03:30PM PST - Added Tier 11 Set Bonuses!
03:00PM PST - Added Paladins and Warriors changes, new titles, and Maelstrom map.
Cataclysm Beta - Build 12942 (Codename Fluffy)
A new build has been ... well, discovered, and just like the previous one I have no idea if it will be ever pushed on beta realms. That's not a reason to not work on the changes and give it a stupid codename, stay tuned for more updates!
Tier 11 Set Bonuses
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Death Knight (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Druid (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Hunter (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Mage (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Paladin (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Priest (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Rogue (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Warlock (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Warrior (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
New Titles
A couple of new titles have been added to the game with this build.
World Map
The Maelstrom got a shiny new world map.
Spell Diffs
These changes are from the comparison of game files, they are not official changes and nothing is final until it's confirmed by Blizzard AND on live servers. It could be a simple test change, or me being stupid and not doing things properly.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Death Knight (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Druid (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Hunter (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Mage (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Paladin (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Vindication additional effect - In addition, your Hammer of Justice will interrupt creatures that are immune to stuns.
Priest (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Rogue (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Warlock (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Warrior (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
03:30PM PST - Added Tier 11 Set Bonuses!
03:00PM PST - Added Paladins and Warriors changes, new titles, and Maelstrom map.
Cataclysm Beta - Build 12942 (Codename Fluffy)
A new build has been ... well, discovered, and just like the previous one I have no idea if it will be ever pushed on beta realms. That's not a reason to not work on the changes and give it a stupid codename, stay tuned for more updates!
Tier 11 Set Bonuses
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
- Item - Death Knight T11 Blood 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Death Strike ability by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Death Knight T11 Blood 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Icebound Fortitude ability by 50%. / Instant
- Item - Death Knight T11 DPS 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Death Coil and Frost Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Death Knight T11 DPS 4P Bonus - Each time you gain a Death Rune, you also gain 1% increased attack power for 30 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. / Instant
- Item - Druid T11 Restoration 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of the periodic portion of your Lifebloom spell by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Druid T11 Restoration 4P Bonus - Whenever you have Lifebloom stacked to its maximum of 3 applications on its target, you gain 540 Spirit. / Instant
- Item - Druid T11 Balance 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Insect Swarm and Moonfire spells by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Druid T11 Balance 4P Bonus - Whenever Eclipse triggers, your critical strike chance with spells is increased by 99% for 8 sec. Each critical strike you achieve reduces that bonus by 33%. / Instant
- Item - Druid T11 Feral 2P Bonus - Increases the periodic damage done by your Rake and Lacerate abilities by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Druid T11 Feral 4P Bonus - Each time you use Mangle (Cat) you gain a 1% increase to attack power for 30 sec stacking up to 3 times, and the duration of your Survival Instinct ability is increased by 50%. / Instant
- Item - Hunter T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Serpent Sting ability by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Hunter T11 4P Bonus - Your Focus Fire ability grants 1% additional haste per application of Frenzy, your Chimera Shot ability has a 10% chance to immediately refund half its focus cost, and your Black Arrow also deals instant damage to your target. / Instant
- Item - Mage T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of Arcane Missiles, Ice Lance, and Pyroblast by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Mage T11 4P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostfire Bolt, and Frostbolt by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Paladin T11 Retribution 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Templar's Verdict ability by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Paladin T11 Retribution 4P Bonus - Your Inquisition ability's duration is calculated as if you had one additional Holy Power. / Instant
- Item - Paladin T11 Protection 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Crusader Strike ability by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Paladin T11 Protection 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Guardian of Ancient Kings ability by 50%. / Instant
- Item - Paladin T11 Holy 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Holy Light spell by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Paladin T11 Holy 4P Bonus - Whenever your Holy Radiance spell is active, you gain 1620 Spirit. / Instant
- Item - Priest T11 Healer 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Heal spell by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Priest T11 Healer 4P Bonus - Each time your Penance spell heals a target with Weakened Soul you gain 540 Spirit for 10 sec, and being in a Chakra state grants you 540 Spirit for the duration of the Chakra. / Instant
- Item - Priest T11 Shadow 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Mind Flay and Mind Sear spells by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Priest T11 Shadow 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Shadowy Apparitions by 30%. / Instant
- Item - Rogue T11 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab Mutilate, and Sinister Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Rogue T11 4P Bonus - Each of your melee autoattacks has a 1% chance to activate Deadly Scheme for 15 sec, increasing the critical strike chance on your next Eviscerate or Envenom by 100%. / Instant
- Item - Shaman T11 Restoration 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Healing Wave spell by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Shaman T11 Restoration 4P Bonus - Grants 540 Spirit for 6 sec after you cast Riptide / Instant
- Item - Shaman T11 Enhancement 2P Bonus - Increases damage done by your Lava Lash and Stormstrike abilities by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Shaman T11 Enhancment 4P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt spell by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Shaman T11 Elemental 2P Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of your Flame Shock spell by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Shaman T11 Elemental 4P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt spell by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Warlock T11 2P Bonus - Reduces the cast time of your Chaos Bolt, Hand of Gul'dan, and Haunt spells by 10%. / Instant
- Item - Warlock T11 4P Bonus - Periodic damage from your Immolate and Unstable Affliction spells has a 2% chance to cause your next Fel Flame spell to have a 100% increased critical strike chance. / Instant
- Item - Warrior T11 DPS 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Bloodthirst and Mortal Strike abilities by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Warrior T11 DPS 4P Bonus - Each time you use Overpower or Raging Blow you gain a 1% increase to attack power for 30 sec stacking up to 3 times. / Instant
- Item - Warrior T11 Protection 2P Bonus - Increases the damage done by your Shield Slam ability by 5%. / Instant
- Item - Warrior T11 Protection 4P Bonus - Increases the duration of your Shield Wall ability by 50%. / Instant
New Titles
A couple of new titles have been added to the game with this build.
