Dungeon World Quests Now Reward 636 Ilvl Gear in Patch 11.1
A new MOTHERLODE dungeon world quest is active for the next day in both NA and EU, offering a 636 ilvl gear piece as a reward. The item starts at Champion 1/8 and can be upgraded to 658 ilvl at Champion 8/8.
The reward is specific to each class:
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A new MOTHERLODE dungeon world quest is active for the next day in both NA and EU, offering a 636 ilvl gear piece as a reward. The item starts at Champion 1/8 and can be upgraded to 658 ilvl at Champion 8/8.
The reward is specific to each class:
- Death Knight: Two-Hand Weapon
- Demon Hunter: Ring
- Druid: Boots
- Evoker: Ring
- Hunter: Belt
- Mage: Ring
- Monk: Boots
- Paladin: Off Hand Shield
- Priest: Gloves
- Rogue: Ring
- Shaman: Off Hand Shield
- Warlock: Ring
- Warrior: Off Hand Shield
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