Dungeon Sets, NPC Transcripts, Blue Posts


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Jul 16, 2009
Dungeon Sets Preview - Cloth Armor Sets
Shanai posted an interesting posts on the forums a few days ago. The first dungeon sets have been added to the beta files and Cloth sets are now available.

They are dungeon sets (5-man gear), they are NOT class raid sets. These sets drop from 5-man dungeons and possibly aren't even real "sets" with bonuses

Screenshots from Ravenheart.eu are pretty good, it looks like I'm not the only one in the world who is crazy enough to do that kind of stuff.

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Cataclysm Beta Build 12604 - NPCs Transcripts (Spoiler)
I'm not a huge fan of spoiling lore and dialogues but the requests for transcripts of sounds files have been overwhelming. From now on, I will list new sound files after each beta build and try to provide a transcript for them. (In this case I also included a couple of audio/videos, courtesy of Tural)

Obviously, do not read anything below if you do not like spoilers

Thanks to Marla for the transcripts of this patch.

  • VO_QE_Deathwing_Event01.wav - "Lifebinder. Do you presume that I am at your beckon call? I have a world to unmake."
  • VO_QE_Deathwing_Event02.wav - "Ha ha ha ha. End? Me? Lifebinder. You think life is yours to take away? Life is weak. Mortal. Fleeting. Fragile. Death is final. Death is eternal. Death is my realm. Look upon me, and you see death incarnate. The unmaker... of worlds."
  • VO_QE_Deathwing_Event03.wav - "Then witness my new gifts! Bestowed by this worlds TRUE MASTERS."
  • VO_QE_Deathwing_Event04.wav - "Just as all life ends in death, all order must end in chaos! Come! Embrace the inevitable... as I have!
  • VO_QE_Deathwing_Event05.wav - "The sun has set on this mortal world. Make peace with your end, for the hour of twilight falls!"
  • VO_QE_Deathwing_Event06.wav - "Argh. You think to entrap me?!"

  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_GIEvent01.wav - "Enough!"
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_GIEvent02.wav - "Such a waste! That arrows poison was not meant to be spent on your whelp! We will meet again."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent01.wav - "Where is that ogre-headed buffoon."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent02.wav - "Ah. Speak of the devil."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent03.wav - "Warchief. So glad you could make it."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent04.wav - "With the death of the lich king, many more of the intelligent scourge... became unemployed. Those feens as you so put it, are mine now."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent05.wav - "And they are part of the reason I asked to see you."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent06.wav - "Very well, Warchief. I have solved the blight of the forasken."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent07.wav - "As a race, we forsaken are unable to procreate."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent08.wav - "With the aid of the Valkyr, we are now able to the corpses of the fallen, and create new forsaken."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent09.wav - "Agatha! Show the Warchief."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent10.wav - "Warchief! Without these new people, my people would die out. Our hold on Gilneas and Northern Lordaeron would crumble."
  • VO_QE_SP_Sylvanas_SPEvent11.wav - "Isn't it obvious, Warchief? I serve the horde."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event01.wav - "I have not always been the Banshee Queen."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event02.wav - "And my people have always been the Forsaken."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event03.wav - "Long ago, this land comprised the Northern Kingdoms of Lordaeron, ruled by King Terenas Menethil."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event04.wav - "Terenas, had a son named Arthas."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event05.wav - "Arthas. Even saying his name makes my body quiver in rage."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event06.wav - "This manchild, "Arthas", took for himself a cursed blade, known as Frostmourne."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event07.wav - "Through Frostmourne, Arthas killed his own father, and raised this land along with every creature in it."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event08.wav - "My own death, came at the hands of Arthas. When he and his army my homeland Quel'Thalas and murdered my people."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event09.wav - "In his vast cruelty, Arthas severed my spirit from my body, and raised me as a banshee to serve in his scourge army."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event10.wav - "A similar fate befell all that would die to the scourge warmachine."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event11.wav - "In death, they were reborn as mindless undead."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event12.wav - "But Arthas was not invincible. With each passing day, his power wained, his grip over the will of the damned loosening."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event13.wav - "It was when Arthas was at his weakest, that I struck."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event14.wav - "And though the hour of his atonement had come, the worm managed to escape his fate, returning to the frozen wastes of Northrend."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event15.wav - "With Arthas gone, so to was the control he held over the undead masses of Lordaeron after recovering my body, I freed the remaining scourge that were left behind."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event16.wav - "From the cruelty and mercilessness of Arthas the man who would be Lich King, the forsaken were born."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event17.wav - "Our goal, our sole purpose was to destroy the Lich King. We through our lot in with the Horde, and began our journey to redemption."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event18.wav - "Now, the Lich King is dead. And we have returned."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event19.wav - "The people that called the land their home in life, do so in death as well."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event20.wav - "But the Alliance does not recognise our rights, they claim this land is their own while attempting to invalidate the claims of the founders of this kingdom."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event21.wav - "I will never allow it. NEVER."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Event22.wav - "Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. Always and forever."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Hunt01.wav - "You can assure Garrosh, that this is a minor setback. Our victory in Gilneas will be absolute."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Hunt02.wav - "You do well to watch your tone, general. Neither you nor Garrosh have anything to worry about. We've ceased all production of the plague, as he ordered. We'd never deploy it without his permission."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Hunt03.wav - "Go with honor, General."
  • VO_QE_Sylvanas_Hunt04.wav - "What kind of question is that? Ofcourse we are deploying the plague, as planned. Let the Gilneans enjoy their small victory. Not even their bones will remain by tomorrow."
Sylvanas Dialogues

