Ruby Sanctum Loot Table Update
The Ruby Sanctum loot table has been slightly updated, we're still waiting for heroic mode items and we will have to wait for the next testing to see them.
lvlTypeSpecSlotItem271PlateMelee.DPSFeetApocalypse's Advance271PlateSpellFeetForeshadow Steps271PlateTankingFeetTreads of Impending Resurrection271MailSpellWaistSplit Shape Belt271LeatherSpellWristPhaseshifter's Bracers271ClothSpellWristBracers of Fiery Night271CloakSpellBackCloak of Burning Dusk271NeckMelee.DPSNeckPenumbra Pendant271FingerPhys.DPSFingerSignet of Twilight271FingerSpell MP5FingerRing of Phased Regeneration271TrinketPhys.DPSTrinketSharpened Twilight Scale271TrinketTankingTrinketPetrified Twilight Scale271TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCharred Twilight Scale271TrinketHealingTrinketGlowing Twilight Scale
lvlTypeSpecSlotItem258PlateMelee.DPSWristBracers of the Heir258LeatherPhys.DPSChestGloaming Sark258LeatherSpellHandsChangeling Gloves258ClothSpell HitWaistMisbegotten Belt258CloakSpell MP5BackAbduction's Cover258FingerMelee.DPSFingerZarithrian's Offering
Also, vodka (US-Alterac Mountains) released their video of Halion on PTRs and I assume that a few people would like to see the fight from another point of view.
<div align="center">Blue posts
Quote from Blizzard staff
Totem of Wrath in Cataclysm
They are both 10% of the target's spellpower (not the shaman or warlock's). We want Demonology and Elemental (and everyone) to be brought because they have good raid synergy and meaningful dps and because the person behind the keyboard is a good contributor. Nobody should get brought because they have the mandatory buff that you can't live without. (Source)
Addon Spotlight - QuestMyMap
I had to level a few more alts lately and I was more than happy to find QuestMyMap. Also, Addon Spotlights are great because I can just copy/paste the description from the addon author!
QuestMyMap is a small addon without configuration that aims to provide a nicer quest map and some fixes.
The MMO Report
It's monday, and it's time for your weekly dose of MMO Report
Dark Legacy Comic #239 and Teh Gladiators #134 are out! Also added an extra strip from Questionable Content.
The Ruby Sanctum loot table has been slightly updated, we're still waiting for heroic mode items and we will have to wait for the next testing to see them.
25-Man Loot Table
lvlTypeSpecSlotItem271PlateMelee.DPSFeetApocalypse's Advance271PlateSpellFeetForeshadow Steps271PlateTankingFeetTreads of Impending Resurrection271MailSpellWaistSplit Shape Belt271LeatherSpellWristPhaseshifter's Bracers271ClothSpellWristBracers of Fiery Night271CloakSpellBackCloak of Burning Dusk271NeckMelee.DPSNeckPenumbra Pendant271FingerPhys.DPSFingerSignet of Twilight271FingerSpell MP5FingerRing of Phased Regeneration271TrinketPhys.DPSTrinketSharpened Twilight Scale271TrinketTankingTrinketPetrified Twilight Scale271TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCharred Twilight Scale271TrinketHealingTrinketGlowing Twilight Scale
10-Man Loot Table
lvlTypeSpecSlotItem258PlateMelee.DPSWristBracers of the Heir258LeatherPhys.DPSChestGloaming Sark258LeatherSpellHandsChangeling Gloves258ClothSpell HitWaistMisbegotten Belt258CloakSpell MP5BackAbduction's Cover258FingerMelee.DPSFingerZarithrian's Offering
Also, vodka (US-Alterac Mountains) released their video of Halion on PTRs and I assume that a few people would like to see the fight from another point of view.
<div align="center">Blue posts
Quote from Blizzard staff
Totem of Wrath in Cataclysm
They are both 10% of the target's spellpower (not the shaman or warlock's). We want Demonology and Elemental (and everyone) to be brought because they have good raid synergy and meaningful dps and because the person behind the keyboard is a good contributor. Nobody should get brought because they have the mandatory buff that you can't live without. (Source)
Addon Spotlight - QuestMyMap
I had to level a few more alts lately and I was more than happy to find QuestMyMap. Also, Addon Spotlights are great because I can just copy/paste the description from the addon author!
QuestMyMap is a small addon without configuration that aims to provide a nicer quest map and some fixes.
- Resizes the quest map to full scale
- Drag border of the quest list to resize it (or shift-click / rightclick to toggle)
- Quest levels on quest titles
- Hides quest log and quest rewards on world map
- Moves quest selection frame to a transparent overlay
- Paste quest links from the world map with Shift-Click
- Rightclicking a selected quest opens the quest log
- Difficulty coloring for tooltips (make sure you activate the Interface option "Quest Difficulty Color")
The MMO Report
It's monday, and it's time for your weekly dose of MMO Report
Dark Legacy Comic #239 and Teh Gladiators #134 are out! Also added an extra strip from Questionable Content.