Patch 11.1.5 PTR - Build 59571


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Jul 16, 2009
Patch 11.1.5 PTR - Build 59571
Build 59571 will be deployed to the Public Test Realms soon.

Patch 11.1.5 Development Notes
Blizzard has posted the Development Notes for Build 59571.

New Icons

Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Dastardly Duos
World Events


Feats of Strength

World Events

  • Something's Not Quite Right.... Successfully accuse and expose 8 boggarts in a row during the World Quest "Tough Crowd" in under 20 minutes without guessing incorrectly. 10 points. Account Wide.

Expansion Features
  • Undermine Breaknecking: Gold Obtain gold in all Breakneck races in Undermine. Reward: Breaknecker Title and GNZ Airmaster 9000. 10 points. Account Wide. 'Breaknecker' Title. 10 points. Account Wide.

Visions of N'Zoth
Expansion Features

Visions of N'Zoth Revisited
Expansion Features

War Within
  • Nine-Tenths of the Law Successfully unlock all five of Muff's Auto-Lockers throughout Undermine. 10 points. Account Wide. Reward: 5 Trader's Tender. 10 points. Account Wide.
  • The Unseeming Acquire 100 stacks of Unseeming Shift in the Maddening Deep. 5 points. or the Writhing Fields. 5 points.

War Within Raid
Dungeons & Raids
  • Conveyor Slayer Defeat Sprocketmonger Lockenstock without being struck by Blazing Beam, Rocket Barrage, Mega Magnetize, Jumbo Void Beam, or Void Barrage in Liberation of Undermine on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion


Item Set Bonuses
  • Gladiator's Distinction Increases your Primary Stat by 12% and your Stamina by 5% 10% when in Arenas, Battlegrounds, and War Mode.

Death Knight (Forums)

  • Death Knight Unholy 11.1 Class Set 2pc Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Death Coil and Epidemic by 3% 4.5%, stacking up to 10 times. Death Coil and Epidemic have a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak! Approximately 10 procs per minute.

Demon Hunter (Forums)

  • Demon Hunter Havoc 11.1 Class Set 2pc Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Blade Dance and Chaos Strike by 3% stacking up to 10 times. Blade Dance and Chaos Strike have a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak! Approximately 12 procs per minute. 15 procs per minute.

Druid (Forums)

  • Druid Feral 11.1 Class Set 4pc When you consume Apex Predator's Craving, become a Big Winner, dealing [ 800% [ 1,100% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to Apex Predator's primary target and increasing the damage of your periodic effects by 16% for 6 sec.

Hunter (Forums)

  • Hunter Beast Mastery 11.1 Class Set 2pc Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that fires a Barbed Shot at 200% 100% effectiveness. Casting Bestial Wrath always hits a Jackpot! Approximately 1 proc per minute.
  • Hunter Beast Mastery 11.1 Class Set 4pc Hitting a Jackpot! infuses your pet with a mutagen, causing its auto-attacks to deal [ 36.28% [ 18.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to its target and up to 5 enemies within 10 yds for 8 sec. Mutagenic attacks reduce the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 0.5 sec. Approximately 1 proc per minute.

Monk (Forums)

  • Monk Mistweaver 11.1 Class Set 2pc Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! to their targets that heals them for [ 394.45% [ 276.12% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. Insurance! is consumed if an ally drops below 40% health to heal them for [ 236.67% [ 165.67% of Spell Power ]. Approximately 5 procs per minute.

Rogue (Forums)

  • Rogue Subtlety 11.1 Class Set 2pc Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Eviscerate, Secret Technique, and Black Powder by 2% stacking up to 10 8 times. Eviscerate, Secret Technique, and Black Powder have a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak! Approximately 10 procs per minute.

Shaman (Forums)

  • Shaman Elemental 11.1 Class Set 2pc Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that summons a Fire Elemental for 8.0 6.0 sec. Casting Ascendance always hits a Jackpot! Approximately 1 proc per minute. 0.65 procs per minute.
  • Shaman Elemental 11.1 Class Set 4pc (Elemental) When you summon or extend your Storm Elemental, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst deal 20% 30% increased damage for 8 sec.
  • Shaman Elemental 11.1 Class Set 4pc (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) When you summon or extend your Fire Elemental, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst deal 20% 30% increased damage for 8 sec.
  • Shaman Elemental 11.1 Class Set 4pc (Tempest) When you summon or extend your Fire Elemental, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Tempest, and Lava Burst deal 20% 30% increased damage for 8 sec.
  • Shaman Elemental 11.1 Class Set 4pc Tempest: When you summon or extend your Fire Elemental, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Tempest, and Lava Burst deal 20% 30% increased damage for 8 sec.
  • Shaman Enhancement 11.1 Class Set 4pc When you lose your Winning Streak! the winds shift into Doom Winds for 4 3 sec. When Doom Winds deal damage, your next Crash Lightning deals 15.0% increased damage, up to 75.0% 12.0% increased damage, up to 60.0%. This effect can be stored up to 10 stacks. Additionally, Crash Lightning deals 100% 75% more damage to your main target.

Warlock (Forums)

  • Warlock Demonology 11.1 Class Set 4pc Casting Hand of Gul'dan causes your active Dreadstalkers to cast Dreadbite at 50% 20% effectiveness. This damage is increased by 10% for each Soul Shard spent on Hand of Gul'dan.
  • Warlock Destruction 11.1 Class Set 2pc Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that fires a flurry of 6 Demonfire bolts at 200% 100% effectiveness. Casting Summon Infernal always hits a Jackpot! Approximately 1 proc per minute.

Death Knight (Forums)

  • Breath of Sindragosa (New) Continuously deal [ 77.7% of Attack Power + 77.7% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you, until your Runic Power is exhausted. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Generates 2 Runes at the start and end. Instant.
  • Festering Wound (New)
  • Scourge Strike (New) 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Scourge Strike (New) 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Winning Streak! Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Death Coil and Epidemic by 3% 4.5%, stacking up to 10 times. Death Coil and Epidemic have a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak! Instant.

  • Death's Cold Embrace Pillar of Frost grants you Remorseless Winter and increases its damage by 750% 400% and its radius by 150%, but your movement speed is heavily reduced for its duration. Pillar of Frost's cooldown is increased by 15 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires DeathKnight. Requires level 10.
  • Frost Death Knight passive was updated


Demon Hunter (Forums)

  • Thrill of the Fight After consuming both enhancements, gain Thrill of the Fight, increasing your attack speed by 15% for 20 sec and your damage and healing by 20% for 10 sec. 15% for 10 sec.
  • Thrill of the Fight After consuming both enhancements, gain Thrill of the Fight, increasing your attack speed by 15% for 20 sec and your damage and healing by 20% for 10 sec. Instant. 15% for 10 sec. Instant.
  • Thrill of the Fight After consuming both enhancements, gain Thrill of the Fight, increasing your attack speed by 15% for 20 sec and your damage and healing by 20% for 10 sec. Instant. 15% for 10 sec. Instant.
  • Thrill of the Fight After consuming both enhancements, gain Thrill of the Fight, increasing your attack speed by 15% for 20 sec and your damage and healing by 20% for 10 sec. Instant. 15% for 10 sec. Instant.

Druid (Forums)

  • Adaptive Swarm Command a swarm that heals [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 216% [ 264% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 25%. Upon expiration, finds a new target, preferring to alternate between friend and foe up to 3 times. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Adaptive Swarm Command a swarm that heals [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 216% [ 264% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 25%. Upon expiration, finds a new target, preferring to alternate between friend and foe up to 3 times. Can't be cast in Travel Form, Flight Form. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown.
  • Adaptive Swarm Command a swarm that heals [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 216% [ 264% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 25%. Upon expiration, finds a new target, preferring to alternate between friend and foe up to 3 times. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Adaptive Swarm Your damage and healing over time effects have a chance to send a swarm of insects to their target, that heals [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 216% [ 264% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 25%. Upon expiration, finds a new target, preferring to alternate between friend and foe up to 2 times. Approximately 3 procs per minute.
  • Big Winner!!! When you consume Apex Predator's Craving, become a Big Winner, dealing [ 800% [ 1,100% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to Apex Predator's primary target and increasing the damage of your periodic effects by 16% for 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Bursting Growth When Bloodseeker Vines expire or you use Ferocious Bite on their target they explode in thorns, dealing [ 100% [ 120% of Attack Power ] physical damage to nearby enemies. Damage reduced above 5 targets. When Symbiotic Blooms expire or you cast Rejuvenation on their target flowers grow around their target, healing them and up to 3 nearby allies for [ 20% of Spell Power ].
  • Bursting Growth When Bloodseeker Vines expire or you use Ferocious Bite on their target they explode in thorns, dealing [ 100% [ 120% of Attack Power ] physical damage to nearby enemies. Damage reduced above 5 targets. When Symbiotic Blooms expire or you cast Rejuvenation on their target flowers grow around their target, healing them and up to 3 nearby allies for [ 20% of Spell Power ]. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Bursting Growth When Bloodseeker Vines expire or you use Ferocious Bite on their target they explode in thorns, dealing [ 100% [ 120% of Attack Power ] physical damage to nearby enemies. Damage reduced above 5 targets. When Symbiotic Blooms expire or you cast Rejuvenation on their target flowers grow around their target, healing them and up to 3 nearby allies for [ 20% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Feline Potential (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Feline Potential (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Lifebloom (New) Normal: Heals the target for [ 47.52% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. When Lifebloom expires or is dispelled, the target is instantly healed for [ 179.4% of Spell Power ]. May be active on one target at a time. The Dark Titan's Lesson: Heals the target for [ 47.52% of Spell Power ] over 15 sec. When Lifebloom expires or is dispelled, the target is instantly healed for [ 179.4% of Spell Power ]. May be active on two targets at a time. Can be cast in Tree of Life Form. Can't be cast in Cat Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Moonkin Form. Limited to 1 target. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Lycara's Meditation You retain Lycara's Teachings' bonus from your most recent shapeshift form for 5 sec after shifting out of it.provided you remained in that form for 2.9 sec, reduced by Haste.
  • Typhoon Blasts targets within 0 to 15 yards in front of you with a violent Typhoon, knocking them back and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Usable in all shapeshift forms. 15 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
  • Typhoon Blasts targets within 0 to 15 yards in front of you with a violent Typhoon, knocking them back and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Usable in all shapeshift forms. 15 yd range. Instant.
  • Ursine Potential (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Ursine Potential (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.
  • Wildpower Surge (Feral) When you have 8 stacks, the next time you transform into Bear Form, your next Mangle deals 300% increased damage or your next Swipe deals 75% increased damage. 300% increased damage.

  • Guardian Druid Increases damage/healing by 128% 139%: Architect's Aligner, Brambles, Dreadful Wound, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Maul, Pulverize, Ravage, Raze, Razing Flame, Swipe, Thorns of Iron, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 128% 139%: Architect's Aligner, Brambles, Dreadful Wound, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Maul, Pulverize, Ravage, Raze, Razing Flame, Swipe, Thorns of Iron, Thrash Increases damage/healing by 75%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 75%: Deft Touch, Improved Regrowth, Regrowth Increases damage/healing by 268%: Thrash Increases damage/healing by 15%: Swiftmend Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: Tree of Life, Rejuvenation, Rejuvenation (Germination), Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 22% 46%: Moondust, Moonfire, Scintillating Moonlight Increases periodic damage/healing by 22% 46%: Moondust, Moonfire, Scintillating Moonlight Druid - Guardian Spec. Druid - Guardian Spec.

Evoker (Forums)

  • Breath of Eons (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Breath of Eons (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Shifting Sands Casting an empower spell grants Shifting Sands to 1 ally, preferring damage dealers, increasing their Versatility by [ 34% [ 27.2% of Spell Power ]% for 10 sec. The durations of Shifting Sands, Breath of Eons, and your other helpful auras are increased by [ 50% of Spell Power ]%. Limited to 1 target. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Temporal Wound (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Initial, Devastation, Preservation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.
  • Temporal Wound (Augmentation) Temporal Wounds accumulate 10% 8% of damage dealt by your allies affected by Ebon Might, then critically strike for that amount as Arcane damage.

  • Close as Clutchmates Ebon Might and Breath of Eons are 25% 10% more effective when not in a raid. Evoker - Augmentation Spec. Evoker - Augmentation Spec.
  • Mastery: Timewalker Casting an empower spell grants Shifting Sands to 1 ally, preferring damage dealers, increasing their Versatility by [ 34% [ 27.2% of Spell Power ]% for 10 sec. The durations of Shifting Sands, Breath of Eons, and your other helpful auras are increased by [ 50% of Spell Power ]%. Evoker - Augmentation Spec. Evoker - Augmentation Spec.

  • Dream Projection Summon a flying projection of yourself that heals allies you pass through for [ 200% of Spell Power ]. Detonating your projection dispels all nearby allies of Magical effects, and heals for [ 900% of Spell Power ] over 20 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 0.5 sec cast. 60 sec cooldown.Requires Evoker. Requires level 10.

Hunter (Forums)

  • Animal Instincts Flanking Strike also reduces the remaining cooldown by 3 sec of a random one of the following abilities: Spell #202,800 Mongoose Bite Aspect of the Eagle Harpoon Spell #190,928 Aspect of the Eagle Harpoon
  • Animal Instincts Flanking Strike also reduces the remaining cooldown by 3 sec of a random one of the following abilities: Spell #202,800 Mongoose Bite Spell #190,928 Aspect of the Eagle Harpoon Instant.
  • Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% of Attack Power + 3.7% [ 189% of Attack Power + 3.6% of Spell Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% [ 189% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Barbed Wrath) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% [ 189% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% of Attack Power + 3.7% [ 189% of Attack Power + 3.6% of Spell Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% [ 189% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Barbed Wrath) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% [ 189% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% of Attack Power + 3.7% [ 189% of Attack Power + 3.6% of Spell Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% [ 189% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Barbed Wrath) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% [ 189% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% of Attack Power + 3.7% [ 189% of Attack Power + 3.6% of Spell Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% [ 189% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bestial Wrath (Barbed Wrath) Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 194.4% [ 189% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 30% for 15 sec.
  • Bloodshed Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed for [ 162% of Attack Power + 3.1% [ 157.5% of Attack Power + 3% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec and take 15% increased damage from your pet for 18 sec. 50 yd range. Instant.
  • Bloodshed Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed for [ 162% of Attack Power + 3.1% [ 157.5% of Attack Power + 3% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec and take 15% increased damage from your pet for 18 sec. 50 yd range. Instant.
  • Boar Charge 100 yd range. Instant. While in combat, every 30 sec your next Kill Command summons the aid of a Beast. Wyvern A Wyvern descends from the skies, letting out a battle cry that increases the damage of you and your pets by 10% for 15 sec. Boar A Boar charges through your target 3 times, dealing [ 400% of Attack Power ] physical damage to the primary target and [ 160% of Attack Power ] damage to up to 8 nearby enemies. Bear A Bear leaps into the fray, rending the flesh of your enemies, dealing [ 600% of Attack Power ] damage over 10 sec to up to 8 nearby enemies. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Glyph of the Strix (New) Your Spotting Eagle becomes a Spotting Owl.
  • Kill Command (Beast Mastery) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 124.2% of Attack Power + 2.4% [ 120.8% of Attack Power + 2.3% of Spell Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Kill Command (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 124.2% [ 120.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Kill Command (Beast Mastery) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 124.2% of Attack Power + 2.4% [ 120.8% of Attack Power + 2.3% of Spell Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Kill Command (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 124.2% [ 120.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Kill Command (Beast Mastery) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 124.2% of Attack Power + 2.4% [ 120.8% of Attack Power + 2.3% of Spell Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Kill Command (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 124.2% [ 120.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Kill Command (Beast Mastery) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly inflict [ 90,051.5% of Attack Power + 1,711% [ 87,550.1% of Attack Power + 1,663.5% of Spell Power ] damage to its target.
  • Kill Command (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly inflict [ 90,051.5% [ 87,550.1% of Attack Power ] damage to its target.
  • Kill Command (Beast Mastery) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 124.2% of Attack Power + 2.4% [ 120.8% of Attack Power + 2.3% of Spell Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Kill Command (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 124.2% [ 120.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.
  • Lead From the Front (Beast Mastery) Casting Bestial Wrath grants Howl of the Pack Leader and increases the damage dealt by your Beasts by 25% and your pets by 30% for 12 sec. 15% for 12 sec.
  • Lead From the Front (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Casting Coordinated Assault grants Howl of the Pack Leader and increases the damage dealt by your Beasts by 25% and your pet by 25% for 12 sec. 30% for 12 sec.
  • Lead From the Front Marksmanship, Survival, Initial: Casting Coordinated Assault grants Howl of the Pack Leader and increases the damage dealt by your Beasts by 25% and your pet by 25% for 12 sec. 30% for 12 sec.
  • Lead From the Front (Beast Mastery) Casting Bestial Wrath grants Howl of the Pack Leader and increases the damage dealt by your Beasts by 25% and your pets by 30% for 12 sec. 15% for 12 sec.
  • Lead From the Front (Marksmanship, Survival, Initial) Casting Coordinated Assault grants Howl of the Pack Leader and increases the damage dealt by your Beasts by 25% and your pet by 25% for 12 sec. 30% for 12 sec.
  • Mongoose Fury Normal: Attempts to sever the target's limbs with a brutal attack that deals 0 Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury increases Mongoose Bite damage by 50% for 14 sec, stacking up to 6 times. Successive attacks do not increase duration. PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED): Attempts to sever the target's limbs with a brutal attack that deals 0 Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury increases Mongoose Bite damage by 35% for 14 sec, stacking up to 6 times. Successive attacks do not increase duration. Instant. Instant.
  • Potent Mutagen Hitting a Jackpot! infuses your pet with a mutagen, causing its auto-attacks to deal [ 36.28% [ 18.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to its target and up to 5 enemies within 10 yds for 8 sec. Mutagenic attacks reduce the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 0.5 sec. Limited to 5 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Potent Mutagen Hitting a Jackpot! infuses your pet with a mutagen, causing its auto-attacks to deal [ 36.28% [ 18.14% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to its target and up to 5 enemies within 10 yds for 8 sec. Mutagenic attacks reduce the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 0.5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Precise Shots (Beast Mastery, Survival, Initial) Aimed Shot causes your next Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Precise Shots (Marksmanship) Aimed Shot causes your next Chimaera Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Precise Shots Marksmanship: Aimed Shot causes your next Chimaera Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Precise Shots (Beast Mastery, Survival, Initial) Aimed Shot causes your next Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Precise Shots (Marksmanship) Aimed Shot causes your next Chimaera Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Precise Shots (Beast Mastery, Survival, Initial) Aimed Shot causes your next Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Precise Shots (Marksmanship) Aimed Shot causes your next Chimaera Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Precise Shots (Beast Mastery, Survival, Initial) Aimed Shot causes your next Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Precise Shots (Marksmanship) Aimed Shot causes your next Chimaera Shot or Multi-Shot to deal 100% more damage and cost 30% less Focus. 40% less Focus.
  • Shoot Rifle (New) Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage. Requires Ranged Weapon. 5-30 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Surv8 Mongoose Fury Normal: Attempts to sever the target's limbs with a brutal attack that deals 0 Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury increases Mongoose Bite damage by 50% for 14 sec, stacking up to 6 times. Successive attacks do not increase duration. PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED): Attempts to sever the target's limbs with a brutal attack that deals 0 Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury increases Mongoose Bite damage by 35% for 14 sec, stacking up to 6 times. Successive attacks do not increase duration. Instant. Instant.

