Cataclysm is going live THIS WEEK!
Cataclysm is going live this week! Players will finally be able to explore the new regions, dungeons, raids, fly in Azeroth, learn Archaeology, and do lot of awesome stuff! Thanks to Simca, Marlamin, Elyaan and Vjeux who pretty much saved my ass and helped me finish this news post on time.
New Raids
3 New raids have been added to the game: the Bastion of Twilight in the Twilight Highlands, Blackwing Descent in Blackrock Mountains, and the Throne of Four Winds in Uldum.
New Races
Two new races are available! The Worgens for the Alliance, and the Goblins for horde!
New Dungeons
7 New dungeons have been added to the game: Blackrock Caverns, Grim Batol, Halls of Origination, The Stonecore, Throne of the Tides, Vortex Pinnacle, Lost City of the Tol'vir. Also, two old dungeons have been fully revamped and are now available in a new lvl 85 heroic version: The Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep.
New Zones
5 new high level zones have been added to the game: Twilight Highlands, Uldum, Deepholm, Mount Hyjal, Vashj'ir. The Goblins and Worgens starting areas also have their own zones: Gilneas, Kezan, Lost Isles
Guild Leveling and Rewards
The new Guild Rewards and Guild Leveling / Perks are also added to the game with the expansion!
Tons of super-awesome items are being added to the game, see the most significant additions below!
All professions have been updated with new items and bonuses. Archaeology is now available!
Player vs. Player
3 new PvP zones are added to the game: Tol Barad (Outdoor PvP, Wintergrasp-like), Twin Peaks (Battleground), Battle for Gilneas (Battleground)