- Assistant Professor (#189)
- Associate Professor (#190)
- Professor (#191)
- Ishmael (#192)
- , Veteran of the Alliance (#193)
- , Veteran of the Horde (#194)
- , Hero of the Alliance (#223)
- , Hero of the Horde (#224)
- Also, all the old PvP titles have been brought back to the game.
World Map
The Maelstrom got a shiny new world map.
Spell Diffs
These changes are from the comparison of game files, they are not official changes and nothing is final until it's confirmed by Blizzard AND on live servers. It could be a simple test change, or me being stupid and not doing things properly.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
- Seal of Insight now restores 4% of the paladin's base mana instead of his/her maximum mana.
- Exorcism now costs 30% of base mana, up from 20%. Deals [((96+110)/2)+(0.15*if (SP>AP) then SP else AP)] Holy damage.
- Holy Shock base healing has been reduced by 30%.
- Beacon of Light now has a 60 yards radius, up from 40 yards. Now affects all heals instead of just Holy Light and Holy Shock.
- Tower of Radiance no longer affects Holy Shock.
- Denounce now reduces the mana cost of Exorcism by 38/75%, up from 25/50%.
Vindication additional effect - In addition, your Hammer of Justice will interrupt creatures that are immune to stuns.
- Zealotry now lasts 20 sec, up from 15 sec.
- Acts of Sacrifice now also affects Hand of Sacrifice.
- Selfless Healer now also boosts your damage - When you heal others with your Word of Glory, it increases the effectiveness of the heal by 50/100% and increases your damage done by 2/4% per charge of Holy Power for 10 sec.
- Sanctified Wrath is now a Tier 4 talent, down from Tier 5. Now increases the critical chance of Hammer of Wrath by 20/40%, down from 25/50% and reduces the cooldown of Avenging Wrath by 20/40 secs, down from 30/60 secs.
- Seals of Command now affects Seal of Righteousness, Seal of Truth and Seal of Justice.
- Divine Purpose is now a Tier 5 talent, up from Tier 4.
- The Art of War now causes your next Exorcism to be instant, free, and cause 30% additional damage at all ranks.
- Eternal Glory now has a 15/30% chance to proc, down from 20/40%.
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
Update in progress, check back in a few minutes.
- Heroic Strike is now trained at level 14. Up from level 12.
- Sweeping Strikes now lasts 10 sec with a 1 min cooldown.
- Improved Hamstring now immobilizes the target when you reapply Hamstring. Still cannot occur more than once every 30/60 sec.
- Heroic Leap now has a 8-40 yards range, up from 8-25 yards.
- Commanding Shout now gives 20 rage, up from 10 rage.
- Battle Shout now gives 20 rage, up from 10 rage.
- Execute is now trained at level 16. Up from level 14.
- Single-Minded Fury now also let your Heroic Strike hit with both weapons.
- Bloodsurge no longer procs from Raging Blow. Proc chance increased from 7/14/20% to 10/20/30%. Duration increased from 5 sec to 10 sec.
- Meat Cleaver no longer increases the damage of Cleave and Whirlwind by 10/20% at all time. Proc chance increased from 30/60% to 50/100%.
- Booming Voice is now a Tier 2 talent, down from Tier 5. Reduces the cooldown by 15/30 sec and increases the rage generated by 5/10 of your Battle Shout and Commanding Shout.
- Improved Execute has been renamed to Executioner and revamped - Your Execute hits have a 50/100% chance to improve your melee attack speed by 5% for 9 sec. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
- Intensify Rage is now a Tier 5 talent, up from Tier 2. No longer reduces the cooldown of Bloodrage.
- Taunt is now trained at level 12. Up from level 10.