% [ 20.2% of Attack Power + 20.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power + 16% [ 18.4% of Attack Power + 18.4% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you.
  • Crash Lightning (Converging Storms) Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 17.6% of Attack Power + 17.6% [ 20.2% of Attack Power + 20.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power + 16% [ 18.4% of Attack Power + 18.4% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you.
  • Crash Lightning (Normal) Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 17.6% of Attack Power + 17.6% [ 20.2% of Attack Power + 20.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power + 16% [ 18.4% of Attack Power + 18.4% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you.
  • Crash Lightning (Converging Storms) Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 17.6% of Attack Power + 17.6% [ 20.2% of Attack Power + 20.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power + 16% [ 18.4% of Attack Power + 18.4% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you.
  • Crash Lightning (Normal) Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 17.6% of Attack Power + 17.6% [ 20.2% of Attack Power + 20.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power + 16% [ 18.4% of Attack Power + 18.4% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you.
  • Crash Lightning (Converging Storms) Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing [ 17.6% of Attack Power + 17.6% [ 20.2% of Attack Power + 20.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash to also deal [ 16% of Attack Power + 16% [ 18.4% of Attack Power + 18.4% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Nature damage to all targets in front of you.
  • Deeply Rooted Elements (Enhancement) Ascendance Transform into an Air Ascendant for 15 sec, immediately dealing [ 187.5% [ 215.62% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to any enemy within 8 yds, reducing the cooldown and cost of Stormstrike by 60%, and transforming your auto attack and Stormstrike into Wind attacks which bypass armor and have a 0 to 30 yd range.
  • Deeply Rooted Elements (Initial) Ascendance Transform into an Air Ascendant for 15 sec, immediately dealing [ 187.5% [ 215.62% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to any enemy within 8 yds, reducing the cooldown and cost of Stormstrike by 60%, and transforming your auto attack and Stormstrike into Wind attacks which bypass armor and have a 0 to 30 yd range.
  • Deeply Rooted Elements Ascendance Transform into an Air Ascendant for 15 sec, immediately dealing [ 187.5% [ 215.62% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to any enemy within 8 yds, reducing the cooldown and cost of Stormstrike by 60%, and transforming your auto attack and Stormstrike into Wind attacks which bypass armor and have a 0 to 30 yd range.
  • Doom Winds Strike your target for [ 65% [ 74.75% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, increase your chance to activate Windfury Weapon by 200%, and increases damage dealt by Windfury Weapon by 10% for 8 sec. Requires One-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Fist Weapons. Melee range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Doom Wolves While Feral Spirits are active, Chain Lightning and Crash Lightning causes your wolves to attack all nearby enemies for [ 21% [ 22.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage every 2 sec for the next 8 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Downpour Casting Healing Rain has a 100% chance to activate Downpour, allowing you to cast Downpour within 6 sec. Downpour A burst of water at your Healing Rain's location heals up to 5 injured allies within 12 yards for [ 275% [ 220% of Spell Power ] and increases their maximum health by 10% for 6 sec.
  • Downpour (Elemental) Downpour A burst of water at your Healing Rain's location heals up to 5 injured allies within 12 yards for [ 275% [ 220% of Spell Power ] and increases their maximum health by 10% for 6 sec.
  • Downpour (Enhancement) Downpour A burst of water at your Healing Rain's location heals up to 5 injured allies within 12 yards for [ 275% [ 220% of Spell Power ] and increases their maximum health by 10% for 6 sec.
  • Downpour A burst of water at your Healing Rain's location heals up to 5 injured allies within 12 yards for [ 275% [ 220% of Spell Power ] and increases their maximum health by 10% for 6 sec. 3% 2.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Earth Shock (Normal) Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing [ 283.43% [ 508.86% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Earth Shock (Fulmination) Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing [ 283.43% [ 508.86% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Earth Shock Overload Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing [ 141.7% [ 254.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthen Rage Your damaging spells incite the earth around you to come to your aid for 6 sec, repeatedly dealing [ 13.75% [ 31.46% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your most recently attacked target. 45 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthen Rage Your damaging spells incite the earth around you to come to your aid for 6 sec, repeatedly dealing [ 13.75% [ 31.46% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your most recently attacked target. Instant.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 266.5% [ 233% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. 60 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 266.5% [ 233% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 266.5% [ 233% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of your target to tremble and break, dealing [ 266.5% [ 233% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at your target. 60 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 266.5% [ 233% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 33.3% [ 34.3% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Overload Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 33.3% [ 34.3% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Elemental Blast (New) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 226.51% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec. Limited to 1 target. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Elemental Blast (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast Enhancement: Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 132% [ 226.51% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec. Limited to 1 target. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Elemental Blast (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast Overload (Normal) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 43.8% [ 50.3% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast Overload (Echo Chamber) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 61.3% [ 70.4% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast: Critical Strike (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast: Critical Strike (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast: Haste (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast: Haste (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast: Mastery (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast: Mastery (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Spirits While Feral Spirits are active, Chain Lightning and Crash Lightning causes your wolves to attack all nearby enemies for [ 21% [ 22.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage every 2 sec for the next 8 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Elemental Spirits While Feral Spirits are active, Chain Lightning and Crash Lightning causes your wolves to attack all nearby enemies for [ 21% [ 22.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage every 2 sec for the next 8 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Enhanced Weapons You imbue your weapons with the power of wind and fire. Each of your main-hand weapon attacks has a 0% chance of triggering three extra attacks dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Each of your off-hand weapon attacks causes up to [ 14.9% of Attack Power ] additional Fire damage, based on weapon speed.
  • Feral Lunge Lunge at your enemy as a ghostly wolf, biting them to deal [ 9% [ 10.35% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Feral Lunge Lunge at your enemy as a ghostly wolf, biting them to deal [ 9% [ 10.35% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Melee range. Instant.
  • Final Calling (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) The shield absorbs the next [ 300% [ 900% of Spell Power ] incoming damage, but the absorb amount decays fully over its duration.
  • Final Calling (Latent Wisdom) The shield absorbs the next [ 360% [ 1,080% of Spell Power ] incoming damage, but the absorb amount decays fully over its duration.
  • Final Calling The shield absorbs the next [ 360% [ 1,080% of Spell Power ] incoming damage, but the absorb amount decays fully over its duration.
  • Fire Nova Erupt a burst of fiery damage from all targets affected by your Flame Shock, dealing [ 43.34% [ 49.84% of Attack Power ] Flamestrike damage to up to 6 targets within 8 yds of your Flame Shock targets. Limited to 6 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Flame Shock (Elemental, Enhancement, Initial) Sears the target with fire, causing [ 19.5% [ 22.43% of Spell Power ] Volcanic damage and then an additional [ 104.4% [ 120.06% of Spell Power ] Volcanic damage over 18 sec.
  • Flame Shock (Restoration) Sears the target with fire, causing [ 19.5% [ 22.43% of Spell Power ] Volcanic damage and then an additional [ 104.4% [ 120.06% of Spell Power ] Volcanic damage over 18 sec.
  • Frost Shock Chills the target with frost, causing [ 63% [ 72.45% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. 0.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Frost Shock Chills the target with frost, causing [ 63% [ 72.45% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Hydrobubble (Normal) The shield absorbs the next [ 300% [ 900% of Spell Power ] incoming damage, but the absorb amount decays fully over its duration.
  • Hydrobubble (Latent Wisdom) The shield absorbs the next [ 360% [ 1,080% of Spell Power ] incoming damage, but the absorb amount decays fully over its duration.
  • Ice Strike Strike your target with an icy blade, dealing [ 124.2% [ 142.83% of Attack Power ] Frost damage and snaring them by 50% for 6 sec. Ice Strike increases the damage of your next Frost Shock by 100%. Melee range. Instant.
  • Icefury (Elemental) Icefury Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 163.35% [ 431.22% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and causing your next 2 Frost Shocks to deal 225% increased damage and generate 10 Maelstrom.
  • Icefury (Enhancement) Icefury Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 163.35% [ 431.22% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and causing your next 2 Frost Shocks to deal 225% increased damage and generate 10 Maelstrom.
  • Icefury Casting Lava Burst has a chance to replace your next Frost Shock with Icefury, stacking up to 2 times. Icefury Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 163.35% [ 431.22% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and causing your next 2 Frost Shocks to deal 225% increased damage and generate 10 Maelstrom. Generates 12 Maelstrom.
  • Icefury Overload (Normal) Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 40.8% [ 107.8% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Icefury Overload (Echo Chamber) Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 57.2% [ 150.9% of Spell Power ] Frost damage.
  • Lava Beam Unleashes a blast of superheated flame at the enemy, dealing [ 76.2% [ 87.63% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Damage is increased by 10% after each jump. Affects 3 total targets. Generates 2 Maelstrom per target hit. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Lava Beam Overload Unleash a blast of superheated flame at the enemy, dealing [ 76.2% [ 87.63% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects up to 3 total targets. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Lava Burst (Elemental) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 97.2% [ 139% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 97.2% [ 139% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst (Elemental) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 97.2% [ 139% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 97.2% [ 139% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst (Normal) Hurls molten lava at the target, critically dealing [ 160% [ 228.8% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst (PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED)) Hurls molten lava at the target, critically dealing [ 120% [ 171.6% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst Overload (Elemental) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 97.2% [ 139% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst Overload (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 97.2% [ 139% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst Overload (Normal) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 24.3% [ 34.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Burst Overload (Echo Chamber) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 34% [ 48.6% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Lash (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Charges your off-hand weapon with lava and burns your target, dealing [ 130.8% [ 150.42% of Attack Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Lash (Enhancement) Charges your off-hand weapon with lava and burns your target, dealing [ 130.8% [ 150.42% of Attack Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lava Lash (Molten Assault) Charges your off-hand weapon with lava and burns your target, dealing [ 130.8% [ 150.42% of Attack Power ] Fire damage.
  • Lightning Bolt (Elemental) Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 114% [ 131.1% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Bolt (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 114% [ 131.1% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Bolt (Elemental) Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 114% [ 131.1% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Bolt (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 114% [ 131.1% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Bolt Overload (Normal) Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for [ 28.5% [ 32.8% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Bolt Overload (Echo Chamber) Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for [ 39.9% [ 45.9% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Bolt Overload (Normal) Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for [ 28.5% [ 32.8% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Bolt Overload (Echo Chamber) Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for [ 39.9% [ 45.9% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield (Elemental) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 100% chance to generate 5 Maelstrom.
  • Lightning Shield (Enhancement) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 50% chance to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
  • Lightning Shield (Restoration, Initial) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield (Elemental Orbit) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield (Elemental) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 100% chance to generate 5 Maelstrom.
  • Lightning Shield (Enhancement) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 50% chance to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
  • Lightning Shield (Restoration, Initial) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield (Elemental Orbit) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield (Elemental) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 100% chance to generate 5 Maelstrom.
  • Lightning Shield (Enhancement) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 50% chance to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
  • Lightning Shield (Restoration, Initial) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield (Elemental Orbit) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield (Elemental) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 100% chance to generate 5 Maelstrom.