  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent01.wav - "This better be important, Sylvanas. You know how I detest this place and it's foul stench. Why have you called for me?"
  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent02.wav - "And more importantly, what are those scourge beigns doing here?"
  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent03.wav - "Get on with it, Sylvanas!"
  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent04.wav - "What you have done here, Sylvanas. It goes against the laws of nature. Disgusting is the only word to describe it."
  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent05.wav - "Have you given any thought to what this means, Sylvanas?"
  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent06.wav - "What difference is there, between you and the Lich King now?"
  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent07.wav - "Watch your clever mouth, bitch."
  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent08.wav - "Gro'mash, you stay behind and make sure the Banshee Queen is well guarded. I will be expecting a full report when next we meet."
  • VO_QE_Garrosh_SPEvent09.wav - "Remember Sylvanas, eventually we all have to stand before our maker, and face judgement. Your day may come sooner than others."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Aggro01.wav - "I will show no mercy!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Aggro02.wav - " Lok'norosh!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_ElEvent01.wav - "Don't talk back to me Troll, you know who was left in charge here. Haven't you stumped to ask yourself why Thrall chose me instead of you?"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_ElEvent02.wav - "You are lucky that I don't gut you right here, whelp. You are foolish to think you can speak to your warchief in such ways!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_ElEvent03.wav - "And what exactly do you think you're going to do about it? Your threats are hollow. Go slink away with the rest of your kind to the slums. I will endure your filth in my throne room NO LONGER."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_ElEvent04.wav - "You have sealed your fate, troll."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Event01.wav - "Hahaha! Yes I live! No Twilight dragon can keep this orc down!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Event02.wav - "Ah. There she is. The battle maiden of the Dragonmaw. Let me see your face."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Event03.wav - "Blood and honor, hero. The horde welcomes you. Your people will be put to the test, as we obliterate twilight's hammer, and lay claim to this distant shore. But first, some unfinished business.."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Greeting01.wav - "Hellscreams eyes are upon you."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Greeting02.wav - "Leave by these words! Lok'tar ogar! Victory or death."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Greeting03.wav - "Only the strongest may dwell in Orgrimmar."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_Greeting04.wav - "You will serve the horde, or be crushed beneath it."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent01.wav - "What have you done, Grom'gar?"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent02.wav - "My command?!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent03.wav - "Was my command to murder innocent Grom'gar?"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent04.wav - "Am I a murderer, Grom'gar?"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent05.wav - "Then I ask you again, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent06.wav - "I sent you into Stonetalon Mountains with an army, your orders were to secure this land for the Horde."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent07.wav - "Instead, you layed waste to the land. Murdered innocents. Children even."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent08.wav - "I spent a very long time on Northrend, Grom'gar. I learnt much about the Horde in that time."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent09.wav - "While there, a wise old war hero told me something, that I would carry with me forever."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent10.wav - "Honor, Grom'gar. No matter how dire the battle, never forsake it."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent11.wav - "Overlord Grom'gar, you have disgraced the Horde!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent12.wav - "You have brought shame to us as a people."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent13.wav - "By my right as Warchief, I hereby RELIEVE YOU OF DUTY."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent14.wav - "You. Are. Dismissed!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent15.wav - "And you..."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent16.wav - "Mercy. Your wife and child were murdered. Your kin wiped out. Your home burnt to the ground."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent17.wav - "Mercy. Chieftain. On this day, I learn from you."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent18.wav - "Grom'gar's army is no more. Your rank no longer has meaning. If you wish to truly help the horde, your considerable power could be used in Desolace, or in the Southern Barrens."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent19.wav - "The choice is yours to make."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_STEvent20.wav - "Let honor guide you. Do not forget that Hellscream's eyes are always upon you."
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_TILEvent01.wav - "Fellow warriors of the Horde, hear me now!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_TILEvent02.wav - "Ahead hides our foe. Worshippers of chaos, who seek to remake our world. A new world is coming, friends. But it is not the world of their design. Together, we will crush the Twilight's Hammer. Raise their stronghold. Raise the earth, and burn the bodies. All will tremble by our might. Then we will stand (upon?) this world as its masters. United at our conviction. Unrivaled in strength. Behold into no one! (?) Today we will make the world, our world! FOR THE HORDE!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_TILEvent03.wav - "The Alliance steams in close formation without escort. Air guard, attack! Strike them now while they can not manouvre! Hahahahahah!"
  • VO_QE_TI_Garrosh_TILEvent04.wav - "Get. Off. My. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP."
Garrosh Dismissing Krom'gar