Beast Mastery
  • Beast Mastery Hunter Increases damage/healing by 8%: A Murder of Crows, Aimed Shot 5%: A Murder of Crows, Arcane Shot, Arctic Bola, Barbed Shot, Barrage, Black Arrow, Bleak Powder, Bloodshed, Boar Charge, Bursting Shot, busted chain spell, Careful Aim, Carve, Chakram, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Coordinated Assault, Death Chakram, Dire Beast: Hawk, Disengage, Dragonsfire Conflagration, Dragonsfire Grenade, Explosive Shot, Explosive Trap, Flanking Strike, Flayer's Mark, Frenzy, Frenzy Strikes, Fury of the Eagle, Greater Mrgrglhjorn, Harpoon, Hatchet Toss, Howl of the Pack Leader, Improved Rapid Fire, Incendiary Bomb, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Killer Companion, Lacerate, Latent Poison, Legacy of the Windrunners, Lunar Storm, Merciless Blow, Mongoose Bite, Mongoose Fury, Multi-Shot, Murloc Stampede, Pheromone Bomb, Piercing Shot, Poison Injection, Poisoned Barbs, Quick Load, Rapid Fire, Raptor Strike, Readiness, Rend Flesh, Scorching Wildfire, Sentinel, Serpent Sting, Serpentstalker's Trickery, Shadow Surge, Shrapnel Bomb, Sidewinders, Sniper Shot, Spearhead, Stampede, Steady Shot, Steel Trap, Steel Trap Expert, Stomp, Surv 8 - Flanking Strike, Surv8 Mongoose Fury, Symphonic Arsenal, Thrill of the Hunt, Throw Axe, Venom's Bite, Violent Reaction, Volatile Bomb, Volatile Mixture, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Bomb, Wildfire Cluster, Wind Arrow, Windrunner's Barrage, Withering Fire Increases periodic damage/healing by 8%: A Murder of Crows, Aimed Shot 5%: A Murder of Crows, Arcane Shot, Arctic Bola, Barbed Shot, Barrage, Black Arrow, Bleak Powder, Bloodshed, Boar Charge, Bursting Shot, busted chain spell, Careful Aim, Carve, Chakram, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Coordinated Assault, Death Chakram, Dire Beast: Hawk, Disengage, Dragonsfire Conflagration, Dragonsfire Grenade, Explosive Shot, Explosive Trap, Flanking Strike, Flayer's Mark, Frenzy, Frenzy Strikes, Fury of the Eagle, Greater Mrgrglhjorn, Harpoon, Hatchet Toss, Howl of the Pack Leader, Improved Rapid Fire, Incendiary Bomb, Kill Command, Kill Shot, Killer Companion, Lacerate, Latent Poison, Legacy of the Windrunners, Lunar Storm, Merciless Blow, Mongoose Bite, Mongoose Fury, Multi-Shot, Murloc Stampede, Pheromone Bomb, Piercing Shot, Poison Injection, Poisoned Barbs, Quick Load, Rapid Fire, Raptor Strike, Readiness, Rend Flesh, Scorching Wildfire, Sentinel, Serpent Sting, Serpentstalker's Trickery, Shadow Surge, Shrapnel Bomb, Sidewinders, Sniper Shot, Spearhead, Stampede, Steady Shot, Steel Trap, Steel Trap Expert, Stomp, Surv 8 - Flanking Strike, Surv8 Mongoose Fury, Symphonic Arsenal, Thrill of the Hunt, Throw Axe, Venom's Bite, Violent Reaction, Volatile Bomb, Volatile Mixture, Volley, Wailing Arrow, Wildfire Bomb, Wildfire Cluster, Wind Arrow, Windrunner's Barrage, Withering Fire Increases damage/healing by 50%: Volley Increases damage/healing by 40%: Black Arrow and Kill Shot Decreases damage/healing by 28%: Black Arrow and Kill Shot Increases damage/healing by 10%: Black Arrow and Withering Fire Increases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Black Arrow and Withering Fire Hunter - Beast Mastery Spec. Hunter - Beast Mastery Spec.
  • Bloodshed Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed for [ 162% of Attack Power + 3.1% [ 157.5% of Attack Power + 3% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec and take 15% increased damage from your pet for 18 sec. Beast Mastery Hunter - Level 50 Talent. Beast Mastery Hunter - Level 50 Talent. 50 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.


Mage (Forums)

  • Alter Time (New) Instant.
  • Flash Freezeburn Frostfire Empowerment grants you maximum benefit of Frostfire Mastery, refreshes its duration, and grants you Excess Frost and Excess Fire. Activating Casting Combustion or Icy Veins grants you Frostfire Empowerment.
  • Overpowered Barrier Your barriers absorb 100% more damage and have an additional effect, but last 5 sec. Blazing Barrier Reflects 100% 60% of damage absorbed. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Overpowered Barrier (Fire) Blazing Barrier Reflects 100% of damage absorbed. 60% of damage absorbed.
  • Spellsteal (New) Arcane: Steals all beneficial magic effects from the target. These effects lasts a maximum of 2 min. Fire, Frost, Initial: Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min. 21% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.

Arcane, Fire, Frost

  • Fire Mage Increases damage/healing by 3%: Agonizing Backlash, Arcane Assault, Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Charge, Arcane Echo, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Arcane Splinter, Arcane Surge, Arcanosphere, Arcing Cleave, Blast Wave, Blazing Barrier, Blizzard, Cinderstorm, CJBall, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Conflagration, Conflagration Flare Up, Dragon's Breath, Ebonbolt, Embedded Arcane Splinter, Embedded Frost Splinter, Excess Fire, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flame Patch, Flamestrike, Flurry, Frenetic Speed, Frigid Pulse, Frost Bolt - Sound Test - (TEMP), Frost Bomb, Frost Nova, Frost Splinter, Frostbolt, Frostbolt Volley, Frostfire Bolt, Frostfire Burst, Frostfire Infusion, Frozen Orb, GGO - Test Cone, GGO - Test Nova, GGO - Test Spell - Vertical Impact, Glacial Assault, Glacial Fragments, Glacial Spike, Hyper Impact, Ice Lance, Icicle, Lit Fuse, Living Bomb, Magi's Spark, Meteor, Meteor Burn, Meteorite, Meteorite Burn, Nether Munitions, Nether Tempest, Overpowered Barrier, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Pyroblast!, Pyrotechnics, Radiant Spark, Radiant Spark Vulnerability, Ray of Frost, Scald, Scorch, Shifting Power, Snowdrift, Snowglobe, Splintering Sorcery, Splinterstorm, Sunfury Execution, Supernova, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Missile 1, Test - Nazmir - Blood Troll - Test Spell DoT, Test - Nazmir - Blood Troll - Test Spell Missile 1, Testing 01, Time and Space, Tormenting Backlash, Trailing Embers, Volatile Magic Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%: Agonizing Backlash, Arcane Assault, Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Charge, Arcane Echo, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Arcane Splinter, Arcane Surge, Arcanosphere, Arcing Cleave, Blast Wave, Blazing Barrier, Blizzard, Cinderstorm, CJBall, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Conflagration, Conflagration Flare Up, Dragon's Breath, Ebonbolt, Embedded Arcane Splinter, Embedded Frost Splinter, Excess Fire, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flame Patch, Flamestrike, Flurry, Frenetic Speed, Frigid Pulse, Frost Bolt - Sound Test - (TEMP), Frost Bomb, Frost Nova, Frost Splinter, Frostbolt, Frostbolt Volley, Frostfire Bolt, Frostfire Burst, Frostfire Infusion, Frozen Orb, GGO - Test Cone, GGO - Test Nova, GGO - Test Spell - Vertical Impact, Glacial Assault, Glacial Fragments, Glacial Spike, Hyper Impact, Ice Lance, Icicle, Lit Fuse, Living Bomb, Magi's Spark, Meteor, Meteor Burn, Meteorite, Meteorite Burn, Nether Munitions, Nether Tempest, Overpowered Barrier, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Pyroblast!, Pyrotechnics, Radiant Spark, Radiant Spark Vulnerability, Ray of Frost, Scald, Scorch, Shifting Power, Snowdrift, Snowglobe, Splintering Sorcery, Splinterstorm, Sunfury Execution, Supernova, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Missile 1, Test - Nazmir - Blood Troll - Test Spell DoT, Test - Nazmir - Blood Troll - Test Spell Missile 1, Testing 01, Time and Space, Tormenting Backlash, Trailing Embers, Volatile Magic Increases damage/healing by 25%: Frostfire Bolt Mage - Fire Spec. Mage - Fire Spec.

  • Frost Mage Increases damage/healing by 100%: Cone of Cold and GGO - Test Cone Mage - Frost Spec. Mage - Frost Spec.

Monk (Forums)

  • Chi Cocoon (Brewmaster) Fortifying Brew applies a Chi Cocoon, absorbing [ 20% of Total Health ] damage. [ 12% of Total Health ] damage.
  • Harmonic Gambit (Brewmaster) During Aspect of Harmony, Expel Harm and Vivify withdraw vitality to heal.for an additional 40% over 8 sec.
  • Harmonic Gambit (Windwalker, Mistweaver, Initial) During Aspect of Harmony, Rising Sun Kick, Blackout Kick, and Tiger Palm also withdraw vitality to damage enemies.for an additional 20% over 8 sec.
  • Harmonic Gambit Windwalker, Mistweaver, Initial: During Aspect of Harmony, Rising Sun Kick, Blackout Kick, and Tiger Palm also withdraw vitality to damage enemies.for an additional 20% over 8 sec.
  • Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox (Improved Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox) Niuzao attacks your primary target, and frequently Stomps, damaging all nearby enemies for [ 20% of Attack Power ] plus 0% of Stagger damage you have recently purified. increased based on your recently purified Stagger.
  • Mantra of Tenacity (Brewmaster) Fortifying Brew applies a Chi Cocoon, absorbing [ 20% of Total Health ] damage. [ 12% of Total Health ] damage.
  • Stagger (Improved Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox) Niuzao attacks your primary target, and frequently Stomps, damaging all nearby enemies for [ 20% of Attack Power ] plus 0% of Stagger damage you have recently purified. increased based on your recently purified Stagger.

  • Mistweaver Monk Mistweaver Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 9% 5%: Bonedust Brew, Burst of Life, Celestial Breath, Celestial Conduit, Celestial Harmony, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Combat Wisdom, Crane Style, Enveloping Breath, Enveloping Mist, Expel Harm, Flight of the Red Crane, Gust of Mists, Healing Sphere, Insurance!, Invigorating Mists, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent, Jadefire Stomp, Mantra of Purity, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Max A - Test FX - Weapons of Order, Overflowing Mists, Rapid Diffusion, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Restoral, Reverse Harm, Revival, Rising Mist, Sheilun's Gift, Soothing Breath, Soothing Mist, Sphere of Hope, Strength of Spirit, Surging Mist, Tear of Morning, Thunder Focus Tea, Thunderous Focus Tea, Unison, Veil of Pride, Vivify, Weapons of Order, Yu'lon's Whisper, Zen Pulse, Zen Spheres Increases periodic damage/healing by 9% 5%: Bonedust Brew, Burst of Life, Celestial Breath, Celestial Conduit, Celestial Harmony, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Combat Wisdom, Crane Style, Enveloping Breath, Enveloping Mist, Expel Harm, Flight of the Red Crane, Gust of Mists, Healing Sphere, Insurance!, Invigorating Mists, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent, Jadefire Stomp, Mantra of Purity, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Max A - Test FX - Weapons of Order, Overflowing Mists, Rapid Diffusion, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Restoral, Reverse Harm, Revival, Rising Mist, Sheilun's Gift, Soothing Breath, Soothing Mist, Sphere of Hope, Strength of Spirit, Surging Mist, Tear of Morning, Thunder Focus Tea, Thunderous Focus Tea, Unison, Veil of Pride, Vivify, Weapons of Order, Yu'lon's Whisper, Zen Pulse, Zen Spheres Increases damage/healing by 106%: Glory of the Dawn, Rapid Diffusion, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Wind Kick, Rushing Winds Increases damage/healing by 128%: Blackout Kick, Shadowboxing Treads, Teachings of the Monastery Increases damage/healing by 297%: Glyph of Tiger Palm and Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 298%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases periodic damage/healing by 400%: Crackling Jade Lightning and Crackling Jade Shock Increases damage/healing by 20%: Invigorating Mists and Vivify Increases damage/healing by 10%: Corrosive Dosage, Courage of the White Tiger, Flight of the Red Crane, Sphere of Despair, Zen Spheres Increases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Corrosive Dosage, Courage of the White Tiger, Flight of the Red Crane, Sphere of Despair, Zen Spheres Monk - Mistweaver Spec. Monk - Mistweaver Spec.

