Patch 4.0.3a Hotfixes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)
Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the release of patch 4.0.3a. While many have already been deployed on all realms, some may not be implemented until the next time your realm is restarted. We will continue to update this thread in the days ahead as additional hotfixes are applied.
November 23
Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Rogue (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Shattrath / Dalaran Portals Removed
Originally Posted by Bashiok (Source)
Portals are removed as we don't want you to have your hearth in an old city from an expansion you've outgrown just so you can have quick and instant travel anywhere you like. Those expansions had content that was far removed from things like auction houses and class trainers, and thus, contained portals. They were removed from those things because we didn't want the expansion content (which would hold the bulk of the playerbase) to in turn also remove them from the classic Azeroth world. That's no longer the case. Cataclysm has content near your faction capitals, which have auction houses and class trainers.
And for new characters leveling, who will eventually hit Shattrath and Dalaran, they now have auction houses and class trainers in place of portals.
As soon as you can fly in Azeroth this really does cease to be an issue. It will not be much different than flying from Borean Tundra to Ulduar.
I can see that since the OP is buried that enough people disagree with this being an issue, and for that I'm at least thankful that I'm not fighting a complete uphill battle in explaining it.
[...] It's the first day, the first few HOURS, of course something new is going to be jarring.
But worse yet is that the entire plan isn't unveiled, there's no flying in the old world, there's none of the new content. The one thing I do agree with is that ideally portals shouldn't have been removed until the 7th, but that would have meant a ton of additional development time just to give an extra two weeks of insta-porting goodness.
One benefit is you don't encourage all of the current re-rollers to hearth in the Shattrath or Dalaran, and then pull it away on Cataclysm launch. That seems like a worse scenario, actually.
I don't doubt that this, like so many other topics that spring up day 1 of a patch, will die a quiet death once people actually play and see how it affects them instead of simply estimating. That's not going to happen until Cataclysm in this case, though. Such are the growing pains of expansion life.
Give the Gift of Warcraft!
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Act now and get epic savings with ?5/$5 World of Warcraft, ?5/$5 The Burning Crusade, and ?10/$10 Wrath of the Lich King. Gift to a friend or upgrade your account in preparation for the launch of Cataclysm.
Darkmoon Faire Fortune Unlocks
Originally Posted by Zarhym (Source)
Alliance 30% Loot Discovered
Many of Sayge's dark prophecies have already come to pass. The world is shattered and its inhabitants' way of life on the brink of collapse. And even in these times, the treacherous Horde have carried out a series of murderous assaults on the noble peoples of the Alliance. But the Alliance remain strong... just. Claim your latest reward and prove your ability to persevere, as far greater riches await you.
Horde 30% Treasure Revealed
Adherents to the Horde way, you remain steadfast in the face of the Alliance's gathering forces. They too seek greater riches in this time of peril, but it is time to bask once again in the glory of claiming what is rightfully yours. Take to heart Sayge's warnings, continue to share the many treasures of the Darkmoon Faire, and you will be victorious. Lok'tar ogar!
Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
DPS Meta Gem requirements changes
The current design has been reconsidered, so we're planning to revert gems that now require more blue than red gems back to their original requirements. Such a change can't be accomplished via a hotfix though, so we'll have to wait to revert these in a future patch. (Source)
Shattering release before the Expansion
From a production standpoint, it makes a lot more sense to release such sweeping changes to the world before the expansion itself is released so we can ensure everything is running smoothly. We want to make sure the process of activating Cataclysm-exclusive content is as easy and smooth as possible.
This content spent a great deal of time in testing environments, but the best way to know things are functioning correctly is to implement these data changes on all live realms. There actually is a lot of new content and things to see for players out there right now too (unless you prefer sitting in Dalaran at level 80 all night).
It's kind of win/win. You get a sizable chunk of Cataclysm content in a free content patch two weeks prior to launch, and we get two weeks to make sure any remaining kinks are ironed out. (Source)
Race changes before December 7th
Will this be the same as for when Goblins and Worgen come out? If i buy a race change NOW will i be able to just save it and use it on DEC 7th to change to a goblin?