  • Lightning Shield (Enhancement) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 50% chance to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
  • Lightning Shield (Restoration, Initial) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield (Elemental Orbit) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield Overcharge (Elemental) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 100% chance to generate 5 Maelstrom.
  • Lightning Shield Overcharge (Enhancement) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and have a 50% chance to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
  • Lightning Shield Overcharge (Restoration, Initial) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Shield Overcharge (Elemental Orbit) Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer [ 15% [ 21.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • Liquid Magma Summons a totem at the target location that erupts dealing [ 99% [ 141.57% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and applying Flame Shock to 3 enemies within 8 yards. Continues hurling liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec for 6 sec, dealing [ 58.3% [ 77.9% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Lively Totems (Enhancement) Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem to hurl Searing Bolts that deal [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to a nearby enemy.
  • Lively Totems (Enhancement) Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem to hurl Searing Bolts that deal [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to a nearby enemy.
  • Lively Totems Enhancement: Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem to hurl Searing Bolts that deal [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to a nearby enemy.
  • Lively Totems (Enhancement) Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem to hurl Searing Bolts that deal [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to a nearby enemy.
  • Lively Totems (Enhancement) Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem to hurl Searing Bolts that deal [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to a nearby enemy.
  • Magma Eruption Summons a totem at the target location that erupts dealing [ 99% [ 141.57% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and applying Flame Shock to 3 enemies within 8 yards. Continues hurling liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec for 6 sec, dealing [ 58.3% [ 77.9% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Limited to 3 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Magma Eruption Summons a totem at the target location that erupts dealing [ 99% [ 141.57% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and applying Flame Shock to 3 enemies within 8 yards. Continues hurling liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec for 6 sec, dealing [ 58.3% [ 77.9% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Natural Harmony Reduces the cooldown of Nature's Guardian by 10 15 sec and causes it to heal for an additional 5% of your maximum health. 10% of your maximum health.
  • Nature's Guardian When your health is brought below 35%, you instantly heal for 27% 20% of your maximum health. Cannot occur more than once every 45 sec. Instant.
  • Nature's Guardian When your health is brought below 35%, you instantly heal for 27% 20% of your maximum health. Cannot occur more than once every 45 sec. Shaman - Level 40 Talent. Shaman - Level 40 Talent.
  • Power of the Maelstrom Casting Lava Burst has a 25% 60% chance to cause your next Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning cast to trigger Elemental Overload an additional time, stacking up to 2 times. Instant.
  • Primordial Wave (Elemental) Your next Lava Burst will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for 80% of normal damage. 50% of normal damage.
  • Primordial Wave (Elemental) Your next Lava Burst will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for 80% of normal damage. 50% of normal damage.
  • Primordial Wave (Elemental) Your next Lava Burst will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for 80% of normal damage. 50% of normal damage.
  • Primordial Wave (Elemental) Your next Lava Burst will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for 80% of normal damage. 50% of normal damage.
  • Primordial Wave (Elemental) Your next Lava Burst will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for 80% of normal damage. 50% of normal damage.
  • Reactivity (Enhancement) Frost Shocks empowered by Hailstorm, Lava Lash, and Fire Nova cause your Searing totems to shoot a Searing Volley at up to 5 nearby enemies for [ 80% [ 46% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Reactivity Enhancement: Frost Shocks empowered by Hailstorm, Lava Lash, and Fire Nova cause your Searing totems to shoot a Searing Volley at up to 5 nearby enemies for [ 80% [ 46% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Ride the Lightning When you use Stormstrike you also cast a Chain Lightning on the target. Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 63.5% [ 73.03% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. PvP Talent. PvP Talent.
  • Searing Bolt Deals [ 60% Deals [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target. 30 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Searing Totem Summons a Fire Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 60 sec that repeatedly attacks an enemy within 0 to 30 yards for [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. 5.9% of Base Mana. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Searing Volley Deals [ 80% Deals [ 46% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to up to 5 nearby enemies. Limited to 5 targets. 30 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Seismic Thunder Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 266.5% [ 233% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. Instant.
  • Shattered Earth Your damaging spells incite the earth around you to come to your aid for 6 sec, repeatedly dealing [ 13.75% [ 31.46% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your most recently attacked target. 45 yd range. Instant.
  • Splintered Elements (Elemental) Primordial Wave grants you 20% 10% Haste plus 4% for each additional Lava Burst generated by Primordial Wave for 12 sec.
  • Splintered Elements (Enhancement, Initial) Primordial Wave grants you 20% 10% Haste plus 4% for each additional Lightning Bolt generated by Primordial Wave for 12 sec.
  • Splintered Elements (Restoration) Primordial Wave grants you 20% 10% Haste plus 4% for each additional Healing Wave generated by Primordial Wave for 12 sec.
  • Spouting Spirits Spirit Link Totem reduces damage taken by an additional 5%, and it restores [ 1,200% [ 780% of Spell Power ] health to all nearby allies 1 second after it is dropped. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • Spouting Spirits Spirit Link Totem reduces damage taken by an additional 5%, and it restores [ 1,200% [ 780% of Spell Power ] health to all nearby allies 1 second after it is dropped. Healing reduced beyond 5 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Stone Bulwark Summons a totem with [ 5% [ 30% of Total Health ] health at the feet of the caster for 30 sec, granting the caster a shield absorbing [ 3,600% of Spell Power ] damage for 15 sec, and up to an additional [ 360% of Spell Power ] every 5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Stone Bulwark Summons a totem with [ 5% [ 30% of Total Health ] health at the feet of the caster for 30 sec, granting the caster a shield absorbing [ 3,600% of Spell Power ] damage for 15 sec, and up to an additional [ 360% of Spell Power ] every 5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Stone Bulwark Totem Summons a totem with [ 5% [ 30% of Total Health ] health at the feet of the caster for 30 sec, granting the caster a shield absorbing [ 3,600% of Spell Power ] damage for 15 sec, and up to an additional [ 360% of Spell Power ] every 5 sec. 2% of Base Mana. Instant. 3 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Stormstrike Energize your weapons with lightning and deliver a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Requires Melee Weapon. 40 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant. 16 sec cooldown.
  • Stormstrike (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Stormstrike (Enhancement) Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Stormstrike (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Stormstrike (Enhancement) Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Stormstrike Off-Hand (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Stormstrike Off-Hand (Enhancement) Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Sundering Shatters a line of earth in front of you with your main hand weapon, causing [ 184% [ 211.6% of Attack Power ] Flamestrike damage and Incapacitating any enemy hit for 2 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Surging Bolt Hurl a bolt of lightning at your Surging Totem that rebounds at your target, zapping them for [ 80% [ 92% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Surging Bolt (Enhancement) Stormstrike has a chance to unleash a Surging Bolt at your Surging Totem, increasing the totem's damage by 10%, and then redirecting the bolt to your target for [ 80% [ 92% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Surging Totem (Elemental, Enhancement, Initial) Summons a totem at the target location that creates a Tremor immediately and every 6 sec for [ 91% [ 104.65% of Attack Power ] Flamestrike damage.
  • Swirling Currents (Elemental) Increases the healing done by Healing Stream Totem by 26%. 21%.
  • Tempest (Elemental) Every 400 Every 300 Maelstrom spent replaces your next Lightning Bolt with Tempest.
  • Tempest (Elemental) Every 400 Every 300 Maelstrom spent replaces your next Lightning Bolt with Tempest.
  • Tempest Deal [ 270% Deal [ 310.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your target, and [ 135% [ 155.3% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to other enemy targets within 8 yds of your target. 0.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Tempest Overload Deal [ 270% Deal [ 310.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your target, and [ 135% [ 155.3% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to other enemy targets within 8 yds of your target. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Tempest Strikes Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash have a 100% chance to discharge electricity at your target, dealing [ 35% [ 40.25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Tempest Strikes Stormstrike, Ice Strike, and Lava Lash have a 100% chance to discharge electricity at your target, dealing [ 35% [ 40.25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Thunderstorm (Normal) Calls down a bolt of lightning, dealing [ 10.45% [ 15.15% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to all enemies within 10 yards, reducing their movement speed by 40% for 5 sec, and knocking them away from the Shaman.
  • Thunderstorm (Thundershock) Calls down a bolt of lightning, dealing [ 10.45% [ 15.15% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to all enemies within 10 yards, reducing their movement speed by 40% for 5 sec, and knocking them upward.
  • Thunderstrike Imbue your shield with the element of Lightning for 60 min, giving Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning a chance to call down 2 Thunderstrikes on your target for [ 20% [ 71.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Thunderstrike Ward Imbue your shield with the element of Lightning for 60 min, giving Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning a chance to call down 2 Thunderstrikes on your target for [ 20% [ 71.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Requires Shield. Shield Imbue. Shield Imbue. Instant.
  • Thunderstrike Ward Imbue your shield with the element of Lightning for 60 min, giving Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning a chance to call down 2 Thunderstrikes on your target for [ 20% [ 71.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Instant.
  • Thunderstrike Ward Imbue your shield with the element of Lightning for 60 min, giving Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning a chance to call down 2 Thunderstrikes on your target for [ 20% [ 71.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Requires Shield. Shield Imbue. Shield Imbue. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Totemic Rebound (Enhancement) Stormstrike has a chance to unleash a Surging Bolt at your Surging Totem, increasing the totem's damage by 10%, and then redirecting the bolt to your target for [ 80% [ 92% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Totemic Rebound (Enhancement) Stormstrike has a chance to unleash a Surging Bolt at your Surging Totem, increasing the totem's damage by 10%, and then redirecting the bolt to your target for [ 80% [ 92% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Tremor Surging Totem creates Tremors every 6 sec, dealing [ 91% [ 104.65% of Attack Power ] Flamestrike damage to enemies within 8 yards. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Wind Rush Totem Summons a totem at the target location for 15 sec, continually granting all allies who pass within 10 yards 40% increased movement speed for 5 sec. Shaman - Level 40 Talent. Shaman - Level 40 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Windfury (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury (Enhancement) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury (Unruly Winds) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger three extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Attack (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Attack (Enhancement) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Attack (Unruly Winds) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger three extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Attack Each of your main-hand weapon attacks has a 0% chance of triggering three extra attacks dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Windfury Totem Summons a Windfury Totem with 5 health at the target destination for 60 sec. If the totem is destroyed, Windfury Totem incurs a 30 sec cooldown. Windfury Totem enchants all allies' weapons within 10 yards with wind causing attacks to have a 40% chance to generate an additional 3 extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Windfury Totem Summons a Windfury Totem with 5 health at the target destination for 60 sec. If the totem is destroyed, Windfury Totem incurs a 30 sec cooldown. Windfury Totem enchants all allies' weapons within 10 yards with wind causing attacks to have a 40% chance to generate an additional 3 extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 5% of Base Mana. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Windfury Weapon (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Weapon (Enhancement) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Weapon (Unruly Winds) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger three extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Weapon Imbue your weapon with the element of Wind. Each hit has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each. Requires One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, Staves, Fist Weapons, Daggers. Weapon Imbue. Weapon Imbue. Instant.
  • Windfury Weapon (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Weapon (Enhancement) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Weapon (Unruly Winds) Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger three extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.
  • Windfury Weapon Imbue your weapon with the element of Wind. Each hit has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 27% [ 31.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each. Requires One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, Staves, Fist Weapons, Daggers. Weapon Imbue. Weapon Imbue. Instant.
  • Windstrike Hurl a staggering blast of wind at an enemy, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, bypassing armor. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Windstrike Hurl a staggering blast of wind at an enemy, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, bypassing armor. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 30 yd range. Instant. 7.5 sec cooldown.
  • Windstrike Off-Hand Hurl a staggering blast of wind at an enemy, dealing a total of [ 234% [ 269.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, bypassing armor. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.

