Slkx's UI


Aug 7, 2011
Main Character
Sup guys,

Well i re-tweaked my UI to cater to my 4pce which i never got around to setting my UI to cop the change in CD rotation that we now use.

So i thought id share with you all what i run with.

My UI is just the basic Tukui package and ive just tweaked it to suit my play style.

The icons you see listed in the pictures are powa auras that i have made to once again suit the way i play.

In the first picture u will notice all the little full colored circles this means that particular CD is ready to use.

In the second picture i show you what these change to when they are either; on CD, or are being used (if being used a timer will show in the middle), if no timer then its on CD.

Its an easy way for me to see when i pop Zealotry, wait my 5 seconds, then pop guardian, wait 10 seconds and pop wings, this way with the timers all lined up they all should perfectly align one another.

Hope you all like it.

Powa Auras no 1.jpg

Powa Auras no 2.jpg
Decided to switch up my UI with just tweaking 'Elvui' I removed alot of clutter and really went through all my spells that where keybinded and got rid of them off my action bars as my eyes dont need to see majority of spells.

I am still tweaking but final result is looking close to the below :Douchebag:


I REALLY like this UI man!

I love the fact that your action buttons are massive and easy to see/click. Minimalist UI is where its at!
Thx Kirito, Took me quite awhile to get it to how i liked it.

Glad someone likes it =D