I've been told that if you buy a race change now you can simply wait until the new race/class combos are available to use it. I don't see why that wouldn't also apply to goblin/worgen, but I haven't seen specific confirmation.
If it's comforting, when you click the button to change race you can actually cancel out and not use it. When you click on the button you're not forced to use the race change request right then and there. In any case I guess my point is you could cancel out and seek further assistance.
City Tabards do not give reputations
This is a bug we will be hotfixing in the very near future. The city tabards should currently work in old Azeroth dungeons (as well as Cataclysm 80-85 dungeons when the expansion is released). The hotfix will make it so these tabards work for Heroic and normal Northrend dungeons, however, there are no plans as of yet to apply this change to Outland dungeons. (Source) (Source)
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)
Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the release of patch 4.0.3a. While many have already been deployed on all realms, some may not be implemented until the next time your realm is restarted. We will continue to update this thread in the days ahead as additional hotfixes are applied.
November 23
- Alterac Valley, Isle of Conquest, and Strand of the Ancients should no longer attempt to place players in a level 80-84 bracket.
- Players should no longer be disconnected from a realm when attempting to take an item out of the mail which has been marked for deletion.
- The title "Champion of [guildname]" can no longer be improperly awarded to players.
- The amount of gold received when converting Battleground Marks of Honor above the honor cap has been reduced to the intended amount.
- The damage done by the following abilities has been reduced by approximately 17%: Mangle (Bear), Maul, Lacerate, Pulverize, Swipe (Bear), Thrash.
- A second pet can no longer be summoned when the active pet is dead.
- Arcane Concentration will not go on internal cooldown when it fails to proc.
- The damage from Deep Freeze on stun-immune targets is now properly benefitting from Frostburn, including when increased by Mastery Rating on gear.
- Frostfire Orb now correctly triggers Ignite on critical hits.
- Pyroblast! made available by Hot Streak will no longer consume Clearcasting.
- When Scorch is cast by a mage who has Improved Scorch Rank 2, it will no longer consume Clearcasting.
- Shatter now only increases the chance for Molten Armor's damage to be a critical strike when the target is actually frozen, as intended.
- Glyph of Light of Dawn no longer incorrectly reduces the healing of Light of Dawn.
- Prayer of Healing is now properly healing all of the target's party members, unless they are further than 30 yards away.
- Twisted Faith no longer gives a 4% damage increase to Mind Flay when Shadow Word: Pain is active on a target.
- Envenom now properly scales with Potent Poisons.
- Soul Fire will no longer consume both Empowered Imp and Soulburn when they are active. It will consume Empowered Imp and leave Soulburn still active.
- Shield Slam's damage has been reduced by about 28% at level 15, with less, but still noticeable reductions at higher levels.
- The Wayward Fire Elemental is now properly tracked on the mini-map for the quest "Ice and Fire".
- Fishing daily quests in Stormwind and Orgrimmar have returned.
- Players will now reach their flight destination properly for the quest "Fuselight, Ho!"
- It is no longer possible to use all the charges on the Purified Moonwell Water at a single brazier for the quest "Dousing the Flames of Protection".
- The tauren quest "Heeding the Call" has been removed from the game and is no longer improperly still being offered to players.
Shattrath / Dalaran Portals Removed
Originally Posted by Bashiok (Source)
Portals are removed as we don't want you to have your hearth in an old city from an expansion you've outgrown just so you can have quick and instant travel anywhere you like. Those expansions had content that was far removed from things like auction houses and class trainers, and thus, contained portals. They were removed from those things because we didn't want the expansion content (which would hold the bulk of the playerbase) to in turn also remove them from the classic Azeroth world. That's no longer the case. Cataclysm has content near your faction capitals, which have auction houses and class trainers.
And for new characters leveling, who will eventually hit Shattrath and Dalaran, they now have auction houses and class trainers in place of portals.