  • Earthen Rage Your damaging spells incite the earth around you to come to your aid for 6 sec, repeatedly dealing [ 13.75% [ 31.46% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your most recently attacked target. Elemental Shaman - Level 15 Talent. Elemental Shaman - Level 15 Talent.
  • Elemental Shaman Elemental Shaman baseline passive Increases damage/healing by 39%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning Overload, Control of Lava, Converging Storms, Crash Lightning, Doom Winds, Earth Shock, Earth Shock Overload, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Earthquake Overload, Echo Chamber, Echoing Shock, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Icefury Overload, Lashing Flames, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Lightning Conduit, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Maelstrom, Magma Eruption, Mastery: Elemental Overload, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Rumbling Tremors, Searing Assault, Searing Bolt, Searing Totem, Searing Volley, Stormfury, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Strength of Earth, Sundering, Surging Bolt, Surging Totem, Swirling Maelstrom, Tectonic Thunder, Tempest, Tempest Overload, Tempest Strikes, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike Ward, Totemic Rebound, Tremor, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 39%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning Overload, Control of Lava, Converging Storms, Crash Lightning, Doom Winds, Earth Shock, Earth Shock Overload, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Earthquake Overload, Echo Chamber, Echoing Shock, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Icefury Overload, Lashing Flames, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Lightning Conduit, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Maelstrom, Magma Eruption, Mastery: Elemental Overload, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Rumbling Tremors, Searing Assault, Searing Bolt, Searing Totem, Searing Volley, Stormfury, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Strength of Earth, Sundering, Surging Bolt, Surging Totem, Swirling Maelstrom, Tectonic Thunder, Tempest, Tempest Overload, Tempest Strikes, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike Ward, Totemic Rebound, Tremor, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 19%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 47% 26%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 43% 60%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 12%: Echo Chamber, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 67% 80%: Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning Decreases damage/healing by 40%: Earthen Smash, Echo Chamber, Lava Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Maelstrom, Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 5%: Echo Chamber, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Maelstrom, Mastery: Elemental 24%: Tempest and Tempest Overload Increases damage/healing by 51% 59%: Control of Lava and Flame Shock Increases periodic damage/healing by 51% 59%: Control of Lava and Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 164% 19%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 150%: Echo Chamber, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 29% 4%: Echo Chamber, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Maelstrom, Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 57% 102%: Earthen Smash, Echo Chamber, Lava Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Maelstrom, Mastery: Elemental Overload Increases damage/healing by 25%: Deluge and Tidebringer Decreases damage/healing by 13%: Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 3%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning Overload, Control of Lava, Converging Storms, Crash Lightning, Doom Winds, Earth Shock, Earth Shock Overload, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Earthquake Overload, Echo Chamber, Echoing Shock, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Icefury Overload, Lashing Flames, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Lightning Conduit, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Maelstrom, Magma Eruption, Mastery: Elemental Overload, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Rumbling Tremors, Searing Assault, Searing Bolt, Searing Totem, Searing Volley, Stormfury, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Strength of Earth, Sundering, Surging Bolt, Surging Totem, Swirling Maelstrom, Tectonic Thunder, Tempest, Tempest Overload, Tempest Strikes, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike Ward, Totemic Rebound, Tremor, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning Overload, Control of Lava, Converging Storms, Crash Lightning, Doom Winds, Earth Shock, Earth Shock Overload, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Earthquake Overload, Echo Chamber, Echoing Shock, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Icefury Overload, Lashing Flames, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Lightning Conduit, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma, Liquid Magma Totem, Lively Totems, Maelstrom, Magma Eruption, Mastery: Elemental Overload, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Rumbling Tremors, Searing Assault, Searing Bolt, Searing Totem, Searing Volley, Stormfury, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Strength of Earth, Sundering, Surging Bolt, Surging Totem, Swirling Maelstrom, Tectonic Thunder, Tempest, Tempest Overload, Tempest Strikes, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike Ward, Totemic Rebound, Tremor, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Shaman - Elemental Spec. Shaman - Elemental Spec.
  • Icefury Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 163.35% [ 431.22% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and causing your next 2 Frost Shocks to deal 225% increased damage and generate 10 Maelstrom. Generates 12 Maelstrom. Elemental Shaman - Level 45 Talent. Elemental Shaman - Level 45 Talent. 0.6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Liquid Magma Totem Summons a totem at the target location that erupts dealing [ 99% [ 141.57% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and applying Flame Shock to 3 enemies within 8 yards. Continues hurling liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec for 6 sec, dealing [ 58.3% [ 77.9% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Elemental Shaman - Level 35 Talent. Elemental Shaman - Level 35 Talent. 0.7% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 30 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.