Garrosh and Sylvannas

Garrosh + Vol'jin Talk

Arion (Bastion of Twilight)
  • VO_BT_Arion_Event01.wav - "Enough of this foolishness!"
  • VO_BT_Arion_Event02.wav - "Merely a whisper in the wind."
  • VO_BT_Arion_Event03.wav - "Wind. HEAR MY CALL!"
  • VO_BT_Arion_Event04.wav - "An impressive display."
  • VO_BT_Arion_Event05.wav - "Behold. Your. DOOOOM!"
Halfus (Bastion of Twilight)
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event01.wav - "Cho'gall, we'll have your heads! All of them!"
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event02.wav - "The worms bleed well tonight!"
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event03.wav - "The burden of the damned falls upon you!"
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event04.wav - "AAAAAAAAARGGGHGHHHHH"
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event05.wav - "AUUAUWUWWHWHWUW"
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event06.wav - "Beast! Strike at our enemiiiieees."
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event07.wav - "Dragons to my side!"
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event08.wav - "Drakes! Your master calls for you!"
  • VO_BT_Halfus_Event09.wav - "Whelps! Wash over our enemies as a swarm of death!"
Ignacious (Bastion of Twilight)
  • VO_BT_Ignacious_Event01.wav - - "You will die. For your insolence!"
  • VO_BT_Ignacious_Event02.wav - - "Ugh! More fuel for the fire!"
  • VO_BT_Ignacious_Event03.wav - - "BUUUUUURN!"
  • VO_BT_Ignacious_Event04.wav - - "The fury of the elements!"
  • VO_BT_Ignacious_Event05.wav - - "Behold your doom!"
Monstrosity (Bastion of Twilight)
  • VO_BT_Monstrosity_Event01.wav - "Behold your doom!"
  • VO_BT_Monstrosity_Event02.wav - "Annihilate!"
  • VO_BT_Monstrosity_Event03.wav - "Eradicate!"
  • VO_BT_Monstrosity_Event04.wav - "Impossible!"
  • VO_BT_Monstrosity_Event05.wav - "Feel the power!"
Siamat (Lost City of the Tol'vir)
  • VO_TV_Siamat_Intro01.wav - "I AM UNLEASHED!"
  • VO_TV_Siamat_Event01.wav - "Cower before the Tempest Storm!"
  • VO_TV_Siamat_Event02.wav - "Suffer the storm!"
  • VO_TV_Siamat_Event03.wav - "Your city will be buried. Your lives forfeit to the elements."
Theralion (Bastion of Twilight)
  • VO_BT_Theralion_Event01.wav - "The master was clearly speaking to you, Valiona. I am far to busy to attack anyone."
  • VO_BT_Theralion_Event02.wav - "How dare you call me worthless? You will see why I am mother's favorite child."
  • VO_BT_Theralion_Event03.wav - "Bare your soul to me, mortal!"
  • VO_BT_Theralion_Event04.wav - "I knew I should've stayed out of this!"
  • VO_BT_Theralion_Event05.wav - "You're not the boss of me, Valiona. I will engulf as I please."
  • VO_BT_Theralion_Event06.wav - "There is no escape from the fury of the Twilight Flight!"
  • VO_BT_Theralion_Event07.wav - "Writhe in agony! *cries*"
Sinestra (Bastion of Twilight)
  • VO_BT_Sinestra_Aggro01.wav - "We are fools to entrust an imbecile like Cho'gall with such a sacred duty. I will deal with you intruders myself!"
  • VO_BT_Sinestra_Phase01.wav - "I tire of this! Do you see this clutch amidst which you stand? I have nurtured the spark within them, but that lifeforce is and always will be mine! Behold, power beyond your apprehension!"
  • VO_BT_Sinestra_Phase02.wav - "This will be your tomb as well as theirs!"
  • VO_BT_Sinestra_Phase03.wav - "Enough! Drawing upon this source will set us back for months. You should feel honored to be worthy of this expenditure. Now die!"
  • VO_BT_Sinestra_Losing01.wav - "You mistake this for weakness? FOOL!"
  • VO_BT_Sinestra_Winning01.wav - "My brood will feast upon your essence!"
  • VO_BT_Sinestra_Death01.wav - "Deathwing. I have fallen. The brood is lost."