As soon as you can fly in Azeroth this really does cease to be an issue. It will not be much different than flying from Borean Tundra to Ulduar.
I can see that since the OP is buried that enough people disagree with this being an issue, and for that I'm at least thankful that I'm not fighting a complete uphill battle in explaining it.
[...] It's the first day, the first few HOURS, of course something new is going to be jarring.
But worse yet is that the entire plan isn't unveiled, there's no flying in the old world, there's none of the new content. The one thing I do agree with is that ideally portals shouldn't have been removed until the 7th, but that would have meant a ton of additional development time just to give an extra two weeks of insta-porting goodness.
One benefit is you don't encourage all of the current re-rollers to hearth in the Shattrath or Dalaran, and then pull it away on Cataclysm launch. That seems like a worse scenario, actually.
I don't doubt that this, like so many other topics that spring up day 1 of a patch, will die a quiet death once people actually play and see how it affects them instead of simply estimating. That's not going to happen until Cataclysm in this case, though. Such are the growing pains of expansion life.
Give the Gift of Warcraft!
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Act now and get epic savings with ?5/$5 World of Warcraft, ?5/$5 The Burning Crusade, and ?10/$10 Wrath of the Lich King. Gift to a friend or upgrade your account in preparation for the launch of Cataclysm.
Darkmoon Faire Fortune Unlocks
Originally Posted by Zarhym (Source)
Alliance 30% Loot Discovered
Many of Sayge's dark prophecies have already come to pass. The world is shattered and its inhabitants' way of life on the brink of collapse. And even in these times, the treacherous Horde have carried out a series of murderous assaults on the noble peoples of the Alliance. But the Alliance remain strong... just. Claim your latest reward and prove your ability to persevere, as far greater riches await you.
Horde 30% Treasure Revealed
Adherents to the Horde way, you remain steadfast in the face of the Alliance's gathering forces. They too seek greater riches in this time of peril, but it is time to bask once again in the glory of claiming what is rightfully yours. Take to heart Sayge's warnings, continue to share the many treasures of the Darkmoon Faire, and you will be victorious. Lok'tar ogar!
Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
DPS Meta Gem requirements changes
The current design has been reconsidered, so we're planning to revert gems that now require more blue than red gems back to their original requirements. Such a change can't be accomplished via a hotfix though, so we'll have to wait to revert these in a future patch. (Source)
Shattering release before the Expansion
From a production standpoint, it makes a lot more sense to release such sweeping changes to the world before the expansion itself is released so we can ensure everything is running smoothly. We want to make sure the process of activating Cataclysm-exclusive content is as easy and smooth as possible.
This content spent a great deal of time in testing environments, but the best way to know things are functioning correctly is to implement these data changes on all live realms. There actually is a lot of new content and things to see for players out there right now too (unless you prefer sitting in Dalaran at level 80 all night).
It's kind of win/win. You get a sizable chunk of Cataclysm content in a free content patch two weeks prior to launch, and we get two weeks to make sure any remaining kinks are ironed out. (Source)
Race changes before December 7th
Will this be the same as for when Goblins and Worgen come out? If i buy a race change NOW will i be able to just save it and use it on DEC 7th to change to a goblin?
I've been told that if you buy a race change now you can simply wait until the new race/class combos are available to use it. I don't see why that wouldn't also apply to goblin/worgen, but I haven't seen specific confirmation.
If it's comforting, when you click the button to change race you can actually cancel out and not use it. When you click on the button you're not forced to use the race change request right then and there. In any case I guess my point is you could cancel out and seek further assistance.
City Tabards do not give reputations
This is a bug we will be hotfixing in the very near future. The city tabards should currently work in old Azeroth dungeons (as well as Cataclysm 80-85 dungeons when the expansion is released). The hotfix will make it so these tabards work for Heroic and normal Northrend dungeons, however, there are no plans as of yet to apply this change to Outland dungeons. (Source) (Source)