Elemental & Enhancement
  • Elemental Blast (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Elemental Blast (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.

Elemental, Enhancement, Restoration
  • Static Field Totem Summons a totem with 4% of your health at the target location for 6 sec that forms a circuit of electricity that enemies cannot pass through. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown. Requires Shaman. Requires level 10.

  • Ascendance Transform into an Air Ascendant for 15 sec, immediately dealing [ 187.5% [ 215.62% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to any enemy within 8 yds, reducing the cooldown and cost of Stormstrike by 60%, and transforming your auto attack and Stormstrike into Wind attacks which bypass armor and have a 0 to 30 yd range. Enhancement Shaman - Level 50 Talent. Enhancement Shaman - Level 50 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
  • Enhancement Shaman Increases damage/healing by 16%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning Overload, Control of Lava, Converging Storms, Crash Lightning, Doom Winds, Earth Shock, Earth Shock Overload, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Earthquake Overload, Echo Chamber, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Icefury Overload, Lashing Flames, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Lightning Conduit, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma, Lively Totems, Magma Eruption, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Rumbling Tremors, Searing Assault, Searing Bolt, Searing Totem, Searing Volley, Stormflurry, Stormfury, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Strength of Earth, Sundering, Surging Bolt, Surging Totem, Swirling Maelstrom, Tectonic Thunder, Tempest, Tempest Overload, Tempest Strikes, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike Ward, Totemic Rebound, Tremor, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 16%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning Overload, Control of Lava, Converging Storms, Crash Lightning, Doom Winds, Earth Shock, Earth Shock Overload, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Earthquake Overload, Echo Chamber, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Icefury Overload, Lashing Flames, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Lightning Conduit, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma, Lively Totems, Magma Eruption, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Rumbling Tremors, Searing Assault, Searing Bolt, Searing Totem, Searing Volley, Stormflurry, Stormfury, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Strength of Earth, Sundering, Surging Bolt, Surging Totem, Swirling Maelstrom, Tectonic Thunder, Tempest, Tempest Overload, Tempest Strikes, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike Ward, Totemic Rebound, Tremor, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Decreases damage/healing by 21%: Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Earthen Smash, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Lava Bolt, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 47%: Earth Shield Decreases damage/healing by 4%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 40% Tempest Increases damage/healing by 26%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 34%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 25%: Deluge and Tidebringer Increases damage/healing by 43%: Earth Shield Decreases damage/healing by 9%: Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery Increases damage/healing by 10%: Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery 60%: Earth Shield Increases damage/healing by 10%: Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Ride the Lightning Shaman - Enhancement Spec. Shaman - Enhancement Spec.
  • Feral Lunge Lunge at your enemy as a ghostly wolf, biting them to deal [ 9% [ 10.35% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Enhancement Shaman - Level 40 Talent. Enhancement Shaman - Level 40 Talent. 8-25 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. 0.5 sec global cooldown.
  • Fire Nova Erupt a burst of fiery damage from all targets affected by your Flame Shock, dealing [ 43.34% [ 49.84% of Attack Power ] Flamestrike damage to up to 6 targets within 8 yds of your Flame Shock targets. Enhancement Shaman - Level 35 Talent. Enhancement Shaman - Level 35 Talent. 0.2% of Base Mana. Melee range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
  • Ice Strike Strike your target with an icy blade, dealing [ 124.2% [ 142.83% of Attack Power ] Frost damage and snaring them by 50% for 6 sec. Ice Strike increases the damage of your next Frost Shock by 100%. Requires One-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Fist Weapons. Enhancement Shaman - Level 25 Talent. Enhancement Shaman - Level 25 Talent. 0.66% of Base Mana. Melee range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
  • Ride the Lightning If there are more than 2 enemies within 8 yards when you cast Stormstrike, you also cast a Chain Lightning on the target, dealing [ 63.5% [ 73.03% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Otherwise, you conjure bolts of lightning to up to 2 furthest enemies within 40 yards dealing [ 50% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Shaman. Requires level 10.
  • Sundering Shatters a line of earth in front of you with your main hand weapon, causing [ 184% [ 211.6% of Attack Power ] Flamestrike damage and Incapacitating any enemy hit for 2 sec. Requires Melee Weapon. Enhancement Shaman - Level 45 Talent. Enhancement Shaman - Level 45 Talent. 1.2% of Base Mana. Instant. 40 sec cooldown.

  • Downpour A burst of water at your Healing Rain's location heals up to 5 injured allies within 12 yards for [ 275% [ 220% of Spell Power ] and increases their maximum health by 10% for 6 sec. Restoration Shaman - Level 45 Talent. Restoration Shaman - Level 45 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Restoration Shaman Restoration Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 54%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning Overload, Control of Lava, Converging Storms, Crash Lightning, Doom Winds, Earth Shock, Earth Shock Overload, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Earthquake Overload, Echo Chamber, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Icefury Overload, Lashing Flames, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Lightning Conduit, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma, Lively Totems, Magma Eruption, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Rumbling Tremors, Searing Assault, Searing Bolt, Searing Totem, Searing Volley, Stormfury, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Strength of Earth, Sundering, Surging Bolt, Surging Totem, Swirling Maelstrom, Tectonic Thunder, Tempest, Tempest Overload, Tempest Strikes, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike Ward, Totemic Rebound, Tremor, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 54%: Acid Rain, Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning Overload, Control of Lava, Converging Storms, Crash Lightning, Doom Winds, Earth Shock, Earth Shock Overload, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Earthquake Overload, Echo Chamber, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Elemental Blast: Critical Strike, Elemental Blast: Haste, Elemental Blast: Mastery, Feral Lunge, Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Flametongue Weapon, Frost Shock, Hailstorm, Ice Strike, Icefury, Icefury Overload, Lashing Flames, Lava Beam, Lava Beam Overload, Lava Burst, Lava Burst Overload, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload, Lightning Conduit, Lightning Shield, Liquid Magma, Lively Totems, Magma Eruption, Reactivity, Ride the Lightning, Rumbling Tremors, Searing Assault, Searing Bolt, Searing Totem, Searing Volley, Stormfury, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Strength of Earth, Sundering, Surging Bolt, Surging Totem, Swirling Maelstrom, Tectonic Thunder, Tempest, Tempest Overload, Tempest Strikes, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike Ward, Totemic Rebound, Tremor, Windfury Attack, Windfury Weapon, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 235%: Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Ride the Lightning Increases damage/healing by 128% 146%: Lava Burst and Lava Burst Overload Increases damage/healing by 145% 228%: Earthen Smash, Lava Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt Overload Increases damage/healing by 108% 179%: Control of Lava and Flame Shock Increases periodic damage/healing by 108% 179%: Control of Lava and Flame Shock Increases damage/healing by 6%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 5% 11%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 20%: Deluge and Tidebringer Increases damage/healing by 12%: Healing Stream, Healing Stream Totem, Poison Cleansing, Poison Cleansing Totem Increases damage/healing by 25%: Healing Surge Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 5%: Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Heal, Downpour, Earth Shield, Earthliving Weapon, Healing Rain, Healing Rain Visual, Healing Stream Totem, Healing Surge, Healing Tide, Healing Wave, Overflowing Shores, Pack Spirit, Primordial Wave, Rainfall, Reactive Warding, Restorative Mists, Rippling Waters, Riptide, Serene Spirit, Soothing Waters, Spouting Spirits, Stone Bulwark, Stone Bulwark Totem, Surge of Earth, Swelling Stream, Tidal Reservoir, Tidebringer, Tidewaters, Totemic Rebound, Unleash Life, Vesper Totem, Wellspring Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Ascendance, Chain Harvest, Chain Heal, Downpour, Earth Shield, Earthliving Weapon, Healing Rain, Healing Rain Visual, Healing Stream Totem, Healing Surge, Healing Tide, Healing Wave, Overflowing Shores, Pack Spirit, Primordial Wave, Rainfall, Reactive Warding, Restorative Mists, Rippling Waters, Riptide, Serene Spirit, Soothing Waters, Spouting Spirits, Stone Bulwark, Stone Bulwark Totem, Surge of Earth, Swelling Stream, Tidal Reservoir, Tidebringer, Tidewaters, Totemic Rebound, Unleash Life, Vesper Totem, Wellspring Shaman - Restoration Spec. Shaman - Restoration Spec.

Warlock (Forums)