Paladin (Forums)

  • Crusading Strikes (New) Instant.
  • Divine Guidance 40 yd Unlimited range.
  • Divine Guidance (New) Holy: For each Holy Power ability cast, your next Consecration deals [ 300% of Spell Power ] damage or healing immediately, split across all enemies and allies. Protection, Retribution, Initial: For each Holy Power ability cast, your next Consecration deals [ 462% of Spell Power ] damage or healing immediately, split across all enemies and allies. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Holy Prism Fires a beam of light that scatters to strike a clump of targets. If the beam is aimed at an enemy target, it deals [ 432% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 315% [ 378% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 allies within 30 yds. If the beam is aimed at a friendly target, it heals for [ 756% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 189% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 enemies within 30 yds. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
  • Holy Prism Fires a beam of light that scatters to strike a clump of targets. If the beam is aimed at an enemy target, it deals [ 432% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 315% [ 378% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 allies within 30 yds. If the beam is aimed at a friendly target, it heals for [ 756% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 189% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 enemies within 30 yds. Limited to 6 targets. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.

  • Holy Paladin Holy Paladin core passive Decreases damage/healing by 3% Increases damage/healing by 1%: A Just Reward, Arcing Light, Ashen Hallow, Aura Mastery, Barrier of Faith, Bestow Faith, Crusader's Reprieve, Dawnlight, Divine Guidance, Divine Toll, Eternal Flame, Faith in the Light, Flash of Light, Glimmer of Light, Golden Path, Grace of the Justicar, Hallowed Discernment, Hammer and Anvil, Holy Light, Holy Prism, Holy Reverberation, Holy Ritual, Holy Shock, Illumine, Insurance!, Judgment of Light, Light of Dawn, Light of the Martyr, Light of the Titans, Lightforged Blessing, Light's Hammer, Martyr's Breath, Merciful Auras, Radiant Aura, Radiant Incandescence, Recompense, Rite of Adjuration, Sacred Shield, Sacred Weapon, Sacred Word, Seal of Charity, Seal of Mercy, Seal of the Crusader, Shock Barrier, Sun Sear, Sun's Avatar, Touch of Light, Truth Prevails, Tyr's Deliverance, Word of Glory Decreases periodic damage/healing by 3% Increases periodic damage/healing by 1%: A Just Reward, Arcing Light, Ashen Hallow, Aura Mastery, Barrier of Faith, Bestow Faith, Crusader's Reprieve, Dawnlight, Divine Guidance, Divine Toll, Eternal Flame, Faith in the Light, Flash of Light, Glimmer of Light, Golden Path, Grace of the Justicar, Hallowed Discernment, Hammer and Anvil, Holy Light, Holy Reverberation, Holy Ritual, Holy Shock, Illumine, Insurance!, Judgment of Light, Light of Dawn, Light of the Martyr, Light of the Titans, Lightforged Blessing, Light's Hammer, Martyr's Breath, Merciful Auras, Radiant Aura, Radiant Incandescence, Recompense, Rite of Adjuration, Sacred Weapon, Sacred Word, Seal of Charity, Seal of Mercy, Seal of the Crusader, Shock Barrier, Sun Sear, Sun's Avatar, Touch of Light, Truth Prevails, Tyr's Deliverance, Word of Glory Decreases damage/healing by 42%: Ashen Hallow, Boundless Judgment, Hallowed Discernment, Hammer of Wrath, Judgment, Judgment of Justice Increases damage/healing by 92%: Consecrated Ground and Consecration Increases damage/healing by 91%: Afterimage, Eternal Flame, Faith in the Light, Light of the Titans, Word of Glory Increases damage/healing by 224%: Hammer of Wrath Increases damage/healing by 77%: Crusader Strike and Crusader's Fire Paladin - Holy Spec. Paladin - Holy Spec.
  • Sanctified Wrath Avenging Wrath now reduces and Avenging Crusader reduce Holy Shock's cooldown by 50%, and its duration is increased by 25% have 25% increased duration. Holy Paladin - Level 45 Talent. Holy Paladin - Level 45 Talent.

Holy & Initial
  • Holy Prism Fires a beam of light that scatters to strike a clump of targets. If the beam is aimed at an enemy target, it deals [ 432% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 315% [ 378% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 allies within 30 yds. If the beam is aimed at a friendly target, it heals for [ 756% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 189% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 enemies within 30 yds. Paladin - Level 25 Talent. Paladin - Level 25 Talent. 2.6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.

Priest (Forums)

  • From Darkness Comes Light Discipline: Each time Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked , Shadow, Initial, PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED): Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 3%, up to a maximum of 60%. Holy: Each time Shadow Word: Pain or Holy Fire deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 3%, up to a maximum of 60%. Shadow, Initial, PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED): Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 3%, up to a maximum of 60%. Instant. Instant.
  • From Darkness Comes Light Discipline: Each time Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked , Shadow, Initial, PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED): Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 3%, up to a maximum of 60%. Holy: Each time Shadow Word: Pain or Holy Fire deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 3%, up to a maximum of 60%. Shadow, Initial, PvP Rules Enabled (HARDCODED): Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by 3%, up to a maximum of 60%.
  • Inner Quietus (Shadow) Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain deal 25% additional damage. 35% additional damage.
  • Inner Quietus Shadow: Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain deal 25% additional damage. 35% additional damage.
  • Preventive Measures (Discipline) All damage dealt by Penance, Smite and Holy Nova increased by 40%. 20%.
  • Throes of Pain Discipline: Shadow Word: Pain and Purge the Wicked deal an additional 3% damage. When an enemy dies while afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked, you gain 0.5% Mana. Holy, Initial: Shadow Word: Pain deals an additional 3% damage. When an enemy dies while afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, you gain 0.5% Mana. Shadow: Shadow Word: Pain deals an additional 3% damage. When an enemy dies while afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, you gain 3 Insanity.
  • Throes of Pain Discipline: Shadow Word: Pain and Purge the Wicked deal an additional 3% damage. When an enemy dies while afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain or Purge the Wicked, you gain 0.5% Mana. Holy, Initial: Shadow Word: Pain deals an additional 3% damage. When an enemy dies while afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, you gain 0.5% Mana. Shadow: Shadow Word: Pain deals an additional 3% damage. When an enemy dies while afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, you gain 3 Insanity. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Void Blast (Holy, Initial) Void Blast: Discipline, Holy, Initial: Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 168% [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Shadow) Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 168% [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Shadow) Void Blast: Discipline, Holy, Initial: Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 168% [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Shadow) Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 168% [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast Shadow: Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 168% [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Discipline, Holy, Initial) Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 168% [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Void Blast (Shadow) Sends a blast of cosmic void energy at the enemy, causing [ 168% [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Voidwound (Shadow) Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain deal 25% additional damage. 35% additional damage.
  • Voidwraith 2 3 min cooldown.
  • Voidwraith Transform your Shadowfiend into a Voidwraith that casts Void Flay, dealing up to 60,000% 3% additional damage, dealing more damage to higher health enemies.

  • Holy Priest Holy Priest core passive Decreases damage/healing by 8%: Ascended Nova, Binding Heal, Blessed Bolt, Blessed Light, Cauterizing Shadows, Circle of Healing, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Dark Reprimand, Dazzling Lights, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Star area trigger test, Divine Word, Divine Word: Sanctuary, Essence Devourer, Evangelism, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Halo, Heal, Healing Light, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Insurance!, Inversion Prism, Light Eruption, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Moment of Repose, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Power Word: Life, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Premonition of Solace, Renew, Serendipity, Tranquil Light, Twist Magic, Ultimate Penitence, Unholy Transfusion Decreases periodic damage/healing by 8%: Ascended Nova, Binding Heal, Blessed Bolt, Blessed Light, Cauterizing Shadows, Circle of Healing, Cosmic Ripple, Crystalline Reflection, Dark Reprimand, Dazzling Lights, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Divine Star area trigger test, Divine Word, Divine Word: Sanctuary, Essence Devourer, Evangelism, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Halo, Heal, Healing Light, Holy Mending, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Insurance!, Inversion Prism, Light Eruption, Lightwell, Miraculous Recovery, Moment of Repose, Overloaded with Light, Penance, Power Word: Life, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Premonition of Solace, Renew, Serendipity, Tranquil Light, Twist Magic, Ultimate Penitence, Unholy Transfusion Increases damage/healing by 165%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 165%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 57%: Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Painbreaker Psalm, Painbreaker's Psalm, Shadow Word: Death, Twilight Empowerment Increases damage/healing by 57%: Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Nova, Test - Nazmir - Blood Troll - Test Spell Nova Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Renew Increases damage/healing by 120%: Prayer of Mending Decreases damage/healing by 9%: Flash Heal Increases damage/healing by 103%: Flash Heal Increases damage/healing by 192%: Holy Fire, Smite, Smite test copy, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 35%: Miraculous Recovery and Power Word: Life Decreases damage/healing by 42%: Prayer of Mending Decreases damage/healing by 9%: Miraculous Recovery and Power Word: Life Priest - Holy Spec. Priest - Holy Spec.

  • Shadow Priest Increases damage/healing by 24%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Encroaching Shadows, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Darkness, Schism, Searing Light, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact Surge of Insanity, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Increases periodic damage/healing by 24%: Ascended Blast, Ascended Eruption, Ascended Nova, Collapsing Void, Dark Ascension, Dark Reprimand, Dark Void, Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Devouring Plague, Divine Star, Echoing Void, Encroaching Shadows, Entropic Rift, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Idol of C'Thun, Idol of N'Zoth, Idol of Yogg-Saron, Inescapable Torment, Inner Quietus, Light Eruption, Light's Wrath, Mastery: Shadow Weaving, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity, Mind Sear, Mind Spike, Mind Spike: Insanity, Mindgames, Penance, Purge the Wicked, Revel in Darkness, Schism, Searing Light, Shadow Crash, Shadow Nova, Shadow Sear, Shadow Spike, Shadow Spike Volley, Shadow Weaving, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadowy Apparition, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Smite test copy, Surge of Insanity, Test - Drustvar - Witch - Test Spell Impact Surge of Insanity, Torment Mind, Twilight Empowerment, Twilight Equilibrium, Ultimate Penitence, Unfurling Darkness, Unholy Transfusion, Vampiric Touch, Void Blast, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Flay, Void Spike, Void Torrent, Void Volley, Voidwound, Voidwraith Increases damage/healing by 98%: Shadow Word: Pain, Twilight Equilibrium, Unfurling Darkness, Vampiric Touch Increases periodic damage/healing by 98%: Shadow Word: Pain and Twilight Equilibrium Increases damage/healing by 20%: Entropic Rift Increases damage/healing by 20% 38%: Collapsing Void Increases damage/healing by 49%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases damage/healing by 10%: Inescapable Torment Increases damage/healing by 60%: Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Painbreaker Psalm, Painbreaker's Psalm, Shadow Word: Death, Twilight Empowerment Increases damage/healing by 46%: Flash Heal Decreases damage/healing by 31%: Deathspeaker, Devour Matter, Painbreaker Psalm, Painbreaker's Psalm, Shadow Word: Death, Twilight Empowerment Increases damage/healing by 64%: Mind Blast, Schism, Void Blast Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Renew Increases damage/healing by 25%: Prayer of Mending Increases damage/healing by 10%: Void Blast Priest - Shadow Spec. Priest - Shadow Spec.

Rogue (Forums)

  • Corrupt the Blood (New) Rupture deals an additional [ 2.5% of Attack Power ] Plague damage each time it deals damage, stacking up to 10 times. Rupture duration increased by 3 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Double Dose When Mutilate applies Lethal Poison with both daggers, it poisons the target for an additional [ 0 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Echoing Blades Fan of Knives damage is increased by [ 0 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) ]. For each of the first 5 critical strikes, it will fire a second spray of knives at that location, dealing [ 15 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) * 2 ] damage to enemies within 8 yards. This second spray of knives always critically hits. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Echoing Blades Fan of Knives damage is increased by [ 0 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) ]. For each of the first 5 critical strikes, it will fire a second spray of knives at that location, dealing [ 15 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) * 2 ] damage to enemies within 8 yards. This second spray of knives always critically hits. Instant.
  • Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing [ 0 * 10 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec. Instant.
  • Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing [ 0 * 10 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing [ 0 * 10 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 60% [ 57% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 120% [ 114% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 180% [ 171% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 240% [ 228% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 300% [ 285% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 360% [ 342% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 60% [ 57% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 120% [ 114% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 180% [ 171% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 240% [ 228% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 300% [ 285% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 360% [ 342% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 60% [ 57% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 120% [ 114% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 180% [ 171% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 240% [ 228% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 300% [ 285% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 360% [ 342% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. Limited to 6 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 60% [ 57% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 120% [ 114% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 180% [ 171% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 240% [ 228% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 300% [ 285% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 360% [ 342% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 60% [ 57% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 120% [ 114% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 180% [ 171% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 240% [ 228% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 300% [ 285% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 360% [ 342% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. Requires Daggers. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 60% [ 57% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 120% [ 114% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 180% [ 171% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 240% [ 228% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 300% [ 285% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 360% [ 342% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. Limited to 6 targets. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 60% [ 57% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 120% [ 114% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 180% [ 171% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 240% [ 228% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 300% [ 285% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 360% [ 342% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. 30 yd range. Instant.
  • Winning Streak! Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Eviscerate, Secret Technique, and Black Powder by 2% stacking up to 10 8 times. Eviscerate, Secret Technique, and Black Powder have a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak! Instant.



  • Secret Technique Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets. 1 point : [ 60% [ 57% of Attack Power ] total damage 2 points: [ 120% [ 114% of Attack Power ] total damage 3 points: [ 180% [ 171% of Attack Power ] total damage 4 points: [ 240% [ 228% of Attack Power ] total damage 5 points: [ 300% [ 285% of Attack Power ] total damage 6 points: [ 360% [ 342% of Attack Power ] total damage Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend. Requires Daggers. Subtlety Rogue - Level 50 Talent. Subtlety Rogue - Level 50 Talent. 30 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.

Shaman (Forums)

  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 258% [ 270% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 258% [ 270% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. 60 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of your target to tremble and break, dealing [ 258% [ 270% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at your target. 60 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 258% [ 270% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 258% [ 270% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 32.3% [ 33.8% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Overload Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 32.3% [ 33.8% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Electrostatic Wager When you lose your Winning Streak! the winds shift into Doom Winds for 4 3 sec. When Doom Winds deal damage, your next Crash Lightning deals 15.0% increased damage, up to 75.0% 12.0% increased damage, up to 60.0%. This effect can be stored up to 10 stacks. Additionally, Crash Lightning deals 100% 75% more damage to your main target. Instant.
  • Electrostatic Wager When you lose your Winning Streak! the winds shift into Doom Winds for 4 3 sec. When Doom Winds deal damage, your next Crash Lightning deals 15.0% increased damage, up to 75.0% 12.0% increased damage, up to 60.0%. This effect can be stored up to 10 stacks. Additionally, Crash Lightning deals 100% 75% more damage to your main target. Instant.
  • Feral Spirit Your damaging abilities have a 10% 6% chance to summon a Feral Spirit for 8 sec. Instant.
  • Flowing Spirits Your damaging abilities have a 10% 6% chance to summon a Feral Spirit for 8 sec.
  • Jackpot! (Elemental) When you summon or extend your Storm Elemental, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst deal 20% 30% increased damage for 8 sec.
  • Jackpot! (Enhancement, Restoration, Initial) When you summon or extend your Fire Elemental, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst deal 20% 30% increased damage for 8 sec.
  • Jackpot! (Tempest) When you summon or extend your Fire Elemental, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Tempest, and Lava Burst deal 20% 30% increased damage for 8 sec.
  • Lesser Primal Fire Elemental Name changed from "Lesser Fire Elemental" to "Lesser Primal Fire Elemental".
  • Liquid Magma Summons a totem at the target location that erupts dealing [ 99.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and applying Flame Shock to 3 enemies within 8 yards. Continues hurling liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec for 6 sec, dealing [ 46.9% [ 49.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Generates 8 Maelstrom. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Magma Eruption Summons a totem at the target location that erupts dealing [ 99.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and applying Flame Shock to 3 enemies within 8 yards. Continues hurling liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec for 6 sec, dealing [ 46.9% [ 49.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Generates 8 Maelstrom. Limited to 3 targets. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Magma Eruption Summons a totem at the target location that erupts dealing [ 99.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and applying Flame Shock to 3 enemies within 8 yards. Continues hurling liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec for 6 sec, dealing [ 46.9% [ 49.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Generates 8 Maelstrom. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Primal Fire Elemental Name changed from "Fire Elemental" to "Primal Fire Elemental".
  • Primal Storm Elemental Name changed from "Storm Elemental" to "Primal Storm Elemental".
  • Seismic Thunder Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 258% [ 270% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down. Multiple uses of Earthquake may overlap. This spell is cast at a selected location. Instant.
  • Storm Lunge (New) Lunge at your enemy as a ghostly wolf, biting them to deal [ 10.35% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Melee range. Instant.
  • Storm Lunge (New) Feral Lunge is replaced with Storm Lunge. When an enemy is more than 1,221,247 yards away, your Stormstrike transforms you into a lightning wolf, lunging at your target to deliver the strike. This effect can only occur once every 20 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Instant.
  • Storm Lunge (New) Feral Lunge is replaced with Storm Lunge. Storm Lunge When an enemy is more than 9 yds away and within 15 yds, your Stormstrike transforms you into a lightning wolf, lunging at your target to deliver the strike. PvP Talent. PvP Talent.
  • Storm Lunge (New) Feral Lunge is replaced with Storm Lunge. Storm Lunge When an enemy is more than 9 yds away and within 15 yds, your Stormstrike transforms you into a lightning wolf, lunging at your target to deliver the strike. PvP Talent. PvP Talent.
  • Storm Lunge (New) Feral Lunge is replaced with Storm Lunge. Storm Lunge When an enemy is more than 9 yds away and within 15 yds, your Stormstrike transforms you into a lightning wolf, lunging at your target to deliver the strike. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Instant.
  • Storm Lunge (New) Lunge at your enemy as a lightning wolf, casting Stormstrike upon reaching your target at 100%. 1 charge. 30 yd range. Instant. 7.5 sec recharge. 0.5 sec global cooldown. 1 charge.
  • Whirling Fire Your next Lava Lash or Fire Nova grants you Hot Hand for 8 sec. Instant. 6 sec. Instant.
  • Whispering Waves 10% 15% of Healing Wave's healing from you and your ancestors is duplicated onto each of your targets with Riptide. Instant.
  • Whispering Waves 0% of Healing Wave's healing 15% of Healing Wave's healing from you and your ancestors is duplicated onto each of your targets with Riptide. 100 yd range. Instant.

