"Be nice, not naughty!" winners, Cataclysm Mounts and Pets, Atramedes First Kill


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Jul 16, 2009
Guide Contest - 2 Days Left
You have 2 days left to finalize your guides and make them pretty before the contest ends! I would also like to add that if you had a super awesome guide on our forums and have decent ideas on how to improve it (= put some real work in it and don't just copy paste your post) you are free to submit it. It seemed a little unfair to "ban" from the contest people who already contributed to the community in the first place.

At this point we have over 300 submissions and anyone can win as long as you write something nice! Also, I think we have enough "fun"/5 lines guides ... You can go back to the useful/helpful stuff now :p

If you didn't hear about the contest before, check this post: MMO-Champion Guide Contest - Win a Mottled Drake and a Riding Turtle!

MMO-Champion "Be nice, not naughty!" - Winners
The "Be nice, not naughty!" Giveaway has been a success and almost 2000 people submitted their screenshot after being nice in-game!

I will contact winners and send them a private message on forum before sending the prizes, mostly to make sure that people didn't just register and forget about it (and also to ask for the region of the mount/pet codes, etc ...). If you want to spy on how it went, I covered my back and recorded it but I doubt it's very interesting.

Thanks again to WoWTCGLoot.com for providing some of the prizes for this contest.

PrizeNumberUserPost Link <a target="blank" href="http://www.wowtcgloot.com/x51_netherrocket_xtreme.htm" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item4">X-51 Nether Rocket463bigmackiePost #463 <a target="blank" href="http://store.steampowered.com/" style="font-weight:bold;">Steam Holiday Pack1489AcrimonyPost #1489 <a target="blank" href="http://www.wowtcgloot.com/ethereal_portal.htm" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item3">Ethereal Portal1570AchronymusPost #1570 <a target="blank" href="http://www.wowtcgloot.com/goblin_weather_machine.htm" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item3">Goblin Weather Machine74NytsuaPost #74 <a target="blank" href="http://eu.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=221004437" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item3">Lil' Ragnaros1832FeezusPost #1832 <a target="blank" href="http://eu.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=221004438" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item3">Moonkin Hatchling870ThrenodyPost #870 <a target="blank" href="http://eu.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=221003558" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item3">Pandaren Monk825LiggenorPost #825 <a target="blank" href="http://eu.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=221003557" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item3">Lil' K.T.989nFacPost #989 <a target="blank" href="http://eu.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=221003878" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item3">Lil' XT1648JaedPost #1648 <a target="blank" href="http://eu.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=221003877" style="font-weight:bold;" class="item3">Celestial Steed585gaymer77Post #585 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium1089ThedoorsPost #1089 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium497WanhapartaPost #497 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium303verxzPost #303 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium600WarlemPost #600 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium579athanasiosPost #579 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium1202tehfussaPost #1202 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium1834SMCaboosePost #1834 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium1270MayplePost #1270 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium10CybbelajlajPost #10 <a target="blank" href="http://www.curse.com/premium/" style="font-weight:bold;">Curse Premium378ThunderCroPost #378

Atramedes Heroic 25 World First Kill by Method
Bosses are getting harder and world first kills happen slower, especially during the holidays! Method was the first guild in the world to defeat Atramedes in heroic mode! It also makes them the first guild with 6 heroic boss kills, congratulations to them!

Cataclysm Mounts & Pets List
Someone pointed out in the mail that I never listed the mounts and companion pets available in Cataclysm. I did list most of them in news prior to the release of the expansion but I guess I forgot to post/update it at the release of the expansion, it's time for a short recap!

Cataclysm Mounts

NameTypeSource Volcanic Stone DrakeFlyingAchievement - Glory of the Cataclysm Hero Drake of the East WindFlyingAchievement - Glory of the Cataclysm Raider Kor'kron AnnihilatorGroundAchievement (Horde) - Guild Level 25 (Costs 1500 Gold) Golden KingGroundAchievement (Alliance) - Guild Level 25 (Costs 1500 Gold) Dark PhoenixFlyingGuild Achievement - Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider (Costs 3,000 Gold) Drake of the South WindFlyingRare Drop - Al'akir in the Throne of the Four Winds Drake of the North WindFlyingRare Drop - Altairus in the Vortex Pinnacle (Normal and Heroic) Vitreous Stone DrakeFlyingRare Drop - Slabhide in the Stonecore Phosphorescent Stone DrakeFlyingDrop - Aeonaxx in Deepholm Grey Riding CamelGroundDrop - Dormus the Camel-Hoarder Drake of the West WindFlyingReputation - Exalted with Baradin's Wardens / Hellscream's Reach Brown Riding CamelGroundReputation - Exalted with Ramkahen Tan Riding CamelGroundReputation - Exalted with Ramkahen Spectral WolfGroundReputation - Exalted with Hellscream's Reach Spectral SteedGroundReputation - Exalted with Baradin's Wardens Goblin TrikeGroundReputation - Goblin Racial Mount. Exalted with Bilgewater Cartel Goblin Turbo-TrikeGroundReputation - Goblin Racial Mount. Exalted with Bilgewater Cartel Sandstone DrakeFlyingAlchemy - Vial of the Sands - Recipe: Vial of the Sands found in Canopic Jar (Tol'vir) through Archaeology. Fossilized RaptorGroundArchaeology - Fossilized Raptor Ultramarine Qiraji Battle TankGroundArchaeology - Scepter of Azj'Aqir Abyssal SeahorseWaterQuest - Early quest reward in Vashj'ir - The Abyssal Ride

Cataclysm Companion Pets

NameSource PebbleAchievement - Rock Lover Armadillo PupGuild Achievement - Critter Kill Squad (Costs 300 Gold) Dark Phoenix HatchlingGuild Achievement - United Nations Guild HeraldGuild Achievement - Profit Sharing Guild PageGuild Achievement - Alliance Slayer / Horde Slayer Fox KitDrop - Baradin Fox in Tol Barad Tiny Shale SpiderDrop - Jadefang in Deepholm Rustberg SeagullReputation - Honored with Baradin's Wardens / Hellscream's Reach Clockwork GnomeArchaeology - Crawling Gnome (Dwarf) Fossilized HatchlingArchaeology - Fossilized Hatchling (Fossil) Crawling ClawArchaeology - Crawling Hand (Tol'vir) Enchanted LanternEnchanting (Horde) - Enchanted Lantern - Recipe costs 20 x Hypnotic Dust from the Shard Trader in Twilight Highlands Magic LampEnchanting (Alliance) - Magic Lamp - Recipe costs 20 x Hypnotic Dust from the Shard Trader in Twilight Highlands De-Weaponized Mechanical CompanionEngineering (Gnomish) - De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion Personal World DestroyerEngineering (Goblin) - Personal World Destroyer Elementium GeodeMining - Rare Drop - Elementium Veins Blue Mini Jouster
Gold Mini JousterQuest - Reward from Egg Wave in Mount Hyjal. Can only pick one.

The MMO Report - Uncle Casey's Mail Bag Special
It's time for your weekly MMO Report!

Dark Legacy Comic #269 is out!