Blue Posts

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Class Development Status
I'd say that at this point in time, the trees that are farthest along are mage, rogue, shaman and warrior. Paladin would be close except that things have changed so much that we still have to move talents around quite a bit. (Source)

DPS Classes Overhaul
Sure, and Fury is the kind of tree that needs a lot of adjustment because so many of the talents are "you do more damage" of various kinds (and there are still some we haven't been able to prune quite yet). But I've also seen a lot of posts where say a Shadow priest or Feral druid imagines they are getting a paladin-level overhaul with half of their spells new. Neither the Shadow or Feral trees are done yet, but the bones are there. You'll see talent slide around or maybe one or two new ones added, but they aren't getting new resources (unless you call the orbs a resource), and we aren't removing say Lacerate or Mind Flay. (Source)

Raid Buff Costs
The thing is, Rampage is a sizeable dps increase for 1 talent point. If all you ever do is raid and you know you'll always have another version, then I guess you're safer skipping it. If you ever solo or run 5-player dungeons, it's a nice benefit to have. If you have the luxury of spending your dual-spec on your solo Fury build, then again, Rampage might be a luxury. This is one of the reasons though that we are hesitant to offer more specs. At one talent point, Rampage should be a no brainer. If it cost 2 or 3 points for a buff someone else might bring, then I could see skipping it in a raid.

Likewise, if like the Frost mage, every Survival hunter, Ret paladin etc. decides that someone else will bring Replenishment, then nobody will have it. :(

Talent builds are supposed to be about evaluating the pros and cons of every talent. If you can quickly tailor your talent build to the other folks you are playing with, then you are just avoiding the cons. Situational talents can be skipped until you're in the situation that needs them. Dual spec was conceived so that players could tank or dps or raid and PvP, not so that you could skip over situational talents and yet still be able to use them as needed. For all the good that dual-spec has done, it has done some harm too. (Source)

Think of Vengeance like the way Tricks of the Trade works on live. It isn't the silver bullet that is supposed to solve all your threat problems. It's there to make sure that other classes don't outscale you as you keep piling on Stamina and they keep piling on damage.

