Shadowmourne Extra Rewards, Blue posts, Comics


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Jul 16, 2009
Shadowmourne Questline Extra Rewards
If you read this site regularly, and I'm sure that you do, you probably remember the Icecrown Citadel quests introduced with Patch 3.3.3. These quests have finally appeared on live servers and the rewards from this questline are actually Shadowmourne extra rewards.

It looks like Blizzard decided to add a couple of flavor items to let you attract the attention even more! When you kill the Lich King with a player wearing Shadowmourne in the raid, you will get an additional item - Unsealed Chest. After bringing the chest to Darion he will open it up and let you bring the items back to their respective owners to get your rewards :

I do realize that a couple of guilds with Shadowmourne already killed the Lich King in Patch 3.3.3, I will assume that the quest was bugged and only recently fixed. Thanks to Heist from EU-Genjuros for this info!

Quest - Quest: Personal Property
Reward - Unsealed Chest
Bring the Sealed Chest to Highlord Darion Mograine in Icecrown Citadel.

You can detect no hinges or openings on this box. Were it not for the shifting of items inside, it could easily be mistaken for solid metal. If anyone could know the method of its opening, it would be Highlord Mograine.

Presumably, opening the box will contain five items, which the player will then return to their respective owners:

Quest - Jaina's Locket
Reward - Jaina's Locket
What's this? He... he kept it.. all this time he kept it! I knew! I sensed a part of him still alive... trapped... struggling. Oh Arthas! Perhaps he might someday remember from what he once was... By the Light may he at last find rest, free from the icy grip of that terrible blade!

Quest - Muradin's Lament
Reward - Muradin's Favor - Frostborn Illusion - Screenshot
Oh lad, how I missed those endless days in Lordaeron, sharpening your skill with this dull blade. Forging you into a weapon meant to withstand the demands of a great destiny. Heh

Hmm, strange, they forgot to add free Mount: Wrathful Gladiator's Frost Wyrm and Title: Gladiator..
lol thats lame
cuz the rest of us cant get it
it isnt bop
i want tt tabard!