  • Chaos Bolt Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, dealing a critical strike for [ 380.3% [ 456.3% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. Damage is further increased by your critical strike chance. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Chaos Salvo (Affliction) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Chaos Salvo (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Chaos Salvo (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Chaos Salvo (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Chaos Salvo (Affliction) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Chaos Salvo (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Chaos Salvo (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Chaos Salvo (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Conflagrate (Normal) Triggers an explosion on the target, dealing [ 134.99% [ 168.74% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Conflagrate (Backdraft) Triggers an explosion on the target, dealing [ 134.99% [ 168.74% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Conflagrate (Normal) Triggers an explosion on the target, dealing [ 134.99% [ 168.74% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Conflagrate (Backdraft) Triggers an explosion on the target, dealing [ 134.99% [ 168.74% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Decimation Your critical strikes When your direct damaging abilities deal a critical strike, they have a chance to reset the cooldown of Soul Fire and reduce the cast time of your next Soul Fire by 80%. Instant.
  • Decimation Your critical strikes When your direct damaging abilities deal a critical strike, they have a chance to reset the cooldown of Soul Fire and reduce the cast time of your next Soul Fire by 80%.
  • Demonbolt (Affliction, Destruction, Initial) Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% [ 204.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage.
  • Demonbolt (Demonology) Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% [ 204.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage.
  • Demonbolt (Affliction, Destruction, Initial) Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% [ 204.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage.
  • Demonbolt (Demonology) Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% [ 204.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage.
  • Demonbolt (Affliction, Destruction, Initial) Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% [ 204.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage.
  • Demonbolt (Demonology) Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% [ 204.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage.
  • Demoniac (Affliction, Destruction, Initial) Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% [ 204.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage.
  • Demoniac (Demonology) Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% [ 204.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage.
  • Demoniac When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core.
  • Demonic Core When your Wild Imps expend all of their energy or are imploded, you have a 10% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. Demonic Core reduces the cast time of Demonbolt by 100%. Maximum 4 stacks. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Demonic Core When your Wild Imps expend all of their energy or are imploded, you have a 10% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. Demonic Core reduces the cast time of Demonbolt by 100%. Maximum 4 stacks. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Demonic Core When your Wild Imps expend all of their energy or are imploded, you have a 10% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. Demonic Core reduces the cast time of Demonbolt by 100%. Maximum 4 stacks. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Demonic Core When your Wild Imps expend all of their energy or are imploded, you have a 10% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. Demonic Core reduces the cast time of Demonbolt by 100%. Maximum 4 stacks. 100 yd range.
  • Demonic Soul (Affliction) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Malefic Rapture, increasing its damage by 20%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Soul (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Hand of Gul'dan, increasing its damage by 60%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Soul (Affliction) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Malefic Rapture, increasing its damage by 20%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Soul (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Hand of Gul'dan, increasing its damage by 60%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Soul (Affliction) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Malefic Rapture, increasing its damage by 20%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Soul (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Hand of Gul'dan, increasing its damage by 60%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Soul A Succulent Soul empowers your next Hand of Gul'dan, increasing its damage by 60%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Soul (Affliction) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Malefic Rapture, increasing its damage by 20%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Demonic Soul (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Hand of Gul'dan, increasing its damage by 60%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Eye Beam Fires an eye beam that deals [ 53.02% [ 71.58% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Fel Firebolt Deals [ 7.94% Deals [ 9.13% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to a target. Basic Attack. Basic Attack. 20 Energy. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Felseeker Unleashes a powerful beam of fel magic that sears the enemy target's soul, dealing [ 77.46% [ 356.31% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. 25 Energy. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Impending Ruin Every 15 Every 20 Soul Shards spent grants Ritual of Ruin, making your next Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire consume no Soul Shards and have its cast time reduced by 50%. Instant.
  • Incinerate (Normal) Draws fire toward the enemy, dealing [ 174.19% [ 200.31% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Incinerate (Diabolic Embers) Draws fire toward the enemy, dealing [ 174.19% [ 200.31% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Incinerate (Normal) Draws fire toward the enemy, dealing [ 174.19% [ 200.31% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Incinerate (Diabolic Embers) Draws fire toward the enemy, dealing [ 174.19% [ 200.31% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
  • Infernal Bolt (Affliction) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Infernal Bolt (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Infernal Bolt (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Infernal Bolt (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Ritual of Ruin Every 15 Every 20 Soul Shards spent grants Ritual of Ruin, making your next Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire consume no Soul Shards and have its cast time reduced by 50%.
  • Ritual of Ruin Every 15 Every 20 Soul Shards spent grants Ritual of Ruin, making your next Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire consume no Soul Shards and have its cast time reduced by 50%. Instant.
  • Ruination (Affliction, Demonology, Initial) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
  • Ruination (Destruction) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Ruination (Affliction, Demonology, Initial) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
  • Ruination (Destruction) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Ruination (Affliction, Destruction, Initial) Ruination Affliction, Demonology, Initial: Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
  • Ruination (Destruction) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Ruination (Demonology) Ruination Affliction, Demonology, Initial: Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
  • Ruination (Destruction) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Ruination Destruction: Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Ruination (Affliction) Ruination Affliction, Demonology, Initial: Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
  • Ruination (Destruction) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Ruination (Demonology) Ruination Affliction, Demonology, Initial: Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
  • Ruination (Destruction) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Ruination (Demonology) Ruination Affliction, Demonology, Initial: Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
  • Ruination (Destruction) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Ruination (Demonology) Ruination Affliction, Demonology, Initial: Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 3 Wild Imps.
  • Ruination (Destruction) Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing [ 1,105.84% [ 1,879.93% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning 1 Diabolic Imp.
  • Secrets of the Coven (Affliction, Destruction, Initial) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Secrets of the Coven (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Secrets of the Coven Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Shadowburn Blasts a target for [ 198.72% [ 248.4% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage, gaining 50% critical strike chance on targets that have 20% or less health. Restores 1 Soul Shard and refunds a charge if the target dies within 5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shadowburn Blasts a target for [ 198.72% [ 248.4% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage, gaining 50% critical strike chance on targets that have 20% or less health. Restores 1 Soul Shard and refunds a charge if the target dies within 5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Soul Anathema Unleashing your demonic soul bestows a fiendish entity unto the soul of its targets, dealing [ 94.41% [ 127.46% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 10 sec. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Soul Anathema. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Soul Anathema Unleashing your demonic soul bestows a fiendish entity unto the soul of its targets, dealing [ 94.41% [ 127.46% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 10 sec. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Soul Anathema.
  • Soulfire (Affliction) When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core.
  • Soulfire (Demonology) When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core.
  • Soulfire (Affliction) When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core.
  • Soulfire (Demonology) When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 35% 50% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core.
  • Spawn (Affliction) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Spawn (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Spawn (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Spawn (Demonology) Infernal Bolt Hurl a bolt enveloped in the infernal flames of the abyss, dealing [ 204.53% [ 347.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to your enemy target and generating 3 Soul Shards.
  • Succulent Soul (Affliction) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Malefic Rapture, increasing its damage by 20%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Succulent Soul (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) A Succulent Soul empowers your next Hand of Gul'dan, increasing its damage by 60%, and unleashing your demonic soul to deal an additional [ 130.83% [ 176.62% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Summon Darkglare Summons a Darkglare from the Twisting Nether that extends the duration of your damage over time effects on all enemies by 8 sec. The Darkglare will serve you for 20 sec, blasting its target for [ 53.02% [ 71.58% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, increased by 10% for every damage over time effect you have active on any target. 2% of Base Mana. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
  • Summon Darkglare Summons a Darkglare from the Twisting Nether that extends the duration of your damage over time effects on all enemies by 8 sec. The Darkglare will serve you for 20 sec, blasting its target for [ 53.02% [ 71.58% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, increased by 25% for every damage over time effect you have active on their current target. 2% of Base Mana. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
  • Unstable Affliction Afflicts up to 3 targets with [ 244.9% [ 355.11% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec. If dispelled, deals [ 2,509% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec. Generates 1 Soul Shards if the target dies while afflicted. Limited to 3 targets. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Unstable Affliction (Affliction) Afflicts one target with [ 244.9% [ 355.11% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec. If dispelled, deals [ 711.1% [ 1,031.2% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec.
  • Unstable Affliction (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) Afflicts one target with [ 244.9% [ 355.11% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec. If dispelled, deals [ 711.1% [ 1,031.2% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec.
  • Unstable Affliction (Affliction) Afflicts one target with [ 244.9% [ 355.11% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec. If dispelled, deals [ 711.1% [ 1,031.2% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec.
  • Unstable Affliction (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) Afflicts one target with [ 244.9% [ 355.11% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec. If dispelled, deals [ 711.1% [ 1,031.2% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec.
  • Void Volley: Horrify After casting Void Eruption or Dark Ascension, send a slow-moving bolt of Shadow energy at a random location every 0.5 sec for 3 sec, dealing [ 70% [ 76.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yds, and causing them to flee in Horror for 2 sec. Limited to 10 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Wicked Reaping (Affliction) Consuming Nightfall feeds the demonic entity within you, causing it to appear and deal [ 160.27% [ 240.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target.
  • Wicked Reaping (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) Consuming Demonic Core feeds the demonic entity within you, causing it to appear and deal [ 64.1% [ 96.2% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target.
  • Wicked Reaping Consuming Demonic Core feeds the demonic entity within you, causing it to appear and deal [ 64.1% [ 96.2% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target.
  • Wicked Reaping (Affliction) Consuming Nightfall feeds the demonic entity within you, causing it to appear and deal [ 160.27% [ 240.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target.
  • Wicked Reaping (Demonology, Destruction, Initial) Consuming Demonic Core feeds the demonic entity within you, causing it to appear and deal [ 64.1% [ 96.2% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target.
  • Wither (Affliction, Demonology, Initial) Bestows a vile malediction upon the target, burning the sinew and muscle of its host, dealing [ 13.8% [ 15.87% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage immediately and an additional [ 206.29% [ 237.23% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage over 18 sec.
  • Wither (Destruction) Bestows a vile malediction upon the target, burning the sinew and muscle of its host, dealing [ 13.8% [ 15.87% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage immediately and an additional [ 206.29% [ 237.23% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage over 18 sec.
  • Wither Destruction: Bestows a vile malediction upon the target, burning the sinew and muscle of its host, dealing [ 13.8% [ 15.87% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage immediately and an additional [ 206.29% [ 237.23% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage over 18 sec.
  • Wither (Affliction, Demonology, Initial) Bestows a vile malediction upon the target, burning the sinew and muscle of its host, dealing [ 13.8% [ 15.87% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage immediately and an additional [ 206.29% [ 237.23% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage over 18 sec.
  • Wither (Destruction) Bestows a vile malediction upon the target, burning the sinew and muscle of its host, dealing [ 13.8% [ 15.87% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage immediately and an additional [ 206.29% [ 237.23% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage over 18 sec.
  • Wither (Affliction, Demonology, Initial) Bestows a vile malediction upon the target, burning the sinew and muscle of its host, dealing [ 13.8% [ 15.87% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage immediately and an additional [ 206.29% [ 237.23% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage over 18 sec.
  • Wither (Destruction) Bestows a vile malediction upon the target, burning the sinew and muscle of its host, dealing [ 13.8% [ 15.87% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage immediately and an additional [ 206.29% [ 237.23% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage over 18 sec.

  • Chaos Bolt Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, dealing a critical strike for [ 380.3% [ 456.3% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. Damage is further increased by your critical strike chance. Warlock - Destruction Spec. Warlock - Destruction Spec. 2 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Shadowburn Blasts a target for [ 198.72% [ 248.4% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage, gaining 50% critical strike chance on targets that have 20% or less health. Restores 1 Soul Shard and refunds a charge if the target dies within 5 sec. 2 charges. Destruction Warlock - Level 25 Talent. Destruction Warlock - Level 25 Talent. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec recharge. 2 charges.