  • Elemental Shaman passive was updated
  • Liquid Magma Totem Summons a totem at the target location that erupts dealing [ 99.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and applying Flame Shock to 3 enemies within 8 yards. Continues hurling liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec for 6 sec, dealing [ 46.9% [ 49.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Generates 8 Maelstrom. Elemental Shaman - Level 35 Talent. Elemental Shaman - Level 35 Talent. 0.7% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.



Warlock (Forums)

  • Call Dreadstalkers Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Call Dreadstalkers Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Call Dreadstalkers Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Chaos Bolt Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, dealing a critical strike for [ 577.3% [ 692.7% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. Damage is further increased by your critical strike chance. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Demonfire Flurry Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that fires a flurry of 6 Demonfire bolts at 200% 100% effectiveness. Casting Summon Infernal always hits a Jackpot! Instant.
  • Diabolic Imp Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Doom Bolt Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing [ 259.42% [ 298.33% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. 20 Energy. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Fel Firebolt Deals [ 9.13% Deals [ 11.86% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to a target. Basic Attack. Basic Attack. 20 Energy. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Gloom Slash Tooth and claw are drenched in malignant shadow magic, causing the Gloomhound's melee attacks to deal an additional [ 24.44% [ 31.78% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Melee range. Instant.
  • Gloom Slash Tooth and claw are drenched in malignant shadow magic, causing the Gloomhound's melee attacks to deal an additional [ 24.44% [ 31.78% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Instant.
  • Hand of Gul'dan Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Hand of Gul'dan Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Hand of Gul'dan Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Hype the Band (New) Taunts the creature, increasing the chance that it will attack the caster. 11 yd range. Instant. 5 sec cooldown.
  • Mark of Shatug Your Summon Vilefiend becomes Summon Gloomhound and learns the following ability: Gloom Slash Tooth and claw are drenched in malignant shadow magic, causing the Gloomhound's melee attacks to deal an additional [ 24.44% [ 31.78% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Pact of the Ered'ruin When Doom expires, you have a chance to summon a Doomguard that casts 5 Doom Bolts before departing. Each Doom Bolt deals [ 259.42% [ 298.33% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Totem Mastery Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Warlock Demonology 11.1 Class Set 4pc Casting Hand of Gul'dan causes your active Dreadstalkers to cast Dreadbite at 50% 20% effectiveness. This damage is increased by 10% for each Soul Shard spent on Hand of Gul'dan. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Wild Imp Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Wild Imp Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. 100 yd range. Instant.

  • Affliction Warlock Increases periodic damage/healing by 22%: Corruption, Deliberate Corruption, Wither, Xavian Teachings Decreases periodic damage/healing by 7%: Corruption, Deliberate Corruption, Wither, Xavian Teachings Increases damage/healing by 28%: Infernal Bolt, Secrets of the Coven, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt - TEST Increases damage/healing by 38%: Infernal Bolt, Secrets of the Coven, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt - TEST Warlock - Affliction Spec. Warlock - Affliction Spec.

  • Demonology Warlock Increases damage/healing by 60%: Infernal Bolt, Secrets of the Coven, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt - TEST Warlock - Demonology Spec. Warlock - Demonology Spec.
  • Hand of Gul'dan Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target. Deals up to [ 139.2% [ 167.1% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Warlock - Demonology Spec. Warlock - Demonology Spec. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.

  • Chaos Bolt Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, dealing a critical strike for [ 577.3% [ 692.7% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. Damage is further increased by your critical strike chance. Warlock - Destruction Spec. Warlock - Destruction Spec. 2 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Destruction Warlock Increases damage/healing by 11%: _JKL - live update crash test 2, Agony, Backdraft, Bilescourge Bombers, Blackened Soul, Bonds of Fel, Boost 2.0 [All] - Pause Health Regen, Boost 2.0 [Warlock] - Pause Regen & Burn Mana, Cataclysm, Channel Demonfire, Chaos Barrage, Chaos Bolt, Chaos Salvo, Chaos Tear, Conflagrate, Corruption, Cunning Cruelty, Curse of Doom, Darkened Tainting, Darkening Soul, Deathbloom, Decimating Bolt, Deliberate Corruption, Demonbolt, Demonfire Blast, Demoniac, Demonic Soul, Demonwrath, Desperate Pact, Diabolic Embers, Diabolic Ritual, Doom, Drain Life, Drain Soul, Fel Barrage, Fel Blast, Felseeker, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Hand of Gul'dan, Hellfire, Immolate, Impending Catastrophe, Implosion, Incinerate, Inevitable Demise, Infernal Bolt, Inquisitor's Gaze, Kali - Test Beam, Malefic Rapture, Malefic Touch, Malevolence, Oblivion, Pandemic Invocation, Perpetual Unstability, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Roaring Blaze, Ruination, Sarah's Test 9.0 Missile, Searing Bolt, Secrets of the Coven, Seed of Corruption, Seeds of Their Demise, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt - TEST, Shadowbolt Volley, Shadowburn, Shadowflame, Shadowy Tear, Shared Fate, Soul Anathema, Soul Fire, Soul Flame, Soul Rot, Umbral Blaze, Unstable Affliction, Unstable Tear, Vile Taint, Wicked Cleave, Wicked Reaping, Wither Increases periodic damage/healing by 11%: _JKL - live update crash test 2, Agony, Backdraft, Bilescourge Bombers, Blackened Soul, Bonds of Fel, Boost 2.0 [All] - Pause Health Regen, Boost 2.0 [Warlock] - Pause Regen & Burn Mana, Cataclysm, Channel Demonfire, Chaos Barrage, Chaos Bolt, Chaos Salvo, Chaos Tear, Conflagrate, Corruption, Cunning Cruelty, Curse of Doom, Darkened Tainting, Darkening Soul, Deathbloom, Decimating Bolt, Deliberate Corruption, Demonbolt, Demonfire Blast, Demoniac, Demonic Soul, Demonwrath, Desperate Pact, Diabolic Embers, Diabolic Ritual, Doom, Drain Life, Drain Soul, Fel Barrage, Fel Blast, Felseeker, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Hand of Gul'dan, Hellfire, Immolate, Impending Catastrophe, Implosion, Incinerate, Inevitable Demise, Infernal Bolt, Inquisitor's Gaze, Kali - Test Beam, Malefic Rapture, Malefic Touch, Malevolence, Oblivion, Pandemic Invocation, Perpetual Unstability, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Roaring Blaze, Ruination, Sarah's Test 9.0 Missile, Searing Bolt, Secrets of the Coven, Seed of Corruption, Seeds of Their Demise, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt - TEST, Shadowbolt Volley, Shadowburn, Shadowflame, Shadowy Tear, Shared Fate, Soul Anathema, Soul Fire, Soul Flame, Soul Rot, Umbral Blaze, Unstable Affliction, Unstable Tear, Vile Taint, Wicked Cleave, Wicked Reaping, Wither Warlock - Destruction Spec. Warlock - Destruction Spec.

Warrior (Forums)

  • Bloodborne Deep Wounds, Rend, and Thunderous Roar's Your Bleed effects deal 5% increased damage.
  • Bloodborne Deep Wounds, Rend and Thunderous Roar's Your Bleed effects deal 10% increased damage.
  • Bloodborne Bleed damage of Odyn's Fury, Thunderous Roar, Bloodbath, and Gushing Wound increased by 20%. Your Bleed effects deal 20% additional damage.
  • Bloodcraze Arms: Raging Blow causes every strike of your next Rampage to deal an additional 20% damage, stacking up to 5 times. Fury: Arms, Fury, Protection: Raging Blow causes every strike of your next Rampage to deal an additional 20% damage, stacking up to 5 times. Initial: [ERROR: sure looks like an infinite loop] Protection, Initial: [ERROR: sure looks like an infinite loop] Instant. Instant.
  • Bounding Stride Reduces the cooldown of Heroic Leap by 15 sec, and Heroic Leap now also increases your movement speed by 70% for 3 sec. Warrior - Level 35 Talent. Warrior - Level 35 Talent.
  • Double Time Increases the maximum number of charges on Charge by 1, and reduces its cooldown Charge gains 1 additional charge and its cooldown is reduced by 3 sec. Warrior - Level 25 Talent. Warrior - Level 25 Talent.
  • Enraged Regeneration Reduces damage taken by 30%, and Bloodthirst restores an additional 20% health. Usable while stunned or incapacitated. Lasts 8 sec. Instant. 2 min cooldown. for 8 sec. Usable while stunned or incapacitated. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
  • Even You Have Limits Charge grants you 70% movement speed Charge increases your movement speed by 70% for 3 sec. Charge removes all movement impairing effects, this effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec. Instant.
  • Fatal Mark Your Mortal Strikes and Cleaves against enemies above 30% health Mortal Strike and Cleave have a high chance to apply Fatal Mark. When an enemy falls to enemies above 30% health. When an enemy with Fatal Mark is below 30% health, your next Execute inflicts an additional causes the Fatal Mark to deal [ 276% of Attack Power ] Physical damage per stack. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatal Mark Your Mortal Strikes and Cleaves against enemies above 30% health Mortal Strike and Cleave have a high chance to apply Fatal Mark. When an enemy falls to enemies above 30% health. When an enemy with Fatal Mark is below 30% health, your next Execute inflicts an additional causes the Fatal Mark to deal [ 276% of Attack Power ] Physical damage per stack. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Fatality Your Mortal Strikes and Cleaves against enemies above 30% health Mortal Strike and Cleave have a high chance to apply Fatal Mark. When an enemy falls to enemies above 30% health. When an enemy with Fatal Mark is below 30% health, your next Execute inflicts an additional causes the Fatal Mark to deal [ 276% of Attack Power ] Physical damage per stack. Approximately 8 procs per minute.
  • Pain and Gain When you take any damage, heal for 2.00% 2.0% of your maximum health. This can only occur once every 10 sec. Instant. sec. Instant.
  • Pain and Gain When you take any damage, heal for 2.00% 2.0% of your maximum health. This can only occur once every 10 sec.sec.
  • Relentless Pursuit Charge grants you 70% movement speed Charge increases your movement speed by 70% for 3 sec. Charge removes all movement impairing effects, this effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Relentless Pursuit Charge grants you 70% movement speed Charge increases your movement speed by 70% for 3 sec. Charge removes all movement impairing effects, this effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.
  • Relentless Pursuit Charge grants you 70% movement speed Charge increases your movement speed by 70% for 3 sec. Charge removes all movement impairing effects, this effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec. Instant.
  • Second Wind Restores 6% health every 1 sec when you have not taken damage for 5 sec. Restores 1% health every 1 sec While you are below 35% health, restores 1.0% health every 1 sec. The amount restored increases the closer you are to death.Instant.
  • Second Wind Restores 6% health every 1 sec when you have not taken damage for 5 sec. Restores 1% health every 1 sec While you are below 35% health, restores 1.0% health every 1 sec. The amount restored increases the closer you are to death.Instant.
  • Shattering Throw Arms, Fury, Protection: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor, and removing any magical immunities. Deals up to 750% increased damage to absorb shields. Initial: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor, and removing any magical immunities removing any magical immunities and causing [ 600% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, ignoring armor. Deals up to 500% increased damage to absorb shields. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shattering Throw Arms, Fury, Protection: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor, and removing any magical immunities. Deals up to 750% increased damage to absorb shields. Initial: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor, and removing any magical immunities removing any magical immunities and causing [ 600% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, ignoring armor. Deals up to 500% increased damage to absorb shields. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Shattering Throw Arms, Fury, Protection: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor, and removing any magical immunities. Deals up to 750% increased damage to absorb shields. Initial: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor, and removing any magical immunities removing any magical immunities and causing [ 600% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, ignoring armor. Deals up to 500% increased damage to absorb shields. Requires Melee Weapon. 30 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 3 min cooldown.
  • Slaughtering Strikes Arms: Raging Blow causes every strike of your next Rampage to deal an additional 20% damage, stacking up to 5 times. Fury: Arms, Fury, Protection: Raging Blow causes every strike of your next Rampage to deal an additional 20% damage, stacking up to 5 times. Initial: [ERROR: sure looks like an infinite loop] Protection, Initial: [ERROR: sure looks like an infinite loop] Instant. Instant.
  • Spell Reflection (Arms, Fury) Raise your weapon, reflecting the next 2 spells cast on you, and reduce reducing magic damage you take by 20% for 5 sec.
  • Spell Reflection (Protection) Raise your shield, reflecting the next 2 spells cast on you, and reduce reducing magic damage you take by 20% for 5 sec.
  • Spell Reflection (Initial) Raise your weapon, reflecting the first spell cast on you, and reduce reducing magic damage you take by 20% for 5 sec.
  • Storm Wall When you take any damage, heal for 2.00% 2.0% of your maximum health. This can only occur once every 10 sec. Instant. sec. Instant.
  • Storm Wall Whenever you Parry, you heal for 5.00% of your maximum health. Can only occur once per second. 5.0% of your maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1 sec sec.
  • Tactician You have a 1.00% 1.0% chance per Rage spent on attacks to reset the remaining cooldown on Overpower.
  • Tactician You have a 1.00% 1.0% chance per Rage spent on attacks to reset the remaining cooldown on Overpower. Instant.
  • Tenderize Onslaught Enrages you, and if you have Slaughtering Strikes . If you have Slaughtering Strikes, it also grants you 3 stacks of Slaughtering Strikes.
  • Unrelenting Onslaught When you Execute a target that you've Marked for Execution, you both reduce the cooldown of Bladestorm by 5 sec and apply 2 stacks of Overwhelmed to the target per stack of Marked for Execution consumed. You can now use Pummel and Storm Bolt while Bladestorming.
  • Wrecking Throw Arms, Fury, Protection: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor. Deals up to 750% increased damage to absorb shields. Initial: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power [ 600% of Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor. Deals up to 500% increased damage to absorb shields. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Wrecking Throw Arms, Fury, Protection: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor. Deals up to 750% increased damage to absorb shields. Initial: Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Attack Power [ 600% of Attack Power Physical damage, ignoring armor. Deals up to 500% increased damage to absorb shields. Requires Melee Weapon. 30 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.

