Elemental Invasion - Part 3
5 New quests are now active on live realms.
5 New quests are now active on live realms.
Lvl Name Objective 5Show Me Your PapersGo to the front gates of Stormwind, read King Wrynn's Proclamation and search 5 Stormwind Citizens. Keep anything suspicious that you find. 5Arrest the InfiltratorsUse the Heavy Manacles to arrest 5 Cultist Infiltrators and bring them to Warden Thelwater at the Stockade. After you've returned with your prisoners, question one of the Detained Cultists in the Stockade. 5Back Under CoverPut on your Recruit's Robe, go to Mirror Lake Orchard and get the Book of Incantations from Overseer Sylandra. Read from the Book of Incantations near the Cultist Altar to practice the ritual. 5I Said the Words...Disrupt the cultist rituals in the Dwarven District, the Park, and the Cathedral District by reading the incorrect words from the Book of Incantations. 60A Gathering in OutlandSpeak with Gavan Grayfeather at the Throne of Elements in Nagrand.