Warrior (Forums)

  • Crushing Blow (Improved Raging Blow) Crushing Blow has a 20% 25% chance to instantly reset its own cooldown.
  • Crushing Blow (Improved Raging Blow) Crushing Blow has a 20% 25% chance to instantly reset its own cooldown.
  • Crushing Blow (Improved Raging Blow) Crushing Blow has a 20% 25% chance to instantly reset its own cooldown.
  • Devastator Your auto attacks deal an additional [ 35% [ 43.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and have a 20% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Shield Slam. Requires Shield. Melee range. Instant.
  • Dreadnaught Overpower causes a seismic wave, dealing [ 26.4% [ 21.12% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies in a 10 yd line. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fierce Followthrough (Arms) Mortal Strike critical strikes increase the damage of your next Mortal Strike by 10%. 20%.
  • Fierce Followthrough (Fury, Protection, Initial) Bloodthirst critical strikes increase the damage of your next Bloodthirst by 10%. 20%.
  • Fierce Followthrough Fury, Protection, Initial: Bloodthirst critical strikes increase the damage of your next Bloodthirst by 10%. 20%.
  • Fierce Followthrough (Arms) Mortal Strike critical strikes increase the damage of your next Mortal Strike by 10%. 20%.
  • Fierce Followthrough (Fury, Protection, Initial) Bloodthirst critical strikes increase the damage of your next Bloodthirst by 10%. 20%.
  • Ground Current Lightning Strikes also deal [ 30% [ 22.5% of Attack Power ] to enemies near their target. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • Lightning Strike (Arms, Fury, Initial) Damaging enemies with Thunder Clap, Raging Blow, or Execute has a 25% chance to also strike one with a lightning bolt, dealing [ 60% [ 78% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Strike (Protection) Damaging enemies with Thunder Clap, Revenge, or Execute has a 25% chance to also strike one with a lightning bolt, dealing [ 60% [ 78% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Strike (Thorim's Might) Damaging enemies with Thunder Clap, Raging Blow, or Execute has a 25% chance to also strike one with a lightning bolt, dealing [ 60% [ 78% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and generating 5 Rage.
  • Lightning Strike Ground Current Lightning Strikes also deal [ 30% [ 22.5% of Attack Power ] to enemies near their target. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Lightning Strikes (Arms, Fury, Initial) Damaging enemies with Thunder Clap, Raging Blow, or Execute has a 25% chance to also strike one with a lightning bolt, dealing [ 60% [ 78% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Strikes (Protection) Damaging enemies with Thunder Clap, Revenge, or Execute has a 25% chance to also strike one with a lightning bolt, dealing [ 60% [ 78% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
  • Lightning Strikes (Thorim's Might) Damaging enemies with Thunder Clap, Raging Blow, or Execute has a 25% chance to also strike one with a lightning bolt, dealing [ 60% [ 78% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and generating 5 Rage.
  • Lightning Strikes Thorim's Might: Damaging enemies with Thunder Clap, Raging Blow, or Execute has a 25% chance to also strike one with a lightning bolt, dealing [ 60% [ 78% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and generating 5 Rage.
  • Marked for Execution Your attacks against your primary target have a high chance to overwhelm their defenses and trigger a Slayer's Strike, dealing [ 100% [ 200% of Attack Power ] damage and applying Marked for Execution, increasing the damage they take from your next Execute by 10% 15%. Stacks 3 times. Melee range. Instant.
  • Mortal Strike A vicious strike that deals [ 250.77% [ 213.16% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by 50% for 10 sec. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant.
  • Mortal Strike A vicious strike that deals [ 250.77% [ 213.16% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by 50% for 10 sec. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 30 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
  • Mountain of Muscle and Scars You deal 5% 4% more damage and take 2.5% less damage. Size increased by 5%.
  • Opportunist (Arms) When Overpower has its cooldown reset by Tactician, your next Overpower deals 15% additional damage and 15% additional critical damage. 30% additional damage and 30% additional critical damage.
  • Opportunist (Fury, Protection, Initial) When Raging Blow resets its own cooldown, your next Raging Blow deals 10% additional damage and 10% additional critical damage. 30% additional damage and 30% additional critical damage.
  • Opportunist (Arms) When Overpower has its cooldown reset by Tactician, your next Overpower deals 15% additional damage and 15% additional critical damage. 30% additional damage and 30% additional critical damage.
  • Opportunist (Fury, Protection, Initial) When Raging Blow resets its own cooldown, your next Raging Blow deals 10% additional damage and 10% additional critical damage. 30% additional damage and 30% additional critical damage.
  • Opportunist Fury, Protection, Initial: When Raging Blow resets its own cooldown, your next Raging Blow deals 10% additional damage and 10% additional critical damage. 30% additional damage and 30% additional critical damage.
  • Overpower (Normal) Overpower the enemy, dealing [ 154.2% [ 123.36% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Overpower (Martial Prowess) Overpower the enemy, dealing [ 154.2% [ 123.36% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Overpower (Improved Overpower) Overpower the enemy, dealing [ 154.2% [ 123.36% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Generates [ 15.4% of Attack Power ] Rage. Generates [ 12.3% of Attack Power ] Rage.
  • Overpower (Improved Overpower) Generates [ 15.4% of Attack Power ] Rage. Generates [ 12.3% of Attack Power ] Rage.
  • Overwhelmed Each strike of Bladestorm applies Overwhelmed to all enemies affected, increasing damage you deal to them by 1% for 20 sec, max 10 12 stacks. 15 yd range. Instant.
  • Overwhelming Blades Each strike of Bladestorm applies Overwhelmed to all enemies affected, increasing damage you deal to them by 1% for 20 sec, max 10 stacks. 12 stacks.
  • Revenge Swing in a wide arc, dealing [ 52.15% [ 65.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies in front of you. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Your successful dodges and parries have a chance to make your next Revenge cost no Rage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 20 Rage. Melee range. Instant.
  • Revenge! Swing in a wide arc, dealing [ 52.15% [ 65.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies in front of you. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Your successful dodges and parries have a chance to make your next Revenge cost no Rage. Instant.
  • Shield Charge Charge to an enemy with your shield, dealing [ 335.5% [ 420% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to it and [ 134.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Also stuns the primary target for 4 sec. Generates 20 Rage. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Shield Charge Charge to an enemy with your shield, dealing [ 335.5% [ 420% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to it and [ 134.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Also stuns the primary target for 4 sec. Generates 20 Rage. Requires Shield. 25 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
  • Shield Slam (Normal) Slams the target with your shield, causing [ 97.72% [ 105.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Shield Slam (Shield Slam) Slams the target with your shield, causing [ 97.72% [ 105.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
  • Show No Mercy Marked for Execution increases the critical strike chance and critical strike damage of your next Execute on the target by 10%. 15%.
  • Slayer's Dominance Your attacks against your primary target have a high chance to overwhelm their defenses and trigger a Slayer's Strike, dealing [ 100% [ 200% of Attack Power ] damage and applying Marked for Execution, increasing the damage they take from your next Execute by 10% 15%. Stacks 3 times. Approximately 7 procs per minute.
  • Slayer's Malice (Arms) Overpower damage increased by 20%. 30%.
  • Slayer's Malice (Fury, Protection, Initial) Raging Blow damage increased by 20%. 30%.
  • Slayer's Malice Fury, Protection, Initial: Raging Blow damage increased by 20%. 30%.
  • Slayer's Strike Your attacks against your primary target have a high chance to overwhelm their defenses and trigger a Slayer's Strike, dealing [ 100% [ 200% of Attack Power ] damage and applying Marked for Execution, increasing the damage they take from your next Execute by 10% 15%. Stacks 3 times. Melee range. Instant.
  • Thunder Blast (Arms, Fury, Initial) Blasts all enemies within 8 yards for [ 49.1% [ 46.6% of Attack Power ] Stormstrike damage and reduces their movement speed by 20% for 10 sec.
  • Thunder Blast (Protection) Blasts all enemies within 8 yards for [ 49.1% [ 46.6% of Attack Power ] Stormstrike damage, roots them for 4 sec, and reduces their movement speed by 20% for 10 sec.

  • Dreadnaught Overpower causes a seismic wave, dealing [ 26.4% [ 21.12% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies in a 10 yd line. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Arms Warrior - Level 50 Talent. Arms Warrior - Level 50 Talent.

  • Execute Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing [ 275.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health. Requires Melee Weapon. Warrior - Fury Spec. Warrior - Fury Spec. 20 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.

  • Devastator Your auto attacks deal an additional [ 35% [ 43.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and have a 20% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Shield Slam. Protection Warrior - Level 15 Talent. Protection Warrior - Level 15 Talent.
  • Protection Warrior Increases damage/healing by 5% 36%: [DND] Cosmetic Heroic Leap (Dest), Ancient Aftershock, Annihilator, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Condemn, Crushing Advance, Crushing Blow, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastate, Devastator, Dive Attack, Dragon Charge, Dragon Roar, Dreadnaught, Earthen Smash, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Furious Slash, Ground Current, Gushing Wound, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Intercept, Iron Fortress, Learn Execute, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike Ground Current, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Mortal Strike, Nature's Fury, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Physical Shockwave, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Reckless Flurry, Rend, Revenge, Revenge!, Seismic Wave, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Slayer's Dominance, Slayer's Strike, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Aftershocks, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Titanic Throw, Victory Rush, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases periodic damage/healing by 5% 36%: [DND] Cosmetic Heroic Leap (Dest), Ancient Aftershock, Annihilator, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Condemn, Crushing Advance, Crushing Blow, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastate, Devastator, Dive Attack, Dragon Charge, Dragon Roar, Dreadnaught, Earthen Smash, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Furious Slash, Ground Current, Gushing Wound, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Intercept, Iron Fortress, Learn Execute, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike Ground Current, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Mortal Strike, Nature's Fury, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Physical Shockwave, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Reckless Flurry, Rend, Revenge, Revenge!, Seismic Wave, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Slayer's Dominance, Slayer's Strike, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Aftershocks, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Titanic Throw, Victory Rush, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases damage/healing by 20% 80%: Condemn, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Executioner's Precision, Improved Execute, Learn Execute, Sudden Death Increases damage/healing by 50%: Physical Shockwave and Shockwave Increases damage/healing by 25%: Ravager Warrior - Protection Spec. Warrior - Protection Spec.