  • Arms Warrior Decreases damage/healing by 5%: [DND] Cosmetic Heroic Leap (Dest), Ancient Aftershock, Annihilator, Arms Execute FX Test, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Condemn, Crushing Advance, Crushing Blow, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dive Attack, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Earthen Smash, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Fatal Mark, Fatality, Furious Slash, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Ground Current, Gushing Wound, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Intercept, Iron Fortress, Learn Execute, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike Ground Current, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Mortal Strike, Nature's Fury, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Physical Shockwave, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Reckless Abandon, Reckless Flurry, Rend, Revenge, Revenge!, Seismic Wave, Shattering Throw, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Slayer's Dominance, Slayer's Strike, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Aftershocks, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Titanic Throw, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: [DND] Cosmetic Heroic Leap (Dest), Ancient Aftershock, Annihilator, Arms Execute FX Test, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Condemn, Crushing Advance, Crushing Blow, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dive Attack, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Earthen Smash, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Fatal Mark, Fatality, Furious Slash, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Ground Current, Gushing Wound, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Intercept, Iron Fortress, Learn Execute, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike Ground Current, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Mortal Strike, Nature's Fury, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Physical Shockwave, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Reckless Abandon, Reckless Flurry, Rend, Revenge, Revenge!, Seismic Wave, Shattering Throw, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Slayer's Dominance, Slayer's Strike, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Aftershocks, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Titanic Throw, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases damage/healing by 160%: Slam and Storm of Swords Increases damage/healing by 20% 2%: Arms Execute FX Test, Condemn, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Executioner's Precision, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Improved Execute, Learn Execute, Sudden Death Increases damage/healing by 40%: Rend, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap Increases damage/healing by 20%: Arms Execute FX Test, Condemn, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Executioner's Precision, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Improved Execute, Learn Execute, Sudden Death Decreases damage/healing by 16%: Arms Execute FX Test, Condemn, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Executioner's Precision, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Improved Execute, Learn Execute, Sudden Death Warrior - Arms Spec. Warrior - Arms Spec.
  • Fervor of Battle If Cleave or Whirlwind hit hits 2 or more targets you also Slam your primary target. Arms Warrior - Level 30 Talent. Arms Warrior - Level 30 Talent.
  • Massacre Execute is now usable on targets below 35% health. Arms Warrior - Level 30 Talent. Arms Warrior - Level 30 Talent.
  • Second Wind Restores 6% health every 1 sec when you have not taken damage for 5 sec. Restores 1% health every 1 sec While you are below 35% health, restores 1.0% health every 1 sec. The amount restored increases the closer you are to death. Arms Warrior - Level 35 Talent. Arms Warrior - Level 35 Talent.

Arms, Fury, Protection
  • Berserker Roar (New) Go berserk, removing and granting immunity to Fear, Sap, and Incapacitate effects for 6 sec. Also reduces the duration of the next crowd control effect within 10 sec by 50% on group members within 40 yds. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Warrior. Requires level 10.

  • Fury Warrior Decreases damage/healing by 8%: [DND] Cosmetic Heroic Leap (Dest), Ancient Aftershock, Annihilator, Arms Execute FX Test, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Crushing Advance, Crushing Blow, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dive Attack, Dragon Charge, Dragon Roar, Dreadnaught, Earthen Smash, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Fatal Mark, Fatality, Furious Slash, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Ground Current, Gushing Wound, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Intercept, Iron Fortress, Learn Execute, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike Ground Current, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Mortal Strike, Nature's Fury, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Physical Shockwave, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Reckless Abandon, Reckless Flurry, Rend, Revenge, Revenge!, Seismic Wave, Shattering Throw, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Slayer's Dominance, Slayer's Strike, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Aftershocks, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Titanic Throw, Victory Rush, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Decreases periodic damage/healing by 8%: [DND] Cosmetic Heroic Leap (Dest), Ancient Aftershock, Annihilator, Arms Execute FX Test, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Crushing Advance, Crushing Blow, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastator, Dive Attack, Dragon Charge, Dragon Roar, Dreadnaught, Earthen Smash, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Fatal Mark, Fatality, Furious Slash, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Ground Current, Gushing Wound, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Intercept, Iron Fortress, Learn Execute, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike Ground Current, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Mortal Strike, Nature's Fury, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Physical Shockwave, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Reckless Abandon, Reckless Flurry, Rend, Revenge, Revenge!, Seismic Wave, Shattering Throw, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Slayer's Dominance, Slayer's Strike, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Aftershocks, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Titanic Throw, Victory Rush, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases damage/healing by 18%: Blade Dance, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 117%: Rend, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap Decreases damage/healing by 15%: Blade Dance, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand Warrior - Fury Spec. Warrior - Fury Spec.
  • Meat Cleaver Whirlwind deals 25% more damage and now affects your next 4 single-target melee attacks, instead of the next 2 attacks. Fury Warrior - Level 45 Talent. Fury Warrior - Level 45 Talent.

  • Crackling Thunder Thunder Clap's radius is increased by 50%, and it reduces affected target's movement speed by an additional 20%. Protection Warrior - Level 35 Talent. Protection Warrior - Level 35 Talent.
  • Protection Warrior Increases damage/healing by 72%: [DND] Cosmetic Heroic Leap (Dest), Ancient Aftershock, Annihilator, Arms Execute FX Test, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Condemn, Crushing Advance, Crushing Blow, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastate, Devastator, Dive Attack, Dragon Charge, Dragon Roar, Dreadnaught, Earthen Smash, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Fatal Mark, Fatality, Furious Slash, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Ground Current, Gushing Wound, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Intercept, Iron Fortress, Learn Execute, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike Ground Current, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Mortal Strike, Nature's Fury, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Physical Shockwave, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Reckless Abandon, Reckless Flurry, Rend, Revenge, Revenge!, Seismic Wave, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Slayer's Dominance, Slayer's Strike, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Aftershocks, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Titanic Throw, Victory Rush, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases periodic damage/healing by 72%: [DND] Cosmetic Heroic Leap (Dest), Ancient Aftershock, Annihilator, Arms Execute FX Test, Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst, Bloodthirst Heal, Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Condemn, Crushing Advance, Crushing Blow, Deep Wounds, Demolish, Demolition, Devastate, Devastator, Dive Attack, Dragon Charge, Dragon Roar, Dreadnaught, Earthen Smash, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Fatal Mark, Fatality, Furious Slash, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Ground Current, Gushing Wound, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Intercept, Iron Fortress, Learn Execute, Lightning Strike, Lightning Strike Ground Current, Lightning Strikes, Martial Prowess, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Mortal Strike, Nature's Fury, Odyn's Fury, Odyn's Fury Off-Hand, Onslaught, Overpower, Physical Shockwave, Raging Blow, Rampage, Ravager, Reap the Storm, Reckless Abandon, Reckless Flurry, Rend, Revenge, Revenge!, Seismic Wave, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Sidearm, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Slayer's Dominance, Slayer's Strike, Storm Bolt, Storm of Swords, Thrashing Blades, Thunder Blast, Thunder Clap, Thunderous Aftershocks, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Titanic Throw, Victory Rush, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand, Wrecking Throw Increases damage/healing by 26%: Arms Execute FX Test, Condemn, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Executioner's Precision, Fury Execute FX Test, Fury Execute Off-Hand FX Test, Improved Execute, Learn Execute, Sudden Death Increases damage/healing by 50%: Physical Shockwave and Shockwave Increases damage/healing by 25%: Ravager Decreases damage/healing by 30%: Demolish Decreases periodic damage/healing by 30%: Rend and Thunder Clap Decreases damage/healing by 30%: Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Ravager Ravager, Shattering Throw, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words, Wrecking Throw Decreases periodic damage/healing by 30%: Champion's Might, Champion's Spear, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (1) Skill, Max A FX Testing Warrior Spear - (2) Damage, Thunderous Roar, Thunderous Roar - TEST, Thunderous Words Warrior - Protection Spec. Warrior - Protection Spec.
  • Rumbling Earth Shockwave's range increased by 6 yards and when Shockwave it strikes at least 3 targets, its cooldown is reduced by 15 sec. Protection Warrior - Level 25 Talent. Protection Warrior - Level 25 Talent.

Azerite Traits
Rogue (Forums)

  • Double Dose When Mutilate applies Lethal Poison with both daggers, it poisons the target for an additional [ 0 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] damage.
  • Echoing Blades Fan of Knives damage is increased by [ 0 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) ]. For each of the first 5 critical strikes, it will fire a second spray of knives at that location, dealing [ 15 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) * 2 ] damage to enemies within 8 yards. This second spray of knives always critically hits.
  • Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing [ 0 * 10 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec.
  • Shrouded Suffocation Garrote cast from Stealth generates 2 additional Combo Points and deals [ 0 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] additional damage every 2 sec for 18 sec.
  • Twist the Knife Envenom deals [ 0 * (1 + 0 4 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] additional damage per combo point, and Envenom lasts for 1.0 sec longer when it critically strikes.