Your normal threat rotation should be sufficient to keep aggro in most situations. Vengeance falling off periodically shouldn't be a big deal. Offtanks without Vengeance shouldn't be a big deal. We want you so still care, insofar as tanks ever care, about the damage you're doing. Vengeance is a cushion, not the solution to threat management. (Source)

Tanks and DPS Talents
It is particularly a challenge with tanks once they are ready to sub-spec into other trees. A Prot warrior for instance looks at the Arms and Fury tree and sees all these dps talents, and assumes he has to get all of those to hold threat. Yet, we can't very well make the top two tiers of Arms and Fury with no dps talents. Hopefully the way it will work out is that tanks will need "some" dps and can decide whether to get those talents in Arms, Fury and Prot, but won't feel the need to get them all.

There are some tanks who get some things "for free" while others need to talent into it. As long as the end result is similar it should feel okay. Part of what we are dealing with is all these brand new talents or old favorites that have changed a lot. You don't have the years fo experience and theorycrafting to fall back on so you don't know (yet) if say Thunderstruck is mandatory (it shouldn't be).

There will be some amount of dps talents in all trees. Some players will call any dps talent that doesn't require them to click something "passive and boring" but we also think there is a limit to the number of procs, stacking buffs, and using base spells in unusual ways that a player can manage. We'll have some of those talents for sure, but not 20 of them per tree. (Source)

Death Knight (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Death Knight Rotations
One thing I'll throw out there is we're definitely trying to keep the feel of Unholy with a more predictable rotation and Frost with more of a priority system, since what ability to use next can't always be guessed in advance. DKs seem to like those play styles for the two trees respectively. (Source)

Hunter (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Hunter Redesign?
No, hunters are not undergoing any kind of massive redesign. We have spent our efforts lately on trying to make sure focus works as intended in both aspects and at low and high level. We're not there yet. We'll work on the talent trees a little more when we feel like focus is where we want it to be, since that will affect the talent design. (Source)

Paladin (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Holy Power as Protection
It's entirely possible there isn't enough Holy Power to go around for Prot yet. We want you to be able to consider things like Inquisition and Word of Glory. Remember too that it's only 15% block. If it falls down from time to time, you're unlikely to drop dead. (Source)

Warrior (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Raging Blow / Fury in the Blood
Raging Blow -- We want this to be an ability that can't be used 100% of the time. We don't want Fury to have very static (and boring) rotations. We're going to try to keep Fury enraged a lot without it being 100% up time (somehwere in the 75% range sounds better). As such, we're not crazy about a design that lets you hit Raging Blow whenever you want. It just waters down the ability. (In fact, we feel the same way about Execute and are considering redesigning Sudden Death for Arms). We think we can make Fury's use of enrage predictable enough without being totally under player control that your dps won't fluctuate wildly from fight to fight.

Fury in the Blood -- I think a little bit of the "we won't be able to use our utility abilities correctly" is a little overblown. For starters, you don't need to use Bloodrage and Berseker Rage all that much. Fury has a lot of other ways to generate rage, and fears just aren't super common in PvE and you have other ways to break them in PvP. In those situations where they do come up, we think it's an interesting choice. Is the boss going to fear? Maybe you want to save your Berserker Rage for a few seconds and use it then. There are going to be very, very few fights where it's a true dps loss to delay or save your Berserker Rage for the right time. Frankly, we'd rather have encounters feel more different like this, where abilities are more valuable or have to be used differently sometimes. I compare it to Arcane's mana gem talent. Sometimes you want to use the gems for mana and sometimes spellpower and sometimes both. That makes the decision on when to use the gem deeper than just "on cooldown." (Source)

Now all of that is really just an endorsement of Raging Blow, not Fury in the Blood. In fact, with Raging Blow being the primary reason to stay enraged, we're just not sure we also need the bonus damage from the Fury in the Blood abilities. With say Enrage and Death Wish providing the enrage sometimes, you should have to fall back on Bloodrage and Berserker Rage less often, which should let you save them for emergencies more often (but not always, as I said above).

In short, we like Raging Blow, but not Fury in the Blood and will likely redesign the latter. (Source)

Intended use of Bloodrage
If you have to pop Bloodrage on cooldown for rage, then we've failed. It's there for emergencies, not as the primary way you gain rage. Hitting things is the primary way you gain rage.

Just because rage won't always be unlimited doesn't mean that it will go to always being limited either. If that was the case then we wouldn't need abilities like Heroic Strike or Inner Rage. (Source)

Dark Legacy Comic #248 and Teh Gladiators #152 + #153 are out!