Azerite Traits
Rogue (Forums)

  • Double Dose When Mutilate applies Lethal Poison with both daggers, it poisons the target for an additional [ 0 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] damage.
  • Echoing Blades Fan of Knives damage is increased by [ 0 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) ]. For each of the first 5 critical strikes, it will fire a second spray of knives at that location, dealing [ 15 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) * 2 ] damage to enemies within 8 yards. This second spray of knives always critically hits.
  • Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing [ 0 * 10 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec.
  • Shrouded Suffocation Garrote cast from Stealth generates 2 additional Combo Points and deals [ 0 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] additional damage every 2 sec for 18 sec.
  • Twist the Knife Envenom deals [ 0 * (1 + 15 0 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] additional damage per combo point, and Envenom lasts for 1.0 sec longer when it critically strikes.

Covenant Abilities
Paladin (Forums)

  • Blessing of the Seasons Bless an ally for 30 sec, causing 20% 12% of all healing to be converted into damage onto a nearby enemy and 10% 12% of all damage to be converted into healing onto an injured ally within 40 yds. Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Autumn after use. Night Fae. Night Fae.

Rogue (Forums)

  • Slaughter Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 5 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 51.7% [ 68.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage. Venthyr. Venthyr. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Slaughter Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 5 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 51.7% [ 68.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage. Venthyr. Venthyr. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Slaughter Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 5 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 51.7% [ 68.2% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 6.16% [ 8.14% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant.

Anima Powers
Shaman (Forums)

  • Consumed by Flame (Elemental) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Consumed by Flame (Enhancement) Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 175% [ 201.25% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike or Haste by 3% or Mastery by [ 3.000 * $168,534bc1 ]% for 10 sec.
  • Consumed by Flame Secrets of Living Flame prevents you from accessing Frost magic. Frost Shock Chills the target with frost, causing [ 63% [ 72.45% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Instant.
  • Consumed by Flame Secrets of Living Flame prevents you from accessing Frost magic. Icefury Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 163.35% [ 431.22% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and causing your next 2 Frost Shocks to deal 225% increased damage and generate 10 Maelstrom. Generates 12 Maelstrom. Instant.

Item Effects
  • Alchemy Bag Increases the chance Algari experimentations discover a new recipe by 1% 3%. |cnRED_FONT_COLOR:Equip effect requires Khaz Algar Alchemy (1)|R Instant.
  • Companion Experience (New) 100 yd range. Instant. Reagents: Chunk of Companion Experience.
  • Companion Experience (New) 100 yd range. Instant. Reagents: Chunk of Companion Experience.
  • Companion Experience (New) 100 yd range. Instant. Reagents: Chunk of Companion Experience.
  • Contract: Assembly of the Deeps Sign a contract with the Assembly of the Deeps that allows you to gain 150 15 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: Assembly of the Deeps Sign a contract with the Assembly of the Deeps that allows you to gain 120 10 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: Assembly of the Deeps Sign a contract with the Assembly of the Deeps that allows you to gain 100 5 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar until the next weekly reset. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: Council of Dornogal Sign a contract with the Council of Dornogal that allows you to gain 100 5 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar until the next weekly reset. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: Council of Dornogal Sign a contract with the Council of Dornogal that allows you to gain 120 10 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar until the next weekly reset. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: Council of Dornogal Sign a contract with the Council of Dornogal that allows you to gain 150 15 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar until the next weekly reset. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: Hallowfall Arathi Sign a contract with the Hallowfall Arathi that allows you to gain 100 5 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: Hallowfall Arathi Sign a contract with the Hallowfall Arathi that allows you to gain 120 10 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: Hallowfall Arathi Sign a contract with the Hallowfall Arathi that allows you to gain 150 15 reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: The Severed Threads Sign a contract with The Severed Threads that allows you to gain 70 4 reputation with The General, The Vizier, and The Weaver every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: The Severed Threads Sign a contract with The Severed Threads that allows you to gain 50 3 reputation with The General, The Vizier, and The Weaver every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Contract: The Severed Threads Sign a contract with The Severed Threads that allows you to gain 100 5 reputation with The General, The Vizier, and The Weaver every time you complete a world quest in Khaz Algar. Warband Contract You may only sign one contract per week. This effect is shared across your Warband. Instant.
  • Eating Restores 0 health over 20 sec. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and and gain the Sweet Eclipse buff, allowing you to increase Crit Chance 3% for each enemy killed when fighting in the shadows. Instant. Usable in Light's Blooming and nearby keyflame areas. Instant.
  • Hearty Tier 2 Meal Restores 0 health over 20 sec. Must remain seated while eating. Well Fed If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become Well Fed and gain 0 of your lowest secondary stat for 30 min. Hearty Well Fed If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become Hearty Well Fed and gain 0 of your lowest secondary stat for 30 min. Instant.
  • Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg Name changed from "Ovinax's Mercurial Egg" to "Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg".
  • Refreshment Restores 0 health over 20 sec. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and increase movement speed by 15% and gain water walking while in Light's Blooming and nearby keyflame areas. Instant. Usable in Light's Blooming and nearby keyflame areas. Instant.
  • Refreshment Restores 0 health over 20 sec. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will gain the Darkstem Stew buff. Attacks upon you have a chance to cause you to inflict 10 7 Nature damage to enemies within 10 yards. Instant. Usable in Light's Blooming and nearby keyflame areas. Instant.
  • Restored Coffer Key Turn 100 Coffer Key Shards into a Restored Coffer Key to be used to obtain loot at the end of bountiful delves. 1 sec cast. Reagents: Coffer Key Shard x 99. 100.
  • Searing Totem Summons a Fire Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec that repeatedly attacks an enemy within 0 to 30 yds for [ 60% [ 34.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Fire Totem. Fire Totem. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.

  • Algari Competitor's Skewer Name changed from "Algari Competitor's Sickle" to "Algari Competitor's Skewer".
  • Charged Alloy Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Echoing Flux x 5, Leyline Residue. Crystalline Powder.
  • Core Alloy Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Echoing Flux x 5, Leyline Residue. Crystalline Powder.
  • Ironclaw Alloy Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Echoing Flux x 5, Leyline Residue. Crystalline Powder.

  • Ghoulfish Delight Recipe for 1 5 servings. Actual number of servings will vary based on cooking skill. Cooking. Cooking. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Prepared Ghoulfish, Simple Stew.



  • Consecrated Cloak Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast.Reagents: Adorning Ribbon x 5.
  • Consecrated Robe Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast.Reagents: Adorning Ribbon x 5.
  • Daybreak Spellthread Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Adorning Ribbon x 3. 5.
  • Pioneer's Cloth Cuffs Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Writhing Sample. Mosswool Thread x 2.
  • Pioneer's Cloth Robe Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Mosswool Thread.x 3.
  • Pioneer's Cloth Slippers Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Writhing Sample. Mosswool Thread x 3.
  • Pioneer's Perfected Cloak Name changed from "Pioneer's Cloth Cloak" to "Pioneer's Perfected Cloak". Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Mosswool Thread.x 2, Writhing Sample x 2.
  • Pioneer's Perfected Cord Name changed from "Pioneer's Cloth Cord" to "Pioneer's Perfected Cord". Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Writhing Sample. Mosswool Thread x 3, Writhing Sample.
  • Pioneer's Perfected Gloves Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Mosswool Thread x 2. 3, Writhing Sample.
  • Pioneer's Perfected Hood Name changed from "Pioneer's Cloth Hood" to "Pioneer's Perfected Hood". Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Mosswool Thread.x 4, Writhing Sample x 2.
  • Pioneer's Perfected Leggings Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Mosswool Thread x 2. 4, Writhing Sample x 2.
  • Pioneer's Perfected Mantle Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Mosswool Thread x 2. 3, Writhing Sample.
  • Sunset Spellthread Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Adorning Ribbon x 3. 5.
  • The Severed Satchel Tailoring. Tailoring. 2 sec cast.Reagents: Adorning Ribbon x 2.