Item Effects
  • (New) Instant.
  • "Bravado" Cologne Increases Strength and Agility by 0 and attracts those wearing perfume. Lasts 60 min. Instant. Only usable outdoors. Instant.
  • "Enchantress" Perfume Increases Intellect by 0 and attracts those wearing cologne. Lasts 60 min. Instant. Only usable outdoors. Instant.
  • "Forever" Perfume Increases Versatility by 0 and attracts those wearing cologne. Lasts 60 min. Instant. Only usable outdoors. Instant.
  • "STALWART" Cologne Increases Versatility by 0 and attracts those wearing perfume. Lasts 60 min. Instant. Only usable outdoors. Instant.
  • "VICTORY" Perfume Increases Strength and Agility by 0 and attracts those wearing cologne. Lasts 60 min. Instant. Only usable outdoors. Instant.
  • "Wizardry" Cologne Increases Intellect by 0 and attracts those wearing perfume. Lasts 60 min. Instant. Only usable outdoors. Instant.
  • [DNT] Concentrated Potion of Celerity [Do Not Use] (New) Increases your movement speed by 20%. Lasts 10 min and through death. Consuming a second potion will add an additional 10 min. Instant.
  • [DNT] Concentrated Potion of Revivification [Do Not Use] (New) Increases your health regeneration by 20%. Lasts 10 min and through death. Consuming a second potion will add an additional 10 min. Instant.
  • [DNT] Concentrated Potion of Swiftstrike [Do Not Use] (New) Increases melee, ranged, and spell haste by 20%. Lasts 10 min and through death. Consuming a second potion will add an additional 10 min. Instant.
  • [DNT] Concentrated Potion of Tenacity [Do Not Use] (New) Increases your maximum health by 20%. Lasts 10 min and through death. Consuming a second potion will add an additional 10 min. Instant.
  • [DNT] Debt Marker Collected (New) Melee range. Instant.
  • [DNT] Diluted Potion of Celerity [Do Not Use] (New) Increases your movement speed by 5%. Lasts 30 min and through death. Consuming a second potion will add an additional 30 min. Instant.
  • [DNT] Diluted Potion of Revivification [Do Not Use] (New) Increases your health regeneration by 5%. Lasts 30 min and through death. Consuming a second potion will add an additional 30 min. Instant.
  • [DNT] Diluted Potion of Swiftstrike [Do Not Use] (New) Increases melee, ranged, and spell haste by 5%. Lasts 30 min and through death. Consuming a second potion will add an additional 30 min. Instant.
  • [DNT] Diluted Potion of Tenacity [Do Not Use] (New) Increases your maximum health by 5%. Lasts 30 min and through death. Consuming a second potion will add an additional 30 min. Instant.
  • [DNT] Game Points (New) Instant.
  • 11.1.5 Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Potion - Goblet (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Alter Time Normal: Alters the fabric of time. Alter Time: Alters the fabric of time, returning you to your current location and health when cast a second time, or after 4 seconds. Effect negated by long distance or death Alters the fabric of time. Utility. Utility. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Alter Time Normal: Alters the fabric of time. Alter Time: Alters the fabric of time, returning you to your current location and health when cast a second time, or after 4 seconds. Effect negated by long distance or death Alters the fabric of time. Utility. Utility. Instant. 35 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Alter Time Normal: Alters the fabric of time. Alter Time: Alters the fabric of time, returning you to your current location and health when cast a second time, or after 4 seconds. Effect negated by long distance or death Alters the fabric of time. Utility. Utility. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Alter Time Normal: Alters the fabric of time. Alter Time: Alters the fabric of time, returning you to your current location and health when cast a second time, or after 4 seconds. Effect negated by long distance or death Alters the fabric of time. Utility. Utility. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Anti-Magic Zone Normal: Reduces and absorbs magical damage. Anti-Magic Zone: Places an Anti-Magic Zone that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 30%. The Anti-Magic Zone lasts for 6 sec or until it absorbs [ 130% of Total Health Reduces and absorbs magical;] damage. Can be cast in Undead. Utility. Utility. 30 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
  • Anti-Magic Zone Normal: Reduces and absorbs magical damage. Anti-Magic Zone: Places an Anti-Magic Zone that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 35%. The Anti-Magic Zone lasts for 6 sec or until it absorbs [ 135% of Total Health Reduces and absorbs magical;] damage. Can be cast in Undead. Utility. Utility. 30 yd range. Instant. 35 sec cooldown.
  • Anti-Magic Zone Normal: Reduces and absorbs magical damage. Anti-Magic Zone: Places an Anti-Magic Zone that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 25%. The Anti-Magic Zone lasts for 6 sec or until it absorbs [ 125% of Total Health Reduces and absorbs magical;] damage. Can be cast in Undead. Utility. Utility. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Anti-Magic Zone Normal: Reduces and absorbs magical damage. Anti-Magic Zone: Places an Anti-Magic Zone that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 40%. The Anti-Magic Zone lasts for 6 sec or until it absorbs [ 140% of Total Health Reduces and absorbs magical;] damage. Can be cast in Undead. Utility. Utility. 30 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown.
  • Arathi Entertainer's Flame Name changed from "[DNT] Juggle Flame" to "Arathi Entertainer's Flame". Instant. Stay in rhythm to keep the flame in the air. Instant.
  • Arathor Minister's Receptacle (New) You are one of the devout. Up to 5 allies within 30 yd of you gain 0 health every 5 sec.
  • Backtrace the Signal (New) 1.5 sec cast.
  • BIG Burner Clock (New) Add 60 seconds back to the Dastardly Duos clock. Instant.
  • Boarhide Deathcycle Seat (New) Combine with 5 of the highest quality Weavercloth Spellthread to create a Boarhide Deathcycle Seat. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Weavercloth Spellthread x 5, Void-Scarred Boarhide.
  • Bottle of Invisibility (New) Turn invisible! Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Burner Clock (New) Add 30 seconds back to the Dastardly Duos clock. 4 sec cast. 10 sec cooldown.
  • Call Out (New) Summon more dastardly foes into the Dome. Instant.
  • Can of Amps (New) Increases speed by 50% Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Capacitor Totem Normal: Stuns for 3 sec. Capacitor Totem: Summons a totem at your enemy's location that gathers electrical energy from the surrounding air and explodes after 2 sec, stunning all nearby enemies Stuns for 3 sec. Utility. Utility. 20 yd range. Instant. 35 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Capacitor Totem Normal: Stuns for 3 sec. Capacitor Totem: Summons a totem at your enemy's location that gathers electrical energy from the surrounding air and explodes after 2 sec, stunning all nearby enemies Stuns for 3 sec. Utility. Utility. 20 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Capacitor Totem Normal: Stuns for 3 sec. Capacitor Totem: Summons a totem at your enemy's location that gathers electrical energy from the surrounding air and explodes after 2 sec, stunning all nearby enemies Stuns for 3 sec. 2 charges. Utility. Utility. 20 yd range. Instant. 25 sec recharge. 1 sec global cooldown. 2 charges.
  • Courier Lynx (New) Whistle for a Courier Lynx to appear. The lynx will deliver and retrieve mail for 10 min, or until it is called elsewhere. Unlimited range. Instant. 3 hrs cooldown.
  • Cut of the Curseblade (New) Your autoattacks do an additional 0 Shadow damage.
  • Darkness Normal: 35% chance to avoid damage. Darkness: Summons darkness around you in a 12 yard radius, granting friendly targets a 35% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Lasts 6 sec 35% chance to avoid damage. Utility. Utility. Instant. 35 sec cooldown.
  • Darkness Normal: 30% chance to avoid damage. Darkness: Summons darkness around you in an 8 yd radius, granting friendly targets a 30% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Lasts 6 sec 30% chance to avoid damage. Utility. Utility. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
  • Darkness Normal: 40% chance to avoid damage. Darkness: Summons darkness around you in a 12 yard radius, granting friendly targets a 40% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Lasts 6 sec 40% chance to avoid damage. Utility. Utility. Instant. 25 sec cooldown.
  • Dastardly Banner (New) Plant the Nightmare Banner. Melee range. Instant.
  • Deathcycle Exhaust System (New) Combine with 1 Elementium Plated Exhaust to complete the Deathcycle Exhaust System. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Magic-Lined Manifold, Elementium-Plated Exhaust Pipe.
  • Devout (New)
  • Draining Essence (New) When a nearby enemy or devout ally falls, you siphon a portion of their soul to gain 0 Intellect for 10 min. Approximately 2 procs per minute.
  • Echo of N'zoth (New) Instant.
  • Echo of N'zoth (New) Instant.
  • Echo of N'zoth (New) Instant.
  • Echoing Void (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Echoing Void|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Echoing Void. Your damaging abilities build the Echoing Void. Each time it builds, Echoing Void has a chance to collapse, dealing 0s1 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies every 1 sec until no stacks remain. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim.
  • Ensemble: Stormstout's Collection (New) Collect the appearances of the Stormstout Collection armor set. Instant.
  • Everlasting Noggenfogger Elixir The mouth feel The mouthfeel of oil and the brininess of an oyster. Delicious. Costs 50 silver per gulp. Instant.
  • Excerpt on Dark Summons (New) Every 5 sec spent in combat pulls the shadows closer to you, granting Dark Whispers. After reaching 5 whispers, the shadows manifest and rip a creature out of the Twisting Nether to assist you in combat.
  • Excerpt on Prophetic Death (New) Every 5 sec spent in combat lashes a nearby enemy dealing 0 Shadow damage. This deals up to 100% additional damage based on the enemy's missing health.
  • Excerpt on Sacrificial Rituals (New) Every 5 sec spent in combat sacrifices 20 of your health to gain 0 Primary Stat. This effect can stack up to 3 times and lasts until combat ends.
  • Flame's Radiance Banner (New) Plant a banner for the Flame's Radiance. Instant. 10 min cooldown.
  • Gallagio Pipeline Rerouter For no good reason, reroute the Gallagio's fountain plumbing to your location for 2 min. Unlimited range. 5 sec cast.10 min cooldown.
  • Go-Go Juice Take a swig of Venture-Co's Co.'s delicious energy beverage. Increase your movement speed by 1-60% for 12 sec. Only usable in delves and outdoors in Khaz Algar. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Gushing Wound (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Echoing Void|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Echoing Void. Your damaging abilities build the Echoing Void. Each time it builds, Echoing Void has a chance to collapse, dealing 0s1 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies every 1 sec until no stacks remain. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim.
  • Hallowed Tome (New) Flip to the next section. Instant. 1 sec cooldown.
  • Hallowed Tome of the Abbot (New) You are one of the devout. Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 0 Haste for 15 sec. In addition, you grant another devout ally 0 Haste for 15 sec. Approximately 4 procs per minute.
  • Hallowed Tome of the Cleric (New) You are one of the devout. Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 0 Mastery for 15 sec. In addition, you grant another devout ally 0 Mastery for 15 sec. Approximately 4 procs per minute.
  • Hallowed Tome of the Crusader (New) You are one of the devout. Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 0 Versatility for 15 sec. In addition, you grant another devout ally 0 Versatility for 15 sec. Approximately 4 procs per minute.
  • Hallowed Tome of the Zealot (New) You are one of the devout. Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 0 Critical Strike for 15 sec. In addition, you grant another devout ally 0 Critical Strike for 15 sec. Approximately 4 procs per minute.
  • Homebrewed Blink Vial Teleports you 6 yds or until reaching an obstacle in a random direction. Instant. 5 min cooldown. Only usable in delves and outdoors in Khaz Algar. Instant. 5 min cooldown.
  • Icebind Normal: Incapacitates for 10 sec. Icebind: Summons a Ring of Frost around you for 6 sec. Enemies entering the ring are incapacitated Incapacitates for 10 sec. Utility. Utility. 20 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled). 35 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Icebind Normal: Incapacitates for 10 sec. Icebind: Summons a Ring of Frost around you for 6 sec. Enemies entering the ring are incapacitated Incapacitates for 10 sec. Utility. Utility. 20 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled). 25 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Icebind Normal: Incapacitates for 10 sec. Icebind: Summons a Ring of Frost around you for 6 sec. Enemies entering the ring are incapacitated Incapacitates for 10 sec. Utility. Utility. 20 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled). 20 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
  • Infinite Stars (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Infinite Stars|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Infinite Stars. Your spells and abilities have a chance to strike a nearby enemy with an Infinite Star, dealing 0s1 Arcane damage and increasing their damage taken from your Infinite Stars by 0s2, stacking up to 6 times before resetting. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim.
  • Interpreting (New) Unlocks this customization option for the Delver's Dirigible at the Rostrum of Transformation. 3 sec cast.
  • Interpreting (New) Unlocks this customization option for the Delver's Dirigible at the Rostrum of Transformation. 3 sec cast.
  • Lavaborn Azure Attire (New) Collect the appearances of the Lavaborn Azure Attire armor set. Instant.
  • Lavaborn Citrine Attire (New) Collect the appearances of the Lavaborn Citrine Attire armor set. Instant.
  • Lavaborn Emerald Attire (New) Collect the appearances of the Lavaborn Emerald Attire armor set. Instant.
  • Lavaborn Ruby Attire (New) Collect the appearances of the Lavaborn Ruby Attire armor set. Instant.
  • Malefic Excerpt (New) Flip to the next section. Instant. 1 sec cooldown.
  • MechaScrapper (New) Creates a mechanical Scrapbot that repairs equipment and buys nearly anything. The scrapbot leaves after 5 min. Instant. Reagents: Decaying MechaScrapper Construction Kit.
  • Mysterious Celerity (New) On Looted: Increases your movement speed by 10%. Lasts 30 min and persists through death. |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:Consumed immediately. Instant. Reagents: Potion of Mysterious Celerity.
  • Mysterious Conflagration (New) On Looted: 33% chance to ignite your target as you attack it. Lasts 10 min and persists through death. |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:This item is consumed immediately. Instant. Reagents: Potion of Mysterious Conflagration.
  • Mysterious Frostbound (New) On Looted: 33% chance to slow your target's movement speed as you attack it. Lasts 10 min and persists through death. |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:This item is consumed immediately. Instant. Reagents: Potion of Mysterious Frostbound.
  • Mysterious Revivification (New) On Looted: This increases your health regeneration by 10%. Lasts 30 min and persists through death. |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:This item is consumed immediately. Instant. Reagents: Potion of Mysterious Revivification.
  • Mysterious Swiftstrike (New) On Looted: Increases melee, ranged, and spell haste by 10%. Lasts 30 min and persists through death. |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:This item is consumed immediately. Instant. Reagents: Potion of Mysterious Swiftstrike.
  • Mysterious Systemshock (New) On Looted: 33% chance to shock your target as you attack it. Shocked creatures will suffer a periodic stun. Lasts 10 min and persists through death. |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:This item is consumed immediately. Instant. Reagents: Potion of Mysterious Systemshock.
  • Mysterious Tenacity (New) On Looted: Increases your maximum health by 10%. Lasts 20 min and persists through death. |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:This item is consumed immediately. Instant. Reagents: Potion of Mysterious Tenacity.
  • Mysterious Tremorshards (New) On Looted: 33% chance to apply movement-triggered area-damage to your target as you attack it. Lasts 10 min and persists through death. |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:This item is consumed immediately. Instant. Reagents: Potion of Mysterious Tremorshards.
  • Necklace of the Devout (New) You are one of the devout. Increases the effectiveness of Sacred Flame's Ward by 100%. Sacred Flame's Ward: While in Khaz Algar, dealing damage has a high chance of burning the enemy with righteous fire dealing 2 Radiant damage. In addition, you take 5% less damage.
  • One of the Devout (New) Being one of the devout grants an additional 0 Primary Stat.
  • Ornaments of the Blood Monarch Name changed from "Ornaments of the Ruby Butterfly" to "Ornaments of the Blood Monarch". Collect the appearances of the Ornaments of the Ruby Butterfly. Instant. Blood Monarch. Instant.
  • Plundered Artifacts 100 yd range. Instant. Nerubian knickknacks to be sold to the highest bidder... until you came along. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Potion of Comprehend Rats Guaranteed to let the imbiber speak to rats. Instant.6 sec cooldown.
  • Prized Banner of the Algari Name changed from "[Season] Banner of the Algari" to "Prized Banner of the Algari". Plant a banner representing your successes against the [Season]. Instant. 10 min cooldown. Prized. Instant. 10 min cooldown.
  • Prized Champion's Prestigious Banner Name changed from "[Season] Champion's Prestigious Banner" to "Prized Champion's Prestigious Banner". Plant a banner representing your victories within the [Season Prized] arenas. Instant. 10 min cooldown.
  • Pulsing Void Crystal (New) Connect the Depleted Void Crystal and 1 max quality Refulgent Crystal using 1 of the highest quality Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables you can acquire to recharge the crystal. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Depleted Void Crystal, Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables, Refulgent Crystal.
  • Reforge Nemesis Mask (New) Fuse together two Nemesis Shards to reforge the Mask of the Nemesis. 1.3 sec cast. Reagents: Nemesis Shard, Nemesis Shard.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Podium - Gain Metric - Highest - Score per ilvl (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Podium - Gain Metric - Highest Survival Length (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Podium - Gain Metric - Highest Time in Spotlight (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Podium - Gain Metric - Highest Yards (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Podium - Gain Metric - Latest - Score per ilvl (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Podium - Gain Metric - Latest - Survival Length (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Podium - Gain Metric - Latest Yards (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Podium - Gain Metric - Time in Spotlight (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Repeatable Event - Dastardly Duos - Rideable Vehicle - Drive (Master Key Cap) (New) Drive a nearby, unoccupied Dastardly Duos vehicle. 50 yd range. 1.3 sec cast.
  • Revealing the Omens Combine 2 Fractured Sparks of Omens with 250 0 Valorstones to create a Spark of Omens. 5 sec cast. Reagents: Fractured Spark of Omens.
  • Roaring War-Queen's Citrine Your spells and abilities have a low chance of triggering the Singing Thunder Citrine effects of 4 nearby allies. Whenever an allied player dies, this effect is triggered immediately. Approximately 1 proc per minute. 0.8 procs per minute.
  • Sanity Restoration Orb Summon a Sanity Restoration Orb that restores 10% of nearby allies' maximum Sanity per second for 15 sec. Revives allies. Limited uses per Horrific Vision expedition. Cannot be cast when in Less effective during combat. 15 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Shadow Quake (New) Your first melee strike against an enemy slams them and nearby enemies with a quake of shadow magic dealing up to 0 Shadow damage split between them.
  • Shadowalker's Aegis (New) When an ally falls below 20% health you shield them in darkness absorbing the next 0 damage taken. This effect can trigger once every 30 sec and does not target devout allies.
  • Skull-Scythe Handlebars (New) Add 1 Irresistible Red Button, 1 Recalibrated Safety Switch, 3 Whimsical Wiring, and 1 Storm-Touched Weapon Wrap to restore the Skull-Scythe Handlebars. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Irresistible Red Button, Recalibrated Safety Switch, Whimsical Wiring x 3, Storm-Touched Weapon Wrap, Twisted Skull-Scythe Handlebars.
  • Smoke Bomb Normal: Reduces damage by 30%. Smoke Bomb: Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius for 6 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. Allies take 30% less damage while within the cloud Reduces damage by 30%. Utility. Utility. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
  • Smoke Bomb Normal: Reduces damage by 40%. Smoke Bomb: Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius for 6 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. Allies take 40% less damage while within the cloud Reduces damage by 40%. Utility. Utility. Instant. 35 sec cooldown.
  • Smoke Bomb Normal: Reduces damage by 50%. Smoke Bomb: Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius for 6 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. Allies take 50% less damage while within the cloud Reduces damage by 50%. Utility. Utility. Instant. 25 sec cooldown.
  • Spicy Mean-Ball (New) Right Click to summon and dismiss Spicy Mean-Ball. Instant.
  • Sturdy Love Fool Summon a Sturdy Love Fool at target location for 5 min. The punching bag Sturdy Love Fool acts as a target dummy while it persists. 15 yd range. Instant.
  • Summon Destien (New) Summon and dismiss the Khaz Algar orphan you've agreed to look after for Children's Week. 10 yd range. Instant.
  • Summon Kitzy (New) Summon and dismiss the Khaz Algar orphan you've agreed to look after for Children's Week. 10 yd range. Instant.
  • Summon Skibbles (New) Summon and dismiss the Khaz Algar orphan you've agreed to look after for Children's Week. 10 yd range. Instant.
  • Summon Theadis (New) Summon and dismiss the Khaz Algar orphan you've agreed to look after for Children's Week. 10 yd range. Instant.
  • Surge of Mysterious Wisdom (New) Experience gained from killing monsters and completing quests is increased by 10% for 2 hrs . Affects only targets up to level 79. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. Reagents: Bottle of Mysterious Wisdom.
  • Twilight Devastation (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Twilight Devastation|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Twilight Devastation. Your attacks have a chance to trigger a beam of Twilight Devastation, dealing up to [ 2.000 * 0s1 ] damage to enemies in front of you. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim.
  • Twisted Appendage (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Twisted Appendage|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Twisted Appendage. Your attacks have a chance to spawn a tentacle which Mind Flays your target for 0s1 Shadow damage every second for 10 sec. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim.
  • Tyrannotort (New) Summons and dismisses this mount. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vial of Healing (New) Gain 8% Health every 2 seconds Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Void Ritual (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Void Ritual|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Void Ritual. Gain Void Ritual, giving your spells and abilities a chance to increase all secondary stats by 0s1 every sec for 20 sec. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim.
  • Voidflame Wheel (New) Combine Tentacle Spokes, Voidflame-Resistant Hide and 6 of the highest quality Entropy Enhancers to create a set of Voidflame Wheels. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Entropy Enhancer x 6, Voidflame-Resistant Hide, Tentacle Spokes.
  • Void-Forged Inline Four Engine (New) Install 4 Goblin-Machined Pistons into the Void-Forged Engine Block to restore the engine. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Void-Forged Engine Block, Goblin-Machined Piston x 4.
  • Winner's Podium (New) Place a Hearthstone Game Table and play a worthy opponent! 100 yd range. 1 sec cast.
  • Woodland Attire of the Fox (New) Collect the appearances of the Woodland Attire of the Fox armor set. Instant.
  • Woodland Attire of the Gilneas Fox (New) Collect the appearances of the Woodland Attire of the Gilneas Fox armor set. Instant.
  • Woodland Attire of the Grey Wolf (New) Collect the appearances of the Woodland Attire of the Grey Wolf armor set. Instant.
  • Woodland Attire of the Racoon (New) Collect the appearances of the Woodland Attire of the Racoon armor set. Instant.

  • Echoing Void (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Echoing Void|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Echoing Void. Your damaging abilities build the Echoing Void. Each time it builds, Echoing Void has a chance to collapse, dealing 0s1 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies every 1 sec until no stacks remain. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim. Enchanting. Enchanting. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Profaned Tinderbox, Black Blood Residue x 20.
  • Gushing Wound (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Gushing Wound|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Gushing Wound. Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to cause your target to ooze blood, dealing [ 7.000 * 0s1 ] damage over 7 sec. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim. Enchanting. Enchanting. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Profaned Tinderbox, Black Blood Residue x 20.
  • Infinite Stars (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Infinite Stars|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Infinite Stars. Your spells and abilities have a chance to strike a nearby enemy with an Infinite Star, dealing 0s1 Arcane damage and increasing their damage taken from your Infinite Stars by 0s2, stacking up to 6 times before resetting. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim. Enchanting. Enchanting. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Profaned Tinderbox, Black Blood Residue x 20.
  • Twilight Devastation (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Twilight Devastation|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Twilight Devastation. Your attacks have a chance to trigger a beam of Twilight Devastation, dealing up to [ 2.000 * 0s1 ] damage to enemies in front of you. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim. Enchanting. Enchanting. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Profaned Tinderbox, Black Blood Residue x 20.
  • Twisted Appendage (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Twisted Appendage|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Twisted Appendage. Your attacks have a chance to spawn a tentacle which Mind Flays your target for 0s1 Shadow damage every second for 10 sec. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim. Enchanting. Enchanting. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Profaned Tinderbox, Black Blood Residue x 20.
  • Void Ritual (New) |cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Void Ritual|R Permanently enchants a weapon with Void Ritual. Gain Void Ritual, giving your spells and abilities a chance to increase all secondary stats by 0s1 every sec for 20 sec. Cannot be applied to items lower than level ecim. Enchanting. Enchanting. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Profaned Tinderbox, Black Blood Residue x 20.

