Cataclysm Rare and Rare Elite, The MMO Report, Comics


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Jul 16, 2009
Cataclysm Rare and Rare Elite Monsters (with the help of Simca)
In Cataclysm, there are the standard rare spawns like there have always been. They drop blues and some additional gold and there are quite a few in every zone. However, there are also a few special rares that deserve a mention.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Source)
We agree with you, which is why these aren't outdoor raid bosses. A good STRONG 5 player group should be able to handle these bosses, but you certainly have the option to make a raid and give it a shot as well. Good luck.

1. 5-man World Bosses
There are five of these new world bosses, one in each zone. Each one has 3-5 abilities (Julak-Doom has a mind control, Xariona does void zones, etc), but they're mostly straightforward fights. Each drops several hundred gold and one specific item.

Note: The Whale Shark and Vaskar don't count because they drop no loot and aren't rare.

NPC IDNameZoneItem50056GarrMount HyjalGarr's Girdle of Memories50009MobusAbyssal Depths, Vashj'irMobus's Vile Halberd50061XarionaDeepholmXariona's Spectral Claws50063AkmahatUldumBelt of a Thousand Mouths50089Julak-DoomTwilight HighlandsBeak of Julak-Doom

2. Special Rares
There are two other rare spawns that function in very unique ways, and both reward very interesting mounts.

2.1 Aeonaxx - Deepholm (Flying Mount)
The first of the two is Aeonaxx, who flies around Deepholm. The unique part is that you don't attack Aeonaxx to engage him. He starts out friendly, and then you right-click him to mount him like a vehicle. From here on, the fight takes place entirely on his back and he will erratically fly around Deepholm presumably trying to shake you off. The only source of damage to you in this fight is little whelp adds that Aeonaxx will call to his aid. When killed, he drops Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake.

2.2 Dormus the Camel-Hoarder
The second rare is even more strange. There are rare spawn Mysterious Camel Figurines around Uldum. When clicked on, sometimes these figurines will just disappear and leave you with vendor trash. Other times, it will teleport you to an area between Feralas and Silithus called the "The Steam Pools", which has its separate zone channel and everything. An elite will spawn called Dormus the Camel-Hoarder. The actual fight against Dormus is very easy as he doesn't hit very hard at all. When he is dead, he will drop Reins of the Grey Riding Camel, the only two-person camel mount!

The problem is, Mysterious Camel Figurines are extremely rare, already extremely camped, and not that easy to spot... I think you'll just never get this mount... Bah, ok, I'll help.

3. NPCScan to the Rescue!
NPCScan is an addon that will make your life considerably easier, it tracks rare monsters by proximity alone and completely removes the need of a /Target macro to check if a rare monster is in range. The thing is, Mysterious Camel Figurines are handled as creature by the game and using NPCScan to find them will work just fine!

The current version of NPCScan isn't updated for Cataclysm because the add-on builds its list of rare-elites by scanning the achievement, sadly there isn't any achievement to hunt rare monsters in Cataclysm. To scan for Cataclysm rare monsters, type /npcscan in-game and add their creatureID (left column in the table below) and their name to the list of custom NPCs to track.

NPC IDNameZoneNote50409Mysterious Camel FigurineUldumSee 2.2 Dormus the Camel-Hoarder50410Mysterious Camel FigurineUldumSee 2.2 Dormus the Camel-Hoarder50411Mysterious Camel FigurineUldumSee 2.2 Dormus the Camel-Hoarder

That's how you want it to look (I deleted the pre-built WotLK custom NPCs, you don't have to do that)​

You can obviously use it to scan all the rares included in the expansion, even if there isn't any rare-related achievement for Cataclysm it's always a nice boost of experience when find one while you're leveling alts. It's also very helpful for all the super awesome pets all the hunters are looking for. I listed most of them but a few are probably missing.

NPC IDNameZoneNote51079Captain FoulwindVashj'ir - Shimmering Expanse51071Captain FlorenceVashj'ir - Shimmering Expanse50005PoseidusVashj'ir - Shimmering Expanse50052Burgy BlackheartVashj'ir - Shimmering Expanse49913Lady LaLaVashj'ir - Kelp'thar Forest50050Shok'sharakVashj'ir - Abyssal Depths50051GhostcrawlerVashj'ir - Abyssal DepthsTameable (See the article)50053Thartuk the ExileMount Hyjal50057BlazewingMount Hyjal50058TerrorpeneMount HyjalTameable50060TerborusDeepholm50059GolgarokDeepholm49822JadefangDeepholmTameable + Tiny Shale Spider51403Madexx (Black)UldumTameable51404Madexx (Blue)UldumTameable51401Madexx (Red)UldumTameable51402Madexx (Green)UldumTameable50154Madexx (Yellow)UldumTameable50064Cyrus the BlackUldum50409Mysterious Camel FigurineUldumSee 2.2 Dormus the Camel-Hoarder50410Mysterious Camel FigurineUldumSee 2.2 Dormus the Camel-Hoarder50411Mysterious Camel FigurineUldumSee 2.2 Dormus the Camel-Hoarder50065ArmagedilloUldum50085Overlord SunderfuryTwilight Highlands50086Tarvus the VileTwilight Highlands50159SambasTwilight HighlandsTameable50138KaromaTwilight HighlandsTameable

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