Raid & Dungeon Abilities
  • Acid Pools Erosive Spray, Caustic Hail, and Rolling Acid can form caustic zones for 10 1.5 min. Contact with this zone inflicts 30 Nature damage every 1 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. 20 Nature damage every 0.5 sec. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Acidic Eruption Until interrupted Rasha'nan thrashes about inflicting 5 30 Nature damage to all players and increases Acidic Eruption damage by 100% for 21 sec. This effect stacks. 2.5 sec cast.
  • Acrid Presence Ansurek radiates acidic fumes, inflicting 5 4 Nature damage to all players every 3 sec. Instant.
  • Caustic Hail Rasha'nan rains acid inflicting 20 25 Nature damage to players within 4 yards of impact locations, occasionally creating Acid Pools. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Dreadful Presence Ansurek radiates dreadful energy, inflicting 8 4 Shadow damage every 3 sec to all players. This damage permanently increases by 10~1% 25~1% whenever Abyssal Conduits open. If she casts Frothing Gluttony with 10~2 25~2 applications of this effect, her cosmic energy overflows, granting her Cataclysmic Evolution. Instant.
  • Dreadful Presence Ansurek radiates dreadful energy, inflicting 8 4 Shadow damage every 3 sec to all players. This damage permanently increases by 10~1% 25~1% whenever Abyssal Conduits open. If she casts Frothing Gluttony with 10~2 25~2 applications of this effect, her cosmic energy overflows, granting her Cataclysmic Evolution. Instant.
  • Expose Sikran slashes at his target, inflicting 100 Physical damage and exposing a weakness, increasing Physical damage taken by 100% for 12 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Feed Hurl viscera into Ulgrax's gullet to sate his hunger Limited to 1 target. 60 yd range. Instant.
  • Hammer of Purity Braunpyke calls searing light down on a player’s player's location, inflicting 30 Holy damage to players within 3 yards. Hammers then spiral outwards from the impact location, inflicting 30 Holy damage to players in their path. While empowered by Vindictive Wrath , Hammer of Purity hits 3 players. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Infested Bite The Infested Spawn chews on their target inflicting 6 Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. This effect stacks. Unlimited range. 1 sec cast. 0.5 sec cast.
  • Lava Cannon Dorlita fires an orb of lava from her mech's cannon toward a random player. The orb inflicts 35 Fire damage and an additional 6 Fire damage every 2 sec for 0 to players in its path. 100 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Null Detonation The Summoned Acolyte inflicts 5 Shadow damage to all players. Each successful cast increases its damage done by 25%. 4 sec cast. 50%. 5 sec cast.
  • Null Detonation The Summoned Acolyte inflicts 5 Shadow damage to all players. Each successful cast increases its damage done by 25%. Instant. 50%. Instant.
  • Phase Blades Sikran marks players and lunges towards each marked target inflicting 65 Physical damage to anyone in his path, Additionally, players hit have their healing received reduced by 30% and an additional 14 Physical damage every 2 Shadow damage inflicted every 2 sec for 20 sec. Marked targets leave behind a Cosmic Simulacrum when struck. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Phase Lunge Sikran's Phase Lunge pierces through his target's defenses, causing them to take 500% 100% increased damage from Phase Lunge for 30 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Resonant Barrage Unleashes loud trills inflicting 2 Physical damage to all enemies every 0.5 sec for 6 2 sec for 8 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Savage Assault Rasha'nan smashes her current target inflicting 125 160 Physical damage and 40 Nature damage. Additionally 60% of unmitigated damage is inflicted as a Savage Wound. Unlimited range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Seismic Smash E.D.N.A. punches its current target with incredible force, inflicting 135 Physical damage and afflicting them with Seismic Reverberation. 40 100 yd range. 4 sec cast.
  • Shattering Sweep At 100 energy, Sikran swings his polearm in a deadly arc, inflicting $4,582,770 140 Physical damage to all enemies. This damage is decreased based on distance. All remaining Cosmic Simulacrum are destroyed by this effect, and damage from Cosmic Shards is increased by 500% 25% for each Simulacrum destroyed for 10 sec. Additionally, players within 15 yards are knocked back and have their damage taken increased by 50% for 20 sec. Instant.
  • Unstable Blast Kyrioss suffuses a random player with electricity for until cancelled. Upon removal, the target unleashes an eruption of electrical energy, inflicting 20 Nature damage to all players. The eruption can be discharged safely in the central tempest. 200 yd range. Instant.
  • Venomous Lash Ulgrax whips around Ulgrax flings poison at all players, inflicting 20 Nature damage on impact and an additional 12 Nature damage every 2 sec for 4 sec to all players. Players within 300 yards get knocked back. 20 yd range. 2 sec cast.

Artifact Powers
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Paladin (Forums)

  • Power of the Silver Hand (Rank 1) Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Judgment have a chance to grant you Power of the Silver Hand, increasing the healing of your next Holy Shock by 10% 20% of all damage and effective healing you do within the next 10 sec, up to a maximum of [ 50% of Total Health ].
  • Tyr's Deliverance (Rank 1) Releases the Light within yourself, healing 5 injured allies instantly and an injured ally every 1 sec for 20 sec within 40 yds for [ 30% [ 39% of Spell Power ]. Allies healed also receive 10% 12% increased healing from your Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Holy Shock spells for 12 sec.

  • Bulwark of Order (Rank 1) Avenger's Shield also shields you for 8 sec, absorbing 50% 60% as much damage as it dealt, up to 50% of your maximum health.

Priest (Forums)

  • Cosmic Ripple (Rank 1) When Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify finish their cooldown, you emit a burst of light that heals up to 5 injured targets within 40 yards for [ 39.9% of Spell Power ]. [ 49.08% of Spell Power ].

Shaman (Forums)

  • Power of the Maelstrom (Rank 1) Casting Lava Burst has a 25% 60% chance to cause your next Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning cast to trigger Elemental Overload an additional time, stacking up to 2 times.

  • Alpha Wolf (Rank 1) While Feral Spirits are active, Chain Lightning and Crash Lightning causes your wolves to attack all nearby enemies for [ 21% [ 22.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage every 2 sec for the next 8 sec.

Strings Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • CRAFTING_ORDER_FAILED_ACCOUNT_ITEMS - You You currently cannot use reagents from the Warband bank in a crafting order.Place them in your bags or the Reagent bank to use them in this order.
  • DELVES_PARTY_MEMBER_INELIGIBLE_FOR_TIER_TOOLTIP (New) - %s has not unlocked this tier
  • ERR_GUILD_BANK_WARBANDS_BANK_SOURCE (New) - You cannot move items directly from the Warband Bank to the Guild Bank.
  • GMSS_CHAT_DEFAULT_RESPONSE - This GM is unavailable for chat. If the Open Ticket icon is present, please do not close or edit your petition. If the icon is not present and you require additional assistance, please open a new ticket. Thank you. currently unavailable for chat.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_2425 (New) - Earthen cannot consume traditional food or drink.
  • WARWITHIN_TITLE2 (New) - The War Within: Shadows Beneath

Misc Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Character Titles
  • Echochaser %s (New)
  • Timber Lord %s - Name changed from "Echochaser %s" to "Timber Lord %s".

Group Finder Activities
  • World Bosses (War Within) - 40 players. Map: Dragon Isles. Khaz Algar.

  • Nerub-ar Palace - Players may now confront Queen Ansurek in Story difficulty. Mode.
  • Nerub-ar Palace - Players may now confront Queen Ansurek in Story difficulty. Mode.
  • Nerub-ar Palace - Players may now confront Queen Ansurek in Story difficulty. Mode.
  • Nerub-ar Palace - Players may now confront Queen Ansurek in Story difficulty. Mode.
  • Unknown (New)
  • Unknown (New)
  • Unknown (New)
  • Unknown (New)

Keystone Affixes
  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour - Name changed from "[PH]" to "Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour". [PH While in combat, Xal'atath tears open rifts that devour the essence of players]

Map Areas
11.0 - Priory Scenario
  • Hallowfall > Priory of the Sacred Flame - Music: Zone 11.0 - Campaign - Hallowfall - Priory Scenario - Walk.

11.0 Dalaran Scenario
  • Dalaran - Music: Zone 11.0 - Campaign - Dalaran - General - Walk. Combat.

Khaz Algar
  • Azj-Kahet > City of Threads - Music: Zone 11.0 - Azj-Kahet - City of Threads - General - Walk.
  • Azj-Kahet > Deepwalker Pass - Music: Zone 11.0 - Hallowfall - Base - Fungarian - Walk.
  • Azj-Kahet > Discordant Sieve - Music: Zone 11.0 - Azj-Kahet - Black Blood - General - Walk.
  • Hallowfall > Bleak Sand - Music: Zone 11.0 - Hallowfall - Northern Farms - Dark - Walk. Incursion - Dark - Walk.
  • Hallowfall > Growling Hollow - Music: Zone 11.0 - Hallowfall - Northern Farms - Dark - Walk. Base - Fungarian - Walk.
  • Hallowfall > Shadowmire - Music: Zone 11.0 - Hallowfall - Incursion - Light - Walk. Base - Fungarian - Walk.
  • Hallowfall > Stagnant Mire - Music: Zone 11.0 - Hallowfall - Incursion - Light - Walk. Base - Fungarian - Walk.

Khaz Algar (Surface)
  • Isle of Dorn > Dhar Kazhad - Music: Zone 11.0 - Isle Of Dorn - Country - Mountains - Walk.
  • Isle of Dorn > Storm's Watch - Music: Zone 11.0 - Isle Of Dorn - Fields - General - Walk.
  • Isle of Dorn > Thul Medran - Music: Zone 11.0 - Isle Of Dorn - Country - Mountains - Walk.
  • Isle of Dorn > Thunderhead Peak - Music: Zone 11.0 - Isle Of Dorn - Country - Mountains - Walk.

The Dawnbreaker
  • The Dawnbreaker - Name changed from "Hallowfall" to "The Dawnbreaker".
  • The Dawnbreaker > Beledar's Bounty - Name changed from "Hallowfall > Beledar's Bounty" to "The Dawnbreaker > Beledar's Bounty".
  • The Dawnbreaker > Dayspring Fields - Name changed from "Hallowfall > Dayspring Fields" to "The Dawnbreaker > Dayspring Fields".
  • The Dawnbreaker > Hallowfall (New)
  • The Dawnbreaker > Mereldar - Name changed from "Hallowfall > Mereldar" to "The Dawnbreaker > Mereldar".
  • The Dawnbreaker > Stagnant Mire - Name changed from "Hallowfall > Stagnant Mire" to "The Dawnbreaker > Stagnant Mire".
  • The Dawnbreaker > Tenir's Ascent - Name changed from "Hallowfall > Tenir's Ascent" to "The Dawnbreaker > Tenir's Ascent".
  • The Dawnbreaker > The Fangs - Name changed from "Hallowfall > The Fangs" to "The Dawnbreaker > The Fangs".
  • The Dawnbreaker > The Hungering Pool - Name changed from "Hallowfall > The Hungering Pool" to "The Dawnbreaker > The Hungering Pool".
  • The Dawnbreaker > Veneration Grounds - Name changed from "Hallowfall > Veneration Grounds" to "The Dawnbreaker > Veneration Grounds".

Map Difficulties
  • Siege of Boralus - Normal Dungeon (New) - Max players: 5.

Skyriding Mounts
  • Gleaming Moonbeast - Skyriding Mount. Gleaming Moonbeast. "Armored in glistening silver, these devoted mounts are said to be a blessing from Elune herself." Source: Promotion

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