  • Void-Crystal Panther (New) Jewelcrafting. Jewelcrafting. 2 sec cast. Reagents: Voidbound Orb of Mystery, Unusual Gems, Shadow Infused Onyx x 20, Black Blood Infused Bar x 4.

Raid & Dungeon Abilities
  • Airship Fast Mover (New) Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Backfire The Geargrinder's engine backfires, inflicting 25 21 Fire damage every 2 sec to all players. 150 yd range. Instant.
  • Demolish Stix smashes his current target with a charged attack, inflicting 80 Nature damage and 100 80 Physical damage. In addition, all damage the target takes is increased by 100% for 50 sec. 300 yd range. 1.2 sec cast.
  • Demolish Stix smashes his current target with a charged attack, inflicting 80 Nature damage and 100 80 Physical damage. In addition, all damage the target takes is increased by 100% for 50 sec. 300 yd range. Instant.
  • Ego Check Gallywix gives his current target a 4-hit knuckle sandwich, inflicting 80 Physical damage each strike. These blows cannot be dodged or parried. Additionally 90% 75% of unmitigated damage is inflicted as a Checked Ego. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Faulty Zap Rik's machine short circuits sending a jolt of electricity through several players, inflicting 9 Nature damage. The electricity lingers in them for 12 9 sec, inflicting 8 Nature damage to players within 5 yards every 1.5 sec and increasing the target's Nature damage taken by 75% for 12 30% for 9 sec. 200 yd range. Instant.
  • Faulty Zap Rik's machine short circuits sending a jolt of electricity through several players, inflicting 9 Nature damage. The electricity lingers in them for 12 9 sec, inflicting 8 Nature damage to players within 5 yards every 1.5 sec and increasing the target's Nature damage taken by 75% for 12 30% for 9 sec. 1,000 yd range. Instant.
  • Faulty Zap Rik's machine short circuits sending a jolt of electricity through several players, inflicting 9 Nature damage. The electricity lingers in them for 12 9 sec, inflicting 8 Nature damage to players within 5 yards every 1.5 sec and increasing the target's Nature damage taken by 75% for 12 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. 30% for 9 sec. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Fish Flop The sleepy fish flops to the ground, inflicting 40 20 Nature damage to players within 3 100 yards. 300 yd range. Instant.
  • Giga BOOM! Giga Bombs detonate after 30 40 sec or when struck by Giga Blast inflicting 50 Nature damage plus an additional 3 Nature damage every 1 sec to all players for 9 sec. This effect stacks. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Haywire Upon reaching full power the amplifier goes haywire, inflicting 6 7 Sonic damage to all players every 1 sec and expelling additional Resonant Echoes. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Lingering Voltage The amplifier loses power when activated by a player, inflicting 9 5 Nature damage to them every 1 sec. 200 yd range. Instant.
  • Lingering Voltage Rik's machine short circuits sending a jolt of electricity through several players, inflicting 9 Nature damage. The electricity lingers in them for 12 9 sec, inflicting 8 Nature damage to players within 5 yards every 1.5 sec and increasing the target's Nature damage taken by 75% for 12 30% for 9 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Lingering Voltage The amplifier loses power when activated by a player, inflicting 9 5 Nature damage to them every 1 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Lingering Voltage The amplifier loses power when activated by a player, inflicting 9 5 Nature damage to them every 1 sec. 1,000 yd range. Instant.
  • Noise Pollution Rik's reverberating Amplifiers produce a low hum that inflicts 5 2 Sonic damage to all players every 2 sec. Each active Amplifier increases the damage of Noise Pollution by 25%. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Scrapbomb Flarendo spits a ball of scrap that explodes after 10 sec, inflicting 70 Fire damage to all players and knocking back players within 8 0 yards. This damage is reduced for each player within 8 yards of the Scrapbomb. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Surging Arc The MK II Electro Shocker fires an arc of electricity at a random player, inflicting 10 Nature damage and then jumping to up to 3 targets. This damage increases by 10% each time it jumps. Requires Ranged Weapon. 300 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. 3 sec cast.
  • The Big Hit The One-Armed Bandit slams its big arm into the ground, inflicting 300 450 Physical damage to its target and increasing their damage taken from The Big Hit by 150% for 30 sec. This effect stacks. In addition, The Big Hit leaves behind a Shocking Field. 100 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. 3 sec cooldown.
  • Unstable Explosion When a Foot-Blaster is detonated, it explodes inflicting 30 36 Fire damage to all players and causes them to take 200% increased damage from Unstable Explosion for 2 sec. 300 yd range. Instant.
  • Wrench The hobgoblin is holding a wrench. Doing so he now knows how to strike someone with the wrench inflicting 40 Physical damage and increases Wrench damage taken by 40%. This effect stacks, and causes quite a headache. 8 40 yd range. 1 sec cast. 5 sec cooldown.

Strings Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • ADVANCED_OPTIONS_LABEL (New) - Advanced Options
  • CHAR_NAME_CONSECUTIVE_SPACES (New) - Names can't have consecutive spaces
  • CHAR_NAME_FAILURE - Invalid character name Invalid name
  • CHAR_NAME_INVALID_APOSTROPHE - Names Can't use an apostrophe as the first or last character of your name
  • CHAR_NAME_INVALID_SPACE - Names Can't use a space as the first or last character of your name
  • CHAR_NAME_MULTIPLE_APOSTROPHES - You can only have one apostrophe Names may only use one apostrophe
  • CHAR_NAME_NO_NAME - Enter a name for your character
  • CHAR_NAME_RUSSIAN_CONSECUTIVE_SILENT_CHARACTERS - Names Can't have two silent symbols in a row
  • CHAR_NAME_RUSSIAN_SILENT_CHARACTER_AT_BEGINNING_OR_END - Silent characters are now allowed at the beginning or end of a name Names can't use silent characters at the beginning or end
  • CHAR_NAME_THREE_CONSECUTIVE - Names Can't use the same letter three times in a row
  • CHAR_NAME_TOO_LONG - Names can't be more than 12 characters Name must be shorter
  • COLORS_ITEM_QUALITY (New) - Item Quality
  • COLORS_LABEL (New) - Colors
  • COMMUNITIES_CROSS_FACTION_BUTTON_TOOLTIP - You can group with this %s player and do many instanced activities together.|n|cffffffffCan do:|r|n-Dungeons (premade groups)|n-Raids (non-queued)|n-Unrated and Rated PvP|n-Torghast|n|cffffffffCan't do:|r|n- Outdoor Content Delves|n|cffffffffCan't do:|r|n- Outdoor Content
  • COOLDOWN_VIEWER_LABEL (New) - Cooldown Manager
  • CROSS_FACTION_INVITE_TOOLTIP - You can group with this %s player and do many instanced activities together.\n\n|cffffffffCan do:|r\n- Dungeons (premade groups)\n- Raids (non-queued)\n- Unrated and Rated PvP\n- Torghast\n\n|cffffffffCan't do:|r\n- Outdoor content Delves\n\n|cffffffffCan't do:|r\n- Outdoor content
  • ENABLE_ADVANCED_COLORS_OPTIONS (New) - Enable Advanced Options
  • ENABLE_COOLDOWN_VIEWER (New) - Enable Cooldown Manager
  • ENABLE_COOLDOWN_VIEWER_TOOLTIP (New) - Toggle on to view important cooldowns and buffs in separate customizable HUD elements for the selected specialization.
  • ERR_CROSS_FACTION_GROUP_JOINED - This is now a cross-faction instance group. You can do these activities together: dungeons (premade groups), raids (non-queued), Torghast, Unrated and Rated PvP Delves, Unrated and Rated PvP
  • GENERIC_TRAIT_FRAME_VISIONS_TITLE (New) - Hourglass of Horrific Visions
  • GUILD_RENAME_DESCRIPTION (New) - Please enter the desired name for your guild. Test if your guild name is unique. The guild renaming can be done once a year.
  • GUILD_RENAME_DIALOG_TEXT (New) - Are you sure you want to spend %s to rename your guild to ?|nThis process may only be done once a year.
  • GUILD_RENAME_ERROR_IN_COOLDOWN (New) - Rename cooldown is active
  • GUILD_RENAME_ERROR_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS (New) - Name already in use
  • GUILD_RENAME_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION (New) - Only the Guildmaster can rename the guild
  • GUILD_RENAME_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY (New) - Insufficient funds
  • GUILD_RENAME_ERROR_RESERVATION_EXPIRED (New) - Rename reservation expired
  • GUILD_RENAME_ERROR_TOO_MUCH_MONEY (New) - Refund would exceed the amount the guild bank can hold
  • GUILD_RENAME_ERROR_UNKNOWN (New) - Unknown error
  • GUILD_RENAME_OPTIONS_DESCRIPTION (New) - Here are your guild rename options:
  • GUILD_RENAME_OPTIONS_DESCRIPTION_DISABLED (New) - The Guild Rename feature is currently disabled, check back later.
  • GUILD_RENAME_OPTIONS_REFUND (New) - I want Guild Renaming refund|n(Time remaining to refund: %s)
  • GUILD_RENAME_OPTIONS_RENAME_AVAILABLE (New) - I want to rename my guild
  • GUILD_RENAME_OPTIONS_RENAME_COOLDOWN (New) - I want to rename my guild|n(available in %s)
  • GUILD_RENAME_REFUND_DIALOG_SUBTEXT (New) - Time remaining to refund: %s
  • GUILD_RENAME_REFUND_DIALOG_TEXT (New) - Refund the guild rename of for %s?
  • HUD_EDIT_MODE_COOLDOWN_VIEWER_DISABLED_TOOLTIP (New) - Essential Cooldowns, Utilities, Tracked Buffs, and Tracked Bars for each spec. The Cooldown Manager is currently disabled. Enable it in: Advanced Options>Cooldown Manager.
  • OPTION_TOOLTIP_ENABLE_ADVANCED_COLORS_OPTIONS (New) - Show additional options for color overrides.
  • PERKS_PROGRAM_CART_ADD (New) - Add to Cart
  • PERKS_PROGRAM_CART_CLEAR_POPUP_TEXT (New) - Are you sure you want to remove %d |4item:items; from the cart?
  • PERKS_PROGRAM_CART_PURCHASE_POPUP_TEXT (New) - Are you sure you want to exchange %s for %d |4item:items;?
  • PERKS_PROGRAM_CART_REMOVE (New) - Remove from Cart
  • PERKS_PROGRAM_CART_TITLE_TEXT (New) - Cart Preview (%d)
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_1069 (New) - There is already food in the bowl
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_1090 (New) - Requires Unbreakable Bond.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_1100 (New) - A bubble is already manifested nearby.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_1101 (New) - A Charge Station has already been constructed nearby.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_1102 (New) - A Wind-Wrangling Station has already been constructed nearby.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_1103 (New) - A Recovery Station has already been constructed nearby.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_1104 (New) - Too close to another Station.
  • WARBAND_SCENE_COLLECTION_MENU_HELPTIP - View your new backgrounds in the Collections menu. campsite in the Collections menu.

Misc Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Char Customization Options
Body (Dragonriding)
  • Color - Pale (New)
  • Decal - Flame's Radiance (New)

  • Color - Black (New)
  • Color - Brown (New)
  • Color - Tan (New)
  • Color - White (New)
  • Costume - Blue Shark (New)
  • Costume - Gray Fox (New)
  • Costume - Gray Shark (New)
  • Costume - Green Murloc (New)
  • Costume - None (New)
  • Costume - Purple Murloc (New)
  • Costume - Red Fox (New)

Character Titles
  • %s the Mad (New)
  • Aeroknight %s (New)
  • Ardent %s (New)
  • Field Sacredite %s (New)
  • Flame Guard %s (New)
  • Radiant Officer %s (New)
  • Recruit %s (New)
  • Reservist %s (New)
  • Sacred Templar %s (New)
  • Sentry %s (New)
  • Stalwart %s (New)

Currency Types
  • 11.1.5 Arathi - Renown Rank (New) - Grants Reputation with Flame's Radiance. Max Quantity: 10.
  • Flame's Radiance (New) - Grants Reputation with Flame's Radiance.

War Within
  • Displaced Corrupted Mementos (New) - Fragments of memory from Horrific Visions of N'Zoth which can be analyzed at the Titanic Research Archive in the Chamber of Heart.

  • Event (New) - Players: 5.

The War Within
  • Flame's Radiance (New) - When Hallowfall comes under threat and the army stretched thin, a call to arms is issued to those with the strength to wield a weapon and Flame's Radiance is formed. All allies are welcome to join in Hallowfall's defense.
  • Flame's Radiance (Paragon) (New) - When Hallowfall comes under threat and the army stretched thin, a call to arms is issued to those with the strength to wield a weapon and Flame's Radiance is formed. All allies are welcome to join in Hallowfall's defense.

  • Dastardly Duos (New) - Hello, fight fans. The world's meanest villains are teamed up and back for revenge! Meet Stormwind, Orgrimmar or Dornogal to fight against villainous bosses from Azeroth's past.
  • Horrific Visions Revisited (New) - Soridormi and the Bronze Dragonflight arrive to help adventurers return to the time of the Horrific Visions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Their goal to try and learn more from the voids attack in the past to use in the current battle for Azeroth.
  • Horrific Visions Revisited (New) - Soridormi and the Bronze Dragonflight arrive to help adventurers return to the time of the Horrific Visions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Their goal to try and learn more from the voids attack in the past to use in the current battle for Azeroth.
  • Horrific Visions Revisited (New) - Soridormi and the Bronze Dragonflight arrive to help adventurers return to the time of the Horrific Visions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Their goal to try and learn more from the voids attack in the past to use in the current battle for Azeroth.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of Liberation of Undermine: Maniacal Machinist.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the third section of Liberation of Undermine: Two Heads Are Better.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now confront Chrome King Gallywix in Story Mode.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Mythic difficulty of the Liberation of Undermine raid awaits the boldest of adventurers.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of Liberation of Undermine: Maniacal Machinist.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of Liberation of Undermine: Maniacal Machinist.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the fourth section of Liberation of Undermine: The Chrome King.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the first section of Liberation of Undermine: Shock and Awesome.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Mythic difficulty of the Liberation of Undermine raid awaits the boldest of adventurers.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Mythic difficulty of the Liberation of Undermine raid awaits the boldest of adventurers.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now confront Chrome King Gallywix in Story Mode.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Take to the streets of Undermine and liberate the city from Chrome King Gallywix's oppression.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of Liberation of Undermine: Maniacal Machinist.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Take to the streets of Undermine and liberate the city from Chrome King Gallywix's oppression.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the first section of Liberation of Undermine: Shock and Awesome.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the third section of Liberation of Undermine: Two Heads Are Better.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the first section of Liberation of Undermine: Shock and Awesome.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the third section of Liberation of Undermine: Two Heads Are Better.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the fourth section of Liberation of Undermine: The Chrome King.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Mythic difficulty of the Liberation of Undermine raid awaits the boldest of adventurers.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Take to the streets of Undermine and liberate the city from Chrome King Gallywix's oppression.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now confront Chrome King Gallywix in Story Mode.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the fourth section of Liberation of Undermine: The Chrome King.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the fourth section of Liberation of Undermine: The Chrome King.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the first section of Liberation of Undermine: Shock and Awesome.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the third section of Liberation of Undermine: Two Heads Are Better.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Take to the streets of Undermine and liberate the city from Chrome King Gallywix's oppression.
  • Liberation of Undermine - Players may now confront Chrome King Gallywix in Story Mode.
  • Unknown (New)

Item Name Descriptions
  • Flame's Radiance (New) - Flame's Radiance
  • Grey (New) - Grey
  • Horrific Visions Revisited (New) - Horrific Visions Revisited
  • Lingering Corruption (New) - Lingering Corruption
  • Nightfall (New) - Nightfall
  • of the Abbot (New) - of the Abbot
  • of the Cleric (New) - of the Cleric
  • of the Crusader (New) - of the Crusader
  • of the Zealot (New) - of the Zealot
  • on Dark Summons (New) - on Dark Summons
  • on Prophetic Death (New) - on Prophetic Death
  • on Sacrificial Rituals (New) - on Sacrificial Rituals
  • Season 3 Crafted (New) - Season 3 Crafted
  • Voidfire Deathcycle (New) - Voidfire Deathcycle

LFG Dungeons
  • Dastardly Duos (New) - Map: Dastardly Dome. Roles: 1-5 damage.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar (New) - Map: Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar. Roles: 1-5 damage.
  • Horrific Vision of Stormwind (New) - Map: Horrific Vision of Stormwind. Roles: 1-5 damage.
  • Liberation of Undermine (New) - Pry Undermine out from beneath Gallywix's boot and confront the Chrome King in his casino fortress. Map: Liberation of Undermine. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage.
  • Liberation of Undermine (New) - Pry Undermine out from beneath Gallywix's boot and confront the Chrome King in his casino fortress. Map: Liberation of Undermine. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage.

