New Recruit-A-Friend Mount Coming Soon


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Jul 16, 2009
New Recruit-A-Friend Mount Coming Soon
Holy crap, that's a lot of announcements for today.
<div class="blizzquotewrap"><div class="blizzquoteinner">Quote from: Bashiok (Source)
<div class="blizzquote">Beginning in just a few days, players who participate in the Recruit-A-Friend program will receive a whole new reward for showing a friend the ropes in Azeroth: the X-53 Touring Rocket, a two-seater flying mount that automatically increases its speed as your mount skill improves (up to 310% speed if you already have a 310% mount). The X-53 will be replacing the current Zhevra mount reward, which is retiring from the Recruit-A-Friend business after a good run. If you've already claimed a Zhevra (or claim one prior to the change), you

Wow this is awesome! They must be desperate for new recruits.
and how many million players do they not already have?
conquer china and india... and they would have conquered the world.
purchase a second account yeah you can :)
lol aka and I did that.. we should do it again waggykins
now im fking pissed at this lol i have 3 accounts already via RAF and have the zebra change my bloody mount to this rocket which has the possiblity of being something worth alot of gold similar to the chopper, why make it so easy to get. 2 person fly mount epic fail
I still have an unclaimed Zhevra - I wonder if it will become a rocket if I wait a little longer.

EDIT: hehe it does. Hopefully I can gloat in front of Daz.
I still have an unclaimed Zhevra - I wonder if it will become a rocket if I wait a little longer

Man if u get that ill cry lol, i really think tho a 2 seater fly mount is pretty extreme when u had to farm for ages to get a chopper or mammoth and this fly mount is like 300times better for one the speed scaling and hell its a passenger mount.
This is a true slap in the face for those who have done RAF prior and been stabbed with a shit mount that 1 was ugly a bloody paladin charger looks better and 2 had nothing special about it. And for blizz to do this unique mount now its pretty harsh on the players before it.
It should be we are removing the zebra and changing it to the rocket, at the end of the day who the hell would want a zebra over a rocket.
Me and my friend are bound on RAF atm, but he has yet to register.

How does the Zhevra thing work anyway? Do both recruit and veteran get it? You go to somewhere specific to "cash it in"?
Only the inviter gets it. When the recruit pays for his first full month (after the free month that comes with buying the game) the Zhevra becomes available - see the RaF section in your account management. You can assign it to one of your toons.