Paladin Preview is Coming


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Jul 16, 2009
Paladin Preview is Coming
According to a post on the European forums, the Paladin class preview will be posted earlier than expected. The "european" part is important, something posted late on the 13th in the US is still counted as 14th in the EU. We'll have to wait to hear from the US posters to get a definitive answers.
Quote from: Wryxian (Source)
We are thankful for all the paladins and their patience in having to wait just a bit longer than others to get their Cataclysm class preview. While we had initially announced that we were planning to post the Paladin preview on Friday, April 16, we can now reveal that it will instead be posted on Wednesday, April 14!

Prediction time!

*holy gets bres
*holy gets a mid range direct heal spell and an aoe heal
*holy light coeff nerfed
*holy gets a real healer aura
*divine plea nerfed or removed
*bubble removed or made holy only on a shorter cd as our you can cast in the fire spell
*the glorious return of illumination with crit returns based on spirit
*oshit tank cd's that don't kill us
*new heal buff system involving light much like the chakra thing for priests to encourage not spamming
Now for the ret version:

*crusader strike goes baseline to give newb pallies something to hit
*ret gets a gap closer ability primarily for pvp
*no bubble and no dp
*mana returns working much like rage breaking the fcfs type rotation
*some form of combo system that scales dps up or down
*aw becomes the ret dps cd, not a heal or dps or kitchen sink spell
*ret gets an ability to help with target switches