Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements


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Jul 16, 2009
Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements
<div class="blizzquotewrap"><div class="blizzquoteinner">Quote from: Nethaera (Source)
<div class="blizzquote">We're continuing to refine the raid progression paths in Cataclysm, and we'd like to share some of those changes with you today. Please enjoy!

The first of the refinements being made is that we're combining all raid sizes and difficulties into a single lockout. Unlike today, 10- and 25-player modes of a single raid will share the same lockout. You can defeat each raid boss once per week per character. In other words, if you wanted to do both a 10- and 25-person raid in a single week, you

IMO, its very difficult to maintain almost similar boss difficulty for 10 vs 25 raid.

The difficulty can exponentially be harder or easier due to space constraint, raid setup, quantity and many other factors. Again i think they just wanna make their job easy by reducing the complexity of loot and game play. If 10 and 25 raid is exactly the same, a raid with 10 people is so much easier to manage and execute strat. This will kill alot of 25 man raid guild.

I hope they impose a deciding factor that will make people to choose 25 man raid. (More experience for guild talent, etc)
Its not to make their job easier, its to make more money. Thats become more and more obvious to me every month pretty much and was finalized by the incredible purchasable mount.
I used to love and respect blizzard, and in a small way i still do, i mean theyve brought me so much fun over very many years. Now i understand why people threw a fit when activision came into the game. Its the only thing that makes sense to me in why blizzard would sell out in such a manner. But it doesnt have to be just that, times do change, things change, people change.