Mail Templates
  • #635 (New) - Hello, fight fans. The world's meanest villains are teamed up and back for revenge! Meet me in Dornogal. Join the fun! -Vinnie Sweets
  • #641 - Greetings, We were able to provide the restoration you requested. If you need any further assistance with this issue, please don't hesitate to contact us at with your request. We are happy to be able to provide your restoration, however, please keep in mind that each player is granted a limited number of restorations for virtual property. We understand that accidents can happen, and will assist when we can, but we encourage players to exercise caution to avoid future need of restorations and Game Master assistance. While restoration cannot be guaranteed, and the decision to reimburse is entirely at Blizzard's discretion, we will make every effort to verify losses and provide restoration when players request assistance. For further information please check our Character and Item Restoration Policy at Thank you for your time, and we hope you continue to enjoy your experience in World of Warcraft!

Map Areas
Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar
  • Vision of Orgrimmar (New) - Music: Zone_83_Vision_Orgrimmar_Madness0.

Horrific Vision of Stormwind
  • Vision of Stormwind (New) - Music: Zone_83_Vision_Stormwind_Madness0.

Khaz Algar (Surface)
  • Dornogal Test (New) - Music: Zone 11.0 - Isle Of Dorn - Hub - Dornogal - Walk. Pet battle levels: 1-25.

  • Dastardly Duos (New) - Pet battle levels: 25-25.
  • Undermine (New) - Pet battle levels: 25-25.

Map Difficulties
  • Dastardly Dome - 232 (New) - Max players: 5.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar - 152 (New) - Max players: 5.
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 5.
  • Horrific Vision of Stormwind - 152 (New) - Max players: 5.
  • Horrific Vision of Stormwind - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 5.

Battle for Azeroth
  • Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar (New) - Directory: 2828. Type: Scenario. Time is always 0:00am.
  • Horrific Vision of Stormwind (New) - Directory: 2827. Type: Scenario. Time is always 0:00am.

The War Within
  • Dastardly Dome (New) - Directory: 2849. Type: Instance.

Ground Mounts
  • Autumn Harvesthog (New) - Ground Mount. Autumn Harvesthog. "Autumn Harvesthogs excel in snuffling for food in the cooler months. Their keen sense of smell makes them excellent companions for a forrest forage, but difficult to control in aromatic settings." Source: Trading Post
  • Brown-Furred Spiky Bakar (New) - Ground Mount. Brown-Furred Spiky Bakar. "Such a good boy. Or girl. It's hard to tell sometimes. Always good though." Source: Trading Post
  • Flarendo the Furious - Ground Mount. Spell #466011 Flarendo the Furious. "Being the VIP of VIPs at the Gallagio has its perks, including the keys to this former King of Carnage. Cutting-edge goblin technology allows him to achieve over 100 yards per gallon!"
  • Personalized Goblin S.C.R.A.P.per - Name changed from "Personalized Goblin S.C.R.A.Per" to "Personalized Goblin S.C.R.A.P.per". Ground Mount. Personalized Goblin S.C.R.A.Per Personalized Goblin S.C.R.A.P.per. "Goblin Shredders have proven time and again to be useful in many applications, such as in logging and transportation. This model has been repurposed for use by S.C.R.A.P." Source: Drop: Gunk-Covered Thiny Zone: Undermine S.C.R.A.P.." Source: Drop: Sifted Pile of Scrap Zone: Undermine
  • Radiant Imperial Lynx (New) - Ground Mount. Radiant Imperial Lynx. "The Radiant Imperial Lynx embodies the ongoing strength and courage it takes to chase back the darkness. They hoist us up so that we may hold our torches high for all who seek refuge from the encroaching darkness." Source: Vendor: Lars Bronsmaelt Zone: Hallowfall
  • Spotted Black Riding Goat (New) - Ground Mount. Spotted Black Riding Goat. Source: Trading Post
  • Spring Harvesthog (New) - Ground Mount. Spring Harvesthog. "The Spring Harvesthog is at it's most energetic in the early morning. It will spend most of it's day snuffling for food or bellowing out calls for other harvesthogs." Source: Trading Post
  • Summer Harvesthog (New) - Ground Mount. Summer Harvesthog. "The Summer Harvesthog enjoys laying out in the sun or going for a swim in a clear lake. They are excellent at foraging for food, but need to be coaxed into it." Source: Trading Post
  • Tyrannotort (New) - Ground Mount. Tyrannotort. "Vinnie Sweets kept this rare, albino turtle a secret, saving until it was time to help promote Dastardly Duos." Source: Achievement: Another Amazing Week! Event: Dastardly Duos
  • Violet Goblin Shredder - Ground Mount. Spell #466021 Violet Goblin Shredder. "This shredder has been lovingly painted with a non-corrosive paint to ensure a lasting sheen." Source: Drop: Shipping and Handling Zone: Undermine
  • Voidfire Deathcycle (New) - Ground Mount. Voidfire Deathcycle. "The prized possession of Haymar the devout. Unclear if he would be anything if not for his epic void bike. Formerly assigned to patrolling the streets of Stormwind after its fall." Source: Zone: Vision of Stormwind (Revisited) Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar (Revisited)
  • Void-Forged Stallion (New) - Ground Mount. Void-Forged Stallion. "Forged just as their shoes once were, these beasts are less horses now and void energy in their likeness." Source: Drop: Void-Forged Stallion Zone: Vision of Stormwind (Revisited)
  • Void-Scarred Lynx (New) - Ground Mount. Void-Scarred Lynx. "Taming lynxes is a practice that the Arathi have honed for years. While the Nightfall cultists remain devoted to their cause, they are still ones for passing that tradition along." Source: Drop: Confiscated Cultist's Bag
  • Void-Scarred Pack Mother (New) - Ground Mount. Void-Scarred Pack Mother. "Fighting her corrupted handlers this pack mother freed herself and her pups. However, freedom from their handlers did not free them from the void in this lost place. She taught her pups to be even more dangerous beasts, and they now stalk throughout Orgrimmar fetching her food as all compete to survive." Source: Drop: Void-Scarred Pack Mother Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar (Revisited)
  • Winter Harvesthog (New) - Ground Mount. Winter Harvesthog. "Winter Harvesthogs are primarily nocturnal creatures. They are slightly slower than other harvesthogs, but their endurance is unmatched." Source: Trading Post

Skyriding Mounts
  • Corruption of the Aspects (New) - Skyriding Mount. Corruption of the Aspects. "With N'zoth's triumph what started with Galakrond comes to fruition and with the aspects gone the corruption of their species is complete." Source: Vendor: Augermu Zone: Dornogal Cost: 100,000[Archaeology_5_0_MoguCoin]
  • Junkmaestro's Magnetomech - Skyriding Mount. Spell #468068 Junkmaestro's Magnetomech. "Well-suited for compacting trash into rollable balls. Junkmaestro apocrypha claims these might become worlds of their own if only they could get big enough." Source: Achievement: Glory of the Liberation of Undermine Raider Category: Dungeons & Raids
  • Lavaborn Azure Chimaera (New) - Skyriding Mount. Lavaborn Azure Chimaera. Source: Trading Post
  • Lavaborn Citrine Chimaera (New) - Skyriding Mount. Lavaborn Citrine Chimaera. Source: Trading Post
  • Lavaborn Emerald Chimaera (New) - Skyriding Mount. Lavaborn Emerald Chimaera. Source: Promotion
  • Lavaborn Ruby Chimaera (New) - Skyriding Mount. Lavaborn Ruby Chimaera. Source: Trading Post
  • Meeksi Brewthief (New) - Skyriding Mount. Meeksi Brewthief. "Despite their mischievous and playful nature, these creatures make for loyal and dependable travelling companions."
  • Meeksi Rollingpaw (New) - Skyriding Mount. Meeksi Rollingpaw. "Rollingpaws are very proud of their tea bearing duties. They are always willing to provide a warm cup of tea to their travelling companions."
  • Meeksi Rufflefur (New) - Skyriding Mount. Meeksi Rufflefur. "Rufflefurs are playful, clumsy and obsessed with cleanliness. This is a dangerous combination of traits."
  • Meeksi Softpaw (New) - Skyriding Mount. Meeksi Softpaw. "Softpaws provide a black tea that is ideal for an early morning jolt or staying awake late into the night."
  • Meeksi Teatuft (New) - Skyriding Mount. Meeksi Teatuft. "Teatufts are known for their aromatic teas. However, their playful nature can result in an excess of spilled tea."
  • Nesting Swarmite (New) - Skyriding Mount. Nesting Swarmite. "Burrowers by nature they often lurk in small animal warrens when laying eggs or lying in wait to surprise larger prey." Source: Zone: Vision of Stormwind (Revisited) Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar (Revisited)
  • Ny'alothan Shadow Worm (New) - Skyriding Mount. Ny'alothan Shadow Worm. "A remnant of the Black Empire's past, these precursors of the abyss worms are once again resurging with the rise of Ny'alotha." Source: Achievement: Mastering the Visions Category: Visions of N'Zoth Revisited
  • Ochre Delivery Rocket - Name changed from "Ocher Delivery Rocket" to "Ochre Delivery Rocket". Skyriding Mount. Ocher Delivery Rocket Ochre Delivery Rocket. "Get packages and passengers from point A to B in style!" Source: Vendor: Shredz the Scrapper Zone: Undermine Cost: 11,375[SPELL_AZERITE_ESSENCE14.BLP]
  • Prized Gladiator's Fel Bat - Skyriding Mount. Spell #466144 Prized Gladiator's Fel Bat. "Awakened from caves in the battlefield, and armored to the fray." Source: Achievement: Gladiator: The War Within Season 2 Category: Player vs. Player
  • Thunderdrum Misfire - Skyriding Mount. Spell #466012 Thunderdrum Misfire. "Recovered from the Cauldron's bleachers during a particularly gruesome clash. When asked if it was a dud, Torq's operator simply replied: 'Probably?'" Source: Vendor: Ando the Gat Zone: Liberation of Undermine Cost: 500
  • Void-Crystal Panther (New) - Skyriding Mount. Void-Crystal Panther. "Void energies corrupted many precious gems and materials within the horrific versions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Master Jewelcrafters were able to shape these gems into panthers just as other masters had done on the Broken Isles." Source: Profession: Jewelcrafting
  • Void-Scarred Gryphon (New) - Skyriding Mount. Void-Scarred Gryphon. "Abandoned by its trainers the Void-Scarred Gryphon scrounged on any scrap of food that remained, most corrupted by the void. With the void now sustaining them, they only land when their fickle tastes are satisfied by untainted food that they just remember enjoying." Source: Drop: Void-Scarred Gryphon Zone: Vision of Stormwind (Revisited)
  • Void-Scarred Windrider (New) - Skyriding Mount. Void-Scarred Windrider. "When the void energies were released, it drove most windriders feral. They killed each other and their trainers. The gates to their roost were locked by the survivors. Some surviving windrider's can still be seen gliding above, but none dare return to their new deadly domain to see what remains." Source: Drop: Void-Scarred Windrider Zone: Vision of Orgrimmar (Revisited)

Dastardly Dome
  • 01: Fight Begins - Trash (New) - Kill all the trash mobs.
  • 02: Round 1 (New) - Defeated the first round of bosses.
  • 03: Round 2 (New) - Defeat the second round of bosses.

  • 01: Nightfall - Name changed from "01: [DNT] Step - Default Step" to "01: Nightfall". [DNT] Step Description - Default Step
  • 02: Rapid Deployment - Name changed from "02: [DNT] Step - Scenario Intro" to "02: Rapid Deployment". [DNT] Step Description - Scenario Intro Wait to begin the counter attack.
  • 03: Champions Convene - Name changed from "03: [DNT] Step - Climax Rally" to "03: Champions Convene". [DNT] Step Description - Climax Rally Fallback to the rallying point.
  • 04: Here in Defiance - Name changed from "04: [DNT] Step - Climax Intro" to "04: Here in Defiance". [DNT] Step Description - Climax Intro Prepare to charge!
  • 05: The Flame Burns Forever - Name changed from "05: [DNT] Step - Climax Phase 1" to "05: The Flame Burns Forever". [DNT] Step Description - Climax Phase 1 Push back the Sureki.
  • 06: Agent of the Swarm - Name changed from "06: [DNT] Step - Climax Phase 2" to "06: Agent of the Swarm". [DNT] Step Description - Climax Phase 2 Defeat the Sureki Champion.
  • 07: Discharge in the War - Name changed from "07: [DNT] Step - Climax Outro - Shutdown" to "07: Discharge in the War". [DNT] Step Description - Climax Outro - Shutdown The battle has ended, Flame's Radiance is withdrawing.
  • 08: Hive Grind - Name changed from "08: [DNT] Step - Content - 001" to "08: Hive Grind". [DNT] Step Description - Content - 001 Clear the Sureki from the southern front.
  • 09: Fear and Hold - Name changed from "09: [DNT] Step - Content - 002" to "09: Fear and Hold". [DNT] Step Description - Content - 002 Clear the Sureki from the central front.
  • 10: Direct Approach - Name changed from "10: [DNT] Step - Content - 003" to "10: Direct Approach". [DNT] Step Description - Content - 003 Clear the Sureki from the northern front.
  • 11: Ascended Warfare (New) - Slay Scutix the Serrated.
  • 12: By Fang and Blade (New) - Slay Tarset the Fanged.
  • 13: A Tuft Foe (New) - Slay Apot'kan the Claw.
  • 14: Immediate Soreness (New) - Slay Bul'kan the Gorger.
  • 15: Wreck and Break (New) - Slay Wrakin the Colossus.
  • 16: Bugging Out (New) - Slay Alatear.
  • 17: A Pest's End (New) - Slay Kilf, Ette, and Det.
  • 18: Wrecking Clew (New) - Slay Snarlspew and the Frenzied Jawcrawlers.
  • 19: Rapid Dominance (New) - Slay the Savage and Vicious Swarmites.
  • 20: Skitter Splatter (New) - Defend against the waves of Skitterers.
  • 21: Web of Intrigue (New) - Defend against the waves of Spiders.
  • 22: Immoral Ascendancy (New) - Defend against the waves of Veteran Sureki attackers.
  • 23: Rain Fire (New) - Destroy Sureki Ballistas.
  • 24: Mission Breakout (New) - Free Arathi Workers.
  • 25: I'm the Bomb (New) - Use bombs to close Sureki burrows.
  • 26: Blot out the Sun (New) - Fly into Sickly Skyrazor to knock them out of the sky.
  • 27: Dash and Burn (New) - Use torches to destroy Corrupted Sureki Eggs.
  • 28: Radiant Might (New) - Collect Radiant Remnants and throw them into Minor Keyflames.
  • 29: A Void At All Costs (New) - Destroy Void Corrupted Remnants.
  • 30: Trial By Holy Fire (New) - Take Injured Recruits to Arathi Priests.
  • 31: Snack Attack (New) - Free Webbed Scouts.
  • 32: Staying Off Message (New) - Destroy Sureki Shadecasters.

Vision of Orgrimmar
  • 01: Enter Orgrimmar (New) - Speak with the Image of Wrathion.
  • 02: Slay the Disciple (New) - Defeat the disciple of N'Zoth.
  • 03: Collect Reward (New) - Collect Reward and exit vision.

Vision of Stormwind
  • 01: A Fallen City (New) - Speak with the Image of Wrathion.
  • 02: Slay the Disciple (New) - Defeat the disciple of N'Zoth.
  • 03: Collect Reward (New) - Collect Reward and exit vision.

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