EU Downtime, Transmute Living Elements, Blue Posts, MMO Report, Fan Arts


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Jul 16, 2009
Early news post to adress the EU realms issue.

Europe - Realms partially down
It looks like some of the european realms are down, the amount of information we have on the situation for the moment is fairly limited.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Due to technical issues the below realms are currently offline.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience while this is being resolved.

Aggramar, Arathor, Aszune, Azjol-Nerub, Bloodhoof, Doomhammer, Draenor, Dragonblight, Emerald Dream, Sunstrider, Twilight's Hammer, Zenedar, Agamaggan, Agamaggan, Bladefist, Bloodscalp, Burning Blade, Burning Legion, Crushridge, Daggerspine, Deathwing, Dragonmaw, Dunemaul, Argent Dawn

Sinstralis, Kirin Tor, Dalaran, Archimonde, Elune, Illidan, Hyjal, Kael'thas, Ner'zhul, Cho'gall, Sargeras

Transmute: Living Elements Clarification

Originally Posted by Lylirra (Source)
We've recently seen a few questions regarding the functionality of Transmute: Living Elements and whether or not its effects are truly random. There's definitely some behind-the-scenes magic to this particular transmute, so we wanted to provide a bit more explanation on how it works.

Typically, when you use Transmute: Living Elements, you will receive 14-16 random Volatile elements (Volatile Air, Volatile Earth, Volatile Water, or Volatile Fire) in exchange for 15 Volatile Life. If you use this transmute while in one of the new Cataclysm zones associated with the Elemental Planes, however, the element into which your Volatile Life will transform will be predetermined. For example, if you use Transmute: Living Elements while in Uldum, you will always receive Volatile Air for your efforts.

Here's a list of the affected zones and their corresponding Volatile elements:
Additionally, alchemists with Transmutation specialization will always receive bonus Volatile elements when completing this transmute. The bonus will be random, though, regardless of which zone you are in.

Worldbreaker Release Party

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)
Worldbreaker, the first World of Warcraft Trading Card Game set to feature Cataclysm content, releases worldwide on December 14, and stores around the worldwill host Worldbreaker Release Parties on the weekend of December 18 and 19.

Participants will play Worldbreaker Sealed Pack and take home foil Ruby Enforcers as the participation prize. If you don't know how to play the World of Warcraft TCG, you can visit these locations on the weekend of December 11 and 12 for a free demo. See you there!

Blue Posts

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

You have received the maximum amount of guild reputation allowed this week.
We're in the process of developing a hotfix to resolve the issue. (Source)

I'd recommend that in the future if you do feel like you've found a bug, or notice someone exploiting, etc. that you not attempt to start something by telling them you're reporting them. It's just going to cause you and everyone else added problems. We appreciate the report, they'll be handled appropriately, and you can move on your way knowing that we're going to take care of it. (Source)

Perks for solo players
Well (and I don't mean this to be condescending at all) the idea is that it's a multiplayer game and you create and foster relationships and eventually form friendships with people who were once strangers, or have friends that from real life that play with you, and adventure with them. Get enough of those together and you have a guild.

If you don't like playing with other people that's a choice, and one I personally understand wholly and completely. I love being able to level in complete solitude without anyone talking to me. I enjoy it immensely. It's potentially my favorite way to play the game. At the same time I realize that the perks available are just that, perks, and are justifiably (I believe) attached to something that requires participation and work amongst groups of people. That's obviously a philosophy that drives much of the game as the best items in the game and highest end content all require groups if not highly coordinated guilds to access. So, in that way, we do purposefully build the game for the first M in MMORPG, and give some better rewards for the second one. (Source)

The MMO Report - Cataclysm Special
This week's MMO Report is dedicated to Cataclysm!

Fan Arts
8 new Fan Arts have been added to the Blizzard Fan Art Section.
