It's Saturday, and bunnies are going hop hop hop!
Ruby Sanctum Loot Table Update
There was another wave of PTR testing at the end of the week and new items have been discovered, no heroic items yet but it looks like everyone will get something from the 25-man loot table! Baltharus' Gift, Scion's Treads, Twilight Scale Shoulders, Saviana's Tribute, Surrogate Belt, Umbrage Armbands, Returning Footfalls have been added to the lists.
lvlTypeSpecSlotItem271PlateMelee.DPSFeetApocalypse's Advance271PlateSpellFeetForeshadow Steps271PlateTankingFeetTreads of Impending Resurrection271MailPhys.DPSFeetReturning Footfalls271MailSpellWaistSplit Shape Belt271LeatherPhys.DPSWristUmbrage Armbands271LeatherSpellWristPhaseshifter's Bracers271ClothSpellWristBracers of Fiery Night271CloakSpellBackCloak of Burning Dusk271NeckMelee.DPSNeckPenumbra Pendant271FingerPhys.DPSFingerSignet of Twilight271FingerSpell MP5FingerRing of Phased Regeneration271TrinketPhys.DPSTrinketSharpened Twilight Scale271TrinketTankingTrinketPetrified Twilight Scale271TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCharred Twilight Scale271TrinketHealingTrinketGlowing Twilight Scale
lvlTypeSpecSlotItem258PlateMelee.DPSWristBracers of the Heir258PlateTankingFeetScion's Treads258PlateSpellWaistSurrogate Belt258MailPhys.DPSShoulderTwilight Scale Shoulders258LeatherPhys.DPSChestGloaming Sark258LeatherSpellHandsChangeling Gloves258ClothSpell HitWaistMisbegotten Belt258CloakSpell MP5BackAbduction's Cover258FingerMelee.DPSFingerZarithrian's Offering258FingerSpell HitFingerSaviana's Tribute258NeckPhys.DPSNeckBaltharus' Gift
Cataclysm Screenshots of the Day
4 screenshots of the day (Friday / Saturday / Sunday / Monday) have been added to the Official Site!
Blue posts
Quote from Blizzard staff
Lowering the GCD
Lowering the GCD is as close to anything on the never list. We will possibly do it for hunters, but that is because their resource system is going to prevent them from ever spamming multiple buttons at once (in the same way rogues have a lower GCD). Even with rage normalization there are going to be times when a warrior is at 100 rage and can unload with multiple attacks at once. The GCD is there for a reason, partially for game balance and partially to keep the server - client communication from getting gummed up. (Source)
Mandatory Talents
If talents aren't mandatory (for PvE or PvP) then they are considered marginal. If your talent decisions don't actually matter, then that feature becomes a lot less compelling. You could advocate I suppose a design where each individual talent point is even with every other, but given the enormou...
Ruby Sanctum Loot Table Update
There was another wave of PTR testing at the end of the week and new items have been discovered, no heroic items yet but it looks like everyone will get something from the 25-man loot table! Baltharus' Gift, Scion's Treads, Twilight Scale Shoulders, Saviana's Tribute, Surrogate Belt, Umbrage Armbands, Returning Footfalls have been added to the lists.
25-Man Loot Table
lvlTypeSpecSlotItem271PlateMelee.DPSFeetApocalypse's Advance271PlateSpellFeetForeshadow Steps271PlateTankingFeetTreads of Impending Resurrection271MailPhys.DPSFeetReturning Footfalls271MailSpellWaistSplit Shape Belt271LeatherPhys.DPSWristUmbrage Armbands271LeatherSpellWristPhaseshifter's Bracers271ClothSpellWristBracers of Fiery Night271CloakSpellBackCloak of Burning Dusk271NeckMelee.DPSNeckPenumbra Pendant271FingerPhys.DPSFingerSignet of Twilight271FingerSpell MP5FingerRing of Phased Regeneration271TrinketPhys.DPSTrinketSharpened Twilight Scale271TrinketTankingTrinketPetrified Twilight Scale271TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCharred Twilight Scale271TrinketHealingTrinketGlowing Twilight Scale
10-Man Loot Table
lvlTypeSpecSlotItem258PlateMelee.DPSWristBracers of the Heir258PlateTankingFeetScion's Treads258PlateSpellWaistSurrogate Belt258MailPhys.DPSShoulderTwilight Scale Shoulders258LeatherPhys.DPSChestGloaming Sark258LeatherSpellHandsChangeling Gloves258ClothSpell HitWaistMisbegotten Belt258CloakSpell MP5BackAbduction's Cover258FingerMelee.DPSFingerZarithrian's Offering258FingerSpell HitFingerSaviana's Tribute258NeckPhys.DPSNeckBaltharus' Gift
Cataclysm Screenshots of the Day
4 screenshots of the day (Friday / Saturday / Sunday / Monday) have been added to the Official Site!
Blue posts
Quote from Blizzard staff
Lowering the GCD
Lowering the GCD is as close to anything on the never list. We will possibly do it for hunters, but that is because their resource system is going to prevent them from ever spamming multiple buttons at once (in the same way rogues have a lower GCD). Even with rage normalization there are going to be times when a warrior is at 100 rage and can unload with multiple attacks at once. The GCD is there for a reason, partially for game balance and partially to keep the server - client communication from getting gummed up. (Source)
Mandatory Talents
If talents aren't mandatory (for PvE or PvP) then they are considered marginal. If your talent decisions don't actually matter, then that feature becomes a lot less compelling. You could advocate I suppose a design where each individual talent point is even with every other, but given the enormou...