Love is in the Air 2025


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Jul 16, 2009
Adoration Abounds - Love is in the Air Has Begun

Love is in the Air 2025

Love is in the Air has returned, running from February 3rd through the 17th. This event is based around Valentine's Day, giving players a chance to give and receive gifts throughout Azeroth.

New in 2025


Heart-Shaped Box - 2023 Event Update
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
The Love is in the Air world event is right around the corner, and we’re sharing the love this holiday season.

We’ve heard your feedback on the frustrations with X-45 Heartbreaker’s low drop rate and feeling the pressure of having to farm the mount by cycling through as many alts as possible every day. From now on, the first Heart-Shaped Box you receive each day across your account will have a greatly increased chance to contain the X-45 Heartbreaker mount.

Any subsequent Heart-Shaped Boxes you earn on your characters after the first each day will drop the mount at the previous, original rate.

Love is in the Air begins on February 6 at 10:00 a.m. PST in all regions. So spritz on your favorite perfume and head to the Shadowfang Keep event dungeon to defeat Apothecary Hummel for your chance at the fantastic flying fuschia fuselage you’ve fancied far too fervently for what seems like forever.

Good luck adventurers!

The Event Boss: Apothecary Hummel
You can queue through the dungeon finder to kill Apothecary Hummel, who drops a Heart-Shaped Box or Heart-Shaped Carton (depending on your level) for the first kill of the day. This item can contain:

Apothecary Hummel also drops a random neck piece from the following list:

Love is in the Air rewards can be purchased from Lythianne Morningspear in Durotar and Kiera Torres in Elwynn Forest, in exchange for Love Tokens.








Transmog and Love is in the Air Set



The following achievements are able to be earned during the event. Everything under the Fool For Love achievement has to be completed as part of the meta for What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been, which awards Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake when completed.

Fool For LoveComplete the Love is in the Air achievements listed below.
Title Reward: <Name> the Love Fool
Be Mine!Eat the eight "Bag of Candies" heart candies listed below.
Dangerous LoveAssist the Steamwheedle Cartel in stopping the sinister Crown Chemical Co. plot.
Fistful of LoveUse a Handful of Rose Petals on each of the race/class combinations listed below.
I Pitied The FoolPity the Love Fool in the locations specified below.
Lonely?Enjoy a Buttermilk Delight with someone in Dalaran at a Romantic Picnic during the Love is in the Air celebration.
My Love is Like a Red, Red RoseObtain a Bouquet of Red or Ebon Roses during the Love is in the Air celebration.
Shafted!Shoot 10 players with the Silver Shafted Arrow.
Sweet ToothSample the Love is in the Air candies listed below.
The Rocket's Pink GlareShoot off 10 Lovely Fireworks in 20 seconds or less.

They Really Love Me!Have 50 Love Rays active on you simultaneously.
Reward: True Love Prism
Beacon of LoveHave 25 Love Rays active on you simultaneously.
Love MagnetHave 10 Love Rays active on you simultaneously.
It Might Just Save Your LifeUnleash the power of love contained within a holiday necklace.
Love Language ExpertDeliver all of the following gifts to Lovely Guests at the Steam Pools Resort.
Lovely Luck Is On Your SideOpen a Lovely Dress Box and receive a Lovely Black Dress.
Perma-PeddleObtain a permanent Peddlefeet pet by procuring a Truesilver Shafted Arrow.
Support Your Local ArtisansDonate a total of 50,000 gold to the Artisan's Consortium in support of the Gala of Gifts.
Tough LoveDefeat the trio of Crown Chemical Co. apothecaries in Shadowfang Keep.

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